TUESDAY, .MARCH 25, 1952 Quill .- Girl Vote Set for '..Tod.q.v.----:-: Voting for the 1952 , Quill 'Girl, who be honored : at the annual Matrix Table, sponeored.:by..Theta Sigma women's pro fessional journalism , fraternity, will , be held during the Women's Student Government Association and Women's Recreation Asso cition primaries today. The candidates for Quill Girl are Mary. Jane Woodrow, WSGA president; Marilyn Williams, WRA preSfaent; and Nancy McClain, president of Mortar Board, senior women's honorary. All women students, are eligible to vote for Quill Girl. Ballots will be avail;- able at all WSGA-WRA voting centers The , deadline for, accepting in vitations to the Matrix Table is noon today. Over 100 invitations and tickets have- been sent out to outstanding women on cam pus, according to Janet Bleutge, president of, Theta Sigma Phi. Can; Matrix Girls In addition to Quill Girl, two other senior women will be ored at the dinner, which Wilk:Be held Monday at the University Club. • The title 'of Cap Girl will he: given to the woman who has par. ticipated in the most varied ac- , tivities. The Matrix Girl Will he the woman who has served the College without recognition in Cwens, Chimes, or Mortar Board, women's activities horioraries. The Cap and Matrix Girls will be elected by members of Theta Sigma Phi. All three candidates for Quill Girl are members of Mortar Board. Miss Woodrow is also a member of .ChiineS, Alpha Lamb da Delta, freshman women's schol astic honorary, and Pi Lambda Theta; women's education honor ary. Miss Williams is a member of Cwen s . , Lakonides, women's physical education honorary,' and Pi Lambda Theta. Miss McClain is a member of Chimes, Players, and Treble Singers. Editor to Speak Each year a woman who has achieved success in the field of journalism is engaged as Matrix Table speaker. This year Mrs. Charlotte Adams, housekeeping editor ,of Charm 'magazine, will speak. Mrs. Adams is the author of two books," "The Ru n of the House" and "You'll Eat it Up." She , has been foods editor for the Associated. Press and Look and Collier's Magazines. The Matrix Table is an annual affair observed by chapters of Th9ta Sigma Phi throughout the United States. Panhel - Coundi To IVleet Tonight Panhellenic - Council :Will meet at 6:30 tonight in Grange hall playroom to discuss revisions in the -Panhellenic constitution and to nominate 'a slate of- officers. Discussion of matters before All-College Cabinet, including the constitutional amendments per taining to the Freshman Customs Board, the Board of Publications, and the 25 cent fee raise to ,pay the costs of judging teams is on the. agenda. The council will also discuss the IFC-Panhel Ball and Greek Week. • FACT . .., • The first class , : thatti ;graduated frOm Penn State had eleven • meMbers.- This was also the first class that graduated at 'an Agricultural College in the United States. For .first claqs service and delicious- food, come, 'to Vic's. Here you will find attractive prices along with a pleasant atmosphere. Come in tonighf_for an evening snack: • . PY. , . • • rr „ . C 145 S. ALLEN ST. • • • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN., STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Pcor:tiiiin.;POw Or's' Mr. , - and-,Mrs. W. H. POwers of Stateveajle*Ae' have:annoUnced the. engagefnent i r daughter, Sylvia , ,,. t 6 Paul 'Poorman, son of Mr: anct Mrs.. W. P. Poorman of Lock flaxen: Miss. Powers is a junior in the Schoolof Home Economics, and is majoring -in home economics joUrnalisin. She is editor of News ,and ViseWS,' publication of the Schools of Economics, and e! is :a nin.b.r of the Home Eco nonnics• •WidenC.couifc.il;'. Cwens; sophomore' w en's activities honorary; Theta''Sigma Phi, wo men!cp r of e - s sional journalism fraternity;•-.and' Phi Upsilon Omi cron, - home 'economics honorary Mr. Poorman wa s graduated from the College in January. He majored in journalism and was a member of the senior board of the Daily- Collegian; Par m i Nous, senior men's hat society; Andro cies, junior men's hat society; and Sigma Delta Chi;:professional journalism fraternity: He is now stationed • at Grenier Air- Force Base. N. H. • Co:edito Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha entertained Al pha Gamma Rho at a / square dance at the fraternity house.' Dances were called' by Chauncey Lang. Following the dancing, refresh ments were served, and- frater nity and sorority songs were sung. Chi Omega The sisters of Chi Omega held a • breakfast in honor of the sor ority's