PAGE EIGHT Silva To Speak Before NAACP Dr. Ruth Silva, assistant pro fessor of political science, will be guest speaker at an open meeting of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People tomorrow at 8 p.m. in 217 ,Willard hall. This meeting is part of the ob servance of National History week, Feb. 26 to March 2. A library exhibit and a social are also planned as part of the week's program. "Famous Men in Negro His tory" are being featured in an exhibit now being shown on the second floor of the library. Jul ian CoOk is in charge of the ex hibit. A social, open to the public, will be held on Friday night in 304 Old Main from 8 to 12 p.m. There will be dancing and re= freshments. Shirley Orr is chair man for the social. Mining Club To Meet Willard F. 'Mullen of the Min eral Industries experiment sta tion will speak on "Slate Mining" at the meeting of the Mining En- COLLE FOR RENT TRAILER LOTS are now available at Woodsdale Park. Phone 6595. FOR RENT: Large single room in faculty home North side, ground floor, private entrance, new , 3(t bed, 2 large closets, use of automatic Bendier, limited kitchen privi leges, share bath with one other male student. $lO per week. Harby, 315 W. Hill crest, State College 6822. SINGLE ROOM and one-half double room for rent. 355 East Foster, State College 4487. FOR SALE 1947 LIBERTY 23' Housetrailer. Good condition. Special price. Completely. furnished. Call 3505, Joseph Pairnanelli, Hoover's Trailer. Park. TAILS, SHIRT, two collars, vest included. Excellent condition. Size 38. $lO. Call 3105. Too small for owner. 18' HOUSETRAILER with porch. Inquire at 328-B Windcrest after five. STUDENTS! take advantage of the low dry cleaning prices now be ing offered. Prepare your Spring wardrobe. CENTER _CLEANERS ... NOW OFFERS TWO PRICE RANGES TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET. Quality Cleaning & Pressing MEN'S SUITS 95c TROUSERS soc SPORTCOATS 50c LADIES' SUITS .... $l.OO DRESSES $l.OO up SKIRTS 50c BLOUSES 50c ✓ Prices at Student Cleaning Agency as Posted Ask for Our Economy SPECIAL Men's and Ladies' SUITS ... 69c . TROUSERS and SKIRTS . . . 39c CENTER CLEANERS Opposite Atherton HaH straight down Garner Street from Fraternity Row THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA , , . _ Artist To Present . Illustrated Lecture William Zor ac h,- American sculptor, wa t e r-colorist, an d teacher, will give an illustrated lecture on the sculptor's methods today at 8 p.m. in 121. Sparks. Sponsored by the Division of Fine and. Applied Arts of the Col lege, the lecture is open to the public. . ' _ • Zorach is an advocate of the method of cutting iritoMaterials, stone, and wood. 'His bronze fig ure of Dahlov is now on exhibit on the 2nd floor in Old 'Main. Hatcher At Juniata Dr. Hazel Hatcher, of the School of Home Economics, will speak before the Home Econoinics club of Juniata college at Huntingdon today. Today is being celebrated as Home Economics day, which is sponsored by the club, Dr. Hatch er will speak on "Home Life in Chile" at the afternoon .tea, and this evening she Will discuSs "Home Life in Western Ger many." gineering society at 7 p.m. to morrow in 121 Mineral Industries lAN CLAS FOR THIS in-between weather—knit Yourself a cardigan. Our yarn's .beauti ful. Margaret's Shop. on South Frazier Street. 1941 PLYMOUTH convertible condition throughout. New top, radio heater, spotlight. Phone John Wood 6836 GOLF CLUBS ; priced very cheap. I must sell. Call Len. Rm. 296. Hamilton Hall 5051, 1189. WANTED GRADUATE NDR.SE to manage nursing home near State - College. Living quarters provided for man and wife. Phone 3764. TYPING? FOR fast' service and low rates on term papers, theses. ete. Just call 6324. 