FRIDAY; 'OCTOBER-•16; 1953 Religion— Cht,tick.::q i'oiips . Plan Falb Parties, Dinriel-, , . Included on the varied : list of student church group activities this weekend are a barn dance. and a cabin party. Wesley Foundation' will , hold a barn dance at 7;30 tonight. The foundation will hold open house from 7:30 to 11 p.m. tomorrow. A fellowship supper will be held at 5:15 p.m. Sunday, followed by a talk, "Christian Women," by Pauline Locklin, The Roger Williams Fellowship will hold its fall cabin party at, the Ralph Watts Lodge tomorrow and Sunday. The group will meet at the church after the football game and return in time . for church on Sunday. The fellow ship supper will be held at 5 p.m. Sunday, followed by a guest speaker. The First Church. of Christian Scientist, will sponsor a public lecture at 8 p.m. Tuesday -in the church. Arnold H. Exo of Chicago will speak on the topic. "How Christian Science Blesses the In dividual and the Family." Westminster Foundation will present a movie, "All. That I Have," at the student meeting at 6:20 p.m. Sunday. Matins and breakfast will be held at 7:50 a.m. Thursday while a Bible study group will meet at 7 p.m. the same day. The Unitarian Student Fellow ship will meet at 6:15 p.m. Sun day in 304 Old Main to hear a talk by Dr. Neil Riemer, assistant professor of political science. His subject will be "Free Speech and Political Maturity." The Evangelical United Breth ren Fellowship will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Glenn Goss will speak on the topic "Prayer." The Penn State - Bible Fellow ship will be addressed by the Rev. George W. Rhoad, Jr., mis sionary of Kenya and Tanganyika, at 7:30 tonight in 405 Old Main. His subject will be "The Gospel Furthering Fellowship." Hillel Foundation will hold its Sabbath eve services at 6 tonight. Rabbi Benjamin Kahn will speak on "The Method of the Midrash." An organization meeting of up perclassmen and women will be 'held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Hillel Library. Graduate Night will be held at 8 p.m. Sunday in the -Hillel Lounge. The Lutheran Student Associ ation will hold a scavenger hunt at 7:30 tonight. The group will leave the Student Center at 2 p.m. Sunday for a picnic at Halfway State Park with the Bucknell LSA. Mary Ann Albert will speak at , the evening worship service to.. be :held during the outing. See you at the In your Collegiate sports outfit with blazers, sweaters, blouses, skirts, slacks, and Scarves nia : t... - :'-.leit.iii,4-er Kappa Alpha: Theta ' Pledge class 'officers of Kappa Alpha Theta are Barbara Easter, president; Jane Lamont, vice pres ident; ,Janet Feaster, secretary; and Janet Ramandanes, 'treasurer. Recent initiates are Suzanne Brosseau, Patricia Shelly and Francis White. Delta Theta Sigma The annual , conclave of Delta Theta Sigma will be held today and tomorrow with the Beta chapter, house as host. A dance, a banquet at the Auto port, a workshop and a • business meeting are in the program for the conclave. Kenneth Stern, Beta chapter alumnus, will speak at the banquet. ' Alpha Gamma Rho Perry Wetzel, Kenneth Smith, and Robert Rugaber were ini tiated Sunday into Alpha Gamma Rho. Kappa Delta New officers of Kappa Delta pledge class are Janet Easly, pres ident; Fay Hilberg, vice president; Lorraine Chabin, secretary; and Sally Rhodes, treasurer. Beta Theta Pi Beta Theta Pi recently initiated Paul Eckert and Daniel Fisher. Aye See The Aye See colony of Pi Beta Phi exchanged skits - with Beta Theta Pi last night at the fraterni ty house. Refreshments and danc ing followed the skits. Delta Chi Delta Chi recently initiated Paul Smith, Philip Smith, James Park, James Anderson, Peter Bracken, Herbert Maliniak and Wesley Wood. Phi Kappa Psi Recent initiates of Phi Kappa Psi are Theo Balabanis, Robert Jordan, Terry Bachachas, Charles Samph, James Ellis, Larry Hunts man and Walt Lowman. A banquet was held Monday night at Pete's Place in honor of the initiates. from "the store of stores" East• College Ave. