PAGE SIX :.:.-''A:o Lions Place in NCAA Meet. Indications show Frey and Oberly will wrestle in those consolation bo'uts. Maurey, who has been doing well throughout the regular season, showed his mat know-how in handling Ruzic of lowa State. Most of the scoring came in the second period when Ruzic escaped from Maurey's hold. But the Lion 137-pounder quickly brought Ruzic down and had him at a nearfall position. Ruzic, however, escaped. In the final period Maurey escaped. His one minute time advantage made the score read, G-2. Krufka won by a defau the match. The score was ti: In the Lem3rre-Hockley battle it appeared that Coach Charlie Speidel's great 130-pounder would go all the way. klthough there was no action in the first period, Lemyre capable rode -the Wyom ing grappler the second period, obtaining a predicament point. However, .Hockley came back in the final frame gaining two pre dicament' points—one five seconds before the match concluded. Evans, who eliminated Frey in their 147-pound tussle, took down the Lion matman. Frey reversed, but Evans escaped. Frey escaped from Evans in the second period only to be taken down again by the Sooner foe. Evans added a re versal, a predicament, and one minute time advantage to win out. 9-3. Edwin Rooney, Syracuse's lone entry in the tournament, is mak-. ing a strong bid for tournament honors as he won his third match of the day. Navy's only two entries, Blair and Joe Gattuso, appeared as Quarter-final N C A A wres tling results last night included: 115 pound Hugh Peery, Pitt, pinned Robert David, Ala bama Poly, in 4:00. - 157—John Eagleton, Oklahoma, decisioned Ed DeWitt, Pitt, 12-3. 167—Joe Solomon, Pitt, decis ioned John Cunningham, Ok lahoma, 13-8. 177—Royal Smith, Colorado, de cisioned George Beresford, Pitt, 3-1. Heavyweight—Max Kitzelman, Nebraska, pinned Harold Hunter, Pitt, in 5:07. • threats as they copped their matches last night. Lehigh, which sent four men into the tourney, still have two remaining—Joe Comly and Ed Eichelberger. Penn State's semi-finalists have an opportunity to eliminate two of Oklahoma A&M's matmen this afternoon. Maurey will wrestle undefeated Mike Roderick and Krufka will face Ned Blass, Aggie defending champ. In the preliminaries yesterday afternoon Lemyre won both of his matches. He defeated Hunt of Minnesota, 7-5, and Mancuso of Kansas State, 8-6. Lemyre had to wrestle two men because entries in his weight class exceeded a perfect bracket. In Lemyre's first match, the EIWA-champ found the scrappy Minnesota 130-pounder difficult to handle. Hunt escaped three times. Usually, Speidel's agile grappler permits his opponent to escape. Tied at 2-2 going into the third period, Lemyre reversed Hunt. Hunt reversed Lemyre. Lemyre reversed. But Hunt changed, plans and escaped. State's 130-pounder had one minute time advantage. (Continued from page one) t when White, who hit his head on the canvas, failed to finish d at 2-2 in the second period when the bout was stopped. Against Mancuso Lemyre's two minutes time advantage was tell ing. There was no action during the first period. However, in the second Lemyre had two reversals to Mancuso's one. The Kansas State matman had an escape. In the final period the wrestlers ex changed reversals with Mancuso obtaining the first. Mancuso had Lemyre in a predicament posi tion, but failed to hold the Lion matman after that. Maurey chalked up the first Penn State fall point when he had Chappsfield of Kansas State, flush with the mat in 1:35. The flashy Clearfield product only had to take Chappsfield down and to employ the necessary pres sure. Frey, who did exceptionally well at the Easterns in copping third place, did as well in his two preliminary matches. He de cisioned Keith of Oregon State, and pinned Hensens of Texas A&M in 1:36. His win over Keith was one of the two upsets in the