=Mil "Fcir -A-letter Penn State Main - :Session .Begins Ae*Aideshbarger Is - Ne* Chaplain • - Rev. Luther H. Harshbarger, general secretary of the Penn State Christian Association, today was named chaplain of the College, succeeding James T. Smith. The appointment will become effective September 1_ and he will continue in his duties with the Christian Association. Smith, who served the College as chaplain since 1946, has ac cepted a position as associate general secretary of the Southern Dotes Set For Summer Concerts The Summer Artists Series in cludes four outstanding musical attractions during the main sum mer session. The first concert Tuesday, July 10, will feature Virginia Morley and Livingston Gearhart, piano team with Fred Waring's Penn sylvanians. Gearhart is • responsible for many of the Waring choral and orchestral arrangements, includ ing the nationally popular "Dry Bones." The program will consist /of piano music ranging from Bach to Stravinsky and modern jazz. Second Program Jean Leon Destine and com pany, interpreters of native cul ture, will present the second- pro gram Tuesday, July 17. Destine i(Continued on page five) Players Show, 'Light Up Sky,' Opens Wednesday ..,Fouith of July fireworks will be: - supplemented by the summer Opening of Centre Stage Wednes day night with "Light Up The Sky," a Moss Hart comedy. The play, first submitted to the public for approval during the '4B-'49 season, is a parody on the theatre, or at least, what some imagine the theatre to be. , The cast, composed of students, faculty, and local talent will offer' the parody-comedy for ten nights ' as the ,first of three plays to be presented throughout the summer -session. Joe Bird, as Carleton Fitzger ald; Helen Jaskel, as Stella Liv ingston; and Joyce Rexford, as • Irene, Livingston, will fill the leadfjg roles. • The play is set in Boston, with 'three :acts depicting the person ,• ~a,lities' of a theatrical .group ibe '-fOre . and after the opening and 'after the reviews of the play , are .r prin e.d. ~-.art has delighted in the corn -plete change that takes place in . '-bis characters during the siege of anxiety about the play. -i- - - - That the playwright enjoyed :the, production of the parody is evident from the characters which . were said by many to indicate ,actual persons in show business. ' :.4.t the time of its' opening per formances, many saw •Billy Rose I ,', and- Eleanor Holm in the char acters of. Sidney and Frances Black, played by Harold Fishbein and Francine Toll. Miss Toll plays 4 a ' lamou,..,lte 'skater. ", • Gedige :!Miller is cast as• Wil . i • liam Gallagher. Tranne Dumoff Nip. , Etiay MisiL;;Oripll; Jack' Tyo ' ::.:- :.,.._ -',' ,-?,S ! , - ,i..f,•=.,-,_ . - '-', • , • • • • v i ttr • • Next Issue prit , ,July 1 tan r ' , - .4i - , • -• ;- _ • . California Council of Protestant Churches and will leave next week for Los Angeles, Calif. Reverend Harshbarger, who was appointed to his post with the Christian Association two years ago,' was born in Mifflin county, attended Lewistown High School, and was graduated from McVeytown High School. He at tended Millersville State Teach ers College, Bethany Biblical Seminary School of Music, and received his bachelor of arts de gree at McPherson College, Mc- Pherson, Kansas. Entering Yale Divinity School in 1939, 'Reverend Harshbarger received a Bachelor of Divinity Degree. He has also taken grad-' uate work at the Temple Univer sity of Theology and at Yale Di vinity School. At . McPherson College, Rev. Harshbaiger ' served as assistant to the Dean of Men and director of the Employment Bureau. From 1942 to 1944, he was pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Ambler and from 1945 to 1949„ was associated with the World's YMCA in prisoner-of-war work in Europe. - Three inemberS of the cast of Penn State 'Player's Summer Theatre,. rodu.ctiori, "Light Up The Sky," are shown above as they appear . in the play. Joe 'Bird (right), Joyce Rexford (left) and Ed Girod. (center) are apparently toasting the success •of the venture... • will be Owen Turner; Jim Beaver will handle:the Peter Sloari part; and, Dan.: Wargo will be Tyler RayburnL: Bill is cast as a Shriner, and. Bill Coleman as a Plain- Clothes.-Man. Kelly Yeaton is the director for the initiel'production of.the,lwn- STATE COLLEGE, PA., MONDAY, JULY 2, 1951 4000 Students Expected To Enroll* Classes Start At 8 A. M. Tomorrow Approximately 4000 student men and women are expected to register today in the bal cony of Recreation Hall and the second floor of Pattee Library as the forty - second annual Main Summer Session gets under way this morning at 8 a m A total of 2252 students have pre-registered compared to 2301 last year. Because of this drop, the enrollment is expected to be less than that of last year. During the 1950 Main Session the enrollment was 4033. Four hundred professors will be here to teach the courses offered during the Session. Registration will be held from • 8 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:30 to 4:30 this afternoon. Those students who received "Notice of Acceptance" cards and pre registered should report to the balcony of Recreation Hall while the new registrants who have not pre-registered should report to the information desk on the second floor of Pattee Library If You Have Pre-Registered 1. Present "Notice of Accep tance" card and obtain registra tion envelope from the second floor balcony, Recreation hall. Report ,to Section 5 on the main floor. 2. Obtain official registration forms at Section 5 and fill out all forms, using _pencil on the carbon-paper form at Section 6. 