PAGE EIGHT Prexy (Continued from page one) uously promising. (3) Engaging in political coop eration, through the United Na tions, to settle those disputes which are constantly arising among nations of different cul tures and ideals. (4) Developing, through the Hnited Nations, central power which the peace-loving peoples of the world may use. "Today," Dr. Eisenhower said, "it is as important for our citi zens to understand the world, and the global consequences of our domestic and foreign policies, as it was for us not so many years ago to understand our own com munity, and, at most, our nation." Silver Quill Award Mrs. J. Harold Brislin, society and women's page editor of the Scranton Tribune and Scranton ion, received the Silver Quill Award, the women's citation, for outstanding achievement in jour nalism by th e Pennsylvania Women's Press Association. Mrs. Brislin won first place for a pho tographic feature with text on "Having Help Around." Adelaide Kerr, AP feature writer, spoke on "How the UN Affects You and Me" at the luncheon. Shop Talks Seven "shop talks" were pre sented at a morning-long session in which editors explored many of the problems confronting the press today. They included PHOTOS TAKEN ............. • OW; ;f:•••::!: for mi iti ., N E pita NO UNPLEASANT AFTER TASTE Dr. Kavanagh Presents Paper On Engineering Dr. T. C. Kavanagh, professor of civil engineering, presented a paper entitled "Buckling Prob lems in Structural Engineering" at the annual meeting of the Column Research Council of the Engineering Foundation. E. C. Holt Jr.. instructor in civil engineering, also attended the meeting to discuss research . ,.work underway here on the design of pony truss bridges. "Cleaning Up the Community Dives" by Rodney Fisher, editor of the McKees Rocks Gazette "Microfilming vs. Bound Files" by Herman S. Reifsnyder, man aging editor of the Altoona Mir ror; "Community News in the Shadow of the Metropolitan Mar ket" by John E. Tilton, of the Upper Darby News; "Handling Sandlot Baseball News" by Arn old Goldberg, of the Uniontown Standard; "Sloppy Headline Writ ing" by William C. Witt, manag ing editor of the Shenandoah Ev ening Herald; "Covering th e County Community by Com munity" by George A. Scott, edi tor of the Clearfield Progress; and "Problems an Editor Faces To day" by James M. 'Driscoll, of the Connellsville Courier. A floor show with student tal ent including -the Varsity Quar tet, dancing, and songs by the Thespians from the recent musi cal comedy hit "Anything Goes," completed the evening. OVER 1500 PROMINENT TOBACCO GROWERS',;....., SAY: "When I apply the Standard Tobacco Growers' Test 'to cigarettes I find Chesterfield is the one that smells Milder and smokes Milder!' A WELL-KNOWN INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION REPORTS: "Of all brands.tested, Chesterfield is the only cigarette in which. members of our taste panel found no unpleasant after-taste." THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, , PENNSYLVANIA} . . . . . . . . - ...... ... ... . Col. Bolduc To Go .. • CLASSIFIEDS• TO Summer Camp . . . .. .. . . Col. Lucien E. Bolduc, profes- FOR SALE i • ' ROOM AND BOARD ' . . sor of military science and tac tics will leave on June 4 to . corn- TRAILER 27 foot.. Call Howe 6595. ROOM' and. BOARD Lambda Wuodsdale Park. ~ ••' .. ~ , • • • Chi 'Alpha for all summer sessions. plete plans for ROTC summer camp in Fort Meade, Md. 1947 STEWART 27' Housetiailer. Excelll. ent condition. 3 room type, insulated BEST LIVING conditions at Theta Chi . Colonel Bolduc will be accom- addition, blonde plywood interior. 322-B Roo and/or and/or - board' 'for all summer panied by Col. William B. Tuttle, Windcrest. • ". session . • Ca11_3915 or 4702. ' • professor of military science and 1941 NATIONAL 24' trailer WANTED with ." 7. 7 ..s . tactics at Pennsylvania Military insulated room addition and new con- • . ' ' • College and camp commander. dition Crosley 7 cubic foot" refrig. 6750: Bill- Smith,' Spring Lea Trailer. Camp, EXPERIENCED WAITERS and kitchen Approximately 1,300. college phone 6593. - for main • summer - session. Call students are scheduled to attend , John p erry 8441, Ext. -718. ' BEAUTIFUL but Uncle Sam says ••,........ I ve her. 1948 DuPage Trailer for sale - • the ROTC summer camp from• si l e l' s - • • - - • June 16 - to July 27. They will be --conveniences, room. Bell . Fricke, Spring . • , LOST sent from colleges and universi- Lea Park. Phone 6593. LADY'S 'GOLD watch in ,Ag Hill vicinity. (ties in Maryland, Pennsylvania, TRAILER. 23', All-Aluminum body, sepa- Initials ."M.1.8." RewaH offered. Call i New York, Massachusetts, New rate • bedroom. Good condition. Movable. - John Borne,' 5051-263. • , Sleeps four. Very reasonable, Call 2087. , I'Jersey, Rhode Island, Maine, Ver- mont, New Hampshire, Connecti- SET OF ii golf clubs owner entering South Allen' street. Sentimental value.. cut, and Washington, D.C. Shop military service. May be seen at Golf I Call Dolores, State College 2505. Reward! RUST SUEDE Sport Coat and car keys Gift -- , • , • . FOR RENT in. Rec _Half: Please return to - Student Union. ' Reward Fink.' . (Continued from page one) _ ROOM FOR Rent: Enjoy summer school. Room and, or • board.. Call Bob Scullin, - MISCELLANEOUS. i broadcasting provided, the corn- 6311. Theta Kappa Phi mittee was still confronted with FURNISHED APARTMENT—three rooms [F YOUR typewriter needs repairs just the problein of transmission and and bath for summer occupancy. Metz- c a ll 2492 or b r ing machine •to 633 W ger- Building. Call 7280. College Ave. Mr. Beatties' 28 years es. the purchase of the necessary PLEASANT, COMFORTABLE ' rooms for Perienee 'is at your seme. Ic . equipment. men.' Near campus summer and fall. .. Gift To Cover Cost Also "Bachelor • Quarters" for 5: private, ANYONE WANTING LP recording - of The class gift is expected to Phone, bath. 230 South Frazier. Verdi Requiem by Chapel Choir contact cover the cost of •the new equip- 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment for any member of choir or call 8441-2429 by most and of setting up some sys- orate rent.mmerll/2. blocks from campus. Mod- 230 ednesday. . South Frazier after five. tern of transmission. TENNIS -FA NS it's Hassinger for racket At resent lass are beingAT ATTRACTIVE SINGLE room for malest-ini U the r c r iay.P a n t , studentngtesummersessionsin service.stringing the Longer Considered for transmitting the return . for some services. Phone 2133. string and racket. 514 E. Beaver after programs to campus buildings • 5 p.m. Phone 2316. through power lines. Off-campus vide entertainment for students, TYPING AND Mimeographing letters, buildings will be able to pick but, will also enable radio, and manuscripts, theses, term papers, etc. up the station -by special lines. speech majors to get vocational Hotel state, College. Room 205. Secre tarial Service. Phone 4906. Helen G. The statical will not only pro- training. Yarnell. LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTS MAKE THIS• MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET WHAT,EVERY SMOKER WANTS vv: S4' 'TUESDAY;, MAY 22, 1951
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers