PAGE EIGHT Home Ec Students Get Awards'Tonight Twenty-eight scholarships and awards will be presented to stu dents in the School of Home Economics at the first annual Home Ec scholarship dinner at 6 tonight in the State College Hotel. of 14 industries and associations donating awards, hers of organizations in the Home as well as scholarship winners, offj Economics school, chairmen of major curriculums in the school and school administrators will at tend. Dr. Grace M. Henderson, dean Of the School of Home Economics, and Dr. Dorothy Houghton, assis tant dean in . charge of resident instruction, will speak on the school scholarship program. ' Bernard Ambrose, seventh se mester hotel administration ma jor and chairman of the Home Ec student-faculty board, will be. master of ceremonies. Dr. Wil liam M. Smith Jr., professor of family relations, will direct group singing and social activities fol lowing the award presentations. Scholarship donors and repre sentatives who . will attend are George Barby of the G. D. Barby Co., Reading; Rachel Reed, direc tor of consumer relations of Bor den Go.; George Buff and Robert Henley of Buff-Henley Paper Co., Philadelphia;, and Donald Bentz of the Philadelphia Restaurant Association. Also, Dr. Gertrude Chittenden, CHOICE OF YOUNO AMERICA x>s <\y - ~ llgfe director of the Merrill-Palmer School, Detroit; Linda Tarrant, student leadership director of Home Economics Extension; Mrs. Keith Thornton, treasurer of the Pennsylvania Federation of Wo- Clubs; Edmund Flynn„ past president of the Pennsylvania Ho tel Association; A. L. Jones of Sears-Roebuck foundation; Ray Godley of Kroger Grocery Co.; Charles Heinz, president, and M. C. Mateer, manager of the State College Hotel, chairman of the education commission of the Penn sylvania Restaurant Association. Milton Fritsche, a member of the University Board of Trustees and vice president of Horn, and Hardart Restaurant, Philadelphia, will also attend the banquet. The banquet is sponsored by the student-faculty board of the School of Home Economics. Hat Society Council Hat Society Council will discuss revision of constitutions at 7:15 tonight in 204 Old Main. FOR THE FIFTH SIRAIGHT YEAR THE DAILY COLLEGIAN 1 . STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Trustee to Attend jam ■ gi ■ k W.DFM - (Continued, from page one) tinuous programming experience prior to going on the air,’ will be conducted as scheduled. They will continue nightly until the station goes on the air. A member of the board Of di rectors asserted that the board is concerned with the problem of students doing too much work on the station, and letting their grades fall. ■ The procedure by which news wild be edited is also a problem, he claimed. He sug gested a style-sheet or handbook to outline what would and what would not be broadcast. Town GounciS —, (Continued from page one) Garner, Heister streets, Locust Lane; ward 17, E. Fairmount, E. Prospect, E. Hamilton avenues. Ward 18, Waupelani Drive, Westerly Parkway, First, Second and Third avenues, High, Lytle, and Walnut streets, Irwin, Mc- Cormick, W. Fairmount, W. Pros pect, W. Hamilton avenues; ward 19, out-of-town. Noyes Will Discuss Music Appreciation William G. Noyes, instructor in music education, will discuss “Ap preciation of Music” at the Cam pus Woman’s Business Club at 8 p.m. tonight in the lounge of Grange Dormitory. Classes in arts and crafts, cook 7 ing, sewing, and bridge have been arranged for club members. ill! CLASSIFIEDS 11,000 Readers See These Coileglan Classifieds FOR SALE 1938 TWO DOOR Plymouth in excellent mechanical condition. Good tires. $B5. Call Dick Rubinstein 4850, ,rm. 30. SUN-LITE PORTABLE battery operated photo flash 'unit, like new, $4O. Call Dave 3946. 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan. R&H„ new tires. $495. Call Joseph Racik ext. 790, rm. 111. Will accept trade-in or will finance. 1940 FORD 2-dr. sedan. R&H, new tires, rebuilt V-8 engine. $195. ’ Phone State College 4712. TUXEDO. Practically new. Size 38. Price: $25. Call State College 4739 for ad ditional information. FRESH MADE cider five gallons or more 70c gallon. Deliver Thurs., Fri. evenings on campus and fraternities. Call Atherton 336. LOST BETA THETA PI pin, initials on bsck R.S. If found call 364 McElwain. Reward. GLASSES IN light tan case, vicinity of 121 Sparks Thurs. Nov. 12.• Call Boh Franks, State College 4444. CLASS RING, University of Massachu setts, near Mechanical Engineering. Call State College 3388.-- ~ DOUBLE STRAND pearl choker Saturday night in vipinity of Atherton or along College Avenue. Reward. 319 Atherton. DARK BROWN leather jacket. Knitted cuffs and waist. Call Rod Felix ext. 1195. Leave message. Reward. FRIDAY NIGHT, silver evening bag with black rimmed glasses. Reward. Call Lee 323 Atherton. WILL PERSON who took blue pea jacket from 2nd floor Sparks please return. I «»pSg|i|||ii|| CHESTERFIELD IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES ... by a 1953 survey audit of actual sales in more than 800 college co-ops and campus stores from coast to coast. Yes, for the fifth straight year Chesterfield is the college favorite. CHESTERFIELD IS THE ONLY CIGARETTE EVER TO GIVE YOU PROOF OF LOW NICOTINE, HIGHEST QUALITY The country’s six leading brands were ana lyzed—chemically—and Chesterfield was found low in nicotine—highest in quality. JjjmL This scene reproduced from Chesterfield’s famous “center spread” line-up pages in ymm college football programs from coast to coast. ' / < w 'e«s 3 VG -s ®T #Mf lillll 4fm IT ft-L ( t m ,s WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1953 BELT TO white leather jacket. Contact Judy ext. 74. ; MAN’S GOLD \ watch—Circle Jewelers. Found in Hamilton courtyard. Owner identify. Call Phil Matin. 3075. LARGE COMFORTABLE double room, single beds. Near campus. Phone 2919. DO YOU NEED furnished apartment? Good deal for right people. Drop by 120 East College Avenue anytime. • SPACE IN Sunrise Trailer Court. Sewage, electricity, water, and all conveniences. Located on Benner Pike betw.een Bellefonte and State College. Call 95-4791 or write Joseph H. Butler RD 1 Benner Pike. WORK WANTED WHEN YOUR typewriter needs attention just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 W.' College Avenue. • PASSENGERS WANTED TO PITT GAME.' For safe, economical transportation for your 1 group or fra ternity, charter an Edwards Bus. For in formation call Ralph Kudart, 4181 between 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. RIDE WANTED RIDE WANTED to Lexington, Ky. Can leave noon Nov. 25. Will share expense. Call Ed Anders 7686. MISCELLANEOUS FOR PHYS ED. majors only: A.Y.G., T.T.S., C.I.A.* Dec. 11? For translation see your class representative to the Student Council. m ? LOST FOUND FOR RENT
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