PAGE EIGHT Former Dean Of Engineering Dies at 68 Dr. Harry P. Hammond, who retired Sept. 1, 1951, as dean em eritus of the School of Engineer ing, died at 10:45 p.m. yesterday in the Centre County Hospital, at the age of 68. • Recognized as one of the lead ing figures in the field of engi neering education, Dean Ham mond won two top national engi neering awards dur in g his 14 years at the College: the Lemme award, the highest honor in engi neering education in 1945, and the James H. McGraw award in technical institute education in 1950. Dean Hammond was named to the faculty in 1937 to succeed the late Robert L. Sackett as dean of the Engineering school. Prior to his appointment at the College, Dean Hammond served on the faculties of the University of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University and the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Funeral services will be held at 7:30 tonight at Koch Funeral Home, State College, with the Rev. F. H. Babcock officiating. Burial will be in Kensico Ceme tery, Valhalla, N.Y. The family requests the courtesy of no visi tation and no flowers prior to the funeral. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 22 CALIBRE REMINGTON 521 T with scope. Very good reblued 1916 Luger Automatic. Savage 32 Automatic. Colt New Service 45 Revolver. Lots of others. Come to 441 E. Beaver or phone 7958. 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe, radio, heater, spotlight. Call State College 4506. MAN'S TUXEDO, size 38-39. Perfect con dition $25.00. Call 8-6695. MECHANICAL DRAWING Sets, new and second hand. All priced very cheap. Call Jerry Parks 6718. 1947 CHRYSLER convertible. W.W. tires, R&H, new top. Best offer takes it. Call Bob Schoenhof at 8-9172. STEVENS 3030 rifle, very good condition Call Dave 8-9021 after 7 p.m. SEATS AT the Powder Bowl reasonable Everyone is going—why don't you! CIDER FOR Sale. Five gallons or more. 70c gallon. Deliver Wed., Thurs. eve nings on campus and fraternities. Call Atherton 336. LOST MAN'S WALLET containing important identification cards on or near College golf course. Reward. Call M. C. Stone, State College 2819. DRAWING 1 BOOK, in North Hamilton dining hall. If found call ext. 960. Ken Aiacck. RED ZIPPER change purse containing $4.00 and room key. Inscribed on key RA4O9A. Call 409 Atherton. MECHANICAL PENCIL—goId and black, lost near West Dorm postoffice. Call ext. 967, ask for Garry. TAKEN FROM PiKA Saturday night. One West Point blanket. Sentimental value— please return, no questions asked. Call Frank Locotos 2220. RIDE WANTED WANT TO get in touch with Bellefonte student commuter with car. Willing to share expenses. John Ryan, State College 3927. HELP WANTED ENGINEERS AND physicists with me chanical or electrical background for part-time employment. Openings for sev enth and eighth semester engineering students. Please inquire John I. Thompson and Co. Inc., Bush Arcade Bldg., West High' St., Bellefonte. Tel. Belf. 5-9191. WANTED FRESHMEN FOR Education Student Coun cil. Pick up nomination blanks in 105 Burrovv'es from Oct. 21-24. WORK WANTED WILL SUBSTITUTE for fraternity or dining room worker over weekend. Call 3448, ask for Ken. WHEN YOUR typewriter _needs attention just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS CALL KATHERINES Coffe Shop, 131 N. Atherton 8-9029 anytime. Shrimp or chicken in the basket $l.OO. Ready in 15 minutes. "GIRLS," want date? Tired of staying in on weekends? Call Bob, phone 2193. DON'T FORGET to submit entries for Junior Prom queen before Oct. 28 at Student Union desk. HOMECOOKING OR quick lunch before or after the Texas Christian game at Katherines Dining Room or Coffee Shop. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN planning a square dance? Call Duane S. Beals 7851. Band and caller. BEAT THE CROWD. Pick up an Italian sandwich at Katherines Coffee Shop. FOR RENT SPACE IN Sunrise Trailer Court. Sew age, electricity. water, and all con veniences. Located Oil Benner Pike between Bellefonte and State College. Call 95-4791 or write Joseph H. Butler, R.D. 1 Benner Pike. TT-17 fIATLY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA tniversity (Continued from page one) reserve the new name for six months. Then the Board of Trustees, as the membership of the corpor ation, formally petitions the Court of Common Pleas of Centre Coun ty for the required change in the corporate charter. Notice of the change is then published in the newspapers. Other Colleges Changed If the court hears no objection, it approves the petition. If ob jection arises, the court fixes the date for a hearing and thereafter makes a finding. If the ultimate decision is one of approval, and the State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction raises no objection, the change becomes final. SMOKERS BY THE THOUSANDS NOirCHANGING TO CHESTERFIELD Eft :% •::•:•:•*:•47Ylt, • • :I` , ge • :::* , :•*ce • • • ~ ~~ & A~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Students collecting clothes for Korea are having trouble 'finding a place to put clothes and bed ding donated by State College residents. Donations totaled more than three tons, Thomas Eastland and Peggy Selig, student .leaders, re ported. Persons interested in donating to the drive may call 4908 or take clothes to the collection center, 115 E. Beaver 'avenue. Formal action was initiated Sept. 9, 1953, and the new name, if approved, will become effective on the date specified by the court of Common Pleas of Centre County. the 04 1 1Ycigovreffe ever to give you.. aEAF . 'SW' ,MM;. •••••••:•:•0:k , ,,,N iWANWOMMA::iiAOMMnANOW 4 A OO. ' '4ONNAMMN 1, :‘• # \ k r•r•. Space Needed \ For Clothing Thespians-- (Continued from page one) Buttercup" brought a rare spar kle into the revue. Suzanne Keil and Charles Sci otto performed their roles excel lently in "Sexperience," the Kin sey report parody, but they were not able to overcome defective dialogue. It seems a shame that Miss Keil couldn't have remained on stage longer, for her few min utes of dancing seemed to elevate the quality of the show. Another set of comic perform ers was Elsie Ford and Al Belia- - sov, who appeared as two love stricken freshmen in' "Love At First Sight." While Beliasov stood out as one of the better actors in the show, Miss Ford excelled in her reducing number, "Down to of LOW NICOTINE HIGHEST QUALITY The country's six leading cigarette brands were analyzed—chemically—and Chesterfield was found low in nicotine—highest in. quality. A PROVEN RECORD Again and main, over a full year and a half a group of Chesterfield smokers have been given thorough medical examinations . . . the doctor's reports are a matter of record, "No adverse effects to the nose, throatand sinuses from smoking Chesterfields." A responsible independent research laboratory super vises this continuing program. Yom ' " >Fi.A: %: 4i: ri•: "P. ....:.%7riu ::; ~~ __.. PROOF with smokers ~~:4: ~J~:ij.~~~.. a: . •Trt *A O MYERS TotiAcco co • FRIDAY, OCTOBER '23, • 1953 a Hundred and Ten." "Homecoming Express," one of the few dance numbers of the show, had a very clever routine and was marked by fine dancing. It is hard to understand why there wasn't more chorus singing and group dancing. Tickets for the show, which will run for two more nights, are on sale at the Student Union desk in Old Main. LA Student Council Petitions Due Today Petitions for seats on Liberal Arts Student Council may be re turned today to Norma Vollmer, elections chairman, in 217 Sim mons. Four LA freshmen will be elect ed Monday and Tuesday to rep resent their class on the council. ON** 1953, kowit & irlviiCktimocs Qt.
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