330-B Windcrest. STUDENTS TO pick up their books or money at the BX before March 3rd. MISCELLANEOUS HAVE A Date? Need a ear? Drive ft your self. Call 7509. West Dorm-- (Continued from page one) discontinuance of the council's investigation into having Sally's food service return to the area. The investigation was dropped because the West dorm snack bar Sunday initiated a quick food service similar to Sally's. • James Dunlap, who gave the report, said his investigation committee would compile data on this new service so the snack bar could better serve the area. -He announced the following places and times of snack bar quick food service: the recre ation rooms of Hainilton, Mc- Kee and Thompson halls each night except Saturday from 9 to 9:30 o'clock, and the recreation rooms of Jordan, Watts, and Irvin halls each night except Saturday from 10 to 10:30 o'clock. Harry Cover reported that H. K. Wilson, dean of men, had told him that Tribunal had complete jurisdiction over fire alarm vio laters. Cover said Wilson told him the dean of men's office would back Tribunal 100 per cent. • Cover also reported Wilson said that violaters would not be IFIEDS IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs just -call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W College Ave. Mr. Realties 28 years ex perience is at your service. TYPING AND Mimeographing. Letters, manuscripts, theses, term papers, etc. Hotel State College, Room 205. Secretarial Service. Phone 4906. Helen G. Yarnell. Excellent TYPEWRITER REPAIRING. All work guaranteed. Will call for and deliver. Phone Paul E. Henninger, State College 7842. RAINCOAT TAKEN by mistake in Will ard, Wednesday. I have yours. Call 1097 Ask for Edward Thomas. GABARDINE RAINCOAT Wednesday in front, of Room 7 Sparks. Call Vic 7851. PERSON WHO picked up overcoat, ground floor Sparks on Thursday. Call Al 4933. I have yours. WIDE BAND platinum friendship ring. • Lost - in vicinity of Simmons Dorm. Re ward $25.00. Call Simmons 443. v;:7;-• • ; 'Pk 5 " 0 4„ What new coat, suit, dress, etc., and .... send the pic ture home to your parents. If they like it on you .... well, all you have to do is charge it Stop In Today! See for yourself how wonder ful you look in our new Spring clothes. ?..*, ... .. ,Z;Q.''?A•j;,W.*W.- ' .4 ''''g" . : -.....,,, : , : : :::i;:i;K:thai.',. 1 4XffegNvia••• ••• LOST Every Coed Should Know That Starting Today, the Charles Shop offers a new exciting service :. . We realize that many of you girls would like to show Mother and Dad that new Suring coat, or suit, or dress be , fore you buy it . . . . so . . . . Here's the answer . . . . The Charles Shop* will take your picture in the 124 SOUTH ALLEN ST. ,STATE COLLEGE,PA. dismi . ssed from school unless cir cumstances besides ringing false fire alarms were involved. The council approved the report. Fine Appoints- (Continued on page three) Ray F. Smock, Meadvilli.", sec retary of highways. Col. C. M. Wilhelm, Harris burg, state police commissioner. Miles Horst,. Palmyra, Lebanon county, secretary of agriculture. That left the re-appointment of Milo F. Draemel, Wynnewood, Montgothery county, as secretary of forests and waters, the only member of Fine's cabinet lacking confirmation. No vote was taken on Draemel. .N,: y Sn;¢ ~',.~ ~':z ~. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1951 Camera Club To Meet Bill Coleman of the Lion stu dio will present a lecture at a meeting of the Penn State Cam era club tonight at 7:30 in 3 Carnegie hall. The subject is double and triple montage p0i.... traits. Bursar To Charge—, (Continued from page one) line was originally scheclule_d - for. Friday at 4:30 p.m., but was ex tended to include Saturday mbrn ing after some students were un able, to pay their fees by the time the office closed. •-• The bursar said that about 90 per cent of the studentS had al ready pai, their fees.‘. ~F~;;y ar~;~.ur>~.:¢; :` "`' M • i • • (•ir' E 'l 4 • ,r ~~ w@ ~ >< ~::::~.: :;wf;:
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