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE ,COLLEGE: PENNSYLVANIA icknoff! WRA . Heqrs Report - of ... Convention A report on, the 1953 state con ventibn, of the Pennsylvania Di vision of .the Athletic Federation of College. Women was presented Monday to the executive board of the. Women's Recreation. Associ ation. Elizabeth George and Martha Rojhan, delegates to the conven tion, represented the College on the ways and means committee and the scheduling board. The scheduling board discussed the problem of play days and how to eliminate conflict among the colleges in scheduling them. A new program was set up in which each' college will be asked what play days they are • having, what activities they are planning, and what colleges they are inviting. Penn State has charge of schedul ing this year. Discuss Money • The ways and means commit tee decided to send only one dele gate to the national convention. This delegate will be the incom ing president of WRA. The possibility of obtaining enough money to send two repre sentatives by raising dues was discussed. The committee decided that WRA officers should begin their duties in January instead of March. Sports Day Miss Gedrge acted as second vice president of the convention. The board set up plans for a Sports Day tomorrow at Juniata College. Penn State, Bucknell, Lycoming College and Juniata will compete in hockey. An amendment to the WRA election code which calls for the spring election of the sophomore representative on WRA was also passed by the board. MarriageJ Wetzel-Fiock Mr. and Mrs. Nelson T. Fiodk of Indiana announce the marriage of their daughter Wilda to Rich ard S. Wetzel, also of Indiana. The ceremony took place on Aug. 8 in the First Presbyterian Church of Indiana. Mrs. Wetzel is employed by the College as a stenographer. Mr. Wetzel, who served 21 months in the U.S. Army, is a third semester animal husbandry major. LaVie Hours Posted Office hours for LaVie candi dates have been posted in 412 Old Main. Candidates have been instructed to check the schedule. engagerrldAi3 Kirsh-Herd Mr. and Mrs. John J. Herd of Merion announce the engagement of their daughter Janet to Air Force Lt. John Kirsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Kirsh of Pitts burgh. Miss Herd, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, was graduated from the College in June. While a stu dent she was a member of both the Women's Student Government Association House of Representa tives and Senate, Gamma Pi Ep silon, women's pre-medical socie ty and the Chem-Phys student council. She was rushing chairman of Panhellenic Council, chairman of Judicial during one summer ses sion and was chosen for "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities." Lieutenant Kirsh was graduat ed from the College in 1951 and is now taking graduate work. Godin-Herbst Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Herbst, Scranton, announce the engage rnent of their daughter Phyllis to Ira Godin, Cleveland, 0. Miss Herbst was graduated from the College in January. She majored in Spanish and romance languages. • Mr. Godin was graduated from the University School and Har vard University. A March wedding is planned. Ora ow-Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen of Camden, N.J., announce the en gagement of their daughter Lois to Harold Orchow. Miss Cohen attended the Col lege and is a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. Mr. Orchow was graduated from the College in the School of the Liberal Arts and is a mem ber of Zeta Beta Tau. Glamorize your hair-do for the Belle Hop Ball Hair Glint Stars and Klurlac Combination... $1.50 Lucky Matric. Number 1653-17 111 g. ue &lay Salon o 214 South Allen St. State College, Pa. // , . • O ffille at the A.I.M. - Leonides Autumn Bail Oct. 24 Rec Hall Tickets $2.50 Dancing from 9-12 to the music of Gerry. Kehlees Orchestra Informal Refreshments WSGA Senate Appoints Kean To Judicial Marie Kean, seventh semester' commerce major, has been appoin ted to replace Marilyn Buzby as a senior representative to Judicial by the Senate of Women's Stu dent Government Association. Mary Petitgout, Judicial chair man, reported that Miss Buzby asked to resign because of her duties as Panhellenic Council delegate. Senate approved hours for Jun ior Prom weekend Nov. 6 to 8. Upperclasswomen will be grant ed 2 a.m. permissions for the dance Friday night and 1 a.m. permissions Saturday night. Freshman women will receive 1 a.m. permissions Friday night and midnight permissions Satur day night. - Winifred Rhoad, eighth semes ter arts and letters major was ap pointed to serve as Judicial alter nate. Senate voted to accept the co sponsorship of the Penn St at e Christian Association for a mar riage conference to be held in February or March. Anna Webb, chairman of the All-College Sing to be held in Schwab Auditorium Nov. 15, re ported that the Penn State Glee Club; the Women's Chorus; the Mellowaires; and Frank Gullo and Hummel Fishburn, musical team, will perform.. Informal Rushing Begins Women interested in informal rushing may register in the Dean of Women's office beginning to day. For additional information they may contact Ellen Wandel, Panhellenic Council president, in 128 McElwain. PAGE FIVE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers