SUNDAY,' SEPTEMBER 13, 1953 Hat Societies to Enforce Customs for Freshmen • Nine hat societies on campus, five for men and four for women, honor student leaders in government, politics, publications, athletics, dramatics, forensics and manager ships. • Eight societies have been active on campus for several years. The ninth honor ary will become active this semester. The main duty of hat societies is to maintain College traditions and enforce fresh man customs. Members of male hat societies are tapped from men who to the societies. Women's hat societies select members from - Student Drivers Must Register. Cars on Campus Students who intend to operate a car in or around State College must register it at fall registration, according to College traffic reg ulations. Parking permits, issued by Campus Patrol, will be granted to students who live outside an area outlined by the patrol. Because of the severe parking space short age on campus, students who live near campus are . not permitted to park on campus. Permits will not be issued to persons whose car cannot pass Pennsylvania inspection require nlents. The area in which student-resi dents are not granted permits will be decreased this year as addi tional parking spaces % become available. Handicapped Get Permits Students living in dormitories are issued permits to park in a designated area on campus. Men living in fraternities on campus will be issued a special permit to drive - on campus roads to avail able parking areas provided by fraternities. Permits are also issued to phy sically handicapped students who require a car. These students must get a certificate from the College Health Service, if they live with in the boundary outlined by the patrol. Permit stickers must be at tached at the center of the top of the windshield. Cars Towed Parking and driving on campus is prohibited from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and to noon on Saturday, except to visitors, College employees, and students with parking permits. Parking permit stickers desig nate the only area where cars may be parked. Cars parked illegally are towed away by the patrol at the owners' .risk and expense. Speed limit on campus roads is 25 miles per hour. Parking and traffic fines are imposed on violators by Tribunal, men's student judicial committee. Habitual violators are subject to disciplinary action by the Dean of Men's office. Women students must get the permission of the dean of women to bring cars to State College. Subscribe Today! Let your parents and friends at home know what the Nittany Lions are doing. Name Address Enclosed: $2.00 Sem.( ) $3.75 Yr.( ) The DAILY. COLLEGIAN Campus State College, Pa. by a secret tapping system Hat Society Council Tapping is done in the spring or fall and active membership lasts one year. Hat Society Council, composed of the president and secretary of each group, governs and coordi nates hat societies. Parmi Nous and Skull and Bones, senior men's hat societies, select members from sixth, sev enth and eighth semester men. Unaccepted applicants to one sen ior honorary ,are frequently con sidered by the other. Tapped by Point System Parmi Nous chooses members by a flexible quota system, select ing a certain percentage of top men from campus activities. Members are tapped for Skull and Bones through an elaborate point system emphasizing broad and thorough activity interest. Two junior men's hat societies, Blue Key and Androcles, select fourth and fifth semester men from all fields of campus activi ties. However, the membership of Blue Key is generally composed of no less than two-thirds of the men who have served as first assistant snorts managers. Druids Taps Athletes Androcles, founded three years ago, employs • a point system to select men from all fields of cam pus activity. Druids, sophomore men's hon orary, selects members from sec ond, third and fourth semester athletes who have shown out standing ability during their fresh man year. Druids annually alphabetize• the files in the Dean of. Men's office during fall registration, and, as a pledge project, are responsible for cleaning the trophy cases in' Rec reation Hall. Covens Is Sophomore Society Women students are recognized for scholarship, leadership, and (Continued on page nineteen-) Welcome to State College and to State College's Friendly Convenient Drug Store GRIGGS PHARMACY 'We Gm 12'z"L to 'CASI vAC,I \\l Pe4l'd is, - Vto_s 4 4vi veort. of.t)\* '7lVea ewe il/astea YOU'LL like these popu lar writing papers and ,so will your friends. We have it in a wide variety of styles and sizes for 'men as well as for women. THE DAILY • COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA have filed formal applications ctivity and scholarship records Most Men's Housing Units \gear Capacity With the exception of three Pol lock Circle dormitories, men's housing facilities at the College are expected to be filled to capa city. An additional 500 men are being housed in town in College approved units. The entire 2800 campus living units will .be filled at the start of classes except Pollock Circle dorms 8 and 9, presently closed, and Pollock 10, which has been converted into women's quarters. A breakdown shows 1050 men in the Nittany dorms, between 500 and 600 in the Pollock dorms, and the rest in the West Dorms. James W. Dean, assistant to the dean of men in charge of inde pendent affairs, stated that dorm itories have been cleaned, re paired, and put in excellent shape. The Nittany dorms haVe been re painted and refurnished and lounges have been remodeled, he said. Approximately 200 College ap proved and recommended units in town will house another 500. Pri vately 'owned housing facilities have been inspected by College officials and found to meet stand ards that put them on a par with College-owned quarters. Dean said the townspeople co operated spendidly and inspecting officials found 98 per cent of the rooms in good condition. The list of these living units, however, has already been exhausted. Except for a few special excep tions .the 2065 freshman men on campus are required to live College dormitdries their first year. CHECK THIS LIST OF SCHOOL NEEDS How Many of These Did You Forget to Pack? 'Alarm Clock •Facial Tissue •Tooth Paste •Wash Cloth •Plastic Tumbler •Flash Bulbs •Shower Cap , •Bathing Cap *Ash Trays •Shoe Polish •Shampoo •Bath Powder •Cologne •Deodorants •Combs *Shaving Cream •Playing Cards •Soap Dish *Eastman Film *Hair Brush FOUNTAIN PENS Papermate 1.69 Scripto 1.00 Esterbrook 2.30 Eversharp 1.29 GRIGGS PHARMACY Students Get Aid Information At College Student Union Desk Student Union, according to the General College Catalogue, is the "clearing house for all student information." Here students can find answers to questions they have about cam pus or campus activities. Managed by George L. Donovan, the Stu dent Union desk is located - on the right, inside .the front door of Old Main. It maintains a lost and found department where students may claim lost articles or leave things they have found. The central dis tribution point for the Daily Col legian, Froth, Pivot, Independent, and other campus publications is at the SU desk. Tickets for Players and Thes- Prescription Specialists E. College Ave. - Oppoiite Old Main pin productions, community for um series, dances, recitals and- con certs are sold there. Student Union keeps current bus and train schedules for the entire United States and telephone direc tories of major eastern cities and cities - of Pennsylvania for student reference. The desk is open for regular student services from 8 alt. to noon and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and until . noon Saturday. It is open for general information service from 1 to -5 p.m. Saturday and 10 am: to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday. If kept free from bacteria, milk can be kept fresh indefinitely. Headquarters for Fine Toiletries The following fine lines of ladies' and mens' toiletries are featured here: •Dußarry °Hudnut *Harriet Hubbard Ayer •Lentheric •Peggy Sage *Revlon •Hazel Bishop •Old Spice •His PAGE Im.n.M.
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