TUESDAY,: OCTOBER'2/1951" Fraternities Pledge 469; Sigma Pi Leads Group A total of 469 men have been pledged by 46 of Penn State’s social fraternities. Sigma Pi,led the fraternities with a total.of 23 pledges ac cepted. Acacia ranked second with 2i and Sigma Nu third with 19. The fraternities and their pledges are: . ' . . Acacia. William Alden, Roger Bender, David Evans, Ralph. God shall, John Hoffman, Howard Hudson, Thomas Irving, Peter Judd, John .-Kaufman, Jackson Keim, Frank Kitmer, William Kilmer, Charles ’ Manwiller, Rich ard Mattoon,. Thomas Mclntyre, Robert' Miller, .Robert Nelson, John Nuschke, Charles Rohrbeck, Stanley Thomas, William War nche. ’ „ Alpha Chi Hho. William Alich, Paul Dreyer, Edward Burger, Al fred Wittenmaire,"' Timothy Gar ant, Joseph. Rostich, Robert Axtel, James - Arnold, -. Norman Brown, Alfred Howe, Charles Cariqato. Newland Grubb, '-Raymond John son, Dwight Tothero. Alpha Chi'Sigma, Ronald. Gard ner, Donald Kempfer,. 1 Lloyd Lupfer, Glenn McMaster, .Donald' Michaelson, James. Murray, James Ritter, Ronald Wint, Neil Yokum, Douglas Ayer, William Deppe, Clark Breading, David Ericsoii; Harry Frey. Alpha Epsilon PL , Leonard Abramson, ■ Edward - Rudnitsky, Gene Sohn, Karl Lipoff. Spencer Rosenthal; Harold Klemow, Henry Ratt, Myer Kuritsky, Philip Nem check, Norman Slwekop, Stanley Zimmerman, Howard Salus, Wil liam Holtzman, Joseph Burstein, Joseph Hirsh, David Slepin, Mar vin .Catler, Edward Reisman. Alpha Gamma Rho/ Edward Pangersis, Barry Anthony, Sam uel Butler, Lawrence v Echland, Paul Stone, James DeVoe, Wil liam . Aulenbach, . Clhir . Keim, Harry Weigle,’ Theodore Kimmel, Wilmer Wise, Joseph Sopper. Alpha Phi Delia. Ralph DeVito, Carlo Faporito, Frank DiPipi,'An drew Molina, "Anthony' Matour, Ilvio Dal Fara, Joseph Cirrillo r Frank Chappeppi. s . Alpha Tau Omega. Wilbert Coudriet, Ernest Baum, Peter Hoynak, James Miller, Maurice Mellis, Richard Spayd, Bart Thieff, Brook Weiss, George Greer, Robert Coniff, Maury Cof fee, .Donald Barr, James Arm strong, David Bain. - Alpha Zela, Joseph Steim, John Milson, Carl Swartz, John Sariki an'os, Peter. Fabs, Roger Strait, Peter Fenchak, James Allison, Lawrence ,Hart, Morris Brown, Ted Dußois, John Kline, Herbert Cole, Edgar Fehnel, Ned Clark, Mahler Shoup, Charles Burda. ■ Beaver House,, Anthony-Mittas, Herbert Glumpf, Edward Geasa, ' Michael Sorokach, David Thomas, Ned Haag, Lawrence Himmel stein, Richard .Griffiths, - Frank, Hutchinson, David Hancock! , Bela Sigma . Rho, Bernard Da vis, Richard Mailman, Aaron Leib HELD OVER JOSE, FERRER "CYRANO de BERGERAC" JEAN SIMMONS MICHAEL RENNIE 1110' DIE FiEDERMAUS German Film 'English Titles , Presented In.