PAGE - EIGHT University— (Continued from page ene) College's because the donor judged Penn State's facilities by its collegiate name, they said. 'Would Raise Quality' Administrative changes would include making the schools of the College `colleges" with the pre sent major departments reclassi fied as "schools." This, the Board thought,' would give the present departments prestige and put them on a level with comparable units in other institutions while retaining the present close affilia tion with the "college" they are in. The Board also explained that the change in name would indi rectly help to raise the quality of the instructional and research staff. They cited cases in the past when outstanding faculty people have hesitated in accepting Penn State appointments because the institution has the name "col lege." Top-flight students, partic ularly at the graduate level, are similarly influenced, they said. Academic institutions frequent ly change their names to fit changing status, the report said, and mentioned neighboring 'Uni versity of Pennsylvania, Univer sity of Pittsburgh and Temple University. Many land-grant col leges have undergone a similar transition in name. Prom Queen Entries Due at Noon Tomorrow The deadline for Junior Prom Queen entries is noon tomorrow, Patricia Ellis, coronation chair man, has announced. Pictures may be submitted by campus organizations at the Stu dent Union desk in Old Main. The name and address of the candidate- and the sponsor's name should be on' the back of each photograph, Miss Ellis said. Archaeologists estimate the date that , Joshua destroyed Jericho to be 1200 BC. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE ARMY. OFFICER'S trench coat, size 40, has zip-in • lining. Like new, worn only two . weeks. •PX price was $55 ; will sacri fice for $4O. Phone 7611 ext. 13, ask for Bob . Gardner. GOLDEN BROWN checked sport coat Size 38. Reasonably. .priced. Contact Lew Ripley, Nittany 24-7. Phone 284. CORSAGES FOR Junior Prom will be sold by Student Floral Agency in West Dorms and Nittany, Mon. - Thurs. 5-7. Watch for further advertising. CIDER FOR SALE. Five gallons or more 7(:)e per gallon. Deliver Wed., Thurs. evenings on campus and fraternities. Call Atherton 336. 1941 'MERCURY club coupe—rebuilt motor, R&H $2OO. Call 4937. Ask. for Dick Ahern, Pi Kappa Phi. ROLLEIFLEX CAMERA. Zeiss-Tessar lens. Fully automatic. Call J. Gordon, Nitt. 35, Room 11. 1947 CHEVROLET sedan. Must sell to meet expenses. Good condition. Call Hamilton 1195. Ask for Pat Greer. - LOST GOLD BULOVA Watch between McElwain and, town. Please contact Sparky, 420 McElwain. RUST. COLORED jacket left in 129 Temp. at 11 a.m. Monday. Call Bob Rauch 4979. A BLACK PARKER "51" fountain pen If 'found; please call 8-8790. BLACK, BLUE, and white, fine-checked raincoat, • ragon style. Lost from Sigma Phi Epsilon. If found, call George Zafis, 5-9067. CHARCOAL COAT taken from Thespian dressing room Friday night. Pledge pin on lapel and tie in pocket. Please call Don "493'7. Reward. No questions asked. FOUNTAIN PEN—maroon & silver, in itials' T.J.S., Oct. 21, between Engineering B and Willard. Call Schultz ext. 293. HELP WANTED ENGINEERS AND physicists with me chanical or electrical background for Part-time employment Openings for sev enth and eighth semester engineering students. Please inquire John I. Thompson and .Ce. Inc. Bush Arcade Bldg.. West High St„ Bellefonte. Tel. Bell. 5-191. WORK WANTED WHEN YOUR typewriter needs attention just 'dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 W.: College Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION SENIOR MEN: if your plans for the future are not definite. write to the Hill-Rom Company. Inc., Batesville. Indiana;.' makers of hospital furniture and eqUipment. Give full information , concern irig. • yourself and your background. You may find a promising career and our sales department awaits you. VOTE FOR the very best—Al Gregal. Penn State's Nittany Lion—for Mardi Gras King. Sponsored by Tri Vi of Sigma Sigma Sigma. SEE !THE latest in 3-Dimension asiAGPi's present ""Whow I" in 3-Dimension at Mardi Gras Friday night- RIDE WANTED WANT TO • GET in touch with Bellefonte student commuters with car. Willing to share expense. Call John Byan, State Col- New Nittany Inn Wing THE NEW WING of the Nit- a banquet room and grille and Associates of New York. tany Lion Inn is more than 60 room. Unexpended building The inn was constructed 22 per cent complete. The addi- funds of the College are being" years ago. It has guest acCom lion will . house 75 more rooms, used to finance this project, modations, one banquet room, doubling the present number. which . will cost $1,072,000. three dining rooms and two Construction on the east side Plans for the additibn were lounges. of the inn will also provide for drawn up by Hart, Jermann ow Sol love tliose tucV.9 strikes couldrit count tlle way s• That clearter,(Yeslier, sroootlier srnoke Peserves 50011 Mess paise! IVlarjorle Lightfoot Pembroke College THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Where's ys_Sr %Wale its easier than yol think to i n $2.5 by writing, a liacky Sfsiice like those yols see in this ad.. Yes, we need jingles 7-- and we pay $25 for every one we use! So send as marry as you lilts to: 'Happy-G01A.3.6c1, P. 0 6/.l•lew York.. 46, PRODUCT OP Ckaien.e44:o424t,"° triaysarvavrfal funk 'figures are s 130 t. t o bett Otes, o V \ Ma up t LATEST COLLEGE SURVEY SHOWS LUCKIES LEAD AGAIN!, Last year a survey of leading colleges throughout the country showed that smokers in those colleges preferred Luckies to any other cigarette. This year another nation-wide survey based on thousands of actual student interviews, and representative of all students in regular colleges—shows that Luckies lead again over all brands, regu lar or king size...and by a wide margin! The No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better. Smoking enjoyment is all a matter of taste, and the fact of the matter is Luckies taste better—for 2 reasons. L.S./M.F.T. —Lucky Strike means 'fine tobacco. And Luckies are made better to taste better. So, Be Happy—Go Lucky! gait&one ptecliction I cart 'naive *lout Ivo cf9stal hall { O t *aste. appeal .yotiYe. sure tolina That tudicle6 $0? thew, W. AMERICA'S. LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIOARSTTAS WEDNESDAY, -- OCTOBER - 28, • 1953 Simos;,Aidei.;•f;:. Attend Meeting Four representatives from the Dean , of Men's °Mee attended in formal sessions 'of the Pennsyl vania Association of Student Per sonnel Administrators ,in Pitts burgh Monday. More' than 30 schools were rep resented at the conference where problems of student activities were discussed. Frank J. Simes, dean of men; Harold W. Perkins, assistant dean; 0. Edward Pollock, assistant to the dean of men in charge of frat ernity affairs; and James Dean, assistant to the dean of men in charge of independent affairs, at tended the conference. Conduct . (Continued from page one) the difficulties following football games are caused by only a small minority of students. They asked this minority, he said, bring discredit on the College as a whole. The 'group said that in casting a bad light on the College, this minority hurt the great bulk of the student body, Kenworthy said. He added that they asked the cooperation of student leaders in seeing to it that students as spectators reflect as much credit +o the College as do the football players who represent Penn State on the gridiron. Lee Miller S. M-11. - /k;:‘‘ET , . C I G A R E T TES per — N ti . LuCKY r STRIKE 0 A. 1. G.
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