'TtiESDAY . :114Attaf;s 4 f 8 :' 1952 WSgA i . WRA.' ' Announce Sidte,..of 5--,..'-,,r.'Cari.iii-dates Thirty-eight of the 48 self-nominated candidates for the Wornen's Student Government Association's spring .electionS Were approved by the elections board over the weekend. All 16 _Of the ... Women's Recreation Association's' can didates were approved, and WSGA candidates are: • For nresidentr-:Yvorine Carter. Janet Herd, and. Jo#n Hutchon. Vice President • For vice • president—Mary Jan ice Carstensen, P eggy Crooks, Carolyn Pelezar; •Pktricia Prich ard, Marian.J.lnga:r,tAtV Barbara Weris. " . . For treasuker Arlene Borge son, MarilYn 'DuPont. Baylee Friedman. and: Nlaild.;:B6}awn. For. senior senator—Bernadine Fulton, . Phyllis Kalson, Carolyn McElroy, Barbara :Norton, Nancy Showers, and Joarine'lWilliainS. For j 1.1„n i o r senatort-Marilyn Buzby, Carol Mattneriane Mil ler, Winifred, Rhoad_Patripia Rile, Betsy-- Nan c y Supplee, Nancy White, and MAry Sullivan. , Sophomore Sailor::: For . sophomore. senator= - ever ly Dickinson, Patricia Ellis, Jane Evans, Sylvia Grube, Mary Mano, Barbara Pick; Katharine jtey.-, nolds, and Joyce Shusman. For town •s e n at o Bre.nernan and Barbara Dennis ton. , WRA candidates are: - • , ' FOr• president —MabelMarple; Jane Whitney, and Meredith..Wil2 liarnso'n.. . . WRA Vice President For vice president—Ethel Brown, Nancy Lusk, Janet Mel zer. and Barbara Wallace. For secretary-treasurer—Carole Avery, Eleanor Gwyrin, , 'Ona 'Kay Lee, and Martha 13ojahn., For intramural chairman P atricia Colgan, Virginia - Hinner, and Jean Johnston. For assistant 'intramural chair man B e'a t e- Maxon and Marie Wagner. , " Housemeetings Candidates will be introduced at _housemeetings tonight; tomor row, and Thursday. The schedule follows: Tonight-9:15, Thompson, WS GA president, vice president, 71-reas urer, and sophomore senator, and all WRA candidates; 10:30, Mc- Elwain, WSGA •president, vice president, treasurer, senior sena tor, and junior senator, arid all WRA candidates. McAllister Schedule Tomorrow 9:15 p.m., McAllis ter,- WSGA president, vice pres ident, -treasurer, and sophomore senator, am:loan WRA candidates; 10 pan., Atherton, WSGA presi dent, vice president, treasurer, senior • senator, junior senator, an - dsophomore senator, and all WRA candidates. - Thursday 9:30 p.m., Woman's Building. WSGA president, vice president, treasurer, - and sopho more senator, and all WRA can didates; 10 p.m.. Grange, WSGA president, vice president, treas urer, senior senator, junior sena -toxy. and -sophomore senator, and all • WRA , candidates; 10:30 p.m., Simmons. WSGA 'president, vice president, treasurer, senior sena tor,: and. junior senator, and all WRA • candidates. C...n g agerrielzb Rosenberg-Feldstein Mr. and Mrs. William Feldstein 'Of.`:Stinhury have announced the engagement of their daughter, Lois, to Jerome Rosenberg, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenberg of Seta:rib:M. ~ ...TVis Feldstein is a sophomore in the School of Liberal• Arts. Mr. Rosenberg is • a senior, majoring in, accounting. Activities Cards Women students have been re quested to complete • theix ties :Cards On file in •the. Dean'.of Women's office. • Mrs. Cordelia Hibbs, assistant to the Dean of Women, explained that several organizations, use, the files in • considering , prOspective members. " The cards may •be completed any . • time during regular! office hours in • the Dean : , .of ,iWornen!s office; 105 Old . . . tiAiEy'coi,LEdiA - N. STATE COLLEGE. • PENNSYLVANIA nterviews were. c'a nc e 1 e d 11/ ' ' ••• Beaver House- • The Beaver House 'has initiated EdWin ' Geasa. Richard GriffithS, Edward •Haag,, 'Larry: Himmel stein, Frank Hutchinson, .Michael Sorokach, and., David Thomas. Recently pledged to the fra ternity were John Goshorn, John Guckin, .Herbert GUmpf, Michael Sabo, and Frederick Tice. , . Phi Gamma Delta • • New officers.'of