FRTI)AY; MAY' 3; 1953 Th.pu . g.4.t.-:,...:FOrrpective. CifedHeit-CCiii*Otation • ' Perspective in thought and action illustrates the application of true education-to the world in which we live, br. Althea K. Hottel, director of the new Commission of Education of. Women of the Airier lean Council on Education said' last night. . Speaking on "Education—For Whit?" at the convocation of Women's Student Government Association; . in Simmons lounge, Dr. Hottel said, "The American wom en who will bring .a significant contribution.:to our society will be the woman who can raise the cultural sights of her family 'and aid in its psychological and emo tional balance. "She will be the woman in buSiness or', the professions who has a wider range of vision; she will be the woman who is politi cally literate and does something about it," Dr. Hottel said. Women are marrying younger than in any decade in the history of the • country,. Dr. "Hottel said, yet they comprise one-third of the labor force. One-half of that I number is combining homemaking with business or a profession,- and I yet 80 per cent of married women devote the major part of their time to home responsibilities. Consequently, • women need a broad perspective which neither belittles homemaking as unworthy of their talents nor overempha sizes it in their lives, Dr. Hottel said.. The value of college ex perience lies in its ability to pro vide this perspective, she said. Education can widen horizons of inquiry and interest, and 'enable women to effectively participate in varied endeavors, she said. Installation of WSGA officers preceded Dr. Hatters speech and a reception was held following the convocation. 12 O'Clock Permissions Granted for Carnival • The Senate committee of stu lent affairs yesterday approved 12 o'clock permissions for wom en for. Spring Carnival. The de cision followed a recommenda tion made by Women's Student _!overnment Association. Usual 2 o'clock big weekend Dermissions will be granted :or , Senior : Ball. Susan Rice and Ann Leder man were appointed by WSGA to serve next year on the Joint Customs Board. 44 Dancers ToHighlight May Day Forty-four dancers will whirl around two traditional May poles Saturday in bright peasant skirts and white blouses to the tune of "Country Gardens," an old Eng lish folk tune. Barefoot dancers •will wind the poles—one freshman and one sophomore—w it h streamers of 'light and dark shades of lavender and green. "Country Gardens!? has been used almost exclusively for May pole dances. • Nani Ku has directed the danc ers and Marie-Louise Kean is pianist for practices and May Day. Practices haver been held four afternoons a week for the 20 freshman and 24 sophomore wom en chosen by living - unit •: pres idents. Freshman women are Lavina 'Hostetler, Elizabeth Smith, Bar bara Easter, June Garey, Cecilia Yarnall, Barbara Woodward, Joan Ziegler, Carole Richards, Susan Rice, Patricia Brawn, Edith Krie bel, Eileen - Marcolina, Sarajane Friehofer, 'B a rb a r a Mensinger, Janet Rarnandanes, Barb a r a Stock, Tatiana• Armstrong, Jane Curran, Ruth Grigoletti and Pa tricia Nesbit. Sophomores are Donna .Aikens, Eleanor McKenzie, Martha Culai anni, Grace Hampel, Nedalyn Charmbury, .Beate -Maron, Su zann Santee, Barbara C. Jones, Janet Campbell, Mary Burke, Joan Hill, Elizabeth George, Mar garet Porterfield, Carole Avery, Sylvia J. . - Barbara Bollinger, Marilyn Black,- Mary Lou Benner, Eliza- "It's for You M o therh ! !" . ~,..,;,,,,,,,,gt. . Remember your egf" , :.f.: • ,,,. . - '•; . :.1 ***-, t,:.4k l tt , Mother on her day, ... ,i . i. ....,..... : . :: , 1 ,,,,.. - -- 4„4-0- -, Ma - y 10. Griggs . fit will•help 1 7" - ;,.... , 0.V k - ,;%;:t3 Pharmacy 'AMW,„'''IN,:'-' .:0 --.... • ::,:cw bl- 3 .1.-0 .. you choose a beautiful gift— economically priced—to please your Mother. You'll find at Griggs' Pharmacy a variety of gifts froth which to select the one for your Mother. Such as . . . RUSSELL STOVER CANDY JEWELITE BRUSHES, COMBS, LENTHERIC - TOILETRIES MIRRORS and SETS _ . WHITE & WYCHOFF - AYER TOILETRIES . . STATIONERY WHITMAN'S CANDY • Don't forget an American Greeting Mother's Day card. . Stop in. today and buy a beautiful present that .would please your mother. , , - . • Griggs Pharmacy ...... • , .. Opposite Old Main - THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ~0-~~es3 Pi Kappa Alpha Newly elected officers of Pi Kappa Alpha are. Chester How ells, president; Andrew Schoerke, vice_ president; James McGoff, house manager; Dick Bouchet, IFC representative and Rodney Stegall, historian. Delta Sigma Phi New initiates of Delta Sigma Phi are Thomas Furbee, Willard Kline, Joseph Geubtner, Robert Palladino, Donald Schaeffer, Richard Rice, Robert. Kortner, Edward Duffy, John McEwen, John Greiner, Daniel Holden, Ed ward McNellis, Charles Berryhill, Parker Reist, William Evans and Thomas Richards. Alpha Xi Delta Fall and spring pledge • classes of Alpha Xi Delta entertained sorority mothers Monday at a spa ghetti dinner at the Tavern. beth Allen, Janet Stevenson, Con stance Paa k h, Jean Graham, Terry . Dolson and Alma Street. Eeach girl has been given tick ets for the May Day program. 