PAGE EIGHT MIE - riAivr 'COLLEGIAN: STATE' COLLEGE. " 'PENNSYLVANIA . - WEDNESDAY, - 0C V . :Stir 1 , * 1.9d1 ,_ . • _, • • Junior-Class to Meet Keim - to Speak at •PSCA .. Banquet Heads weyl Will Present IPenn Game -- The junior class will meet at • • Paper at Meeting (Continued from Pace none) 7 pan. tomorrow in 105 White James .F; Keim, associate pro- Named by Nil Dr. •W. 'A. Weyl, professor of bracket, or to make all necessary Hall, Richard Lemyre, junior class fesior of ~ agricultural extension, president, has announced. will speak on "Youth and Student refunds. glass' technology and head of the Tickets will be distributed to The most important business of William Fairfield and .Jo h n Department of Mineral - the meeting will be a discussion Activities in 'Western Germany" • • . . applicants at the Athletic Associ- Ruffner were named heads of nology, will present a paper deal-State Christian Asso ation ticket office windows in and planning session for junior at the:. Penn Sta this year's Mineral Industries ing with the sufface chemistry of Old Main , between the hours of class weekend, he said. Thomas cialtion at 7 tonight in :304. Old Banquet committee at last night's soli& today' at the National Re= 8:30 a.m. and noon, and 1:30 p.m. Farrell has : been named junior Main. Susan Holtzinger will be meeting of the Mineral Industries search Council Conference on the and 4:30 p.m. Oct. 23 and 24. class weekend chairman. in charge' 'of• the ,program. Student Council. The banquet is Structure and Properties of Solids. • Athletic AssOciation books must tentatively scheduled for the lat- The,. meetings are being . held, b e presented to obtain the tickets. • • , ter part of April.' this eek at Lake Geneva, Wis. C L ASS 1 F I.ED.S Other banquet committee chair- Dr. Weyl will, discuss the ,chemis- Stat 6 College Borough . .. . men named at the meeting were try of solids at a • meeting of the Harold Wright, date and loca- University of Michigan section Drops Rent Controls HELP WANTED • • FOR RENT tion; Frederick Becker, publicit ; of the American Chemical Society. . Norman Bowne, invitations an y d Rent controls ended at midnight ticket sales; William Warner, wel- 'Old M " Mania News . last night in State College bor- WAITRESS WANTED for night work, preferably a s tu d en t ' s Bennett ' s LARGE FURNISHED ,room. Suitable . for wife.• family. Private lavatory. Weekend visits allowed. Will take care of children. Call come and housing; George Eden, ough, in accordance wi t h the Skyview. State College 6591. activities , and Lewis Wade, en- News of pinnings, engagements deadline set this summer by Con- DANCE INSTRUCTOR,' male or female to 6368 Boalsburg. - ' • - __. _ ___, tertainment. . or marriages of independents for gress. instruct strictly amateur dancers in the . - " "Old Mania should be turned in The State College Borough - ' , . LOST David ' Fleming, president of tact George Donovan at Student Union. to the Froth box at the Student Council recently voted not to ex- the group, named Robert Decker . Union office in Old Main by to- tend the controls, leaving Centre . WANTED , BLUE BILLFOLD, Sunday, containing $2O and Harold Wright to the scholar- and valuable cards, between creamery and ship committee and Russel Peter- morrow, Estelle Sklar, assistant County without rent controls, ex- . Oct.a / rose garden. initials S.A.P.• Call Ath. 151. editorial director said.. . • cept for Port Matilda borough. RIDE TO New York Friday, 3 ter man and Richard Taglang to a ____. . committee on student leadership. Tau. 'Phone 2760. last Wednesday. Contact Lawrence Gold en, 4 Hamilton Hall. ext. 1169. Fleming also announced that . FOR SALE - BROWN ZIPPER wallet , on campus last the election of new members to the- council by the freshmen has BLUE SHARKSKIN suit, size 38 regular; 347, McElwain: ' . been tentatively set for Oct. 30 Good condition, hardly worn, only $lO and may take place in De a n Forum Tickets 42 CHEVYCaII Dave Margolf, 4444. '' • MISCELLANEOUS ••-• . - - • Steidle's lecture class. • 4 new tires, new sedan, radio, heater, s, new battery, $4OO. Call 2798 after 5. RADIOS, PHONOGRAPHS and .combin are now on, sale from Set. •-29th to Oct. 10th. $3.00 per 1936 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Clean— ations REPAIRED.- All work 'guaranteed. Contact Don Bechtel, 730 South Allen Home Ec Plans season. The tickets can be obtained through the faculty, goad running condition—low price. Call street. Phone 6895. Tom, 4232. ... • students, community organizatioil representatives and 1 K and E '7SI.INUSA:: drawing set, like' PENN STATE graduate desires to tutor students in math 0,2, 4,6, 54. or 55. Dance Detads at the S.U. office. - new. Phone 6701, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call State C o ll e ge 3852 after six p.m. Nom- This is the way to be informed of current speakers. LADIES WINTER Coat with fiir cape ; inal ,rates. several dresses; evening gown ; .all sizes VACATION IN 'Europe in 1953. Go with 9-12. Phone 4689 Bellefonte.. other students. See your studies come GET YOUR SEASON TICKETS EARLY! 