Phi' Gamma Delta are Robert ',Gran, president; Richard - Bunnell, treasurer; Wil ham Forrey, recording secretary; Willi t am Walters, corresponding secretary; David Fishburn, his torian; James Dean, caterer, and Norman 'Moentniann, house man ager. Phi' Delta ,Theta New initiates of Phi Delta Theta are Nicholas C-asdale, Donald Her-- bein, Robert Hollen, - and John Millen. New „pledges, , of.. , the: , fraternity r i jPSepW Barriett;• John Croft, rank • DeSalle'; Paul 'Dierks, Wil liam Eggers, Richard Hamer, Wil liam !McCullough, John - Moore; „Robert ` , P,iper,' Galen Robbins, and ppAre Schroeder. • Sigma Delta 'Tau Finch, associate pro fessor ,_of philosophy, discussed of.the spheres at a cultural hour held by Sigma Delta Tau. Kappa Kappa Gamma•and Delta Delta' Delta'were gUests . at the meeting.. • Chi Omega • Chi-- recently enter tained Beta. Theta Pi at :the fra ternity house. Games were played and a- skit was presented. "Re freshments and dancing followed. Delta Zeta • ..Margaret :Becht was 'named Dream Girt• of Delta' Zeta at the sorority's anniial•Rose Ball. Carole Kowallis received the ideal pledge award. Ducats Available For Press Dance , . Tickets prided at $1.50 per couple are now available. at the Student Unibn desk in Old Main for the first Press Ball. , The dance, which .is sponsored by Signia Delta Chi; Alpha Delta Sigma, and Theta Sigma Phi, jour nalism fraternities, will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the ballroom of the State Col lege Hotel.. Invitations to the informal af fair have been sent to all journal ism majors, members of campus publications, and members of the journalism fraternities. Members of the dance commit tee are ; Bettie Loux and Moylan Mills, co-chairmen, Gharles Coff man, -Robert Fraser, Ernest Moore, William Prokoff, and Joanne Wil liams. Psych Club to Meet The Psychology Club will meet at 7 tonight , in 204 - Burrowes Building. Dr. George M. Lott, College psychiatrist; will speak on "Neurosis or Not Neurosis'" and show slides in, ebnjunction with his .speech. - The 'meeting is open to the public: F.. Krumnne Bike Shop RR 433,*.• I=Ml CharrnEditor To Speak at Matrix Table Mrs. Charlotte Adams, house keeping editor , of Charm maga z'ne, will speak at the annual Matrix Table March 31 at the 'University Club. Mrs. Adam; has worked'.. for PM, been food."editor for the-As sociated Press and Look and lier's:magazines, and had a half hent daily radio . shoi,y on WQXR. the New York Times station. She has written two books.- "The. Run of the 'House" and "You'll' Eat It Up.". . •. ,Sponsored by Theta' Sigma 'Phi: professional women's' journalisM fraternity, the ,dinner will 'honor outstanding coeds. Three • senior women will receive the titles: of Quill, ,Cap / and,Matri women are 'eligible to Nate for the - Quill Girl, ' who will be selected , from the presidents of the Women's Student Gove r n .ment Association. the Women's Recreation 'Association,, and Mor tar Board. Last year :Barbara - Sprenkle. WSGA president, re- ceived 'the award. ' Theta- .Sigma Phi selectS a-. Cap Girl„ who is the woman with the most varied activities, and a Mat rix Girl,- who has served' he Col lege Without being a member of a hat society. Last Year Gay Brun ner was Cap Girl, and Sue Hal perin was Matrix Girl. ,- . 5 O'clock Theater To Present 'Trina' - Mire O'clock Theater will, pre sent • "Trine," a one-act play by Lee Stern at 5 p.m. today-iri the ' Little Theater. basement. of Old Main. The public is admitted free. , . According to S t•e rn, it is 4, "mood play" which will.show, the relationship between a • cynical young newspaper reporter and a 13 year -old girl. Helen, Jaskol will, direct the play, and alternate with , John Pakkanen as director in ,dollow incr- weeks. - Frances Stridinger is technical director. The cast includes Myron •Cole, Seymour.Rubenfeld, Leanne Gold en, Frank Baxter, and Charles Gauntt. White