■ TUESDAY, MARCH 17, " '1953 Malenkov Told To Back Peace Wit h $i nee ri t y WASHINGTON, March 16-(£>)—'The.United States joined other Western countries today in challenging Soviet Premier Malenkov to prove the sincerity of his inaugural talk about world peace with action. The State Department tempered its challenge, however, with a statement that it received “with interest” the assertion, by the new Soviet leader that all issues with the United States and other na tions could be’ settled peaceably. It noted also as of some sig nificance that Malenkov in his in augural address to the Supreme Soviet in Moscow yesterday “bare ly mentioned” the name of the late Joseph Stalin, his predeces sor. Toft Claims Ike to Oust ■'Leftovers' WASHINGTON, March 16 (JP)— Sen, Taft (R-Ohio) said today President Eisenhower is getting ready to sweep out hundreds of top, policy-making officials whom Taft described, as “New Deal thinkers” left-over from the Tru man administration. At the same time, the Eisen hower administration doused cold water on any move to revive the controversial health insurance program of the Truman regime, dubbed “socialized medicine” by its opponents. These developments came as the new Republican administra tion began to shift into high gear its drive to get its own team and its own policies into operation. Emerging from a White House conference, Taft told newsmen he expects Eisenhower to issue an executive order within a few days stripping away the civil service status that has protected the jobs of numerous policy-making offi cials. Several administration leaders have complained that Democratic blanketing of many key jobs un der civil service has made it im possible for them to name even their own top assistants in some cases. UN Jet Pilots Corner Convoy SEOUL, Korea, Tuesday, March 17 (JP) —Communist trucks hurried along North Korea’s battered roads in unusually large numbers Monday but alert Australian and American jet pilots trapped a one mile-long' convoy and -destroyed or damaged more than 100 ve hicles. Sabre jets destroyed one Com munist MIG fighter in, a brief air battle near the Manchurian bor der. Grad Faculty Club The Graduate-Faculty Research Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the TUB. [^WARNEHfIUa] BARBARA STANWYCK BARRY . SULLIVAN "JEOPARDY" JAMES STEWART JANET LEIGH "NAKED SPUR" British Thriller! "BRIGHTON i ROCK" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Other Western capitals, includ ing London and Bonn, voiced a direct deeds-not-words reaction to Malenkov’s unusually soft spoken speech. Sen. Knowland, chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, proposed the new administration move to have the UN brand Rus sia as an aggressor and violator of the UN Charter. He urged that the U.S. ask other UN members to withdraw recognition of Red China and to declare a complete embargo or blockade of supplies to the Chinese Communists. It is time, he said, that the na tions of the free world “stand up' and be counted.” ' Malenkov stirred real interest within the administration and abroad with his statement that all “troublesome and unsolved” issues with the U.S. and other countries can be solved peace fully! Also noted with interest here was the' absence in his talk of the usual Communist tirades against American “war mongers” and “imperialists.” Since Stalin’s death Soviet officials and press organs have avoided those terms as well as any attacks on Pres ident Eisenhower personally. Tito LONDON,. March 16 (JP) —Pres- ident Tito of Yugoslavia, the first head of a Communist state to vis it Britain, arrived by .ship to day for talks bearing - vitally on Western defense plans in the Bal kans. Resplendent in naval uniform and gold braid, the smiling Red ruler was greeted by the Duke of Edinburgh, the husband of Queen Elizabeth 11, Prime Min ister Churchill and Foreign Sec retary Anthony Eden. SENIORS -V You Have An tmen t with March 24th See a technicolor film presented by The Kroger Co., depicting career opportunities in the fields of STORE MANAGEMENT, FOOD MERCHANDISING, ACCOUNTING, PERSONNEL, REAL ESTATE, WAREHOUSING AND TRANSPORTATION. KRONER OFFERS: • Excellent Starting Salary •Step-by-Step Training'Program • Liberal Profit Sharing Plan • A Free Retirement Plan • Complete Group Insurance Coverage •Military Leave of Absence Policy •An Interesting Dynamic Business DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Interviews scheduled March 25th and 26th at College Placement Service. Register in Advance THE KROGER CO. Picket Ban OK'd By Highest Court . WASHINGTON, March 16 (JP) The Supreme. Court to day upheld the right of Vir ginia courts to halt peaceful picketing if it conflicts with the state’s right-to-work law.. The Virginia law says the right to work may not be de nied because of membership or noil-membership in a labor union. It makes illegal an y agreement between