PAGE EIGHT Holden, Hepburn in Movie Oscars William Holden and Audrey Hepburn, the movies' favorite guy and gal, won Hollywood's top acting Oscars Thursday at the 26th annual Academy Awards presentation. The movie "From Here to Eternity," tying the all-time record of eight awards, was named the best picture of 1953. Greeks-- (Continued from page two) Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Alpha, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Mu Delta. and Sigma Phi Epsilon, Faith Gallagher and Seth Brown; 12. Tussey Ridge Girl Scout Camp: Alpha Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta Tau. Delta Theta Sigma, Bata The ta Pi, and Phi Gamma Delta. 13. Camp Baree: Kappa Delta, Sigma Nu, and. Kappa Delta Rho, Jane Stevenson and John Kraft; 14. Harris Township (Boalsburg): Gamma Phi Beta. Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Phi Delta, and Beta Sigma Rho, Martha Rojahn and Edwin To c k er; 15. Penn' State Christian Association Cabin: Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Phi Sigma, Sigma Chi, and Kappa Sigma, Peggy Davis and Vinton Ostrender; 16. Beaver Dam recreation area: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Psi ,Tau Phi Delta, and Phi Kappa, Charlotte Leichel and Jerome Rosenberg. Projects involve clean-up work except Harris. Township, tree planting; Beaver Dam recreation area, cleanup and wood-cutting; PSCA cabin, general work; and Centre County Home for the Aged, painting. Worship— (Continued from page five) Students on the panel will be Robert Digman, graduate .student in chemistry; Joyce Gardner, a member of Pi Beta Phi; Raymond Binkley, a member of Beta Theta Pi; and Michael Bubel, of Pi Kap pa Alpha. Flowers for the service will be supplied by Tau Phi Delta, Alpha Gamma Rho, Phi Delta Theta, and Delta Delta Delta. The evening program will be gin at 5 p.m. tomorrow. A fellow ship supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. How the stars got started 6 k - >Ara -1 1 •11k6 • 1 ----- - --.2..."" ,- fli "I was a Hollywood . 1. 1 stagehand. One day f. fell 20 feet off a scaffold. I wasn't hurt, but I decided acting was safer. I went to acting school, played bit parts ... finally I hit pay dirt in `This Gun for Hire'." I SOWED SYLVAING BECAUSE SO MANY OF ER/Fiva. 0/0. ONCE / / KNEW CAMELS 14/ER , • RA AffiDNESS AND VU CANT BEAT ' 4 ,frointscs Bfdmvor -- OAMS2 A MEE WITH MORE PEOPLE:IM Holden, who played a semi-heel in "Stalag 17" was both happy and upset about his first Oscar. He was happy for winning the top honor, but said he was "very upset" for having to rush his ac ceptance speech due to the televi sion time commitments. "They told me to say thank you and get off," he said, "but I want ed to give credit to Billy Wilder, the director of `Stalag 17', for hav ing so much faith in me. I think they could have held off the clos ing commercial a little longer so that everyone could know how much Wilder was repsonsible." Miss Hepburn, in stage makeup for her broadway role of a water nymph in the play "Ondine," re ceived her award in the New York portion of the show. Her award was .for her first starring role in "Roman Holiday." Visibly touched, the 24-year-old ex-ballerina said, "I am truly, truly grateful." The sex- and violence-filled "Eternity" captured awards for sound recording, film editing, cin ematography, screenplay, direc tion, and supporting actress and supporting actor in addition to the best picture. Frank Sinatra, climaxing a thrilling career comeback, and Donna Reed won Oscars for the best supporting roles for their performances in "From Here to Eternity." Zerban to Head Phi Mu Alpha Alexander Zerban, fifth semes ter music education major, has been elected president of Phi Mu Alpha, honorary music fraternity. Other officers are Charles Biech ler, vice president; Neil Andre, secretary; Charles Springman, treasurer; William Mills, histor ian; Lyle Barnard, warden; and Thomas Williams, executive alum ni secretary. D- , ..‘ , :,,. , ::::.: . 7.'", , '„,::: . : ~........,.: Alan Lathl says: 2 y. ~: ~~~'` ~i~>_ -., THE DAILY COLLEGIAN: STATE -COLLEGE' PENNSYLVAWA Campaigns-- (Continued from page one) ident; and. Patricia Dickinson, secretary-treasurer. The Lion Party nominees for junior class offices are John Thali mar, president; Earl Seely, vice president, and Judith Sedor, sec retary-treasurer. Nominations for Athletic As sociation president, vice president, and secretary-treasurer will be held at 12:45 p.m. Tuesday on the balcony of Recreation Hall. Eligible for nomination are sixth semester men with a 1 All-Uni versity average. Nominations may be made by head coaches, head managers, and AA members. All male students may vote for AA officers. - Under rulings of the elections committee, a maximum of $3OO may be spent by State and Lion Party cliques for publicity pur poses. These must be private clique funds not allocated from any University fund. Posters to be allowed at the polls may not exceed three by four feet- in size. They must be approved by the elections com mittee before being displayed. The posters must be submitted before 8:30 a.m. April 7. Only the name of the party and the names and pictures of candidates• may appear on the posters. According to the election code, the maximum penalty-100 votes taken from each