Friday, April 13, 1951 Truman Challenges Tobey To Begin Impeachment WASHINGTON, April 12— Truman, in a new and angry telephone call, has challenged Senator Tobey to start an im peachment move against him, the New Hampshire Republican re ported today. Tobey told reporters the President called him Tuesday and said in an unfriendly tone: - “I understand you are going to have me impeached.” Fine Calls Tax Plan 'Makesh ift' HARRISBURG, April 12—(#•) —Gov. John S. Fine applied a “makeshift” label today to a non administration tax program sug gested as an alternate to the per sonal income levy. Digging into a maze of figures shown in his projected $1,200,000,- 000 budget for the next two years, the governor said: “The simple fact may be re peated—we have been obligated to pay $112,000,000 for which no revenue has been provided. This money and the balance of the $163,000,000 needed for the next biennium can only come from taxes.” Measure Revived So- far, Fine’s plan for a one half of one per cent income tax to raise $119,000,0000 in the next two years hag. had rough going in- the House. The once-defeated measure was revived yesterday but the House GOP leadership lacked the necessary 105 votes to put it over decisively. Fine’s special statement at tacked a four-part tax -rogram set up by an accounting firm at the direction of Sen. John M. Walker, Republican floor leader. The proposals called for: Re-enactment of the cent a’ bot tle soft drink tax, expected to bring in $30,000,000 in two years. Corporate Tax Increase the corporate net in come tax from four to five per cent to raise $44,000,000. Cutting the civil defense ap propriation from $20,000,000 to $2,000,000. Revising anticipated tax rev enues at $60,000,000 higher than the figure forecast by the gov ernor’s budget secretary, Dr. Ed ward B. Logan. Marriage Panel Scheduled Today * “Who Is Ready for Marriage?” will be the major question con sidered in' a panel discussion at 1 p.m. today in 114 Home Eco nomics building. This panel will be one of the events of the Home Economics open house being held on campus this weekend. Purpose of the dis cussion will be to give some col legiate points' of view to high school students and teachers who are expected to be present. Presenting the woman’s point of view will be Gay Brunner, Jo Hutchon, and Marjorie Telford. Philip Mallen will look at the question from the married man’s side of it, and William Santel and Robert Millikan will be the other male participants. W. M. Smith Jr., professor of family re lationships, will be the mod erator. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Three-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course CO-EDUCATIONAL Member of Assn, of American Law Schools Matriculants must be College graduates and present full tran script of College record CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 24, 1951 For further information address REGISTRAR FORDHAM univ. SCHOOL OF LAW 302 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Tobey said he replied that he intended nothing of the sort, but that Mr. Truman, insisting he had gotten information from a source in whom he had “the most com plete confidence,” declared: ’ No Objection “Now let me tell you this, sena tor. If you want to have me im peached, you just go right ahead and I’ll help you.”' Tobey did not interpret what the President may have meant when he said “I’ll help you.” Tuesday was the day before Mr. •Truman dismissed Gen. Douglas MacArthur, however, and there was speculation that perhaps the President had in mind his dis missal order and the controversy it would arouse. During the storm in Congress over the MacArthur ouster several members have called for the President’s impeachment. No Hard Feelings But Tobey has not made any public demand for impeachment. He said today he entertains “friendly” feelings for the Presi dent and is sorry that the inci dent occurred. Other senators offered an ex planation for the President’s ire. they reported that Tobey had told a closed meeting of the Senate Banking subcommittee Monday that the President “could be impeached” if he suppressed evidence' he once claimed to possess that some members of Congress received fees in connec tion with. RFC loans. Two Outstanding Men Will Win Dorm Awards Cash awards for the outstand ing athlete and the most active student in extra-curricular activ ities in the areas were announced by the Nittany and Pollock coun cils Tuesday evening. Two awards are offered by each area. Any student in,the area is eligible for the awards if he has a “1” average.. Nominations for the awards will be accepted by dorm presidents and then be screened by a committee. Each award is, worth/$7.50. Club To Show Cows A fitting and showing demon stration of dairy cows in the Dairy Pavillion in preparation for the Penn State Dairy show will fol low the meeting of the Dairy Science club tonight at 7 o’clock in 117 Dairy building. Europe 65-80 Day Bicycle Tears from $465 74 Day French Study Toar $775 56 Day Meter Tours - . fro* $lO9O Including Round Trip Steamship from New York or Montreal. uiskoMi 33 Day Adventure Tonr - $295 47 Day Study Tour $295 "America's Foremost Organization for Educational Travel." IT A 545 sth Avenue, 9I I M New York, N. Y. Red Planes Downed In Jet Battle TOKYO, Friday, April 13 (R)— The Far East Air Force