PAGE EIGHT Quartette Harmony -eY from left to right, Robert Burns, George Georgieff, Jack Jenkins, James Shaw. Eisenhower t Preside At Was ington Meeting President Milton S. Eisenhower will preside at the 66th. annual meeting of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities in Washington, D.C., next week. President Eisenhower, who deliver the presidential address sponsibilities and Potentialities Guild Starts Play Series On Monday The first in a series of four radio dramas adapted from Greek plays will be presented by the Radio Guild 9:30 p.m. Monday over station WMAJ. This produc tion, Aeschylus' "Agamemnon," will inaugurate the first known series of Greek plays to be pre sented over any radio station. The weekly plays that follow will include "Aedipus Rex," "Tro jan Women," and Aristophanes' comedy, "Frogs." A semi-permanent company has been formed to produce the shows, which will include trained speaking choruses. Directors of this week's "Aga memnon" are Ann Jeanette Jones and producer-director John Price. The cast will include Craig, San ders, Mesrop Kesdekian, Patricia Marstellar, Charles Folkers, Don ald Colbert, Ruth Lyne, Al Beli asov. The men's chorus, or. Elders, will include Sanders. Ralph Sir ota, Ira Apple, Don Barry, Mark Wallace, and Johyt Citron. The women's chorus will have Nell Whaley, Muriel Stein, Jo anne Church, Connie Melvin, Gi gi Anton, and Priscilla Mullin. Faculty-adviser to the produc tion will be David R. Mackey; technicians. Dianne Koppelmen, and Nancy Luetzel; and engineer, Frank Baxter. All those listening to the broad cast are urged by John Price to submit their opinions to the De partment of Speech in 300 Sparks. Business Leaders To Meet Tuesday The second meeting of the Fu ture Business Leaders of Amer ica will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Phi Kappa Sigma. Students enrolled in the busi ness education curriculum or in terested in the business field may attend the meeting. The program will include a panel discussion between foreign students doing work in the busi ness education division and mem bers of the business education faculty The Jikes and dislikes of European and American schools will be discussed. A social hour will follow. BEAT SYRACUSE! is president of the association, will on Tuesday. His topic will be "Re of the Land-Grant Colleges." Others who will speak are Dr. John A. Hannah, president of Michigan State College, on resi dent instruction; Dr. Reuben G. Gustayson, chancellor of the Uni versity of Nebraska, on research; and Dr. Lewis W. Jones, presi dent of Rutgers University, on adult education activities. Included in the points to be discussed at the meetings are the standards for a B.S. degree for veterinary students, plans for a state leaders' workshop, re search for small industries, im provement of training of college teachers, and the responsibility of home economics in education for living in today's world. Faculty members who will at tend the meetings are Dean Ly man S. Jackson, J. Martin Fry, Dr. Michael A. Farrell, Dr. Rus sell B. Dickerson, Lydia Tarrant, and Elton B. Tait, all of the School of Agriculture. Dean Eric A. Walker, Kenneth L. Holderman, Elmer R. Queer, and Robert Ramsey, all of the School of Engineering, will at tend the meetings. Members of the School of Home Economics who will attend are Dean Grace M. Henderson, Dr. Dorothy Houghton, Dr. William M. Smith Jr., and Dr. Ruth R. Honey. Dean Ben Euwema and Dr. Seth W. Russell of 'the School of Liberal Arts, and J. Orvis Keller and Edward L. Keller of Central Extension will attend. Grad Problems To Be Studied The Graduate Student Council decided Thursday night to sub mit questionnaires among• mem bers of the Graduate School to study the problems encountered by graduate students on campus. Woods Thomas, president of. the Graduate Student Associa tion, announced that a constitu tion has been approved by the council and will be submitted to the graduate student body for ratification. When it is ratified, it must be passed by the College Senate for the Graduate Student Council and Graduate Student Association to be recognized as official campus organizations. Roseann Brooks, chairman, re ported the mixer held for mem bers of the faculty and graduatz. l students was a success. Plans were discussed for another social event to be held probably in De cember. College Offices to Close College offices will be closed to the public Armistice Day, President MU'on S. Eisenhower has announced. Classes will be held as scheduled. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Proposals -- EgiME (Continued from page two) of facilities of the BX, most of which already have been put in use. These include use of the Tem porary Union Building for a self service area, the establishment of a' new inventory system, and the use, of a new bookkeeping setup. In summarizing his subcommit tee report, Kelly told cabinet that the BX is definitely growing and that provisions have .been made in the proposed Student Union building for expansion of the service. Following cabinet approval of the seven P.X recommendations, Kelly presented a progress report of BX, pointing out that business has increased 59 per cent over 1951. The BX returned $1843 to students for books sold and is still returning more, Kelly said. He also announced that the BX check book balance as of Tuesday was $2624.30, with no outstanding debts. John Laubach, All-C ollege president, presented to cabinet the topic of selection of one or more representatives to attend a trip to the United Nations in New York Dec. 11-14, sponsored by the Penn State Christian Association. Cabinet postponed considera tion of the matter until more defi nite expense costs could be as certained, as the proposal before cabinet contained the suggestion that cabinet pay at least part of these expenses. Cabinet approved a motion by m;~•,v,..ezr~..>......_ '? ,ra . ~ ' ~, t i• n .,.,,, 0 ,... Y*w;•,;•.•,.~.,•v..e•'.,,e,:~ q . ;w..•[~,. ~~• Richard Rostmever. All-College Business Meeting Set secretary-treasurer, that $9O be set aside for a Christmas lawn Monday by ACEI display on the lawn of Old Main. The Association of Childhood A similar sum was set aside last Education International will hold year. its November business meeting .at Displays are built by Pi 'Gam- 7:30 p.m. Monday at the organiza ma Alpha, architecture honorary, tion-sponsored "Children's Book after students and student groups Fair" in Westminster Foundation turn in ideas for the structure. Hall. Donald Herbein was replaced, All those interested in the wel after resignation by Robert Smoot fare and development of children as a member of the cabinet leader- are urged to attend, according to ship committee. Therese Moslak, ACEI president. CLASSI-FIEDS - FOR RENT LOST ROOM WITH use of kitchen. Call 8441 MAN'S WALLET 'with valuable cards and ext. 2345. cash. Reward. Call Ray Boyd 7167. ROOM IN new modern faculty home— HELP! HELP ! Everyone Alert! Has any with tile bath. Corner Prospect and Fra- one seen a flying dessert? If you see one, zier, near Protestant and Catholic Church. Please make a call to the dieticians' office, Private entrance. Phone 2584. Atherton Hall. FURNISHED ROOM centrally located. DARK BLUE Parker 51 P M_.Kng.. Vic ' s or encil Tuq : after- Suitable either in 108 Suitable for 2 graduate students, share bath with other room. Rented single or between the two. Please call Don Plasterer double. Phone 6773 before 5 p.m. 3251. • GRAY TOPCOAT, wallet in pocket con taining valuable papers; at 10 a.m. in WANTED E.E: Oct. 31. Contact Dittbrenner, Nittany 24-13. Phone 5051-284. 1 have your coat. RIDE FOR 3 imports from Reading next $lO reward to finder. weekend. Leave Reading , 3 p.m., return BLUE-FRAMED Glasses in red case. Lost Sunday afternoon. Call Bill, 4091. Friday between Atherton and .DU. Re ward. Call Margaret Stevenson. 311 Ath- RIDE FOR 3 wanted to Pittsburgh either erton. Nov. 21 or 22. Call Annie or Janet, McAllister 72. AOPi JEWELED Sorority Pin. Name on back. Lost Sunday. Call Jo Horriaberger. SHARE ROOM with private bath in ex- 35 McElwain. change for chores in Apt. House. No PERSON WHO took Penn State jacket in firing. Apply 123 W. Nittany Ave. Ask for Penn State diner on Oct. 27. I have C. R. yours. My name is inscribed inside jacket. . RIDE TO Philadelphia or vicinity. Friday Call Sherman Francisco, ext 1198. Nov. 7 after 4 o'clock. Call Margaret, <IS- ext. 1095. FOR SALE .Jefore .ggestion FOUND MOUTTON LAMB fur coat. Good condition. Call 4202 after 5 p.m. -ast part of '37 FORD SEDAN—radio, heater, electric TUX RENTALS for Junior Prom. Get your fuel pump. Sacrifice at $95. Contact .ved a motion h" size in early. Hur's Men's Shop. Mose, Nittany 31-18 ext. 291. •' ' • sr." ;! ' <47. .............. .. ......... Give Once . . Campus Chest Recipients 1952 o Penn State Christian Association ea W. S. G. A. Christmas Fund • Salvation Army o Penn State Scholarship Fund o National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students "A# the Rey, When You Give to The HEST Serve SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 8,185 z All • World Student Service Fund •• State College Welfare Fund • American Heart Association • American Cancer Society One 6it - 1953 • :I,rl .:~~:'
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