'Canning' Queen Can Anticipate Eventful Week • Any Penn State coed can be come a queen to represent Penn sylvania's canning industries June 22 to 27. In representing , the industry during this week the queen will appear on television, take part in radio programs, be hostess at re ceptions and. banquets, and meet interdting people . . . all with expenses paid. Entrants for the contest will be judged on personality, general appearance, and willingness to learn some information about the industry. , To enter the contest women must be students at Penn State, residents of Pennsylvania, and must be free to travel June 22 to 27. ' . . Application blank's for the con test are available in women's dor mitories. They should be returned by Sunday with an attached pic ture to .a member of the contest committee. Members of the committee are Jean Mastin, Joan Packard, Viy ian Drayer, Jean Good and Wil liam Bucklew. The contest and Canning In dustry Week is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Canners Associa tion, American Can Co. and As sociated Canning Industry. Student Involved In Auto Accident - Richard Heim, fourth semester electrical engineering major, was involved in an accident Monday on Garner street near E. College avenue when his car struck Geral dine Beres, age 5, 352 E. College avenue. _ The girl suffered minor bruises - 71. d was not hospitalized. •. CHARLES • CHARLES fa- CHARLES • - E • It's Nancy Bailey of Kappa Alpha Theta in one of our new spring gowns E. Bring . down Mom on Saturday 1111111IDIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIL Religion— ICSF Square Dance To Aid . Scholarship Fund The Interchurch Student Fellowship will hold a square dance at 7:30 tonight at the Wesley Foundation. Proceeds will -go to the scholarship fund for the' National Christian Universq. The fund has now reached over $lOO. Westminster Fellowship will provide refreshments for the dance, and. the Wesley foundation decor ations. Lutheran Student Associa tion and Penn State Christian As sociation will take care of the opening games, and Donald Plas terer, new president of ICSF, will conduct the closing services, Chauncey P. Lang, professor of agricultural extension, will do the calling for the square dance .Nev:rman Club will hold a lawn party and informal dance in hon or of graduating seniors at 8 tonight at Phi Kappa. The dance party is open to all students. Hillel Foundation will present certificates and pins for outstand ing service at 8 tonight during evening service. Open house for students and parents will' be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday. A tour of the foun dation will be held for visitors. The Rev. Frank Torrey of Cal vary Independent Church of Lan caster will speak to the Inter- Varsity Bible Fellowship at 7:30 tonight in 405 Old Main. After the meeting, the Rev. Torrey.will be available for interviews at a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hocker, 355 E. Foster avenue. Roger Williams Fellowship will hold its regular meeting and sup per. at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. All stu dents may attend. Chapel Choir Tryouts Tryouts for new tenor and bass members of Chapel Choir will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. today in 213 Carnegie. • -4 Senior gaff beauty . . Wisps of nylon tulle, sparkling silk shantung, ruffles, strapless styles with stoles . . . Exactly what you want for your new gown! 124 SOUTH ALLEN ST. Mortar Boa rd Taps Sixteen Sixteen women were tapped at 6 a.m. today by Mortar Board, senior women's hat society. Tappees are Ethel Brown, Mari lyn Buzby, Judith Callet, Peggy Crooks, Juliana Fees, Nancy Gem mill, Ruth Israel, Jane . Mason, Diana Miller, Eliza Newell, Caro lyn Pleczar, Patricia Prichard. Betsy Siegler, Marian Ungar and Ellen Wanda Larson-Saylor Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Saylor of Bethlehem announce the en gagement of their daughter, Jane Davis, to Peter C. Larson, also of Bethlehem. Miss Saylor is an eighth semes ter science major, and a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Larson, an eighth semester agron omy major, is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. It's Banned in Paris! AXO and SAE present THE FLAPPER FOLLIES CHARLES . . CHARLES • Send the bill to Dad He'll be glad you did! STATE CO EGE,PA. • = mummtimmuutaste' PAGE PirrlC engagemenb DON'T MISS IT!
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