Bet Ween the Lions Coach Elmer GroSs and his Lion basketball team should see enough of Pitt this year. Penn State's basketeers will be one of four teams participating in the first annual Steel Bowl classic at the new Pitt fieldhouse, Pittsburgh. The other teams will be Pitt, Michigan, and Virginia. The tourney will be held Dec. 27-28. The Lions also have regularly scheduled games with Coach "Doc" Carl son's ice-cream eaters, Jan. 19, and March 1 IMM3 When New Kensington High School had its undefeated, cham pionship football team in 1947 college scou' flocked aft 4 many of the Iv players, espt cially guar Iv back Will' Thrower. Coat Don Fletche said , that most the scouts We overlooking li tle Vince Pisano,- "who could be the- best of the batch." Pisario was accepted by Mich igan State when Thrower en rolled there. Fletcher's words have come true, for Pisano has been a two-year regular and sparkplug for the high-flying Spartans, while Thrower is warm ing the' bench.. * * * * * Is someone's face red? Fred Stabley, sports publicity director for Michigan State, was in State College for• the football and cross country contests last week. While he-made no mention of the foot ball score, he boldly prophesied that the Spartan harriers would run Coach Chick Werner's squad into the ground. Bill Ashenfel ter's torrid first-place finish and a 19-41 triumph displayed the Lion's supremacy and gave warn ing to the rest of th e nation. Watch out, opposing cross-country teams, Penn State is loaded again. * * * * * Despite Bill Ashenfelter's amaz ing improvement each week, he will have a.tough task outrunning Army's Dick Shea today. The West Pointer has terrific endur ance and speed which make him one of the top distance runners 44i) An Exclusive t3 i) Gift, /:, special anniversary No matter • - how small the gift it is the remembrance that means so much on that all-important day 4',! I .4410:, i t Of CRAB, • :Taft °Aft , . P•• MA/AU • _ 74 ;•\ • • By DAVE COLTON Assistant Sports Editor a Lang Reaches Quarter Finals Dez, Long, Sigma Alpha Epsi lon, became the first man to reach the quarter-finals of the 1951 IM fraternity tennis singles tourna ment. Long advanced by virtue of a 6-2, 6-1, win over Sigma Nu's Mike Kirshner. Lou Riggs, Sigma Chi, and George Watson, Sigma Phi Sigma,' both posted double victories in straight sets. Riggs trimmed Richard Zucker, Phi Sigma Delta, 6-4, 6-3, in the sec ond round and Norbert Solden, Phi Kappa, 6-2, 6-4, in the third round. Watson ousted Alvin Friedman, Sigma- Alpha Mu, 6-1,- 6-0, in the second round and Sig ma Phi Alpha's Charles Crispens, 6-1, 6-2, in the third round. ' Donald Van Erp, Delta Sigma Phi,' and William Ray, Phi Kappa Sigma, also moved up. Van Erp, advanced to the fourth bracket, Ray, to the third. Van Erp won from Richard Tuebert, Phi Kap pa Tau, 6-2, 6-1, while Ray eli minated Don McCormick, Tau Kappa Epsilon, 6-0, 6-0. in the nation.-BUt Coaches Chick Werner and Norm Gordon may decide to let the West Pointers have first place and concentrate on bunching their team from second to sixth place. Rosewood, is a purplish-black and fragrant-smelling timber. for that F•_ c:..., - ri. b_Zl.. :'.':' Lc ~V.!: .l .+ . 1 :11 V,:' • THE 'DArLY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA NOW SHOWING ,~Mpc",~,,~.~d ` ~ ~_ ~~ ~~r paramount presents t o( - iIV 1 / 00 i r \BESII i k , DILI_ tki im -o - tis 1!. A ., 0,1 st y l i, v., •rIA • too Rot siva/os' s t,„a -0:i • u- mdatioo, is Itt ia xivi a r with EFE BRASSELLE :: Produced and Directed by - CEOR6E STEVENS ,:atittrAgW4P--"-"Wil°°6 Sbreen Play by Michael Wilson and Harry Brown • Based on the Novel vsosaglbw4-- AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY by THEODORE OREISER and the PATRICK KEARNY play adapted from the novel Bagoonies Drop Edinboro On 2 First Half Scores ,By JIM PETERS The Bagoonies - pulled the big surprise of the IM Football sea son last night b y upsetting highly-favored Edinboro, 12-6. Their first score came on a 49 yard pass from Mickey Herzing to Thomas Ceraso. This was fol lowed shortly by a 32 yarder from Bob Sutter to Herzing to C - eraso and it was 12-0 at halftime. Glen Brown ran 18 yards for, a score to climax a 78 yard drive and keep Edinboro within range, but the Bagoonies held on and advanced to the quarter-finals. Triangle made one overtime play a big one to whip Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1-0. Don Schlegal COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs, just call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. Mr s Beatties' 28 years ex perience is at your service. THEMES, COMPOSITION Papers..