PAC" TWO LATE AP NEWS COURTESY WMAJ- Ike' Recommended For estern Defense Army WASHINGTON—GeneraI Dwight Eisenhower has been re commended for supreme comman der of a combined army to defend western Europe by the military representatives of the North At lantic treaty nations. The Atlantic Treaty military leaders called for immediate ac tion in picking a supreme com mander for a combined army to defend western Europe. To Release Guard Units WASHINGTON Army Secre tary Pace said yesterday that the army hopes to start releasing mo bilized National Guard and reser vists next Summer. The program may be completed before 1952. Pace said that more American troops may soon go to Europe, but no National Guard units will go overseas. The Air Force an nounced that it will halt at once the call-up of enlisted reserves. Stock Prices Fall NEW YORK— Prices in the stock market at Wall Street plunged yesterday in a wholesale selling from $1 to more than $3 a share. It was the biggest drop since the crack-up which followed the start of the Korean war. 'Chest' Fund— (Continued from page one) ing the German people. He added that the relief would give hope to people very much in need of it. "You cannot minimize the im portance of what you are doing for „fellow human beings," he said. "It represents the best in America." It was also announced at 'the meeting that the Red Cross had dropped out of the drive due to a conflict with its policy. Be cause the campus chest will be the sole money-gathering cam paign on campus the Red Cross will not receive funds from the College this year. Students will be kept abreast of the progress of the drive by a "thermometer" to be placed outside the main gate. The daily advance of the drive toward its $14,000 goal will be shown. It's A Hit ! Player's "PRIVATE LIVES" CENTER STAGE Fri.-90c Sat.-91.20 ' .c Olt • 4,4, e , 4 • 1 f 1 - if CIA • -L, 00) . .• . • go • , NEWS Hazel Bishop's Amazingly Lasting Lipstick Stays On until You take it offir • 1 Won't come off on dishes, glasses, cigarettes, or teeth. 2 Won't come off when you kiss children, relatives, sweetheart. 3 Washes off easily with soap & water. 4 ,Satin.smooth, colontrue. 5 txciting fashion•right colors. 6 ?tore economical! Lasts 4 to 5 times longer! Only $1 plus lax! Griggs & Kreimer OPPOSITE OLD MAIN THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, P Approval Given Course Evaluation A course evaluation suryey in the School of Mineral Industries yesterday received delayed ap proval of Dean Edward M. Stei dle. Accordi_ig to Ray Angstadt, student ..:ouncil member, argu ments against the survey rested upon assumptions that the suc cess of a course depends upon the student, that the instructor knows what is best for his course. and that ;the survey would only result in a waste o: time. The first such survey in the MI School was held two semes ters ago. The second survey. tak en last semester, aided in bring ing about changes in the credit ratings of two ceramics courses. TONIGHT LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION 412 W. College Avenue 7:30 p.m.—Hallowe'en party (costumes, games and square dances.) , Sunday a.m.-9:3o—Bible Study 10:45—The Service 7:3o—Special Reformation Sunday Worship Service with guest speaker the Rev. James Singer from Altoona (Note the change in time) STUDENT HOUSE OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 11 P. M. Open Unti; Midnight Daily 7 4 , 1 • Magi Here's a formula for fine feathers on a featherweight budget Y • RWM!!Tairli IT'TfirIIM!MIMP undivided attention for you, a big "pluS" for your savings off► BLOUSES . AT BETTER STORES EVERYWHERE See them in Altoona at WM. F. GABLE CO. 0 CHARLES SHOP Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. F, 1375 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Blue Band. Books F (Continued from. page one) win Bistline, Brousa, Norman Charles, Albert Koster, Dombrow ski, Robert Katz, an d Richard Kartlick, saxophone; Donald Mil ler and Frances O'Connor, oboe. Ellen Horner, Ruth Beatty, Ro bert Betts, Peter Cortese, Paul Cressman, Royal Fisher, John Flynn, Thomas Hahn, Kenneth Harlieb, Jerry Henderson, George Hill, John Jenkins, Michael Kan dra, Robert Kline, Donald Mat tern, Dorothy Miller, Andrew Mills. Robert Monahan, Armine Paul, William Potts, John Reitmyer, Samuel Shilling, Ernest Skipper, Charles Smeltzer, Irene Stuart, Grant Thompson, William Wentz, John Wolfe, Richard Crosby, Gi anopoulos, Paul Smoles, and Jos eph Streamer, clarinet. Cornet, Trumpet Lewis Blight, James Colonna, Donald Corda, Eugene Golla, John Leister, Allan May, and Eu gene Thomas, cornet; Eugene Ma gill, Samuel Moldovan, and Don ald Smith, trumpet; John Hull, Grace Jeffries, Lois Keener', Rob- VICS ]-IAKES ANDWICHES UNDAES ,SACKS 145 S- Allen St. Clarinet VMTA ye Concerts-- ert Manning, Myron Mueller, John Seifarth, and Robert Swiss helm, French horn; Richard Cris well, Donald Felker, Robert Hart mann, Stayer, and John Swartz, baritone. James Bortolotto, Richard Brady, Richard Brewer, David Fishburn, Harry Neuhard, and Darrell Rishel, trombone; Frank Chiappetta,. , George Georgieff, Greenawald, John Moore, and John Ritchey, bass; R i c,h ar d Shirk, William Shrum, Arnold Paparazo, and Kenetta Peters, percussion; Charles Miller, tym pani. 4-411..? ATTENTION len t, , 4)- 41 s ..,---.. t } . iko• - ..) Q -;:-: MR. AND MISS ik va. ,4 1 itth , FRESHMAN - ' 4\ . ./0... WE TREAT YOU LIKE A SENIOR Get Next To Our Low Cleaning Prices Scwe Your Dough STATE COLLEGE LAUNDCRSTTS 210 W. COLLEGE AVE. • Open Mon. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Tues. thru Sat. 7:30 to 6 p.m. LO.7EN 1 4 01URCHiSON & CO. Representing the Herff-Jones Co. The World's' Largest Manufacturers of Class Rings and Makers of the Official. Rings for West Point Classes of 1243, 1944, 1245, 1945, 1947, 1948,1.950, 1951 invites All Penn Staters To See Another New Exclusive Herff-Jones Devalciornent :Cnown as "West Point Antique" THIS NEW FINISH WILL BE The MO Jewelry Co. 120 SOUTH ALLEN STREET The first showing of this new finish ' will be on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 224.1950 District sales representative to be at store from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at that date. Makes Woman Love a Man and a ITA 5-1" iFRIDAY, Ot, - 1 - viiml, 27, 19511 Missing Student Still Not Located . Donald 'Freeman, missing from the College since earlythis month, has not been located' yet, State College police said yester day. No information' concerning the student was reported by the Philadelphia or- state police. Plan Parties The Lutheran Student associa tion, the Roger Williams. fellow ship, the Wesley foundation, and the Westminster foundation will hold costume Hallowe'en parties at their student houses tonight. ON DISPLAY AT a Man Love a Pipe ) ' ~-:-I ,' - ' - ''-,--:,:,...., • •*— ,"-, , 40iititligrAreiilviatAst.0*-.-49Pt ,The Thoroughbred of:Pipe Tobaccos Choice white Burley • Smooth and mild
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