PAGE EIGHT Project to Open Greek Program This Saturday will seethe start of something' new on campus— Greek Week. As part 'of • a week-long program of fraternity and sorority activities, designed to strengthen relationships with towns people, Saturday has been designated as community project day. Beginning at 10 a.m. and lasting till 5 p.m., approximately 1000 fraternity and sorority members will cooperate to help clean up State College recreational! areas. These areas are the Sunset and Holmes Foster playgrounds and the community fields. The work schedules have been planned 'by Michael Kirshner, chairman of the.project, so that no group will work longer. than two hours. The work will entail the cutting of trees for fire wood, - 1 pulling•,out weeds, raking, andl. the painting and cleaning of the bo r o ugh ambulance and fire equipment. . Patricia Acosta and Gerry Gib son, co-chairmen of Greek. Week, announced that ,the sorority and' fraternity having the greatest participation in the project will receive recognition. They stressed the' hope that the sororities and fraternities will give their whole hearted cooperation to make the Week a success. Debate Duo To :Compete At West Point Robert Alderdice and •D av i d Lewis will• be among four teams representing the . middle 'Atlantic district in the -West Point national tournament April 23-26. The championship -College • duo, which - recently brought home the Boston National Invitational Tournament cup, was chosen at run-offs at • Georgetown Univer sity this weekend. The other three teams are George Washington University, Howard University, and Georgetown University. Twenty-two schools participated. During the seven rounds of de bate,- Alderdice and Lewisbeat Catholic University,_ Georgetown, Navy, WeStminster College and Grove City College. They lost to the .University of Pittsburgh and l St. Peters College. At the end of the first five rounds of debate Penn State had the highest median rating of any team in the tournament, with an average of 43 out of a possible 50. Prof. Joseph F. O'Brien, men's debate, coach, accompanied the team. Forum -- (Continued from page one) tria by land and air. • "Hitler said he would respect our independence," Dr. Schusch nigg states. "I hoped he would keep his word." . A political figure since 1927 when he was elected deputy of the Christian-Social Party to Par liament, he says he has "absolute'- ly no intention of returning to politics even after the occupying powers withdraw from Austria.' "Every age has its politicians," he says, "and my time is past. I think I could still help m3n country, but not' in politics." , Dr. Schuschnigg was born at Riva, South-Tyrol, and attended a Jesuit school. He served .as an artillery lieu tenant during World War I, and went into politics following a stint as a lawyer. He has written two books deal ing with his homeland. They are "My Austria," and "Austrian Re quiem." The planets in the solar system have among them 31 moons. CONCERT • FRI., April 4 3:30-5:30 Schwab Aud. $1.25 per person Tickets on sale tomorrow at Student Union 1:30 By TED. SOENS Council D'elays Dating Plans Final action on the West Dorm Council plan, for unchaperoned dating in the small lounges of Hamilton, Irvin, and McKee was delayed last night until steps are taken to investigate the possi bility of game rooms being in cluded in the proposal. The council instructed Ralph Griffith, vice president, to- con tact Frank Simes, director of resi dent counselors, and discuss the addition to the original plan. The proposal must be passed by the College Senate before dating will be permitted in the lounges, Grif fith said. Griffith also said the group of student `food tasters would be i used by College food supervisers tomorrow afternoon in the Food Service Building. The plan for the use of students as food tasters was set up about three - weeks ago, according to Griffith. Arthur Simm,, secretary of the West Dorm social .committee, an nounced an exchange dinner dance to be held in the Hamilton Hall - dining hall Friday. He said meal ticket numbers of couples attending the dance must be sub mitted to floor social chairrhen i by Thursday. Look! Another man- switched to Kentucky Club the thoroughbred of pipe tobaccos t/%. 4. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLtar,GE: PENNSYLVANIA Inkling to Stall Sale • On Campus Tomorrow Inkling, campus lit er a r y magazine, will be on sale to morrow for 25 cents in the West Dorm courtyard, or Pol lock Road at the Mall, and in front of the Corner Room. The publicaticin will have in it five fiction stories, poetry, and illustrations. Tree Spraying Brings Warning To Drivers Walter W. • Trainer, supervisor of landscape construction, has warned automobile owners and others on campus that College workers will be spraying trees during the next two weeks. Trainer said that although the milky oil spray will not • injure car paint, human skin, or dress fabric, it should be "avoided .if possible. He suggested that no cars be parked' in areas where there are many large trees. . "If your car or coat is splashed," he added, "don't get excited. It won't harm the car or stain the dress." No effort should be made to wipe the oil film from the car until after the water in• it has evaporated, about an hour af ter the liquid hits the car, he ex plained. He said workers will do every thing possible to avoid splashing, and will spray the more heavily congested areas over the week end. , Senate -- • .