PAGE EW.ITTT DP Group --- (Continued from page three) Penn Siate Christian association, wild is working with • the campus and Commerce club committees. The present: job of the Campus owsmittee is to find living quar ters for the displaced students. Members of the housing sub -committee have contacted State College ministers to get names of persons living in State College who might have living quarters available for the displaced stu dents next fall, Mahla said. The campus committee will hear the subcommittee's report, Mahla said, and will then con tact the persons whose names have been submitted. The displaced, persons program being undertaken this year is the first program attempted on such a large scale. In previous years, 'individual campus groups, chur ches, and fraternities sponsored or obtained sponsors for a small number of displaced students, Miss Allen said. Businessmen of State College have so far guaranteed about 17 jobs for the . dispMced students. They include general restaurant work, clerking and stock work, construction work, and domestic service, Miss Allen said. ' The displaced students are scheduled to arrive next fall, probably in September. The pro cessing set-up requires about six months to be completed, Miss Al len said. At present the students are located in DP camps, mainly in Germany. Most of them for merly come from communist- k.....A,:~ :-~. ~~•~.:. :"4•••, ... • rls., • ;•;:•: . 4 Male Choir-- (Continued froth page one) was separated from the unit and made a separate detachthent for entertainment purposes. The group gave more than 2000 concerts, for the armed for ces. After returning from Europe in 1946, the chorus, including 14 of the original group from Fort Dix, began tours in this country. Last year, the de Paur chorus set a new record with 180 en gagements. The current tour, in cluding both Bellefonte and State College and ending next month, numbers more than 175 appear ances. dominated countries such as Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Ru mania, Poland, and the Baltic countries. Transportation Expenses The International Refugee or ganization, one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, pays for transportation expenses of the DP's to New York. The employer pays for the transpor tation from New York to State College, Miss Allen said. The displaced- students are being obtained through the World Student Service fund. Because the IRO is scheduled to go out of business June 30, and since the IRO pays transportation expens es, action Must be taken soon to get processing underway, Miss Allen said. No official action can be taken, however, until job assurances for the 25 displaced persons are com pleted, Miss Allen said. THE STRAIGHT FACTS *N CIGARETTES THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, P Israel Farms— (Continued from page one) community are elected by ballot. Edel said approximately 90 per cent of agriculture and industry is capitalistic and is operating un der a system of free enterprise. Every citizen in Israel votes whether Arab, Jew, or Christian. The three faiths of the—poptila tion stand equally, Edel said. Some tension, however, is felt in regard to the marriage laws since no provision is made fdr inter religious marriages. Today, an effort is being made to integrate the school systems. At present education instruction is divided into orthodox teachings, laborite-sponsored schools, and public schools. Mapai, socialist party similar to the British Laborites, has about 30 per cent of th e electorate. Twenty-five percent is left-wing labor, or Mapam. The orthodox religious party, the Mizrachi, has 18 per cent. , GRADUATE NURSE to manage nursing home near State College. Living quarters provided for man and wife. Phone 3764. COUNSELORS FOR Camp Tel Hai. Phone 2114 or write Dr. Joseph Levitshy, 1004 ~traiford Ave., Philadelphia 26, Penna. ;.,.. CLASSIFIEDS For Best Results Use Collegian Classified WANTED r..,..