-Cooperation vritSt International. Film* CMi / THE' DAJLYCOLLEGIAN; STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA erman, Jay 'Hirsh, Sheldon Kap lan, Morris Sarachek, Morton Zieze, Jerome Kotzen, Martin Leanard. , Beta .Theta Pi, Robert Harris, Irvin White, Bruce Wagner, Doug las Frey, Jean Cronstedt, Ken neth Kiel, Edward Webb, Doug las Anderson, Phillip Craul, Theo dore Jackson,’ Raymond. Binkley, Albert Wick, Frank ,Wick. Harry Shank, David Arnold; Robert Win ters, Kenneth Parker. - Chi Phi, Michael Webb, Benja min Throop, Richard Gibbs, David McCormick, James Dunlap, Rus sell Wood, Janies Barr, Ezekial Isenberg, Charles Gibbs, Robert Reed, William ' Myers, Joseph Gower, .Richard Headlee, Joseph Folcarelli. Samuel Patton,- Rich ard Mock, Wilson Cramer, Robert Evans. • Delta Chi, Paul Welgus, Edwin Steel, Frederick Rude, Robert Hess,' William Shewalter, Joseph Messerman, Edward. Hill, John’ Doyle, Robert Dennison, Richard Weaver, Robert Jack, . Robert Breuninger, William Lennimore, Charles-Hogan. Delta Sigma Phi, Richard .Call, Jerome Clauser, Walter Daron, Daniel -Ferrell, Howard Giles, George Padaroff, Ned -Sheilds, Donald Van Erp, William Kline, John Jellinec, John Hampford, George Siebenkiase, Thomas Els ton. - Delta Tau Della, Frederick Spenkle, Vincent- Drayne, Wil liam ' Johnson, Thomas Shaw, Thomas Anderson, Leslie Cagle, Bruce Nichojs, David Pine, Gene Donahue, Bernard Kelley, Forbes Burdetti, Ronald Kimmich,- James Guerdon, John Hooper, Gene Sch wenk, Frederick Ernest. - ’ Delta : Upsilon, Robert Bru baker, Francis Markulin, Mario Valenti, George Mannic, Thomas Redmond, Warren Diehl, Amen Hassen, Robert Robb. Kappa Della Rho, Bernard Am brose, i Robert Collins, Joseph Faris,. Benjamin Faust, David Fenton, Robert Gehman, Richard Kartlick, John Kiser, Thomas La zaroef, John Lutsch, Vernon Mer ritt, Thomas Pyle, Paul Scheaffer, David Simon. . Kappa Sigma, Robert Biggs, Thomas Goldsworthy, Bing Bor tle, Gordon Kennedy, Clyde Wal ters, Joseph' Jackson, Lewis D’Angele, Robert Schnelling, Scott Dear Mom, I've just learned a way to save you money, and my self some unnecessary’ walking. Instead of sending my clothes home to have them cleaned and laundered. I'm going to send them to the SDCA. The SDCA? The Student Dry-Cleaning Agency. It's a non-profit organi zation operated some of the students. The SDCA serves as a pick-up and delivery point for most of the downtowri-establishments. , ' How is this going to save you money? Well, I've checked the dry cleaning prices at home and in State College They're cheaper here, and the SDCA prices are practically the. same as the prices downtown. In addition, one of the fellows that works for the student agency-told me that, the cleaners'are going to offer a'special every. Thursday I'm going to watch the Collegian ads and take ,advantage of this "special day" each. week. In short, Mom. it looks as if using the SDCA will help to save money on my dry cleaning bill. It'll also save me time,and a lot of walking. " Ofo course, I'm also helping a bunch of fellow students work their way through;college. Pretty good deal,,M.om? \ ' P.S. The girls are going to be able to take advantage of "special day" each: week, too. .Watch the-Collegian Dn Thursday mornihg. . / Payne, Duke Henkels. Lambda Chi Alpha, George Resh, Ronald Youse, Carl Lunde, Charles Hamilton, Edward Thompson, William Mahoney, Thomas Hand, Webb Haage, Lee