3. Present all forms' for . check ing before proceeding with regis tration or leaving Rec hall at Section 7. Veterans under the G. L Bill of Rights report to Sec tion 7V, main floor, Rec hall, and obtain certification . of When finished with the entire registration procedure, including Section 8 below, report to main floor of the Armory to complete special VA registration forms. 4. Have fees assessed,, includ ing charges for room and board if living in the College dormi tories at Section 8. 5. Pay fees' at Bursar's office ; obtain statement of account, and have class admission cards vali dated at Room 4, Willard hall, Section 9. The Night mer season.- Warren • Smith and W. H. Walters are the co-produc ers for the entire season. Centre Stage is an arena type theatre with the seating arranged in a circle around the stage. It is located at Hamilton Ave. and S. Allen' Street. Season • tickets • are availahle , at the ,theatre. Pre-registered students must pick up their registration enve lope at Recreation Hall and then fill out carbon-paper forms. After the student has completed his forms, ' he' must report to the checker before completing regis tration or leaving the building. The pre-registrant then goes to Willard Hall to have fees as sessed, including charges for room and board if living in the College dormitories. Payment of fees will be made at the Bursar's •office upon com pleting registration. New registrants, however, re port at Pattee Library to obtain approval of course program by faculty representative in major department. A card is given for each course scheduled. The student then goes to Rec reation ,Hall to follow the same procedure as the pre-registrants, filling out forms and being checked. Fees will then be, assessed at Willard Hall and paid at the Bursar's office. Each student is expected to present a receipted or a validated class card to the instructor before the student is admitted to class. This card will not be required to be filled out at the registra tion headquarters; however, it must be completed before the first session of class. Classes will begin tomorrow as scheduled, starting at 8 a.m.. Those classes regularly sched uled for today will be held either on Saturday, July 7 or at a time which is satisfactory to the stu dents and instructors concerned. There will be no classes on Wednesday, July 4, but classes will resume the following day. The holiday on Wednesday will not have to be made up. 4th Draft Test Held Next Thur. Dr—Hugh M. Davison, professor of educational research at the College who is in charge of the Selective Service College Quali fication Tests taken 'at the Col lege, reported that the College agreed to conduct a fourth test on Thursday, July 12. It was not yet known how many applicants, will be assigned to Penn State for the test. The July 12 date was added for the benefit of men whose religion prohibits them from taking the examinations on a Saturday. The first three testing dates were Saturdays: Less than 100 students took the Selective Service test at•, the Col lege Saturday. It was the third to be given here. The first examination on May 26 enrolled 974 students while 434 reported for the test on June 16. Today If You Have Not Pre-Registered 1. All new registrants secure application-registration form, cat alogues, petition forms, or gen eral information at the informa tion desk in the lobby of Pattee Library. 2. Students not having official matriculation cards in their pos session must obtain the neces sary card before reporting to faculty adviser's section at Room 105 Section 1-M. 3. Obtain approval of course program by faculty representa tives in major department, Sec tion 2, periodical and Teference room, - second floor of Pattee Li brary. 4. ..ibtain approval of neces sary Dean or Director of Sum mer Sessions, according to classi fication. 3G—Graduate Students and 3U—unclassified students at the reference room, second floor. Regular undergraduate students report to official adviser or Dean of SchooL 5. Present approved applica tion-registration form and obtain class card for each course sched uled at Section 4 in the Reserve Book Room, first floor. 6. Proceed to Recreation hall, Section 5, main floor, to complete registration, as outlined under "If You Have Pre-registered," beginning with numeral 2. Prexy Awarded Honorary Degree At. Pittsburgh Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, president of the College, was awarded the honorary degree of doctor of laws by the University of Pittsburgh last month. Dr. Eisenhower, one of four men to receive honorary degrees, was presented by Dr. H. H. Long enecker, dean of the Graduate School at Pitt, who is an alum nus of Penn State and was for merly on the faculty at the College. Honorary' degrees also were conferred upon General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, chair man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who addressed the graduating class; Dr. Robert L. Johnson, president of Temple University; and 'Dr. Philip S. Hench, Nobel prize winning specialist in rheu matic diseases. Chancellor Rufus H. Fitzgerald conferred the de urees• Summer Collegian To Publish Weekly The Summer. Collegian will be published each week of the Main Session. •. Distribution Points will bet . Student Union Desk, Old Main , Corner Room West Dorm lounge Women's Dorm lotinges • 'Collegian office The Summer Collegian be published every Wednesday and the price is five mobs.
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