PAGE EIGHT Elections (Continued from page one) signed by three students who saw the act. Carr 01l Chapman, elections committee chairman, said a deci sion on the charges would be made tonight when the ballots are counted. Chapman stressed the fact that both parties must have a poster in the Old Main lobby bearing pictures of their candidates. He also said there will be heavy pen alties inflicted for campaigning in the lobby. 50 Vote Penalty ' In last year's elections a record 62 per cent of the freshmen and 44.6 per cent of the sophomores on Campus voted, A total of 870 out of 1387 freshmen voted and 1224 out of a possible 2749 sophomores voted. Of the total eligible voters in both classes, 50.7 per cent voted. ' Each State Party candidate was penalized 50 votes because of in fractions of the elections code. 'Who's in the News' Deadline Is Tomorrow Biographical forms for "Who's in the News at Penn Stat e" should be mailed to 115 Carnegie Hall by tomorrow, Leonard Kola sinski, editor of the publication, announced yesterday. The book, which will be six by nine inches, with an imitation leather cover, will be available around Jan. 4. "Who's in the News," now in its sixth edition, was started by the late Arthur R. Warnock, for mer dean of men. It is published by Sigma Delta Chi, national pro fessional journalism fraternity, and Theta Sigma Phi, national Women's journalism honorary. Hetenic Hayride Off The hayride, sponsored by the Helenic Society, scheduled for to morrow night has been canceled because of weather conditions. In place of the hayride, the society is sponsoring a dance at 8 p.m. tomorrow in tie Grange playroom. Contributions will be solicited at the dance. For Best Results Use Collegian Classifieds Continue GOOD Student Government by Voting for Candidates with EADERSHIP and A ILITY ' FRESHMEN ELECTIONS 2nd FLOOR -- OLD MAIN Third 'lndependent' Distributed Today The third issue of the Inde pendent will be distributed today in the dormitories and down town, Moylan Mills, editor, an nounced. Ray Victor, junior in arts and letters, has replaced Richard Mills as business manager. Alvin Goodman will take the place of Robert Schooley as cir culation manager. Schooley leaves for the service Dec. 1. Featured in this issue of the paper is a profile on Edna Bayl son, recently elected Leonides president. An article on results of the recent Eastern Regional National Independent Student As sociation convention in Hunting ton, W. Va., will also appear. Barbara Wexelman, Tam sin Bloom, and Rose Gelia have been added to the circulation staff. MI Group Initiates Twelve Members Sigma Gamma Epsilon, mineral industries honorary, initiated 12 members Tuesday. Following the initiation ceremony, a banquet was held at the State . College Hotel. • Dr. John DeNovo, assistant pro fessor of history, spoke on "The Origins of American Interest in Middle Eastern Petroleum." Dr. Thomas Bates, faculty adviser to Sigma Gamma Epsilon, also ad dressed the group. The initiates are Gunther Ba dorrek, Norman Bowne, Edward Bush, Robert Cameron, Hobert Decker, Ralph Fries, Rich a r d Hallgreen, Robert Nelson, George Simkovich, Charles Smeltzer, Harry • Sur kal o, and William Young. Promotion Agency The Central Promotion Agency will not move into its permanent location until after Thanksgiving, Walter Sachs, chairman of the All-College Cabinet committee investigating CPA, an n o u n c e d yesterday. Sachs said no space has yet been alloted for the agency. He also said no additional meetings would be held until after the Thanksgiving holidays. For RESULTS-Not PROMISES .1: DAVE LEWIS BARRY KAY PHEBE POWELL TEE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Panhel (Continued from page one) studied the committee will hand down its decision. Bid• Replies Go "to Dean The judicial committee is com posed of five Panhellenic officers, tw o advisers, a representative from the Dean of Women's office, and a stray Greek. A stray Greek is a member of a national sorority not represented on campus. Panhellenic council also stated that replies , to bids from sororities must be "takento the Deanof Wo men's office from where they will be sent to the sorority. 