THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1950 Medlar OK's Orsini, J. Pollard For BC Although banged up in last week's tussle with Temple, halfback Tony" Orsini and fullback Jim Pollard will be ready for Saturday's battle with Boston College, trainer Chuck Medlar announced yesterday. Orsini, who turned in the best performance registered by a Nittany back this season in gaining over . 100. yards against the Owls, was sidelined in the fourth period with a shoulder injury, while Pollard \was put out of play with a back injury. Orsini Leads Both Orsini and Pollard have been running through plays with the squad, but have not been al lowed to participate in scrim mages. Orsini gained 105 yards in 21 attempts against the Owls to bring' his total for the seas6n to 265 yards and push him past Vince O'Bara in total offense. All his yardage being accounted for via the land route, Orsini is also the leading runner on the squad. O'Bara is still the top passer on the team, having completed 17 passes in 61 attempts for 235 yards, while ends Bud. Smidan sky, who has, caught 12 passes for 148 yards, and Art Betts, who has been on the tail end of 4 passes for 112 yards, are the lead ing receivers Pollard picked up 52 yards against Temple to move into the number two spot among the rgn nets. Orsini maintained his status as the leading scorer by notching the Lions' only score. The 'scat back now has three six-pointers on the ledger. Soccermen Face Crucial Weekend Bill Jeffrey and 17 of his soc cermen leave tonight for the toughest weekend trip of the year. The agenda includes a game on Saturday morning with North Carolina and a Monday meeting with undefeated West Chester State teachers. Should both the Tarheels and West Chester fall victims to the Jeffreymen, the current un defeated string would be run to 22. Joe Lane, center forward and leading scorer of the Penn State team, is still a question mark as far as availability is concerned. The speedy. Baltimorean hurt his ankle in the Western Maryland ganie early in the season and it has not responded to treatment as expected. Lane may be ready by Monday for the game in West Chester, but is almost certain to miss the North Carolina contest. He holds the Penn State scoring record for a single game by virtue of, his seven goals in the season opener with Bucknell. • Otherwise, the squad will be at top strength. IM. Basketball Deadline The deadline for entering in tramural ~ b asketball teams is 5 p.m. today. Entries must be turn ed in at the IM office in Rec hail. Team fee is one dollar. NOW! At Your Warner Theatre Calhoun?. FRED ASTAIRE RITA HAYWORTH . "You Were Never LoVelier" Slate MARLON BRANDO TERESA WRIGHT "THE MEN" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Swamis Contact Daley Continuing its search for outstanding sport authorities, The Daily Collegian sports de partment has landed a prize attraction for its' weekly fea ture, "The Sw.imis Say." He is Arthur Daley, sports editor of the New York Times and creator of the column "Sports •Of The Times." Daley's predictions, along with those of three of the staff standbys. Ray Koehler, Art Henning, and . Mary Krasnansky, will appear in tomorrow's Collegian. Daley's personal record so far this season is well over the .700 mark. Theta Chi Bows In I M Football Alpha Chi Sigma, last night glided to an easy victory over the charges of Theta Chi by a score of 13 to 0. Deto's, in another battle, de feated the Marauders by the identical score of 13 to 0. In a close game, Delta Sigma Phi downed a tough Chi Phi squad by the score of 7 to 0. Dom inic Sisti scored the winning touchdown. Another close 'game was won by the Night Hawks over Dorm 88 in overtime by 1 to 0. ' Tomorrow at 7 p.m. • the Wild Cats will face Dorm 26. At 7:45 3 1 r? NITTANy Tonife & Friday Held Charlie "CITY LIGHTS" Sigma Chi, PKS Oufswim IM Foes Natators .from Phi Kappa Sig ma and Sigma Chi captured swimming victories in the intra mural dual meets 'yesterday af ternoon at Glennland pool. In the meets held, Phi Kappa Sigma swamped Lambda Chi Al pha, 27-14; and Sigma Chi's mer men barely edged Alpha Sigma Phi, 22-19. PKS had a double winner in Bob Richardson who won the 60-yard free-style, and also took Ipw-board diving honors. Dave Douglas, Sigma Chi'si ace merman, copped individual honors in SC's victory. Douglas won the 60-yard breast stroke and swam on the victorious telay team. Swimming Managers There will be a meeting of all swimming manager s at Glennland pool at 5:15 p.m. today. p.m. Phi Kappa Sigma opposes Pi J(appa Phi. Dorm 38 will face the Dragons at 8:30 p.rxl, and at 9:15 p.m. Sigma Nu will battle Delta Tau Delta. STARLITE DRIVE-IN on BELLEFONTE ROAD Shows 7 and 9 P.M. Thursday and Friday 'Riding High' BING CROSBY COLEEN GRAY CHARLES BICKFORD Also Selected Short Subjects Over! Chaplin In Cross Country Team Preps For N.Y.U. Meet In New York With three easy victories already under its belt Coach Chick Werner's cross country team is preparing to make N.Y.U. victim No: 4 in a match scheduled for Van Cortland Park in New York, Saturday afternoon. The State harriers, with victories over Pittsburgh, Cornell, and Michigan State, will probably go into the meet with the 'Violets as slight favorites. ' Coach Emil Von Elling, one of the top track mentors in the east, has a veteran team returning to action for him this year. Last year's Violet team turned in a mediocre 3-2 record, • but with six NEED BIKE SUPPLIES? - - - See Us! • Whizzer Bike Motors • Schwinn & Roadrnaster Bikes • Tires and Tubes • Parts and Accessories • Expert Repair Service Open daily Krumrine's 9-12. 1-5 Bicycle Shop Closed Rear 433 W. College Phone 4723 Wed. P. In. " • ") Boy's! r t 10 ACT N-O-W—ORDER r .. v li.s.c Your Corsages For • , s-,..%"4".;. • • ' '.. • Junior Prom q . r AT . / WOODRI NG'S • 117 E. Beaver Avenue Phone 2045 lAimilimummilinnimilinumminimmillimmilminimmlimmiiiiimiu = = Checking The Files— IN = = . 7.. . 193 = 6 • • • E. = E: =•The wrestling team captured the intercollegiates -71 = ending Lehigh's five year reign. = _=-- •State's Frank Goodman battled to the national = = 135 Pound Boxing Championship •And SALLY'S wap in it's third year of servi"^ = to the students. = = And— = Today = More Than Ever = = = = „ SALLY'S - --i _ • ' SERVES E• FIIIMIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIMMIRMI-fg. kAiqahlit_4.d lettermen returning, N.Y.U. har riers are expected to give the Nit tany hill-and-dale men plenty of competition. WALLET PHOTOS 20 for $l.OO Perfect for application m Friendship Photos. 2 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 double weigh t..; prints on best quality •• silk finish• paper. Mail your portrait NOW for prompt service. Any size photo will make good reproducti on a. Original returned unharmed •• Please,. include 15c for postage and handling. MAIL TO-DAY CO. 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