PA.GIE rinyrr At yo 3y al.__ while litirs. Jacqueline R. Reich, clerk, and Annamary Burket, center, watch. Seniors may receive copies of the yearbook until June 1. 68 NROTC Men To Participate In 2 Cruises Officers and midshipmen of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps will be on cruises this sum mer which will take them from Panama to Norway. Sixty "regular" NROTC sopho mores and seniors will be a part of "Cruise Baker," with ports of call at Bergen and Oslo, Norway, Copenhagen, Denmark, Edinbor ough, • Scotland and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Lt. Robert L. Metz ger, USN, and Lt. John A. Swank, USN, will serve as instructors on the cruise. Twenty-six contract seniors will be a part of "Cruise Charlie," with ports of call at Colon, Pana ma, Trinidad, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Capt. Rowland H. Groff, USN, professor of naval science, is officer in charge of the midship man detachment for this cruise. Cruises will last from six to eight weeks. They will include battleships, cruisers, destroyer es corts and aircraft carriers. Forty-two NROTC regular jun iors will spend three weeks' avia tion-amphibious training at Little Creek, Va. and three weeks at Corpus Christi, Tex. Eight regular and one contract NROTC seniors will report for Marine training at Quantico, Va. A9_ Students May Get LaVies Before Noon Noon today is the last time sen iors in agriculture may pick up LaVies at the Student Union desk in • Old Main. Engineering seniors may pick up copies Monday and Tuesday and education and home econom ics seniors, Wednesday and Thurs day. Seniors in chemistry and physics, physical education "a n d mineral industries will get La- Vies Friday and Saturday. The Used Book Agency in the TUB will be open every afternoon during finals week from 1 to 5 p.m. (May 25 - 29) to receive your used books to be sold next semester. (Sorry, no language books) STUDENT OPERATED Customs Require Dinks for Coeds Freshman women undergoing customs this fall will join men for the first thr in wearing green dinks during " he customs period. In previous years, customs dress for women included green hair bows. • The area known as "Hello" walks during customs period next fall will include the diagonals in front of Old Main and the east side of the Mall. ÜBA to Be Open During Final Week The Used Book Agency of the Book Exchange, will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday in the Tem porary Union Building to accept books for sale at the beginning of the fall semester. The BX will remain open during finals week, closing at 5 p.m. Friday. Ronald Len ch, BX treasurer, said books are being accepted now so they will be on hand at the be ginning of the fall semester. Pre viously, the agency has faced a shortage of books in the fall. All books, with the exception of language textbooks •are being accepted, Lench said. Class Night— • (Continued from page one) Peterson, Irene Taylor and Marian Whitely. Valedictorian and salutatorian of the class of 1953 will also be honored in the ceremonies. Robert Kenyon will receive the Paul E. Smith memorial award for out standing physical education stu dent. Winners of the Class Donor award will present the class gift. The date for Class 'Night is not June 8 as reported in yesterday's Daily Collegian. Carry Those Books Home? PENN STATE BOOK EXCHANGE, THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. 'PENNSYLVANIA NON-PROFIT 11,090 Expected in Fall Approximately 11,000 stu dents are expected to register for the 1953 fall semester, C. 0. Williams, dean of admis sions, recently announced. Twenty-five hundred appli cants have been offered admis sion as freshmen, he said. 61 Collegian Promotions Announced Sixty-one promotions in the business staff of the Daily Col legian were announced yesterday by Vincent Drayne, business man ager. Promoted to junior board were Jane • Larpentuer, Marilyn Du- Pont, Darcie Deckard, Gail Fro mer, Richard Gordon, Bruce Vogelsinger, Martha Rojahn, Mary Selig and Jane - Lewis. Joan Hill, Susan Minnich, Dor 3thea Ebert, Ethel Sandson, Mar garet Faris, Courtney Howe, Eve lyn Riegel, Carol Thompson, Mary Fitzpatrick, Jerry Weiner, Mary Burke and Marcia Philips. Sophomore board: John Al brecht, Janet Easly, Christine Kauffman, Alletta Manbeck, Lil lian Melko, Judith Sedor, Gail Smith, Alice Conrad and Betty Allen. Intermediate board: Estelle Cap lan, John Craig, Anne Sherman, Fay Goldstein, Barbara Gooding, Nancy King, Vincent Tempone, Ira Foote, Ileana Wolfgang, Da vid Stern, Edward Goldston, Eli nor Ehman, Jayne Tarasi and Ger trude Malpezzi. Patricia Shelly, John • Nelson, Florence Gemmill, Peggy Davis, Judith Walter, Kathryn Fuhrer, Mary Henry, Judith Huettner, Rosemarie Jackel, Nancy Light, Doris Wenger, Dolores Pennel, Dorothy Swope, Peggy Troxell, Pauline Paulekas, Raymond Cas arico and Eliza Newell. Vet Grad Students Need VA FormS Graduating veterans enrolled under P. L. 346 and 550 must se cure Supplemental Certificates of Eligibility to pitr sue graduate study. Veterans transferring to other institutions either perma nently or for the summer must also obtain Supplemental Certifi cates. Graduating veterans' enrolled under P. L. 346 who plan to re turn during successive summers under the special regulations for teachers must attend a minimum of five weeks this summer. Certificates can be secured in 6A Old Main, or 4G Willard. Elections Committee Allan Schneirov, fourth semes ter commerce major, has been named to the All-College elec tions committee instead of Micro Snidero, as previously reported. Poly Sci Club Elects Jerome Feinberg, eighth se mester arts and letters major, Thursday night was elected presi :lent of the Politcal Science Club. SCHOOL SUPPLY STORE Class to Announce Gift Choice June 3 •The gift of the Class of 1953 will be announced . at Class ',Tight ceremonies, 7:30 p.m. June 3 in Recreation Hall, John Hoerr, gift chairman has announced. Voting for the "Lineman" statue, an arena theater, a record library, .a stage and projection room for the new- Student Union Building, and an organ and/or chimes for the proposed . meditation chapel will continue until June 1 when the last copies of Layie are distributed at' Student Union. Zorach's sculpture, the "Line man," has been the pet project of Pi Gamma Alpha, fine arts honor ary for the past few years. The statue, no w on display in :the lobby of Old. Main, is a pink granite figure of a football player, A record collection including all types of music, speech; and novelty recordingS has been spon sored by another segment of the senior class. Already there are 30 albums of musical show scores in the Pattee Library. The construction of stage and projection room for the new Stu dent Union Building would en tail the $BOOO usually in the fund. The money would also pay for complete wiring, footlights, and possibly floodlights. An arena-type theater which. could be disassembled and recon structed -in short periods of time is another gift possibility. Kelly Yeaton, professor of dramatics and authority in arena stagework, has designed the theater which would probably be housed in the Temporary Union Building, if the senior class votes in favor of the gift. One of the main reasons for proposing the theater is that the present Center Stage is too far out of the way. The final proposal is an organ and/or chimes for the proposed meditation chapel. If chimes were purchased, they would be elec tronic and, therefore, would be able to produce any melody. Chapel Choir Tryouts Baritone, bass and alto candi dates for next year's Chapel Choir may make tryout appoint ments until Monday in .216 Car negie. Tryouts will be held next week. Candidates who can attend the choir camp Sept. 9-13 are needed, Mrs. Willa C. Taylor, choir di rector, has announced. CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT 2 DOUBLE ROOMS. Summer and fall rental— Close to campus. Call 2081 after 5 p.m. ROOMS FOR men for all summer ses sions. 320 South Pugh.. Phone 6661. ROOM IN ranch home; private entrance lounge, tile• bath, phone, pundeck. June 1. 201 W. Prospect. Phone 2584. LARGE DOUBLE room. Twin beds. Avail able June 1 or Sept. 1. Cool location. 316 W. Fairmount Ave. Phone 4669. ROOMS FOR main, inner and post ses sions of summer school. $4.00 per week. Delta Tau Delta 4979. 4 "e S 4 —i" ' " 34) two- room apartment for summer. $45.00. Suitable for one or two persons. Phone 4128 or 7297. ROOMS FOR Rent all summer sessions at Marilyn` Hall, 317 E. Beaver Ave. Rates $3.50 $5.00. Make reservations now. LARGE, COMFORTABLE Room for 3 boys, also one double on first floor blocks to campus. 230 S. Frazier St. • VA ROOM efficiency apartment. Idea] location 3 A block from campus. Modern furnishings. Call 4141. SELECT ROOMS, private bath or running water for summer and fall sessions, Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave. Call 4850 or 7792. Ask for C.R. LOST 'SIPE TOWNSHIP •classring, initials B.A.P. Phone Bob 4937. NAVY RAINCOAT in Carnegie Saturday Please return to Dick Arthur. Call 4677. DIAMOND RING in 108 Carnegie Thurs day. Please return to Rita, 250 Simmons. Reward. BLACK WALLET between McKee Hamilton. bleed for hospital bill. Mar ried, wife ill. Reward. Dean Breengart, c/o . Hamilton Housekeeper ext. 2293. BROWN LEATHER'.notebook, between University Club; MI building • Monday. Call. Sohn, 7167. ' WANTED ONE FURNISHED apartment for next fall by 2 seniors . ; reasonable rent, desired near campus. Phone '7B6B—Goodman. GIRL WANTED for summer. Must be willing to travel. Salary .745 a week. Call 276 McElwain. HELP WANTED COOK, for • fraternity. Fall semester: •Box 827. ' REA.LSILK HOSIERY . MILLS has open ingS in five central Pennsylvania .coun ties for men or women, either full, or part time. Managerial candidates needed..- Ad dress :.• . 205, State Conege. SATTIRDAY:thET . 23;.'`23 Fund Established For Page Twins . A trust fund has been estab lished for the Page twins, seven month old sons. of Mrs. Stanley Page of State College. - The twins received proceeds of the first an nual Greek Week benefit show earlier in the semester. The twins are suffering from malformed feet, but nay regain the normal use of their feet with proper treatment. Proceeds from the benefit show were used tO buy corrective shoes, and the twins have undergone some ortho pedic study. The fund has been established by Interfraternity Council, Pan hellenic Council and the State College Chamber of Commerce. College- (Continued from page one} Fall semester classes begin Sept. 21. First meal served to freshmen during Orientation Week will be supper 5:30 p.m. Sept. 13. Break fast on Sept. 16 will be the first meal served in the dormitory di ning halls to upperclassmen. Offices to Close Pattee Library will close 5 p.m. May 29, and will be closed May 30 and 31 in observance of Mem orial Day. Regular hours will be resumed June 1 and 2. These are 7:50 a.m. to 10 p.m. Om June 3 the library will be open 7:50 a.m. to -5 p.m. and on June 4 it will be open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. College offices will be closed May 30. Registration for' inter-session, the first session, of summer courses, will take place June 9. FOR SALE OPPORTUNITY FOR mechanically in clined person ! 1939 Oldsmobile, _goad condition except for bearings.' .675. Call Rea 4056. ONE -SET Sam Snead registered irons Golf . Shop, campus. O 1953 LaVIES. Call Hank 6030 or Barbara 206 McElwain. MAN'S AND woman's English 'bicycles. an's roadracing model. woman's tourist model. Gearshifts, light generators, hand brakes. Call 2111. 1937 CHRYSLER 4-door, 1946 motor, heater, etc. Must sell. Gall 4034. Bill Tucker, 425 S. Allen. MARLIN' 39-A. 22-rifle. Price reasonable Phone 3181, ask for John. TRAlLER—completely furnished for •mar ried couple $475. Call Sam Braverman at. 2568 or 2003. RIDES AND PASSENGERS WANTED' RIDE TO Denver Colo. or vicinity on or before June 3. Call Sampat at 8441-2546 or State College 2714. TO LOS ANGELES, leaving . June 12 or' 13. Will take about six...days, sightseeing along trip. Call William Hamilton in speech department. BETHLEHEM, Pa.—any time after 10 o'clock Wednesday, May 27. Bob Jack son, ext. 186. ROOM AND. BOARD ROOMS FOR men—lnter-session and Main; session. Board main-session Monday through Friday (five 6-days) Alpha Zeta. Call or see Mrs. Snowberger or Mri. Crandall. Phone 7621. • ROOMS FOR men and board for men and women at Theta Chi tor' all summer sessions. Call 4702 or 3915. MISCELLANEOUS SENIORS TAKE Penn State * *ith you after graduation. Join the Alurnni, Association now for special $2.00 fee. Alninni office, 104 Old-Main.. THE USED Book Agency of 8%. wifbe open every. afternoon during finals to receive'-books for sale next year.'.- RENT A TRUCE—Move it yourself. Any • time Any place- Hertz Drive-Ur-Self . . System, -= Lie.. 1020 Green Ave.. Altoona. Penna. Phone 24200. . . MAY YOU' have success in your thuds. -and — a happy, vacation. Take home some ", candy. Has your family. : tasted our 'white chocolate? Candr .Caspe— between' , • the. , ! mcwieti.
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