an. em ployer and a union by which a non-union worker is barred from working. Justice Douglas, dissenting, called the court’s decision “a broadside against all picket ing.” Justice Black also dis sented, but did not set forth his reasons. Romulo Named U.S. Selection For UN Post UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Mar. 16 (/P) —The United States- is stand ing firm behind Carlos P. Romulo, chief Philippine delegate, in the hotly-coiitested race for the $40,- 000-per-year tax free job held by Secretary General Trygve Lie. Romulo didn’t get elected last week at the first ballot taken by the Security Council. There will be another turn, perhaps next Thursday, and the U.S. delega tion let it be known today that Romulo is now and will remain its choice. The Big Five will meet Wednesday to see what can be done about an agreement. Some informed quarters said the decision to back Romulo orig inally was taken by President Eisenhower ■ after consultation with the Cabinet. The Cabinet voted unanimously to support the Philippine delegate, it was said. The strong American position for Romulo' bids fair to collide with equally strong Russian op position. rrives in Britain Immediately Tito was sur rounded by swarms of police— many wearing bullet-proof vests. Scotland Yard imposed security precautions without recent paral lel. Tito told his welcomers that he hoped his five-day visit “will greatly contribute to the further strengthening of the friendship, mutual understanding and col laboration between our two na tions.” 7:30 P.M. Atom Blast to Test Radioactivity Effects ATOM BOMB SITE, Nev., March 16 (ZP) —The unseen but deadly l ,y will be a primary factor in to >sion, testing a thousand soldiers presence of poisonous radioactivil morrow’s scheduled atomic explc and two typical American homes. This was disclosed today by Commission in a pre-test brief ing. Dr. Alvin C. Graves, deputy test manager, said that while the nu clear gadget to be detonated from the top of a tower will be of smaller po w e r—equivalent to about 15,000 tons of conventional explosive—than big atomic bombs, “the amount of contamination will be quite large.” The reason is that the low al titude burst is expected to create an enormous dust cloud, probably a mile or more across at the out set. This dust will be powerfully impregnated with fission products from the bursting bomb. Wind Must Be Right The dust cloud, Graves com mented conservatively, “must be watched with caution.” He explained that “we would not want the wind to roll the cloud over troops” or have it eventually drift over and settle on nearby communities. Therefore wind conditions at zero hour tomorrow must be pre cisely right or the test will be postponed. The briefing also brought word of a remote-controlled Navy AD-2 Skyraider jet plane will be flown almost into the very core of the explosion tomorrow. Navy to Develop Drones The purpose of this is to pro vide the Navy with “valuable data for design of new aircraft and the improvement of tactics,” said Col. Paul T. Preuss, United States Air Force officer who is the weapons effect test director for the armed forces special weapons project in Albuquerque, N.M. Preuss’ laconic reference strong ly suggested that the Navy looks to this test to develop tactical jet-powered drones to drop A bombs on enemy fleets or en emy troops. The AD-2 is capable of carrying nuclear bombs. From the factory to you means lowest possible prices on MILITARY INSIGNIA BALFOUR'S at the "A" Store LEARN TO FLY! Lowest rates in the country Can learn by June Four competent instructors Three good planes Here in State College Incorporated—no financial risk See Bill Leifzell in the Athletic Store PAGE THREE scientists of the Atomic Energy $850,000 on 'Voice' May Be Wasted ' WASHINGTON, March 16 (JP) —An exasperated engineer testi fied today the Voice of America is wasting more than $850,000 on the construction of radio trans mitters which, he said, may prove inadequate for the broadcasting job to be done. Albert C. Veldhuis told the Senate investigations subcommit tee that architect-engineers in charge of the program either spurned or ignored any advice his company gave them. Personally, he said, he thinks' the architects-engineers are in competent. 1 “I have been driven on several occasions practically to despair,” Veldhuis said in describing at tempts to get changes in the de sign of the transmitting towers. He added that he felt he “couldn’t cope with this situation.” Veldhuis is chief engineer of the Wind Turbine Company of Westchester, Pa., which received a contract in August, .1950, to build some “curtain” antennae for transmitters costing $1,700,000. BUY YOUR BLUEBOOKS NOW! 3 pages . . 3 for 5c 12 & 16 pages 2 for 5c 32 pages . • 5c each For every $5 in sales, you get $1 in merchandise FREE BX in the TUB
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