THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1952 Eisenhower to Exchange With WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 (W)—President-elect Eisenhower will sit down with President Truman at 2 p.m., EST, next Tuesday to discuss plans for an orderly exchange of administrations. The date was announced by the White House after a telephone call from Augusta, Ga,, where Eisenhower is spending a brief vacation. At the same time Detroit banker Joseph Dodge arrived here on a top flight misilon for the Presi dent-elect: Dodge willlook over the- shoulder of the Truman ad ministration as it prepares next Year's budget—but he will refrain from giving any advice. Eisenhower hasn't seen Truman, his old commander-in-chief, since well before the election Nov, 4. It had been tentatively arranged that he would visit ,the White House Monday. Then the date was fixed firmly for Tuesday. Truman is expected to give his successor a fill-in on the present state of federal affairs. . Dodge told reporters he would not try to mold the budget to the new regime's ideas, and would ac cept no responsibility for the mul ti-billion dollar program President Truman will present to' Congress just before he leaves office. Dodge said "it is not true" when asked if 'he had been offered and had accepted the post of budget director, Asked if he meant it was not true that he had been offered the job, or not true he had ac cepted, he declined to say. Budget plans call for final pres idential approval by Dec. 15. It takes weeks to print the hundreds of pages of tables and figures which make up the budget which Truman must, by law, present to Congress not later than Jan. 18. Dodge's arrival coincided with published reports that the new budget would be in the region of 85 billion dollars—about six bil lion more than estimated spend ing this year. Altoona was so named because of its high situation in the Alle gheny Mountains. For a BETTER Penn State Through GOOD Student Government VOTE LION ATTENTION All Campus Organizations QUEEN OF THE HARVEST BALL Entries Must ‘ Be in by Tuesday, Nov. 25 at Student Union •.., • • V 4.0,00- Books Show FDR Tried Halting Split WASHINGTON, Nov. 12 VP)— A congressional committee pro duced secret documents today showing that President Roosevelt tried—and failed—to prevent Sta lin from breaking off diplomatic relations with the Polish govern ment in exile in 1943. The committee was a special group of House members appoint ed to investigate the Katyn Forest massacre and the diplomatic break which were steps in a detailed plan to communize Poland. Russia severed relations with the exiled Polish government in London April 26, 1943, shortly af ter Germany disclosed the Katyn killings. The Poles blamed the atrocity on the Russians—a view which is supported by the House investigators. State Department documents made public by the committee disclose that two days before the break Stalin sent a personal and confidential note to Roosevelt saying he could no longer coun tenance the "abnormal" conduct of the Free Polish government. Roosevelt replied April 26, the ' documents show, urging Stalin to confine his action to a "suspen sion of .conversations with the' Polish government in exile" rather than a complete breakway. SUBMIT ENTRIES FOR FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Discuss Truman South Koreans Hurl Chinese From 3 Peaks SEOUL, Nov. 13 (EP) South Koreans hurled the Chinese Reds from three pealm on the Central Front in a heroic charge Wednes day, then crushed two night coun terblows in the glare of big Allied searchlights. The 31st day of bruising battle for the Kumhwa ridges found the South Koreans once more in con trol of all ground lost to heavy Chinese attacks Tuesday, includ ing Pinpoint Hill, dominant height on Sniper Ridge. The retrained South Korean in fantrymen stormed Pinpoint while simultaneously rocking back the Chinese from two peaks on the flanks. By nightfall they had recaptured Jane Russell Hill, a height on Tri angle Hill west of Sniper Ridge, and Rocky Poi n t to the east. Rocky Point is a part of the Sni per Ridge — mass itself. Bad weather limited air blows. Those pilots who went aloft claimed destruction of 20 troop buildings and damage to one rail bridge. CA-NDY Conver3alion Plece.3 featuring S. S. Pierce products for • Hors d'oeuvres • Canapes Try Our Imported Biscuits and Spreads, Cheese Sticks Nuts Between the • movies )uth Allen St. The World At a Glance UN Body to Discuss Successor for Lie UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Nov. 12 (W)—The UN Assembly's steer ing committee today unanimously recommended, without a word of debate, that the Assembly take up the politically hot question of naming a successor to Secretary General Trygve Lie. The Assembly itself is expected to agree with the recommenda tion late this week or early next week and farm out the explosive issue to a committee. CIO Delays Conclave PITTSBURGH, Nov. 12 (IP) CIO leaders decided today to de lay their 14th annual convention two weeks and shift it from Los Angeles to Atlantic City because of the death Sunday of CIO Presi dent Philip Murray. Ike, Dewey to Meet AUGUSTA, Ga., Nov. 12 (J President-elect Dwight D. Eisen hower and Gov. Thomas E. Dew ey of New York will talk over the general's forthcoming trip, to Ko rea and other policy matters at a conference here Friday. Are You in This Picture? ijoying delicious food and a friendly atmosphere? R & D's is the place where good friends meet. Pull up a chair and join the gang. What'll you have? oup? andwich? odcx? undae? You'll be cutting down on your snack costs at R & D's, too. Remember -- Coffee is only 5c ! Make yourself at home at . . . Rea & Derick Polish Prelate Accused WARSAW, Poland, Nov. 12 VP) —Warsaw newspapers carried to day accusations of "anti state ac tivity" against the most Rev. Stanislaus Adamski, Roman Cath olic bishop of Katowice. Two weeks ago Bishop Adamski organized a petition in the church es of his diocese calling for re instatement of scripture lessons in the schools. FOR BEST RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS Fresh Stock . . . Automatic Pencils • SCRIPTOS 29c • FINELINES ... $1.65 All size Leads and Erasers $5 in Sales, get $1 FREE at the BX in the TUB "The Friendly Store" PAGE THREE
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