preliminaries. Keith is a Pacific Coast champion. Although Frey scored an early takeclOwn in the first period, he found Keith tough to handle in the second frame. Keith rode Frey throughout the period and had the Lion 147-pounder in a pinning position. Keith was awarded a nearfall. In the third period, Frey was behind in the scoring column, 4-2, when Keith reversed him. Frey, however, received a penalty es cape when. the Oregon State grap pler secured an illegal handlock hold. Then Frey marked a sure win as he took down his foe, winning out 5-4. Several hours later he scored his fall against Hensen. Krufk.a had an easy time in eliminating Draayer of Utah, 7-0. Twice Krufka had the Utah man in a pinning position but failed. Ther.e was no scoring until the final period when Krufka scored a reverse, a predicament, and a nearf all. Two minutes time ad vantage rounded out the score. Penn State's 191-pound entry had to wait until the final period before he could, make his adver sary, Herron of Oklahoma Uni ve r sit y, observe the Sooners' Fieldhouse lighting system. There was no scoring in the first period. Herron escaped twice in the second period, but each time he was taken down by the Lion entry. Oberly, wrestling at the disadvantage position, re versed Herron and then, had him in a predicament position. Al though Herron succeeded in es caping from Oberly's first pin at tempt, he failed to escape Oberly's second try. The time was 7:35. Preliminary results: Lemyre (PS), decisioned Hunt (Minnesota), 7-5. Lemyre (PS), decisioned Mancuso THE DAILY COLLEGIAN! 'ST ATF COLLEGE PENINAvtIA Baseball Citrus Dope ST. PETERSBURG. Fla., March 26 (W)—The New York Yankees unleashed an extra-base surge which smothered their World Series rivals, the Brooklyn Dodg ers, 8-4, today. The Bombers exploded three homers, two doubles and tw o triples in an assault on Don New combe and Joe Black. Gil McDougald,,Yogi Berra and Gene Woodling hit for the circuit. Joe Collins and Ed Robinson tripled and Berra and Bob Cery smote doubles. SARASOTA, Fla., March 25 (W) —Southpaw Bill Henry and right hander Hal "Skinny" Brown proved soft pickings for Washing ton today as the Senators rompe to a 10 to 1 victory over the Bos ton Red Sox. LAKELAND, Fla., March 26 (JP) Veteran Jim Konstanty and rook ie Paul Penson combined to stop the Detroit Tig e is with five singles today and give the Phila delphia Phillies an easy 6-2 vic tory. A pair of home run balls led to the downfall of Tiger lefty Billy Hoeft. TAMPA, Fla., March 26 (W)— Outfielder Gus Bell, Cincinnati's .300 slugger, hit an eighth inning two-run homer to give the Red les a 3-2 win over the St. Louis Cardinals today. . MESA, Ariz., March .26 (p)— The Chicago Cubs were idle to day, preparing to launch a 13- game homeward journey a f ter closing their third spring train ing camp here. Twelve of the remaining games, starting Saturday at "Albuquer que, will be with the Baltimore Orioles. TAMPA. Fla., March 26 (dP)— The Chicago White Sox had -an open date on the exhibition sched ules today, but Manager Paul Richards drove his charges through a drill on fundamentals., (Kansas State). 8-6. Maurey '(PS), pinned Chapps field (Kansas State) in 1:35. Frey (PS), decisioned Keith (Oregon State), 5-4. Frey (PS), pinned Hensen (Texas A&M) in 1:36. .. Krufka (PS), decisioned•Draayer (Utah), 7-0. Oberly (PS), pinned Herron (Oklahoma U.) in 7:35. Pardon Me, That's My Chin —Photo by Walker WINFRED DODERLEIN, Kappa Sigma, right, struggles to free / himielf of a hold by Jay LaVan, Phi Sigma Kappa during IM wrestling bouts last night. Doderlein pinned LaVan with 13 seconds remaining in their match to gain the quarter-finals in the 175- pound division. 