new pledges Sunday morn ing in the suite. Following the breakfast, ,members of the sor ority attended chapel in a' group. Barmish, Kaplan Reign at Carnival Ascher Barmish and Adele Kap lan were crowned king and queen Saturday night at the- Hillel Pur im Carnival, which raised $OOO for the United Jewish Appeal. Phi Sigma Sigma's booth, was judged best decorated, Pi Lamb da Phi's raised the most money, and Sigma Alpha Mu's was judg ed most unusual. Clifford A. Nelson, associate professor of economics, Dr. • Ger ald B. M. Stein, and Jack Brom berg judged the booths. Leonard Krieger and Janice Freedman were. co-chairmen for the carnival. The campuS UJA goal this year is $4200. Most of the money 'is raised- through personal *contri butions. ' WRA Schedules IM Duiplicate Bridge Hands Duplicate hands will be played in intramural bridge Thursday nigh t, the WRA Intramural' Board decided et_ a meeting last night. The use of duplicate hands will replace dealt hands as an experiment to judge in skill rather than luck. The board also voted to have inter-class volleyball near or after Easter vacation: All th e intramurals not played due to sorority rushing are being made up this week except bowling. Bowling is being played as originally scheduled. 60 to Attend ZBT Conciave • Approximately 60 delegateS will attend the annual sectional con vention of Zeta Beta Tau to be held at the College this weekend. Leadership training school for officers and future officers of the various chapters, as Wrell"as busi ness sessions, will conzprise the main Dorton of the convention. A banquet• Saturday at the State College Hotel and a dance Saturday night at the Zeta Beta. Tau house will be included in the social program of the convention. Fundamentals - (Continued from page four) economy is geared to the pro duction of military arms' and equipment. The youth of the nation is reminded constantly , of its duty to serve in the armed , forces. And radio commercials and newspaper advertisements • extol the benefits of the 'Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force. To link the present administra tion with a military state is a convenient political ax with which the opposition can -strike a blow, but it remains to be seen whether a new administration can cope With the problem of slashing mili tary requirements. It seems doubt ful that even an Eisenhower would dare cut military spending. Two alone - A Perfect HONEYMOON Enjoy the perfect privacy of a cot tage all your own (automatically I heated, with lath) at a friendly g - uest house deep in. wooded hills. I Open all year for newlyweds only. • Rates include meals (breakfast un til 11:00). Mention dates if you I wish our Three Honeymoon Plans and other folders. THE FARM ON THE HILL Swiftwater, R. F. D., Pennsylvania c IMMNII= t,"11, Send a,,ota l e,e k 0 " i 1 1,1 Fitt every letter ...1 SPECIAL March 15 to 31 •6" Contact Prints Jumbo Prints from same negative 1 print 5c- . .1 priitt 3 prints 13c . 3 priiits 15c 6 prints 24c 6 priiiti29c 25 prints $l.OO 25 prints $1.25 24 - HOUR . SERVICE CENTRE CO. FILM LAB Alpha Sigma Phi Alpha Sigma Phi entertained Alpha Omicron Pi T hursday night. A show by the pledges of the fraternity was presented, and refreshments were served. Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Sigma entertained. Gamma Phi Beta for dinner Wed nesday. James Davis and Ray mond Barr provided piano enter-, tainment. After just a few minutes 'conversation during the sitting with lovely Betty, we knew we had our next "O.K. Joe" girl. At the• top you see a beautiful portrait of Betty. Now notice the one below. Believe it or not it was made from The very same negixtive by merely,tilting the image..At the LION STUDIO variations of this, sort are graphically dem onstrated :to you on your proofs for your utmost satis faction. You are probably interested in. the prices of fine por traits. We think that you will be - pleased to know that you can have six 5" x 7" portraits for as little as $14.95. Why not call 4454 today and make an appointment. .51;, CCM S .'•~y~'~.......... Miss Betty Smucker, Kappa Alpha Theta The Studio -with the Crimson Door PAGE FIVE Matrix Table Deadline Noon today is the deadline for accepting invitations to the annual Matrix Table, sponsored by Theta Sigma Phi, women's professional fraternity. Women who received invitations and tickets may -present the tickets and $2.75 at the Student Union desk in Old Main, where they will be stamped. °Lay )oe?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers