PAGE FIGHT Students Give Xmas Readings Six oral interpretation students have been giving Christmas read ings before local organizations this month as class projects. The students are Phyllis Brenckman, Joada Oswalt, Eli zabeth Morgan, Margaret Trout man, Ann Jones, and Barbara Klopp. The final Christmas reading will be given this Monday. The organizations who have hear d the students include local chur ches, panhellenic groups, parent teachers' association of . Pine Grove :ills, and various campus groups. William Hamilton, assistant professor of speech, announced the names of five students who will be soloists in the speech . choir for the annual Christmas program in Chapel this week end. They are Martha Heckman, Richard Hartle, Madeleine Sharp, Laßue Fritz, Donald Carlson. Training is everything. The •peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cab bage with a college education;— Mark Twain. COLLEGIAN CLAS MISCELLANEOUS SQUARE DANCE Saturday, Dec. 15 9-12. Coliseum skating rink on Rt. 545. Joe Corrado and his orchestra. PEOPLE WHO have proofs from portraits taken at' the Lion Studio before the fire May still have Christmas portraits made. Call 4459. A new and better Lion Studio will open shortly in a new location. TYPING AND mimeographing Secre train] Service - Room 207 Hotel State College. Phone 4006. HARRY CRISSMAN, owner of barber shop destroyed in Gentzel Bldg. fire last week o.ened this week at 123 W. Beaver Ave. LOST RED VELVET purse between Kappa Sig ma and Atherton Hall Satuiday night. Call Mimi, 413 Atherton. BED LEATHER jacket with fur-lined col lar. Taken from Sparks Nov. 19. Call will Mackler. Phone 3946. Reward. GREEN STRIPED pen and pencil set Friday evening, on or near campus. Call Fran 326 Simmons. ONE JOHN DEERE walking plow. Last seen at AGR Monday night. If found call 3181. Liberal reward. BROWN DEERSKIN jacket on 3rd floor Willard between 8-10 a.m. Friday. Finder 'please call Schmidt 5051 - 1190. Reward. PAIR HORN rimmed glasses in case. Ross Burke, Optical Company, Huntington, W. Vn. on case. Call Ross Lytle 6757. \\,‘ A . ' House-- (Continued from page three) , there was evidence of perjury in the testimony. "The conflicting statements in diCate that perjury was commit ted here," he said. Committee chairman James S. Berger (R-Potter) declined conn. ment when asked if perj u r y prosecutions were being con sidered by the committee. He said the committee's report oh the probe will likely be made to the Senate next week. News, Views Salesmen To Meet Tonight All circulation candidates for News and Views, Home Economics publication, who still have unsold copies are asked to report to 109 Home Economics Building at 6:30 tonight. Students in home economics and hotel administration may pick up their copies free in the lobby of the Home Economics Building. The magazine is available to stu dents in other curricula at ten cents a copy. There is nothing so stupid as an educated man, if you get off the thing that he was educated in— Will Rogers. ROOMS FOR RENT. One single and one double. Call 6242. IF YOUR fypewriter needs repairs, Just call 2492 or bring "machine to 633 W College Ave. Mr. Beatties' 28 years ex perience is at your service. ATTENTION SOCIAL CHAIRMEN—now is the time to book the band for your spring dance. We still have a few open dates. The Jack Huber Orchestra, 4th year on campus. For information call Skip Wareham at '2689. • BOUTS HAS electric Handyhot portable washing machines for apartments and trailers. Two styles; porcelain enamelled. 2-pound capacity, $27.95; stainless steel model with timer, 2 to 3 pound capacity. $42.50. There is also a hand-turned wringer that fits both styles for only $7.95. Ask for it for Christmas, 5% discount at Bouts for cash and carry; convenient pay ment terms. 0. W. Bouts & Son, Inc., N. Buckhout, State College; 6703. KEEP YOUR trailer snug and warm with a Coleman oil heater. model 666 A. Radi ating, circulating 31,000 BTU's on hour. Many of our good Customers , pleased with our eltridin a 3 Shopper 5 To make your Christmas shopping easier, ou served each shopping evening 'til Christmas THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, - STATE CCLTIEGE, PENNSYLVANIA FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE • < ie"4 .11 Dance Club-- (continued front page two) Among the more dif fi c ult dances are the Schuhplattlers, a series of Bavarian dances . done by groups for show; the Kora brushka, a Russian peddler dance; and the Mietchi Putz Di, a Swiss dance which means "Little Girl Go Wash Your Face." The Mietchi Putz Di was per formed by the club at the Folk Dance Festival- last year. Plans are being made for another dance at this year's festival. Don't get the idea that danc ing is restricted to foreign folk dances though. Polka and square dance lovers can get their .fill at any of the meetings. Simmons Will Entertain Dinner Guests Tonight Mrs. Vera Furst, head hostess of Simmons Hall, yesterday an nounced that Dr. and Mrs. Hum mel Fishburn, head of the Music department, and Katherine Schmidt; a foreign German stu dent sent by the American Field Service, will be entertained by the residents of Simmons Hall at dinner tonight. Miss Schmidt is a major in commercial studies and language. She is the guest of Charles Long. IFIED•S Fuel-air control saves up to• 25% on fuel; low draft burner, oversize heat exchanger, new functional air flow design. See it soon at Houts. 0. W. Hobts & Son, Inc., N. Buckhout, State College, 6703. ONE PAIR NEW Army surplus laminated Hickory Skis with steel edges l —sl3.oo; one Linguaphone German language course on records,, scarcely used, with accom panying texts—original price-255.00, for $25.00. See C. M. Stine, Room 120 C Dairy Building any afternoon. ' A 1951 DESK MODEL Remington Type writer• in excellent condition. Call 3938 after 5 p.m. Ask for John. WANTED ATTENTION FRATERNITIES: Beautiful Christmas trees for sale. Six to twenty feet. Come and choose yours at Autoport 3 :00 p.m. to 5 :09 p.m. CHICAGO RIDERS •WANTED. Leaving Dee. 19. - Return Jan. 2. Share expense basis. Call Ray, 7429. RIDE WANTED to Pittsburgh. Monday afternoon, Dec. 17. Call Phyllis 447 Simmons. RIDERS TO Little Rock, 'Ark. via Cin cinnati, Memphis. Leaving Dec. 18. Call M. B. Burton 4326. For Best Results Use Collegian Classifieds 2linnef• Simmons Musicale To Be Held Tonight The Simmons Musicale be held at 7:30 tonight in the Sim mons Hall lounge. Selections to be played are Suite No. 3 (Bach), Symphony No. 3 "E roi c a" (Beethoven), Double Concerto for Violin and Cello (Brahms), 'and Symphony No. 102 (Haydn). Students - and faculty . are in vited. West Dorm Chorus To Go Caroling Tonight The, West Dorm mixed chorus will present the second in the series of Christmas choral sing ing at 9 'tonight at College av enue and S.' Allen street Th e program, sponsored by the Dean of Men's office, will last half an hour. The chorus, under the direction of Darrell Rishel, will be accompanied by a brais quartet. The ugliest of trades have their moments of , pleasure. Now,- if I were a grave-digger, or even a hangman, there are some people I could work for with a. great deal of enjoyment—Douglas Jer rold. ARROW PRODUCTS - Featured at UAL FS • 7 4111 :, '4O l o • A Merry Old Christmas . make it- a merry Christmas for the folks at home _ with Arrow Gifts e Arrow Shirts $3.95 up. • Sports Shirts $3.95 up. Ties $1.50 up •: Handkerchiefs 350 up • 1 SHIRTS • TIES • SPORTS SHIRTS • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS ARROW IN STATE COLLEGE FOR ARROW young en's 127 soidien ST cower *tie loan -TR,SDAY; DECEMBER I 3 1951 Blood Dri'Ver (Continued from ! page' one) formed Church, drive leaders said. The unit will be open from 9:30 to. 3:30 p.m. C. W. Stoddart, chairman of the State College Red Cross chap ter, reported yesterday he . had received a : letter from the direc tor of the 'Johnstown Red Cross blood chapter, indicating that' of the, 649, pints of blood secured here in last month's' blood drive, 601 pints were converted to plas mas for use in. Korea and other places and '4B pints were shipped to Korea as whole blood. 130 S. Allen Street • ~‘ Have Yourself' :, Underwear ...$1.09 up
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