candidate's total —will be exacted from cliques for over-expenditure or use of the designated amount for purposes other than those stated in the code. In the borough, two permanent posters per clique inside a store window and painted window dis plays under contract with shop owners is permitted. Banners and posters on store or building ex teriors are prohibited. No more than 20 posters, three by three feet, may be put on stakes on campus by each clique. No posters are permitted in the area around Old Main from Col lege avenue to Pollock road and from the Allen Street Mall to the Pugh Street Mall. • The ar e a around the President's mansion is also .restricted. Campaigning' with the use of loudspeakers, bands, and cheer leading is restricted to the hours 7 71 1.:.,.: „ „::. ..:: ~..: ....:::.' . .... . .::::,:::.•::::: :::,:x .., : ..,,.• s:.: , ' :K ., " .. ; .i:i::i•-•..,. :,*.,g:- 4: .,..g,: : ::&: : : : „... ..::.::..:.:.:..:;..1* * • ;: : : . : A* -‘.k.:,,:ix::ii:i.i:: 1 ::::::*•*::::*:*....y,:::::::& 0 .:. :,:i:1::zs..::::E::::::,%ftqee,::::::::::::::.:::::. ..... „...,.--...,: ::. :::2... *R:::E*:**iiiii:i:::i.. *:'.:.-..-g.,4%:•'::E *E: iik0:;i: : : ; : : : : : ; :;?;:... :•,;;:::::::::::•::.:,,ii.t.-:,•;,..•, *::x.1*:;;;,:. 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IFC (Continued from page one) music education major, was a fin alist in 1952, and won the sing last year. Winners Receive Cup A rotating cup will be presented the winners of the sing tomorrow night. A permanent plaque will be awarded the first and second place fraternity and sorority win ners. Phi Kappa Psi was a finalist in 1951, '52, and '53. It was directed in its tryout Wednesday night by Frank Derk, eighth semester for estry major. Alpha Chi Omega won the sing in 1952. They were directed by Diane Haines. Thetas Repeat Kappa Alpha Theta participated in the finals in 1951 as well" as CLASSIFIEDS FOE SALE DO YOU want the best in flowers? Then, buy your IFC Ball flowers from the Student Floral Agency which will have agents at the West Dorm F,O. and Nit tany Dining Hall March 29—April 1. 1949 MERCURY 41d00i., R&H and spot light. Good condition. $675. Call Joe Racik 8-5051 ext. 790. 1951 SCHULTZ Trailer, 26' foot, corn-, pletely furnished. Phone 'A. F. ZabornY 8-9094, Penn State Trailer Camp. CHAMPION U b U I g M 1 A ?= JI Excellent condition. Reasonable terms Call 4147 after 5 p.m. Ask for Mrs. Jordan NEW UNDERWOOD portable typewriter, priced reasonably. Call 8-6786. Ask for Bob Homan. C'OR RENT DOUBLE ROOMS at reasonable rates, for the rest of the semester. Call 8-6443. ATTRACTIVE CENTRALLY located fur- "nished room for rent ,two graduate stu dents preferred. Call 8-6772 during office hours. ROOM & BOARD BOARD OR board and room available at Marilyn Hall. 317 East Beaver Ave. Ask for Mrs. Elleard. WORK WANTED IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If so you can have it repaired.• Just dial 2492 for pick-up or bring to 633 W. Col. lege Ave, SATURDAY. MARCH - 27, 1954 last year. Barbara Wallace, eighth semester music education major, is their director. Beta Theta Pi won the sing in 1949 and 1950. They were directed last night by Dudley Potter, fourth semester geology and minerology major. It was Delta Chi's first selection -as a finalist in over three years. George Weaver, eighth semester horticulture major, is their three tor.• Kappa Delta was directed by Janet Saunders, eighth semester arts and letters major. Judges for the finals will be Eugene Fulmer, executive secre tary of the State College Chamber of Comnierce; Joan O'Hara, choral director at State College High School, Frances Andrews,• associ ate professor of music education; Frank Gullo, director of the men's glee club; and Raymond H. Brown, director of the women's chorus. Lion Steering Committe Lion Party steering commit tee will meet at 2 p.m. tomor row in 317 Willard Hall. BROWN HORNED' rimmed glasses in brown leather case. Near Rec Hall or Main Engineering. Bill Straub. Phone 2161. PAIR OF glasses around Engineering C March 17. Contact Ed Pollock 4-13— ext. 264. • TYPING WANTED THESES, TERM papers, etc. Experienced, neat and accurate. Call 2815. r4P1 7741, MISCELLANEOUS THE PENN State Bible Fellowship will hold a roller skating party tonight at 7 :30 at the Coliseum. Transportation will leave Old Main at 7:13. THREE-PIECE Band for IFC Weekend. Call 'Martin Sehmookler, Nittany 22, or Keith. Williams, Nittany 39. DUE - TO a booking discrepancy, "The 3D's'" Central Pennsylvania's most versatile musical entertaining unit is accepting bids for services for the open house weekend of April 3, 1954. Contact 1916 10th .St., Altoona 3-9936. FOR YOUR next social affair, would you like your party sandwiches or fancy cookies to have the professional look and homemade flavor? Call Mrs. Garner 3996 and order. RADIO AND r - v guaranteed service, prompt and efficient. State College TV, 122 N Atherton. Phone 8-6021. PUNCH, COOKIES, canapes ; birthday cakes and all other kinds of cakes. Phone 4818. Frida Stern. 122 E. Irvin Avenue. START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! Smoke only Camels for 30 days and find out why Camels are first in mildness, flavor and popularity! See how much pure pleasure a cigarette can LOST
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