PAGE EIGHT Juniors Seek Varied Talent Is there a snake charmer in the house? Alec Beliasov and Carole Av ery, co-chairmen of the. Junior Week talent show, have been scouting for sword swallowers, dancers, singers, musicians and comedians. They promise to pro vide the necessary snakes and swords to junior entertainers at tryouts 7:30 p.m. tomorrow and Monday nights in 405 Old Main. The talent show, to be held at 8 p.m. Nov. 4 in the Temporary Un ion Building, will include six acts. Five Junior Prom Queen finalists will be introduced at the show. An engraved cup and a ticket for the prom Nov. 6 will be pre sented to the winning performer. Second and third prizes will be tickets for the dance. Kidd Blasts— (Continued from page two) tee. These persons, elected and appointed, shall compose the steering committee, and will have voting privileges. "The advisory council of the party shall consist of all former Lion Party candidates and former party chairman, vice chairmen, secretaries and financial mana gers." In the present constitution, the clique chairman may appoint ten representatives-at-large with the consent of the vice chairman and secretary. Campus Chest— (Continued from page one) Tickets to the Junior Prom and corsages will be given to the wo man and the mart who solicit the highest participation percentages. The program for the drive will be outlined and campaign ma terial distributed to solicitors at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the TUB. Home Ec Alumni The alumni- of the School of Home Economics will hold a cof fee hour from 10 a.m. to noon to day in the Home Ec Living Cen ter. College Alumni dance tonight at The Autumn Ball Highlight of Homecoming Weekend Alums, Don't Fiddle Around ... 11,000 Readers See These CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE ADOX 35 mm Schneider f 2.3; 5 filters ; Mendelsohn Universal Flashgun ; GE Ex posure meter ; conditions. Call 4956 after 5 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe, radio, heater, spotlight. Call State College 450 G. • ` i • le, size :- •. 'er ect con dition $25.00. Call 8-6695. SEATS AT the Powder Bowl reasonable Everyone is going—why don't you! LOST FOUNTAIN PEN—maroon & silver, in itials T.J.S., Oct. 21, between Engineering B and Willard. Call Schultz ext. 293. MAN'S WALLET containing important identification cards on or near College golf course: Reward. Call M. C. Stone, State College 2819. MECHANICAL PENCIL—goId and black. lost near West Dorm postoffice. Call ext. 967, ask- for Garry. HELP WANTED ENGINEERS AND physicists with me chanical or electrical background for part-time employment. Openings for sev enth and eighth semester engineering students. Please inquire John 1. Thompson and Co. Inc., Bush Arcade Bldg., West High St., Bellefonte. Tel. Belf. 5-9191. WANTED FRESHMEN FOR Education Student Coun- cil. Pick up nomination blanks in 105 Burrowes from Oct.. 21-24. BILL'S 238 WEST COLLEGE AVE. Steaks Sea Food Lobster Tail Chicken in the Baske' Dinners served 5:00 to 8:00 Phone 3449 Open 12:00 to 12:00 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE.- PENNSYLVANIA ONE OR two tickets to first Community Concert by St. •Paul's Chorus, Monday night. Call State College 7770. • WHEN YOURS typewriter, needs attention just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Avenue. TRY VlC's for his take-outs sundaes, sandwiches, cokes, ice cream and thick shakes in nll flavori. CALL KATHERINES Coffe Shop, 131 N. Atherton 8-9029 anytime. Shrimp or chicken in the basket $l.OO. Ready in 16 minutes. DON'T FORGET to submit entries for Junior Prom queen before Oct. 28 at Student Union desk. HOMECOOKING OR quick lunch before or after the Texas Christian game at Katherines Dining Room or Coffee Shop. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN Planning a square dance? Call Duane S. Beals 7851. Band and caller. BEAT THE CROWD. Pick up 'an Italian sandwich at Katherines Coffee Shop. SPACE IN Sunrise Trailer Court. Sew age, electricity, water, and all con veniences. Located on .Benner Pike between Bellefonte and State College. Call 95-4791 or write Joseph H. Butler, R.D. 1 Benner Pike. ' alllllll 111111111 l 17111011 U 11111 l $ 1111 l 11111 IL: Are You Having Photographic Problems? = Then it's time to see Cori! E Carl Waltz is at the store= on Pugh street every morn,: So if you're having photo trouble stop in and! see him. 3 While you're there looki =over the rest of his fineF. sporting goods. ="' WALTZ & SUMMERS SPORTING GOODS = - ; 105 S. Pugh come to the N STATE DINER and see yourself just why the Sign of the . Lion is becoming more and more popular with the students, Remember, we are open any hour of the ay or night. STATE DINER West College Ave. 'op at the Sign of the Lion" WANTED TO BUY WORK WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT It's SAM'S 129 S . For those . . . good corned beef, pastrami and, chopped chicken liver sand Counter and Booth Service ~,;.< .: G:' w ~r~~. .: , . ~.: HATTER Seen on every campus from MAINE to U. C. L At last, a sportshirt made for sports. It's light enough, warm enough, full enough, tough enough. Yet, because it's Manhattan tailored it's smart enough to win a scholarship. It's made of versatile, wash able gabardine . . . and it belongs in your wardrobe. Long sleeves ... pick stitched pockets and collar, and comes in more colors than Fall. $5.95 See GABSHIRE today—at your nearest Manhattan dealer's. n0,?9 :: 1 ..4:: . .::::1' .•.,:;.'1 01953, THE MANHATTAN SHIRT CO., 444 MADISON AVENUE, NEW (/.dig Sty leo On eamptio at your -Monte .Yor Manhattan Sizirb • 4 1r 0a • &laze teW 135 S. Allen St. SATURDAY, OCTO HABERC ) A6HER Mtv:::: • z.'""•'''' •• • RAOt tt . J MAR.. GAsslllm GABSHIRE styled by State College,
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