SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, '1953 "Why Don't You Believe Me" Sam’s Song By SAM PROCOPIO Collegian Sports Editor Sports enthusiasts are. often questioned whether wrest ling is good or bad. But when they are confronted with such a naughty word* these persons quickly holler “fake.” That’s true, but it depends on which wrestling the person talks about. The person answering may even include college wrest ling simply because it’s called “wi'estling.” Like ihere is quite a-difference between a basketball and a football, there is a distinct difference between professional wrest ling and college wrestling. And we don't mean getting paid. In fact, we wonder why some executives have never promoted college wrestling in place of the pros for television. Professional wrestling is worth while for those Who prefer to view acrobats, fakers, and a good act. However, like Coach Charlie Speidel, Penn State’s wrestling coach, says: “Keep the sport but change the name.” The Associated Press recently released an interesting article which read: SACRAMENTO, Calif.,—What does the avid wrestling, (profes sional) fan do after a hard night at the television set? He writes letters, friend —yes notes of compassion, respect, and affection to wrestlers and the governmental powers that regulate the “sport.” "Abscond, you bum" . . . "Be gone . . . You'll be missed like a skunk"—these are samples of the tender words that go to the current armed favorite—with a copy to Joe Genshlea, secretary of the State Athletic Commission. One reading the hundreds of letters Genshlea receives on the subject of wrestling might get the idea people are opposed to it. "The only ones who win are the dirty rats who rip a nose, stretch a mouth, or gouge an eye," one viewer indignantly told Genshlea. Another writes "the match is over. They broke Leo's nose and used the atomic drop to win. I ask you is that wrestling?" “Yes,” says Genshlea, “it is.” He informed the protestants they view and “exhibition of showmanship” where much latitude is granted the performers. And Genshlea adds it can’t be as bad as it looks, beqause many of the wrestlers work five or six nights a week. Every wrestler, mean or meek, star or beginner, must by law be licensed by the state. They must take physical examinations, and, adds Genshlea, the 230 now licensed “almost never get hurt.” Thai's hard for the folks io believe. We grant this AP writer that it is difficult for most people to believe, but for the .many Penn State students who have witnessed Speidel’s Eastern and National champions on the mat, college wrest ling is “tops.” This scribe came in contact with the Bethlehem Globe Times sports editor last year at the Eastern's and he told us: "Penn State is the only team that actually wrestles." And how true. If there are any "Doubting Thomas'", we would like to see them, at Rec Hall Jan. 9, when the Nittany Lions open their wrestling season. They will not only see and believe, but become an avid'"college wrestling fan." Grid Stars OK Single Plofroon NEW YORK, Dec. 4 (JP)— The majority of the 1953 All-America football players like the limited substitution rule. “I like the one platoon game and I think the team, feels the same way,” said affable Crawford Mims, a 205-pound guard from Greenwood, Miss., 'today. “It’s more interesting football and it keeps you from getting stale on the bench because you’re always active.” Penn tackle Jack Shanafelt said his team had taken an informal poll after the season on the ques tion of one vs. two platoons and that 80 per cent voted for limited substitutions. Maryland’s huge Stan Jones, a 235-pound tackle, Minnesota’s brilliant halfback, Paul Giel, and Alan Ameche, a third team choice as fullback from Wisconsin, join ed in approval of the one platoon game but admitted it took awhile to get used to it. Aussie Double Platoon MELBOURNE, Dec. 4 (/P) —The Australians may try to double platoon the Americans in the Dav is Cup challenge round here Dec. 28-30. This possibility grew stronger today after Rex Hartwig and Mer vyn Rose beat the kid wonders, Ken Rosewall and Lewis Hoad, for the Victorian doubles cham pionship, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4, 6-4. —3O STYLISH, N. and PRACTICAL. AT SCHOOL Be among the first on your campus to possess these wonderful cuff finks. A smart fashion for women's blouses (colors to match your wardrobe). A handsome accessory for men. Here is a conversation piece that's perfect for yourself or as a gift. Clubs, Teams, So rorities, Fraternities are ordering them THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Coaches To Describe Cage, Mat Techniques Wrestling and Basketball coaches and directors will describe the fundamentals and techniques of their sports today at a wrestling clinic in the armory and a basketball clinic in Rec Hall. Elmer Gross, coach of the Penn State courtmen, is the basketball clinic chairman, and Charles Speidel, mat mentor, is the wrestling clinic chairman. kSark Funk, executive director of the P.I.A.A. will speak to the matmen in the morning and the cagers in the afternoon. Admission WRESTLING CLINIC KE'' PROGRAM F Registration Free R' MORNING AFTERNOON CVr.