1941 FORD Deluxe sedan 2-door. Good to life. NO charge for our services. State condition. Radio, heater. Call ext. 281. College Travel Bureau, State College Hotel. Ask for Bob, Nittany 21, Room 18. Phone 7136.. The Home Economic Student Council made final plans last night• for the "Apple Jack Jump" Saturday night in Recreation Hall. The dance is being co-sponsor ed by the Home Economic and Agriculture Student Councils. Omicron Nu and Coaley Society will sell apple cider and pretzels, Jane Mason, - president said. Miss Mary Algood, associate professor of home equipment and commercial consumer services; arid Miss Jeanne Riebold, instruc tor in home equipment and home management we r e elected by members of the council as advis ers for the year. Polly Moore and Mary Lynch were appointed by Mason as rep resentatives from the Home Eco nomics council to serve on the cabinet council project. Coffee Hour - (Coutinued front page one) the first month guests will be - upperclassmen, but freshmen will be invited later in the year. Understanding Results • Students who have not been• invited to a coffee hour but would like to attend will be given an opportunity later in the semester to sign• a list at the Student Un ion desk in Old Main. Invitations will be sent to those who sign the list. The * coffee hour is a joint pro ject of All-College Cabinet and the Dean of Men's office. Discus sions and suggestions presented at these gatherings - have led to changes and to a better under standing of both student and ad ministration problems, a spokes man for the Dean of Men's office said.. Students who have four o'clock classes are welcome at the end of their classes, Warrell said. Forum Tickets (Continued from page two) for tickets. No one will be ad mitted to Schwab without the proper reserved seat tickets. Season tickets will entitle the holder to attend all programs in the series. Signed to appear for the Community Forum this season are Marquis Childs, Washington columnist, Nov. 10; Elsa Lanches ter. character actress and night club entertainer. presented by Paul Gregory on Dec. 8; Walter H. Jud d, Republican congressman from Minnesota, Jan. 9; Hodding Carter, Southern newspaper edi tor and author. Feb. 23; and Be gum Ikramullah, Pakistan states women. Mar. 4. Young Democrats Plan Campaign Issue Talks Campaign issues will be the topic of discussions at the Young Democrats meeting . at 8 p.m. to morrow in 202 Willard. Students interested in joining the Democratic group are invited to the meeting'. according to Ken neth Doverspike. club chairman. The Pack of Gibraltar was 11.9.-11 , =.,1 for Tr rift. IT.ader of the Moors who seized it in the 700's. Write a No box tops! NO ENTRY BLANKS! It's easy! Just write a 4-line jingle based on the fact that LUCKIES ARE MADE BETTER HERE ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write your Lucky Strike jingle on a plain piece of paper or post card and send it to Happy-Go-Lucky, P. 0. Box 67, New York 46, N. Y. Be sure that your name, address, college and class are included—and that they are legible. • . . 2. Base your jingle on any qualitiei of Luckies. "Luckies are made better to taste better," is only one. (See "Tips 'to money-makers.") 3. Every student of any college,.university or post-graduate school may submit jingles. 4. You may submit as many jingles as you like. Remember, you are eligible to win more than one $25 award. • STUDENTS! TO TASTE BETTER!* iszal Lucky Strike Here's your chance to make yourself $25. Just write a 4-line Lucky Strike jingle, based on the fact that Luckies are made better to taste better.* Then, if we select your jingle, we'll pay you for the right to use it, together with your name, in Lucky Strike advertising . . . probably in this paper. Read the sample jingles on this page. Then get the gang together, break but the rhyming dictionary, and start writing. It's fun! And we're buying jingles by the bushel! Hint—if you can sing your jingle, it's a good one! Hint—the more jingles you write, the more money you have a chance of making. Hint—be sure to read all the instructions! *TIPS TO MONEY-MAKERS To write a winning Lucky Strike jingle, you're not limited to "Luckies are made better to taste better." Use any other sales pointS on Lucky Strike such as the following: • L.S./M.F.T. Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco Luckies cigarette-tearing demonstration Luckies taste cleaner, fresher, smoother Be Happy—Go Lucky So round, so firm, so fully packed • So free and easy on the draw Buy Luckies by the carton . . Luckies give you deep-down smoking enjoyment COPR., THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY jingle! dear s k.lne same andevext3 class Illstory, psych ec- For In cleaner, iresher, smoo th er smoms, tk:,s tgacta Strike; t:44 be-cid better -tasking tr. ricge like a n 4 raciness counts witb roe. A So %Oen 1 Wind buy I 'keep in Ibat AWARDS LAST YEAR!
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