today raised to 29 the total number of enemy planes destroyed or dam aged yesterday in history’s larg est jet air battle. Previous reports had said that U.S. fighters without loss to themselves shot down at least five and possibly eight Russian type MIG jets in two dog fights. Fourteen Red jets had been re ported damaged. The Air Force called the raid, “the most concentrated interdic tion attack of the war.” In the record-breaking battle, 80 red-nosed OlG’s challenged 72 American F-86 Sabre jets, and F -84 Thunderjets and some 40 B-29 Superfort bombers. Three Red jets were shot down and two others probably destroy ed. A B-29 gunner got one—quite a feat, hitting a target flashing by from left to right at a speed of some 500 miles an hour. In the second dogfight, 15 Red MIG-15’s attacked 12 American F-86’s.' The Sabres downed two and probably destroyed another. The U.S. Fifth Air Force re ported that no American fighters were lost. Two bombers were forced to land in Korea. War Against China Needed To Avoid W.W. 11l Taft Says NEW YORK, April 12 —(IP) — Sen. Taft (R-Ohio) said tonight the prevention of World War 111 “cannot now be accomplished without an aggressive war against Communist China.” He said Gen. MacArthur spoke up on foreign policy because of a “justified fear” the .United States would end the Korean war by appeasement. Said Taft' in • a speech to the Yale Engineering association here: “If the original sending of American troops to Korea was to prevent World War 111, then that purpose has been long completely lost from sight. “It cannot now be accomplished without an aggressive war against Communist China and a punish ment of the aggressor, as the North Koreans were punished.” Taft shid “the firing of General MacArthur has led the world to believe that we are now looking in the direction of appeasement.” "DIMENSIONS in MUSIC Gen. MacArthur To Come Home WASHINGTON, April 12 (JP) —Republican anger over General Mac Arthur’s'removal boiled over today into demands for the resig nation of President Truman and Secretary of State Acheson. The great debate on the Truman-versus-MacArthur issue ex ploded again in the Senate while the nation still seethed with violent emotion The President fired MacArthur yesterday and explained later he feared the policies the general: advocated would lead to World War 111. MacArthur wanted- to carry the bombing campaign to the Chinese beyond the Manchur ian-Korean border and held that Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalists should be allowed to open a sec ond front on the China mainland. Quick Return The general cleared the way to day in Tokyo for a quick return home to defend his Asian policies. MacArthur cabled John Foster Dulles here that he plans to leave Tokyo on Monday—but he did not say whether he would come di rectly to the, United States. Dulles is American negotiator on the Japanese peace treaty and is going to Japan in a few days. Dulles cabled MacArthur he hoped to see the general in Tokyo but MacArthur replied he was leaving Monday.. Senator Welker (R-Idaho) told the Senate Mr. Truman should step out of the White House and give Vice President Barkley a chance “to restore unity and con fidence” in the country. Knowland Comments Senator Knowland (R-Calif) de clared Acheson “should resign or be removed by the President” be cause the American people “no longer have confidence in him.” Senator Robertson (D-Va) came to the President’s defense saying MacArthur deliberately forced the issue “of who should be in charge of our foreign policy in the Far East.” He said MacArthur knew the meaning of insubordin ation and had forced Mr. Truman to act Eleven AGR Officers To Receive Training Eleven officers of Alpha Gam ma Rho fraternity will attend an officer’s training school at New Hampshire university, Durham, N.H., this week-end. They are ' Donald Anthony, Richard Dempster, William Kin caid, John Kooker, Louis Laf fpdiu Charles Rightmere, Thomas Scdtt, David Stabler, Richard Stfchtey,. Kehdall Tomlinson, and Albert Zihmer. LEONIDES and THE BARONS Present REC HALL 3 FINE ORCHESTRAS MODES IN MUSIC AND V* HOURS OF DANCING "3's A CROWD" Sentimental - Jazz - Polkas Tickets Go On Sale Monday At Student Union Semi-formal No Corsages House Vote Favors Low Draft Age WASHINGTON, April 12 ( JP )— The House overwhelmingly dem onstrated today its support for lowering the draft age and mak ing a survey preparatory to start ing universal military training. By a vpte of 232 to 140, it de feated a substitute bill that would have extended the draft law but kept the present minimum induc tion age at 19 years. The defeated bill made no provision for UMT at any time. Members were not recorded by name in the voting. Rep. Barden (D-NC) sponsored the bill. The House put off until to morrow a final vote on the ad ministration-backed measure to drop the draft age to 18%, lenghten the period of service to 26 months and create a commis sion to report to Congress later on UMT. The draft law would be extended until July 1, 1954. Visit Your PORTAGE CLEANERS Now Open From 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. The home of Quality Work manship where no job is too large New Location: 118 S. Pugh (in Calder Alley) For Pickup and Delivery Phone 2632 Today APRIL 21 $2.50 Couple raGE THREE
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