*v 4 V i Vif . ..•< 10:00-10 :30 —Registration—Old Armory ; Clinic Chairman - CHARLES SPEIDEL, Wrestling Coach, Penn State. 10:30-10:40 —Welcome to Penn State — ERNEST B. McCOY, Dean, School of Phys ical Education & Athletics, Penn State. 10:40-11:00—Devcropment of Wrestling in the P.I.A.A.—MARK FUNK, Executive Director, P.I.A.A. 11:00-i 1:30—Officiating Demonstration —HENRY “RED” CAMPBELL, Wrestling Coach, Philipsburg High School. 11:30-12:15 —Wrestling Movies: Com ments by the Chairman. AFTERNOON 2:00-2:20 —How a High School Developed Wrestling—JOHN B. MILLER, Director of Athletics, Bellefonte High School. 2:20-3:00 —Wrestling Drills ART WEISS, Wrestling Coach, Clearfield High School. 3 :OQ-3 :40—Getting Out of Difficulty— JAMES MAUREY, Wrestling Coach, Ste vens Trade School, Lancaster. 3:40-4:20 —Cardinal Principles and Strat egy in Wrestling—CHAßLES SPEIDEL. 4 :30-5 :15 —Training Skills, Techniques and Equipment in the College Training Room—CHUCK MEDLAR, Trainer, Penn State. IM Basketball Wednesday Night Joe's Boys 27, Helenic Society 7 Model A's 25, Fadads 19 Five Roses 32, Knights 18 Highlanders 32, Panthers 14 Whiz Kids 36, Sleepers 21 Engineers 18, Falcons IS Tanks 21, Alpha Watts 9 Epars 20, Snipers 19 Four Home Gomes Virginia, West Virgina, Holy- Cross, and Rutgers are the 1954 football home games for Penn State. IN EVENING IM Results NOW'S THE TIME ... FOR ALL WELL-DRESSED MEN TO RENT A TUX FOR THE MIL BALL AT MEN ' S SHO!> Opposite Old Main ONLY POSTPAID SPECIAL OFFER! 3 PAIR FOR is free. : BASKETBALL CLINIC PROGRAM Registration Free 1:00-1:30 —Registration - Lobby of .Rec reation Hall; Clinic Chairman - ELMER GROSS, Basketball Coach, Penn State. 1:30-i :45—Welcome to Penn State ERNEST B. McCOY, Dean, School of Physical Education and Athletics, Penn State. 1:45-2 :15—Functional Drills Used in Teaching Basketball Fundamentals JOHN LAWTHER, Assistant Dean, School of Physical Education and Athletics, Penn State: Shooting, Passing, Dribbling, Re bounding, Screening, Foot\voric. 2 :15-2 :4B—Formations Used in Teaching a Zoite Defense —ELMER GROSS: *‘2 against I*’; "3 against 2*’; “D against s*’. 2:45-3:00 —Purpose and Organization of P.I.A.A.—MARK FUNK, Executive Direc tor, P.I.A.A. 3:00-3:30—Zone Press JOHN LAW THER. 3:30-4:oo—Set Offenses Against Man for-Man—ELMER GROSS.: 2 Out - 3 In, Oklahoma's Drake Shuffle, Figure Eight. 4 :0t)-4 :15—Jump Ball Formations JOHN EGLI, Freshman Basketball Coach, Penn State: Center Jump Situation, Of fensive Foul Circle Situation, Defensive Foul Circle Situation. 4:15-4:3o—Rules Interpretation W. R. "YIB” BOLTON, Faculty Manager, State College High School. 4:30-s:ls—Demonstration of Treatment for Common Types of Basketball Injuries —CHUCK MEDLAR, Trainer, Penn State. Holds on to Bowl Ban Notre Dame, perennially one of the top football teams in the na tion, refuses to lift its ban on post season bowl contests. Varsity Records Howie Dallmar’s University of Pennsylvania five halted Penn State’s basketball win streak at 15 games in February of 1952. Navy and Pitt for '55 Penn State’s 1955 football sched ule has Navy and Pittsburgh as home attractions. INDIVIDUALLY PACKED IN A TRANSPARENT PLASTIC BOX YORK * IMPORTS Ufc3/T nm . „ 26 West 31st Street W' Dept E New York I,N.Y. | Please slate number of sets of each ** color you want in space next to the color. ta SOLID COLORS | Dark Green Light Green Navy Royal Bine Brown Yellow Whits Beigs Bark Grey ERefl Maroon Light Grey S TWO-TONE COLORS g Maroon-White Maroon-Gold Grey-Gold B E Black-Blue Grey-Red Navy-White Black-White Breen-White Brown-Black gg Blue-White Brown-Green Pink-Black g Navy-Red Brown-Blue Block-Yellow Navy-Yellow Brown-Gold |g Blue-Black : Brown-White H Send cosh, check' or money order. (Sorry, no C.O.D.'s.) I enclose amount |j| * ® Name ; - - :=s City Zone State a Lions Can CSinch Pro Championship NEW YORK, Dec. 4 (£>)—This could be the pennant-clinching weekend for the Detroit Lions who go after their fifth straight victory in the National Football League on Sunday. A Detroit victory over the awak ened Chicago Bears and San Fran ciso and Los Angeles defeats would mathematically end the pursuit race in the NFL’s Western Division. Cleveland’s all-conquer ing Browns wrapped up the East ern title for the fourth straight year last Sunday. ■m Hello, this is Lauren Bacall... I'll be seeing you soon in Cinemascope Black „ Pink jS Purple H Bras* Rust | P. S. And so will Marilyn Monroe and Betiy Grable in 20fh Century-Fox's Hour To Marry A Millionaire TECHNICOLOR COMING THORS., DEC. 10 mmm PAGE SEVEN J* ** : filSiiififl t i
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