22 Advance in ItiA Wrestling Tourney A total of 22 wrestlers entered finals by virtue of victories gained of the 22 winners, ten entered the the quarter-finals which will begi In the lone 121-pound match o: gained Wednesday night's semi final round by pinning Ramsey Frank, Alpha Gamma Rho, in 1:17 of the third period. Ted Smith, Delta Upsilon, gained the 135-pound fraternity semi finals with a 22 second pin in the last period over John Sarikianos, Alpha Zeta. Joining Smith was' Ralph Cryder. Beta Theta Pi, ,who pinned Triangle's Paul Whipkey in 1:55. Powell, an independent, also made the 135-pound semi finals when he stopped Peterson with a cradle hold at 1:57. Entering the 165-pound semi finals were John Rautine. Theta Xi, John Milsom, Alpha Zeta, and Mike Sorokach, an independent. Rautine decisioned Garry Croth ers, Kappa Delta Rho, 3-2. Milsom upended Norman Paul, Alpha Gamma Rho, with a half-nelson and body press at 1:36 of the last period, while Sorokach took only 23 seconds to pin Art Pharaoh. Frank Reich, Theta Kappa Phi, pinned James Schulte, Chi Phi, in 1:32 to qualify for the heavy weight semi-finals. Two indepen dent boys in the 145-pound class also reached the semi-finals. Wal ter Deamer finished Joseph Bors in 1:49 of the final period with a double-arm bar. Spory was a 9-7 victor over West. In an 155-pound contest, Tom Larsen copied Deam er's -winning ways by stopping Charles Darragh with a double arm bar in 1:02 of the middle per iod. Larsen thus gained the inde pendent semi-finals in his weight. Two boys in the 128-pound divi sion won by falls to gain the quar ter-finals in fraternity play. Fred Marks, Delta Upsilon, used a re verse half-nelson and a crotch to pin Ted Balabanis in 56 seconds. Robert Murray, Phi Kappa Tau. Old Gold Award To Ad Ch'-'f To Robert Carruthers, a carton of Old Golds for outstanding work as advertising director of the Col legian and as president of Alpha Delta Sigma. Today, more and more smokers are finding the kind of compan ionship they like most in Old Gold Cigarettes. Old Gold's fine and friendly tobaccos give you a real smoking Treat instead of a Treat ment. King Size or Regular. Advertisement SATURDAY. MARCH 27,.1454 the intramural quarter and semi at Recreation Hall last night. Out semi-finals and the remaining 12 in next week. f the night, Don Farmelo, Chi Phi, lost to Daniel Land, Sigma Nu, in 1:12 of the final period. Marks and Land will wrestle again Alonday. James Brubaker, Delta Upsilon, and Sid Ziff, Phi Sigma -Delta, each won by a fall to earn the right to wrestle in the 145-pound fraternity quarter-finals Monday. Ziff applied a press at the 1:02 mark to whip Mailander Green field of Sigma Alpha • Mu. while Brubaker needed a reverse half nelson to de f eat Joe Sendek, Theta Kappa Phi, in 20 seconds of the last period. Stuart Allen, Phi Sigma Delta, nipped Bruce Austin, Acacia, 8-5, and as a result reached the 155- pound quarter-finals. Ken Mc- Culloch, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Charles Schrey, Pi Kappa Psi, also won 155-pound matches to make th e quarter-finals. McColloch Stopped Rodney Beck, Triangle, in 33 seconds of the middle stanza, while Schrey took a 5-3 decision from Sam Wolcott of Delta Upsi lon. Winfred Doederlein, Kappa Sig ma, got Jay Levan, Phi Sigma Kappa, all tangled up in a chicken wing and half-nelson at the 13 sec ond mark of the last period. to take his match. Doederlein will wrestle in the 175-pound quarter finals to be held Monday. Others( who won to enter Monday's quar ter-finals are Glenn Grove, Chi Phi; Dan Van Duyne, Alpha Gam ma Rho; and Payson Burt, Sigma Pi. e Harder Smashes • Better Cut and Spin STANDS UP in your racket Moisture Immune o'Lasting liveliness COSTS LESS than gut APPROX. STRINGING COST: Pro-Fected 8raic1....56.00 Multi-Ply Braid $5.00 At tennis shops and sporting goods stores. : . -..:: . ..,.A:51ii . .)',0!t*iDE 13 ...R ci4tSTkIS, eil.,ii.a.',-,..;f'-45.:.e:i.i4;,;'.i.;i:;,.*,:.,:':'
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