'RIDAY, MARCE 2,1951 5 Women Apply'For )Posts in WSGA, WRA Seventy-five coeds will be interviewed by the WSGA and WRA !Application boards tomorrow, according to Barbara Sprenkle and Mary Ellen Grube, presidents of the organizations. Fitly -seven wo- I men applied for WSGA posts and The two presidents annotace, who would serve on the boards. WSGA committee members will be Jane Mason, Jo Ann Lee, Ruth Grotsky, and JoAnn Claycomb. Senior members of senate and the WRA executive bOard will also' serve on the boards Audrey Brua, Gay Brunner, Barbara Sprenkle,- and Ella Lou ise Williams will complete the WSGA board. Present holders of the offices which individuals are applying for will serve during the interviews for that 'office. WRA application board mem= bers will be Lois Evans, Sally Fol!ier,' Mary Ann Krepps, Mari lyn Porter, and senior board mem bersoMary/Ellen Grube and Betty Lou Jones. Interviews Tomorrow • .:WSGA interviews will begin tomorrow- morning and continue in the afternoon. Barbara Smell kle has requested that' applicants turn in a schedule to the dean of ,women's office so, that arange ments can be made to schedule interviews. WRA applicants will come be fore the board in the afternoon beginning at 1 p.m. Sunday, nominees will attend a meeting at 6:30 p.m. in 105 White hall t 9 be instructed about campaign ' regulations, election chairmen said. Meeting Tonight Both application boards will hold a preliminary meeting to day at 6:30 p.m. in the WSGA and WRA rooms in White hall. Miss Brud was appointed WRA election chairman at a senate meeting Wednesday night. Miss Williams and Miss Jones are WSGA and WRA application board chairman respectively. House meetings will be held next week to introduce all candi dates. Alpha Xi Delta Wins Alpha Xi Delta sorority defeat ed Atherton East in the bowling intramurals by a score of 533-457 Wednesday night. Pat Robinson tied the high scorer of Atherton East with 118 points. The Col legian stated yesterday that Ath erton East won the game. Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa. Kappa Gamma sorority, initiated 11 girls Saturday, in-'1 eluding Sue Brown, Cassandra Carroway, Barbara Holska,^ Sally' Miller, June Moylan, Geanne Phillips, Ruth Pierce, . Barbara Renolds, Anne Swagler, Anne Tierney, and Meredith William son. The -group entertained Phi Gamma Delta fraternity_ Sunday evening with a take-off on Moth er Goose rhymes. Barbara Norton was' ribboned to the sorority recently. Phi Mu Phi Mu sorority has ribboned Janet Horger. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE,• PENNSYLVANIA 8 for WRApositions.. yesterday the members-at-large Beta Sigs Down AEPi In WRA Badminton Sets Ten teams participated •in the badminton intramurals last night. Beta Sigma Omicron defeated Alpha Epsilon Pi by winning six out of seven singles. In six sh , ttgles Gamma Phi Bet« was thee victor over Phi Mu by winning four games. - Kappa Del ta forfeited to Kappa Alpha The ta. Kappa Kappa Gamma won four singles to difeat Zeta Tau Alpha who won one single. Leonides won four singles over Alpha Gamma Delta. Thet Alpha Gains were victors in the two doubles. Alpha Xi Delta defeated Alpha Chi Omega by winning two doubles and three singles while Alpha Chi Omega won two singles. In the bowling intramurals Masta night, Women's building de feated Phi Sigma Sigma 502-415. Anna Mae Webb was high scorer for Women's building with 106 points. Sigma Delta Tau forfeited to Delta Delta Delta. The Nittany Co-op scored 422 points to down Atherton West who scored 403 points. Post-Athletic Social Councils Give Dance Sat. The West dorm council and the Town council will jointly sponsor a post-athletic dance in the West dorm main lounge following the Penn State-Pittsburgh basketball game tomorrow night. Ray Evert and his Artists in Melody will provide music for the affair. Admission is free. The dance is open to the public: The 'Association of Independ ent Men previously had sponsor ed three post-athletic dances in Recreation hall. The AIM board of governors decided Wednesday night to cancel future post-ath letic dances because of financial loss. Portage Cleaners wishes everyone . to know their NEW LOCATION 118 S. Pugh St. (beside Sportsman's Shack) Cash and carry store where expert cleaning guarantees satisfaction for delivery phone 2632 'Musicians Give Dance Tonight Musician's ball, presented by Phi Mu Alpha, men's honorary music society, will be held in White hall tonight from 9 to 12. Music for the dance, an infor mal affair, will be provided by the 18 piece Phi Mu Alpha dance band. Vocals will be provided by the Band's guests, Four Flats and a Sharp. Jack Huber, president of Phi Mu Alpha and leader of 'the band, said that most of the music pre sented will be original arrange ments. He said that some of the original music from last Sunday's concert will be repeated at the dance. • Ark& EFEE'Y GO-ED Should Know! The Charles Shop offers you a new service .. Show Mother and Dad that new Spring Coat, Suit, or Dress before you buy it. We will fake your picture in it, and send the picture home to.your parents . . . if they like it on you, all you have to do is charge it. Stop In Today ! See for yourself how wonderful you look in Our New Spring Clothes. These Pictures Are Free • 124 SOUTH ALLEN ST. STATE C.OLLE-CIE,PA. For Quick Results Use Collegian Classifieds Dance Programs Invitations • Form Letters Commercial Printing Inc. Glennland Bldg., State College Co-eclito. Sigma Nu Nine men were initiated into Sigma Nu fraternity Sunday, Feb. 18. They are Frederick Bigony, Grant Breining, Stuart Butz, James Diehl, John Hoerr, Leo Lemley, Samuel Lemon, Samuel Marino and Richard Moran. Beta Theta Pi Members of 'Alpha Omicron Pi sorority were dinner guests of Beta Theta Pi fraternity Tues day evening, and were entertain ed afterward with a pledge skit. Tickets for the affair, at $1.50 per couple, will be on Sale at the door. 1,,, 4 '''- ; r ,-. tr. i : MAGIC *S9l* as • *. • IP; • ■ *: • • '` 4 'aii; . ' , ;'''';'''' . 4'; Lettoductory offer P 0 PINKY bottle PLUS m ity 50t 4 ofs. PINKY refill *Ow tax : • 4 ili of Oil *0 fif4PiCsit.4is. 40 lif X Joist Jolisii 0 McLANAHAN'S thru the Looking Glass with George Did you wake this morning sensing that this is an impor tant day? You're right. Today is the birthday of Effie Fog, who has earned the un dying gratitude of all women for discovering sink smog. Also DhiSmore Snoofenlog, who will be long remembered for his famous last words, "So long." And, of course, Burtram Lef fingwell-Hitk, inventor of the sign, "This parking place un reserved. Who's birthday is coming up? And so it goes. Every day is important because it is some one's birthday. Which reminds me (as tho I hadn't been plot ting this all along) the place to buy birthday gifts is at Ethel's. Stop in and you'll find won drous things to please every one. For example, if Aunt Ara mintha likes tea, Ethel has a gift pack of nine brews, indi vidually wrapped for $2.00. Some teas come in boxes that may be reused for jewelry, but tons, or used razor blades. Ground ginger comes in a gay, hand painted pottery container ideal as a sugar bowl. Also $2.00 Put out the fire If it's a man your shopping for, consider the Thirst Extin guisher. It's a cocktail• shaker that looks like a fire extin guisher. The low priced model (did I say low?) will burn a $12.95 hole in your pocket. In red glass with a copper top and spout, it's a gift that's really different. Come in and read the instructions on the bottle. Any drug store will give you a gallon bottle free. It looks like a gallon bottle. Blood out of a turnip And while we're tossing mower around let's take a look at a trustee's offering—the Waring Blender. Mixes ice cream, gelatin sauces, cookies, cakes, griddle cakes, salads, and con. crete. If • a vegetable has a drop of juice, the Waring Blendor extracts every drop. Extraction front your wsi let: $29.75. 112 E. COLLEGE AY'E_ STATE COLLEGE, PA. POLISH REMOVER PAGE FIVE ; ;-, • .;
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