3 Doctors on Duty For Emergencies Three State College doctors went on duty in this area last night to take care of emergencies when a family doctor cannot be reached. This was the result of the State College Medical Society's recent decision, to speed up the emer gency call system so that in cases of accidents, - especially, a doctor may reach the scene more quickly. When such an event occurs, a call may be made to the police office, 4971, giving the place of the accident and the name of the person making the call: A phy sician and an ambulance, if nec essary, will be sent out promptly. Dr. Clara B. Owens, Dr. .Wil- Ham McFarland, and Dr.• Richard Ishler are cooperating in the plan. Regional Executive Group of NSA to Meet The regional executive com mittee of the Pennsylvania Re gion of the United States National Student Association will meet Sunday afternoon in Harrisburg. William Klisanin, NSA chair man at the College and PRUSNSA president, called the meeting to discuss a new regional policy. Walter Sachs, director of the group's office of public informa tion, will also represent the State College Regional Headquarters. On the agenda are a basic state ment of policy, office of public information, December regional assembly, student government clinic, reorganization of regional programs, regional finances, and membership drives. Consider Your Candidates CANDIDATES AND SOPHOMORE JACK WHITE HARRY SOLOMON LITA ROBINSON '8:30 TO 5:30 TODAY! PSC to Hold Party At Center Stage The Penn State Club will hold a theater party tomorrow night at Center Stage, Lewis Hoover, pres ident, announced yesterday. Half of the price of tickets for members will be paid by the club. Guests may be invited but their tickets will not be financed by the club, he added. The meeting originally, sched uled for Nov. 20 has been can celed because -of Thanksgiving vacation. The next regtilar meet ing will be held Dec.. 9. Simmons Musicale •The Simmons Musicale will be held at 7:30 tonight in Simmons Lounge. Records to be played are "Vio lin Concerto in E-flat" by An tonio Vivaldi, "Piano Concerto No. 20 in D-minor" by Wolfgang Mozart, "Symphony No. 4 in E minor" by Johannes Brahms, and "Suite Elizabethaine" by Jacques Ibert. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 36 mm. CAMERA Perfex "38" f/3.5 lens 1/500 sec. Good shape. Excellent for color. Best offer. Phone 4368 evenings. 1937 CHEVROLET. Recently overhauled, good mechanical shape. Tires and bat tery good. Inquire John Dick, 618 S. Pugh. Call 4862, E FLAT Alto Saxophone used very little Call 3911 after 5 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS , IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs. lust call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W College ' Ave. Mr. Beatrice' 26 years ex perience is at your service. BOYS LAUNDRIES, family laundries Will call for and deliver. Call 4502. ' llllllllllllllllilllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilljL ROzIN'S Delicatessen College Ave. 400 E. THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER - 15, 1951 CLASSIFIEDS WANTED RIDE WANTED to Detroit or. vicinity for Thanksgiving. Call Cash, 6710. RIDE TO Southern Michigan Detroit area this weekend. Will help drive and pay expenses. Phone 2939. PASSENGERS TO North or South Caro. lina and return over Thanksgiving. See Copeland, 218 Plant Industries Bldg. DO YOU have dirty laundry? En do it for you I Just dial 4589 for further information. KE Log Log Decitrig Sliderule. W. Blazek. Pollock 4, Room 31 ext. 264. RIDE WANTED to Wellsboro, Pa. or vicinity after 5:00 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16. Call Jerry 5051 Ext. 264. ' IDE TO Philadelphia leaving Monday 19th, 4 p.m. 'or later. Call Gene, 6847 after 6 p.m. LOST TAN -OVERCOAT taken from Delta Tau Delta by mistake Saturday night. Please return to John Raub. Phone 6935. 2 PHI SIGMA DELTA . fraternity pins Saturday night on Fraternity Row. If found please phone 4409. - . SMALL GOLD and white crest pin. "We Aim to, Hit". Finder please call Jean, 250 Atherton Hall. KEY IN' green case; somewhere between Simmons and Sparks. Please return to Student Union in Old Main. WILL THE person who took a tan over coat from Phi Kappa Tau Saturday night please contact DeWitt, Ext. 298. Have overcoat in return. GABARDINE OVERCOAT. Hughes & 'Hatcher label, Bill; 249 Hamilton. Phone 1191. Reward. I have yours. A TIE-CLIP with an All-College Cabinet key attached; initials E.D.S. on back of key. Please return to Student Union Desk in Old Main. LARGE COWHIDE suitcase accidently taken from Delta Tau. Delta house last weekend. Initials G.F.D. Reward. 428 Mc- Elwain. FOR RENT IRST FLOOR double room, 424 West Beaver Ave. Phone '6-336 after five.' Snack Bar
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