FRIDAY. JANUARY 1.5. 1954 Harriers to Com Werner Praises Relay Teams; First Competition for Lions Chick Werner’s indoor track and field team will get its first taste of competition this season next Friday in the tenth annual Inquirer Games at Convention Hall, Philadelphia. Fifteen Nittany thinclads have been entered by Werner in the charity gieet which is being sponsored by the Philadel phia Inquirer Werner has entered relay teams in the one-mile and two-mile “Both teams look very respect able,” Werner said several days ago. “In fict,” he added, “barring any mishaps, such as injury or ill ness, this mile .relay team could well be the best Penn State has ever had. The same can be said for the two-mile entry.” Mainstays on' the mile relay squad are Art Pollard and Ollie Sax, with Pollard running in the leadoff slot and Sax in the anchor position. Sax is the IC4A 600-yard titlist. The other two runners in the Liberty Bell One-Mile Relay are Skip Slocum and Dave Lea thern, with Bill Kilmer and Bob Matz in reserve. Don Austin and Roy Brunjes are the standouts on the two-mile quartet. Werner will pick the other two performers from among Bruce Austin, Red Hollen, Slo cum, Matz, and Leathern. Hollen was captain of the 1953 cross country team and placed third in the IC4A hill-and-dale run for the roses. Pollard, who recorded clockings of 0:09.5 in the century and 0:21.0 in the 220-yard dash last year as a freshman, will also compete in the 50-yard dash. He will be fac ing two of the country’s top sprinters in Johnny Haines of Penn and Lindy Remigino in this event. Remigino pulled one of the surprise victories'' of the 1952 Olympics and is one of the fin- I « I 204 W. COLLEGE AVE. By HERM WEISKOPF est sprinters in the nation. Penn State’s othfer IC4A cham pion, pole vaulter Dan Lorch, will be up against competition from “far and near.” The high-flying senior will be competing against two of the finest -pole vaulters ever produced—the Reverend Bob Richards and Don Laz-*—and two Nittany freshmen, Harry Fuehrer and George Hoffman. Richards and Laz are two of the three men who have cleared the bar at 15 feet or better. Corn elius Wammerdam, who holds 'the record of 15’ 7%”, is the only other person who has achieved the 15 foot mark. The two Lion year lings, who finished one-two in last year’s PIAA championship meet, will compete unattached. One other freshman, Rod Perry, will see action in the City of Brotherly Love. He will compete unattached ii- the 50-yard high hurdles along with Bill Youkers. Perry set a new U.S. scholastic mark of 0:18.8 in the 180-yard low hurdles during the PIAA title meet. Hollen and Lamont Smith will compete in the Lawson Robertson memorial two-mile run. Some of their strongest competition will come from three Penn State grad uates Bill and Horace Ashen felter and Curt Stone. The two Lion entries have both been clocked in 9:20 for the two mile run. They were two of the stalwarts on last year’s undefeated cross-country squad. Smith is a junior and Hollen a senior. STARTS TODAY 9 a.m. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA 2 GARMENTS For Only *36 Your Choice of SUIT and TOPCOAT, 2 SUITS, or 2 TOPCOATS Regularly Sold at $35 —HOW you cats save half! e REGULARS » LONGS 6 SHORTS • STOUTS © UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF THE HOUSE OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. and U6m£? RI,AY ete in inquirer Meet Ollie Sax Lion Speedster WRA Results BASKETBALL Delta Delta Delta 23, over Phil otes 18. Pi Beta Phi 17, over McElwain and Simmons 15. Alpha Chi Omega 46, over Alpha Xi Delta 15. Delta Zeta over Phi Sigma Sig ma, forfeit. TABLE TENNIS Tri Vi defeated Sigma Delta Tau. Alpha Chi Omega defeated Chi Omega. Brown Voices Hopes For East All-Stars LOS ANGELES, Jan. 14 (£>)— Coach Paul Brown of the Cleve land Browns sized un his Eastern Conference all-star team of the National League today and de cided it was better than the one which lost to the Western Confer ence last year in the Pro Bowl football game. « ALL COLORS • SIZES TO 50 o SINGLE and DOUBLE-BREASTED © BEST MUSES 10 DAY SALE Joe DiMaggso, Mori ly n Monroe Are Married SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 14 <A>) —Gorgeous 'Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio were married today in what was supposed to have been a quiet ceremony, but was not. Municipal Judge Charles S. Peery, read the civil ceremony in his chambers while an estimated crowd of 500 jammed the., corri dors of City Hall. The curvaceous actress and the former Yankee baseball slugger didn’t even let the judge know their plans until early this after noon. They wanted a quiet wed ding with no fanfare. ' Yet, by the time they were mar ried the crowd was so thick Di- Maggio, his best-man, restaurant manager Reno Barsocchini -and Lefty O’Doul, had to elbow a pathway for Marilyn to the ele vator. ■ Joe and Marilyn left on a brief honeymoon for an unannounced destination. “Just driving,” Joe said. On the marriage license, Mari lyn’s age was given as 25, Joe’s 39. SALE! SUITS Si * L TOPCOATS • ALL WOOL WORSTEDS p 0 FANCY SHARKSKINS f/' \ % • GABARDINES • ZIPLINED COATS © 3000 STEMS—AND THEY’LL SELL FAST —SO SHOIP TODAY PENNSHIRE Lion Cagers- (Continued from, page six) ginia. They beat Penn, 72-67, af ter trailing at the half, and pulled away from the Mountaineers Wednesday night in the final quarter to win, 74-66. Amelle 50th in Nation Jesse Arnelle's 24 point per formance, which led the Nittany scoring at Morgantown, was enough to move him into the num ber 50 spot among the nation’s major college scorers. The big center has a total of 137 ' points and an 18.8 average per game. Team-wise the Lions are rated nationally from the foul line. The cagers rank 18th among the na tion’s colleges in foul shooting percentage, hitting on 112 of 164 charity attempts for a 68.3 av erage. Following the Navy contest the cagers take time out for final ex aminations and then resume their schedule Jan. 27 at BucknelL They return home the following night to meet Pitt at Rec Hall in the first of two clashes with the Panthers. Gettysburg visits here Feb. 3 followed by a return game with West Virginia Feb. 6. , Eastern Tsthst Penn State Boxing Captain, Adam Kois of Uniontown last year won Eastern 178-pound title honors. SON dATERERS! a zeal bargain for m who calls first lilt, good as new mi MIXER all attachments lubsiantial saving m half original cost) Sail 4923 sSsw:?'! STATE COLLEGE PAGE SEVEM V $ ;f I 41 % - :< \ > s ■y I / M i * >Jr
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