„,,„.,..,,i,„,„.„,:.: 1ei1,....,..„...,,.... ~.....,,...,::;,....•,„.„.._,:„.,....,..„,„„.,,„:„„, LEADING li - NSYLVANIA RIDE TO FLORIDA 142 th or Mb. Call Ted Browne 5051-792. , TENOR SAXMAN needed for organized orchestra. Contact Barry. Dorm 28. Room 8 after 5 p.m. WANTED—AT least ten students to take ComMerce 30, in Post session. Call 4279. ask for Bill. WANTED RIDE to- Florida over Easter vacation. Will share driving expenses. Call Bill Clark 4702. RIDERS WANTED to Columbus and all points west on U.S. 40 to St. Louis. Phone 6045. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs just call 2492 or bring machine -to 633 1 W College Ave.' Mr. • Beatties 28 years ex perience is at your service. TYPING AND Mimeographing. Letters, manuscripts, theses, term papers, etc. Hotel State College, Room 205. Secretarial Service. Phone 4906. Helen G. Yarnell. CROCHET A matching bag' and hat set of Belastraw for Easter. Margaret Shop on S. Frazier St. TYPING? FOR fast service and low rates on term papers, theses. etc. just call 6324.330-B Windcrest. TREASURE HUNT! At College Sports wear tonight. Over DA Silver Dollars hidden in merchandise. Buy an article with a dollar in it, and the dollar is yours. Store is open till 9:043 P.m • • TRAILER LOTS: now ire no • available at Woodsdale Park: Phone 6595. '' BOARD and' ROOM. for 2 'students at Marilyn Hall 317 B. -Beaver Ave. Avail able March 12. Contact Mrs. Ellard. ROOM FOR Rent—Double room, double bed, completely furnished. -Married couple or, men. 252 S. Frazier. Phone 3846. BOARD FOR men students. Also 1/2 double room for rent. Reasonable rates. 243 S. Pugh St. Phone 3332. g II 0 • I I 1 PROOF of MILDNESS ~.,"1 I N AME 01,1EG FOR RI!..NT "When I apply the standard Tobacco growers' test to cigarettes I find Chesterfield . 3 1 is the one that smells milder 3 1 1 and smokes milder. /I 1 • s 1 Statement by hundreds of 1 Prominent Tobacco Growers PROOF of NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE "Chesterfield is the only cigarette in which members of our taste panel found no unpleasant after-taste.' From the report of a well-known Industrial Research Organization THIMSDAY,' list*RCH_ 8, 185,1 LOST WILL PERSON who took Air France . raincoat with place for inner liner from Spa Saturday night please call Bill 3204. LIGHT BROWN Trenchcoat in the vicinity ' of main lounge of West, Dorms. Finder Please call 5051-962. DIETZGEN SLIDE Rule, MI Librarlr, March 1. Please call 7532. -Reward. RAINCOAT TAKEN by mistake in Will ard, Wednesday. I have. yours. Call 1097 Ask for. Edward Thomas. PAIR OF Glasses in red leather ease; be; tween Simmons and Library. Call room 3 Simmons. ton SALE 1947 LIBERTY 23' Housetrailer. Good condition. Special price. Completely furnished. Call 3505, Joseph Pagnanelli. Hoover's Trailer Park. TYPEWRITER STANDARD, made by Royal in Germany: American keyboard. Parts practically new. Bargain. Ideal for students. See,Beatties Typewriter. Service, 699 W. College Tel. 2492. PLYMOUTH 'CONVERTIBLE 194 L Ex- cellent __condition. Radio; heater, spot light. Highest offer takes. Phone 6836, evenings. John Wood. • 1949 ALUMINUM Trailer includes Rush toilet, aluminum borch and „awnings. Hot water heater, Electric refrigerator. Like new. Contact Ivana Johns, Woods Dale. Phone 6595. '36 FORD, Semi Hot-Rod, $9O. 1/2 a model gas engine (new - with accessories). 94. 618. - 5. Pugh St. Phone 9862, THREE SPEED Victrola hardly . ' used: Slight adjustment in arm necessary. Call 5051, .Room 28 Simmons. GOLF CLUBS, priced 'very cheap. I must sell. Call Len, Rm. 296, Hamilton Hall, 5051-1189. - WILL RENT or sell—immediately—all or part of property, 5 Miles from State College, as follows: 24' radiantly heated trailer and 10' x 20' annex with furnish ings, bottled' gas, running water, etc. on lot 140' by 187'. Ideally, located. Telephone Collegian Office.
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