Ross, Nathan Book, Lawrence Ream,' Richard Harris, Milton Morgan.' William Davis, Garland Gingerich, Barry Smith. Omega. Psi Phi, Robert Nicholas. Phi Della Theta, Peter Huey. William Selvig, Clifford Holgate, Thomas Smith. Jack. Diehl. Rod erick Snyder, Nickolas . Casale, Harold Irvin, Ronald Miller, Frank Foster, Joseph 'Garrity, Robert Hollin, Donald Hgrbein!. Richard Crafton, Douglas Cassel. Ronald Daugherty. -Phi Epsilon Pi. Howard Abrams, Morton " Averick, Harry Black, Howard Bleznak, Ernest Bublit sky, Marvin Freed, David'Lesser, Martin Shuwall. . Phi Gamma Delta,. Dwight Um stead..Norman Moentmann, Rich ard Pomb, Richard Matz. Phi Kappa, Gerald Aurillo. James Arrigonie, James Dillon, Fred ■ Lipka, Wayne Mulligan, Francis O’Brien. Rodger Owens, Charles Poliak, Ronald Scott, Norbert Soldon, Gerald Troy, Gerald Van Akin. Phi Kappa Psi, William Bon ner, Edward Barth, William Shearer, Andrew Roy, Walter Service. Robert Barkley. Phi Kappa Sigma, Dean Porter field, Robert Lawrence, Stanley Ulsh; Robert. Wuestoff, Kenneth Herman, James Fox, John Clel and,. Frederick LeVan, Carl Evan kovich. Thomas Woolaway. Nevin Rupp, Hugh Quigley, Richard Shelan. Phi Kappa Tau,- David Bixby, James Bloxham, Alex Shalky, August Asman, Edward Camp-: bel, John Warner, Vahan Hajian; Edward Swavola, Ronald Frier, Blair Gingerich. Phi Sigma Delia, Milton Stein, Robert Kaytes, Ronald Isgacman,. Myron Nemeroff, Sidney Krankel, Carl Cooke, Norman Gardner, Harold Borushak, ‘ Richard Klei man, William Foreman. . Pi Kappa Alpha, James Mc- Caughn, Luke Lyemeister, Ro bert Hosterman, Robert" Jones, Robert Brumbach, Andrew Schoe rke, Clyde Davis, Gilbert Wetzel, Skip Sahumann, James Shirey, Theodore/Drippe, Edward Flack, Rod Steigle. Walter Bach, Samuel Vill, Sheldon Long, Alan Sch mukler. ■ Pi Kappa Phi, Richard Gibson,' Love, , Me Theodore Horvitz, Richard Aus tin, Arthur Hefren, Wayne Bald win, Deacon Keller, Andrew Kras sowski, Charles Wood, Richard Luke, Theodore Struck, Robert Mast, Thomas Saylor, Robert Wylie. Pi Lambda Phi, Seymore Ber liner, Ronald Sklar, Milton Kara bell, Gilbert Offenhartz, Harold Zalkovitz, Julian Zimmerman, Robert Cfizma, Bertan Foreman, Stanley Gettleman, Melvin Fein berg, Ronald Heisman, Leonard Klein, Zennie Drossner, Nochman Neff, Barton Bass. Sigma Alpha Mu, Eugene Fin dlestein, Bernard Dash, Arnold Barnett, Jack Bembaum. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Joseph Thompson, James Van Horn, Ro bert.Greenawalt, Geoffrey Barnes, Robert Carruthers Jr. Sigma Chi, Dale Clemens, Dan iel Kearney, Chris Mitsos, Kirk Garber, ’ Ronald White, Louis Riggs, Charles Logan, Frank Rich. Sigma Nu, Richard Butterer, Jesse Moore, Robert DeJoseph, Stanley Engle, David Yeakel, r Ma “SOUTH PACIFIC 9 “OKLAHOMA” “SHOW BOAT” each LOWEST PRICE EVER! BRAND NEW* NATIONALLY FAMOUS LONG-PLAY 337 s rpm ALBUM-LENGTH RECORDS Equal in quality to IP’s selling up to $5 each ALL CLASSICAL MUSIC RECORDED IN EUROPE BY FULL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS! 15 0 SOUTH PACIFIC, complete score (vocals). 66 0 OKLAHOMA, complete score (vocals) 81 0 SHOW BOAT, complete score. : 11 0 7 PIANO SOLOS Clair de Lune, Rhapsody in Blue, Polonaise, etc. 3 □ CHOPIN WALTZES AND ETUDES. Earl Wild. 31 □ 1812 OVERTURE plus CAPRICCIO ITALIEN. 63 □ BARBER OF SEVILLE OVERTURE plus FLYING DUTCHMAN. 30 □ TANNHAUSER OVERTURE plus LOHENGRIN PRELUDES. 49 □ SCHUBERT'S "UNFINISHED" SYMPHONY. 54 □ BEETHOVEN'S FIFTH SYMPHONY. 50 □ SWAN LAKE BALLET plus ROMEO AND JULIET OVERTURE. <■ 48 □ TSCHAIKOVSKY AND GRIEG PIANO CONCERTOS. 59 o DIE FLEDERMAUS OVERTURE plus INVITATION TO THE WALTZ. 39 □ ROSENKAVALIER WALTZES plus JOHANN STRAUSS Operetta Music. 2 ED 8 STRAUSS WALTZES Blue Danube, Emperor, You and You, etc. 25 □ CANDLELIGHT MUSIC None But The Lonely Heart, Souvenir, etc 23 ED 8 WORLD FAVORITES Hora Staccato. Meaaowlands, Sorrento, etc. 21 □ NUTCRACKER SUITE - Waltz of the Flowers, etc. 22 □ PEER GYNT SUITE - Anitra's Dance, etc ' 33 a 8 VIENNESE WALTZES - Merry Widow, Sari, 2 Hearts In % Time, etc. 27 □ L'ARLESIENNE SUITE plus MIGNON OVERTURE. 28 □ EINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK (Mozart) plus EGMONT OVERTURE 14 □ JEROME KERN’S BEST Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Who, long Ago, etc 12 □ CONCERT TIME Begin the Beguine. Kiight and Day, etc. » 6 CD 8 RUMBAS TANGOS - La Cumparslta. Tlco Tlco, Besame Mocho, etc. 60 □ THE MIKADO AND THE GONDOLIERS (vocals). 64 □-PINAFORE, lOLANTHE AND YEOMAN OF THE GUARD. 37 □ WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE plus MARRIAGE OF FIGARO. BBOABWAB r ma°t d 255 W. 34th St., New York 1, N. Y. WE PAY POSTAGE on all orders tor 4 IP's or more. Add 35 cents to cover packing and postage on orders lor LESS THAN 4 LP’S. No C.O.D.'S Please! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED i lease send me the records checked above. lam enclosing check 0 Money Order □ NAME • 4 4 * • • « *-4.4 4* • f .-.4 4~* 4 4 4 4->» •'» •,«* John Hessel, James Roberts, Rich ard Jones, John Fraser, Ronald Quinn, Ted Morga, Eugene Gib bons, John Maher, Terhune Dich el, Steve Melmeck, James Johns ton, Edwin Forney, Charles Vance, William Dougherty. Sigma Phi Alpha, John Naratil, Barry Fein, Kinzo Yamamoto, John Christian, Earl Hall. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Forrest Blakesley, Theodore Soens, Oli ver Bonnert, Charles Collom, Giles Schutte, Ronald Smith, Ralph Fruw, Patsy Feritto, Nor man Wilcke, Leon Slavin, Francis Supeno, William McCalmond, Robert Neil. Sigma Phi Sigma, Jan Steber, Richard Lent, John Ritchey, Rob ert Montgomery, John Groves, Robert Cormell, John Beuchner, Robert Smith, Janies Rarig, Paul Martincic, Armand Lykens, Rob ert Hill, Robert Loney, Charles Crist, Jerome Sadosky, Richard Jacobs, John Young. Sigma Pi, Donald Brain, Rich ard Dennis, Ross Zimmerman, (Continued on page eight) ils Ad! it Th 4 LP’s for $ 4.75 8 LP’s for $ 9 • PLAY UP TO 30 MINUTES • Great Shows • Complete Symphonies • Overtures • Ballets • Waltzes • Piano Solos • Semi-Ciasskal PAGE EWE
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