Fellowship Forms Available . Applications are now being-re ceived for the John W. White Fellowship from students `who wish to do graduate work in 1952- 53. Application forms may be ob tained from the Physics depart ment office in 101 Osmond, - and may be turned in to Robert L. Weber,. chairman of the Commit tee on Scholarships and Awards, in 211 Osmond, on or before Mon day. • ' Students • who apply Will be interviewed by the Committee on Scholarships and Aw ar. d s on March 27. HELP WANTED Students desiring to earn up to $1.50 job—see hr. on a steady, part time "Perry." DUX; CLUB . I:28 S. Pugh St: 1 , 3 AND NOW IS THE TIME . 'TO SEE. newly reconditioned bikes. Repainted and overhauled with new and genuine parts. Buy one of these lightweight or balloon tire bikes for as low as $l5 Title Winner gift to, JEFFRIES, Forestry Ball Queen of 1951, presents a gift this year's winner, Shirley Cummings of Altoona. Miss Cummings was sponsored b Kapna Delta Rho. Dairy Queen Deadline Deadline for submitting pho tographs for the Dairy Queen _corrtest is 5 p.m. Thursday. PhotOgraphs should be turn ed in at the Student Union desk in Old Main. The' five finalists for the April 3 contest will be judged by the members of • the Dairy Science C b on Thursday night. The club also will choose the queen. , . 4: Foreign Students To Discuss U.S. "First Impressions of • America" will be discussed at 7:30 tonight at the Penn State Christian Asso ciation forum in 304 Old Main by four foreian students. - •- The -students are Ruth Sugi hara,- graduate student from Ha waii; Anna Katherina Schmidt, friam Germany; and Gordon. Chu, graduate student from China. The moderator - will be Lars Troberg„.a giaduate student from Finland. • Pre-Vet Meeting Dr. Hubert W. Frings, associate professor of entomology, will speak at the regular meeting -of the ..Pre-Vet• Club at 7 tonight in the Home Economics living cen ter. . . • Are 'y.ou d 2 vigtg e Everyone getting married should have the booklet "Plan your Perfect lionay . moor.", . A copy is y'ours without obligation. Just write a note to, Jan Devine, Rural Route 12, Cresco; Pennsylvania, today.— or soon. ' • Cotton, rayon wool jersey, •, • rayon gabardine blouses ... - ' • ...wool -plaid, velvet and cordu roy . ': , vescoats. Sizes 32-38. Originally $5.95 and $6.95 .. a NOW $1.95 t. give vo rp warixote •. a new fin d -1 -2 • • Nylon :tricot half slips • pink with nylon lace trims • ti:'; black tricot. Originally • - if , $5.95. • 'NOW $1.95 T• f g • +1.•: . . :211:C, - ( 2 qme in foci etv - . • ry tertzmger, , . Phone :4723 :t a. ' %'~~~ F Photo by Austin French Educator Will Speak Here Helene Terre, noted Fr en c h author and educator from Paris, will speak on "A Link Between Europe and the United States" at 8 p.m. Thursday in 121 Sparks. Her talk is sponsored by the international relations committee of the Schbol of Home Economics and is open to the public. Mlle. Terre will be guest of hon or at a tea Friday afternoon in the Living Center of the Home 'Economics building. Centre Coun ty homemakers and members of the Home Economics faculty will also attend. Club. to Hear Atwater Speak on Far East Dr. Elton Atwater, professor of political science at the College, v~ ill speak on "Far Eastern Af, fairs" at a. meeting of the Inter national Relations Club at 7 to night in 218 Willard Hall.- A roundtable discussion, led by Dr. Atwater, with students from Asia at the College, will follow the talk. • _lwo 'alone - A Perfect HONEYMOON Enjoy the perfect privacy of a Cot tage all your own (automatically heated;: , with bath) at a friendly guest house deep in wooded hills. Open all, year for newlyweds only. Rat6s.include meals (breakfast - 1m; til :11:00): Mention dates if you wish our Three; Honeymoon Plans and other folders. THE FARM ON THE HILL Swiftwater, R. F. D., Pennsylvania PAGE FIVE
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