(Continued from rage one) proval of the committee. • Bentley also said that financial considerations did not enter into the decision of the committee. He said finances were in the hands of the graduate manager, Harold R. Gilbert. •He indicated, how ever, thgt, the budget of the wrest ling team was in better shape than that o! the boxing team. Nine Spaces Available For United Nations Trip Nine more students are needed to go to New York on the United Nations tour sponsored by the Penn State Christian Association, Luther Harshbarger, executive director of the PSCA, announced last night. The tour will last from Thurs day until Sunday. Busses are scheduled 'to leave State College at 6 a.m.' Thursday and interested students may sign up in 304 Old Main before 5 p.m. today. DO IT TODAY! SWITCH TO ivuLD KENTUCKY CLUB • Notice how much * better your plpe tastes—how much fresher.your mouth feels When you switch to Kentucky Club. Send for free catalog showing fine pipes and how to get them -at big savings. Mail Pouch Tobacco Co., Wheeling, - West Va. Dept. 39 47'WoMen (Continued from oage one) For vice president: - Ethel:Brown, Nancy Lusk, Janet Melzer,_ and Barbara Wallace. For Secretary, 7 treasurer—Carole Avery, Eleanor Gwynn; Ona Kay Lee, and Martha liojOn. For intramural chairrrian—a tricia Colgan, Virginia • Hinner, and Jean Johnston. Joanne Williams and Nancy Worthington are WSGA and WRA elections chairmen: respectively. Belli Lettres Speaker William B. Edgerton, assistant professor of Russian, will a meeting of ' the Belle Lettres club at 7 tonight in Atherton loun • e. CLASSIFIEDS/ ROOM & BOARD ROOM and BOARD at Marilyn- Hall. $l6 per .week. Ask for Mrs. Bileat:d at ,„31.7 E. Beaver Ave. FOR RENT FIRST FLOOR room with bath and outside entrance in private residence. 'Available to one student in exchange -for. twelve hours work per week. Apply in per Son after 6:00 p.m: at 740 W. Fairmount Ave. TWO DOUBLE rooms for IFC weekend Call 2129. LOST SLIDE RULE lost in vicinity of Main En gineering. Black case. Name inside, Mart man. Phone State College 2737. A PAIR of glasses in brown case. If found, please return to Student Union office. LOST—TOPCOAT at ZBT Saturday night. I have your trenchcoat. Call ext. 1168 for Edward Karasevich. BLACK ROYAL typewriter somewhere in Hamilton Hall. In carrying casea Re turn to 226 Hamilton Hall. Reward. LOST IN Rec Hall at wrestling matches: clear plastic rimmed glasses. Call Sam 4939. HELP WANTED TUTORING IN Chem. 2,3, .4 by Junior staff member. Single and group rates. Call J. Coates after 6 p.m., 7984. FOR SALE PHOTOSTATIC COPIES of discharges, legal papers, - diplomas and other valu able documents. 25c—page. Centre County Film Lab., 122 W. Beaver. 1940 PACKARD, radio and heater. Six cylinder, 3 new tires, new radiator, valve job, new brakes, new battery; 8200. Call 4698. 1931 CHEVROLET. 4-door sedan. Good condition. Call 2534, 243 W. Park Ave. KEEP YOUR trailer snug and warm with a Coleman oil heater, model , 666 A. Radi ating, circulating 31,000 BTUs an hour. Fuel-air control saves up to 25% on fuel ; low draft burner, oversize heat exchanger, new functional air flow design. See it soon at Houts. 0. W. Houts & Son, Inc. N. Buckhout, State College; 6703. RCA VICTOR 45 r.p.m. victrola and radio -combination. Excellent condition. Call 45 Simmons v:Wi/droot - LIQUID CREAM SHAMPOO More than just a liquid, more than just a ,4eam ... new Wildroot Liquid. Cream .Shampoo is a combination of the bait of both. Even in the hardest waier"Wildroot Shampoo washei hair gleaming clean,, manageable, curl isrviting.without robbingliir of its. natural oils.. Soapfeii tudsy.:'.Lanolle Lovely) P. S. Ulu) hair iiseat haulm skampos Wildroot ,rrans HairDressOb TITESDAY; . MARCH 25, 1 Fiermciii.Cancert . Tickets for. the Woody 'Her man concert to' be, given on . April 4, will' go on - sale to morrow at the' Student Union d'e'sk Main.- Tickets will cost $1.25 Per person.- The Pan dance 'tickets will go on sale • April 4 for $4 per couple. Tenochtitlan, the capital' of Mexico, was in Aztec days a city of canals much like Venice is to day. . One of the many members of the herring fathily is the men haden. CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS KEEP YOUR trailer snug and warm with a Coleman oil heater, model 666 A. Radi ating, circulating, 31,000 . BTU's an hour. Fuel-air control saves up to 25% on fuel; low draft burner, oversize heat exchanger, new functional air flow design. See it soon at Houts. 0. W. Houts & Son, Inc., N. Buckhout, State \ College; 6703. IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs, just call 2492 or hying machine to 633 W. College Ave. Mr. Beatties' 28 years ex perience is at your service. TYPING AND mimeographing—Secretarial Service Room 207, - Hotel State College., Phone 4906. RHYTHMICAL RENASCENCE in Dixie- land Jazz.; Larry Anesco, Flip Eiland et cie, Paradise—Wednesday night. Danc ing 9 :30 to 12:30. TENNIS FANS it's. Hassinger for racket stringing the no-awl way. Prompt_ serv ice—guaranteed work—longer life to string and racket. R. T. Hassinge'r, daily White Hall, after 5 p.m., 514 East Beaver Ave. FOUND PAIR DARK horn-rimmed glasses in brown case; 306 E. Foster Ave., Locust Lane apartments. Owner can redeem glasses by paying for ad. • A BARREL of terrific entertainment for I.F.C. weekend in the Penn State Thes. pians' fabulous Connecticut Yankee. ATTENTION RAILROADERS HO Supplies -and KITS Custom Building Mon. to Thur. 6 to 10 p.m. , Telephone 7167 136 5 7 Atheiton St. THREE 2V 59d.956
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