- etc. typed. $.20 a sheet. 'Please call Boals burg 6514. Ask for Edith. IS "OUR TOWN" YOUR TOWN? FOUND BEGINNER'S SLIDE Rule near Frear Lab. Owner can have for cost of , ad. Phone Vic 964. FOR SALE COMPLETE SET of _ tails, size 38, $lO. Quality Mouton Lamb Fur Coat, size 14, $35. Phone '7368. EXCELLENT HOMEMADE fruitcakes and special overseas cookies ready for mailing. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 4818. LOST CORONET MAGAZINES Bound Volume 28 at Library Oct. 19. Finder please return to Library. Needed for reference. GREY TOPCOAT "Isle of Skye." Call Paul O'Brien 7881. THE AUDIENCE MUST FEEL THAT IT IS EAVESDROPPING ON THE INTIMATE LOVE STORY OF THREE PEOPLE! 99 lateraled to Ray Lantz who passed to Rod Beck and he threw to Dick Dorshimer for a 28 yard gain to place the ball on the SAE 37 yard line. The Dragons took the opening kickoff and drove the length of the field to defeat the Dinks, 6-0. The scoring play was- a 29 yard pass from William Body to Forrest Long. Don Cook passed 68 yards to Barney Parker for a first half touchdown that gave Beta Theta Pi a 7-0 win over Delta Tau Delta in the final game of last night's schedule. LOST GOLD WATCH in senior section at Mich. State game. Reward. Call 2952. Ask for Jim. HELBROS WATCH with brown leather strap, pair of horn rimmed glasses. Call George or Jack 4122. GRAY TOPCOAT At Phi Kappa, Saturday night. Call 2084. Ask for Gene. GIRL'S BLACK Wallet. Identification cards belong to Bernice Rubin. If found, call or return to 118 McKee Hall. K & E SLIDE Rule in black case—Thurs day afternoon during common hour. Finder please call 3939, Dave Kern. MEWS BULOVA wrist watch with gold expansion bracelet—last weekend. Re ward. Phone 3939. Call McNutt or Kinsey. BLACK ONYX Ring vicinity West Dorm lounge Sunday 21st. Return to Snide man, Pollock 9-33. Reward. ELGIN WATCH with plastic strap. Phone Howard Hudson, 4819. Reward. WHITE STEEL tank 28" long, 8" di ameter in State College. Finder please call Weiser 2134. Reward. DARK GRAY Raincoat at Willard Hall on Wednesday. Phone Nick 6611. Re ward. ONE SILVER and beige Parker 51 pen with name Judith Cohen. If found call Simmons 235. SILVER HEART shaped Identification Bracelet lost on campus. Pris is marked on one side. Call Pris, Ext. 1093. .~;' 'zvii , ; l ll l, 4,wom.uptqlmninuraiimTiliradi.CMEM=lP.JaaliMilteritt Louis-Marciano Odds Even Up NEW YORK, Oct. 25-o:9 New England support for rugged Rocky Marciano, unbeaten Brock ton Mass., slugger, today shaved the odds close to even money for his big 10-round test against Joe Louis tomorrow night at Madison Square Garden. Walk one side of the street and you hear it's even stephen-6 to 5 and take your pick. On the other side, Louis remains a 7 to 5 favorite. By ringtime--10 p.m. (EST)—the 37-year-old brown bomber may go to 8 to 5. Coast-to-coast radio (ABC) and television (NBC) will beam this heavyweight brawl to millions, still some 15,000 are expected to pay $150,000 of more to see it in the flesh. WANTED SECOND-HAND RADIO. Please contact Pierre Carton, 4658 in the evening. RIDE TO Cornell or vicinity wanted for Friday, Nov. 2. Call 363 Simmons. RIDE FROM Cornell University or vicin ity to State College Friday afternoon Nov. 9th. Call Mona,, 204 McElwain. FOR SALE ELECTRIC HANDYROT Portable Wash ing Machines. Porcelain enameled style, 2 lb. capacity $27.95. Stainless steel model with timer, 2 to 3 lb. - capacity $42.50. Hand wringer to fit either machine, $7.95 extra. Credit terms, 15% down, 18 months to pax; 5% discount for cash and carry. 0. W. Houts and Son, Inc., State College. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER—good con dition, $25. Philco 33 1/3 L.P. record attachment; closed case; practically new. $l5. Call 2514. ONE 600x16 TIRE and tube, 1000 miles tred left before re-cap; no patches: $7. Call Tom Gardner 4969. DISCRIMINATING CAR IlAnittm.liono3l OWNERS! 1951 Singer 4 passenger con vertible, English sports roadster, 8600 miles, 35 miles per gallon. Ideal for com muting, comfortable on long trips. Sleek, flowing classic streamlining, deep maroon color; burgundy upholstery. 24-hour serv ice on replacement parts. Comfortable in winter, heavenly in summer. Rolls-Royce eye appeal, comfort, and performance at small car price. To see this thoroughbred —contact Mr. Nomer, 415 Old Main, Ext. 441, or at home call State College 6502. FEATURETIME- 1:00-3:03-5:06 7:09-9:30 THIS IS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "A PASSIONATE MEMORABLE MOVIE" —Look Magazine PAGE SEVEN
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