PAGE EIGHT Belle Hop Ball Set Oct. 21; Contest For Queen Begins The Belle Hop Ball, now an annual affair, will be held this year at Recreation Hall on October 21. Again, it will be sponsored by the Greeters, an organization of hotel administration students. Every year a queen is selected from pictures submitted by or 's queen was Jo Hutchon, spon ons who wish to sponsor a queen ganizations on campus. Last year sored by Delta Upsilon. Organizati for this year's ball are asked to get the pictures in as soon as possible. Rules for entering girls in the contest are: 1. Any group or organization on campus can sponsor a co-ed. 2. Groups wishing to enter girls will bring or mail pictures, but not snapshots, with the name of the girl and the organization sponsoring her to the hotel ad ministration office, Home Eco nomics Building. 3. Entrees must be in by Oct ober 14. 4. The pictures will be judged by a panal of impartial judges, and five finalists will be selected. Winner Chosen at Ball 5. The winner, to be selected from the five finalists, will be chosen by popular applause at the ball. 6. The winner will be awarded the Belle Hop Ball's cup. The Belle Hop Ball has become an established affair on campus since it was started in .1946. llANgilltiggill#o(o . *SilitiVri!liii.EltAslaa :1111111111111111110101NekViti' om.„. E 5 :4..,:.,..r.„..:3.:::„.:,.. •....„_, . :%........,„, :.,,„ „:,.... ,„„3:.,:.,:, .....„.c::::.:::..... :::::z i .1:::*:' , .. . N '.':::?: • :::, s, 5::::::$ gii:' : ?:*' - :::,. I- :t . ::::4.... ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ITN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE! BEFORE YOU SMOKE THEM can tell Chesterfields will smoke milder, because tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder. AFTER YOU SMOKE THEM have no unpleasant after-taste. WHILE YOU SMOKE • THEM you get more pleasure than any other cigarette .can. give • you —that's why millions of smokers say: THEY SATISFY. ING SELLER IN A E ICA* L New Counselor Betty Lou Jones was recently chosen Senior Counselor for the WRA Executive Board. Last year Betty Lou served as Intramural chairman of the board. ADS Officers New officers of Alpha Delta Sigma, national advertising fra-, ternity, are: Edwin Singel, presi dent; Owen Landon, vice presi dent; Edward Sykes, secretary; Wayne Culver,. treasurer; Hal Woolin, publicity director. Inter-Church Leaders New officers of the Inter- Church fellowship are: Ernest Mackey, president; Howard Ker stetter, vice-president, Josephine Bucknell, secretary; Thomas Kline, treasurer and the Rev. Richard Goding, adviser. • Sigma Phi Alpha recently in itiated the following men: Robert Dages, James Gray, and Thaddeus Yarosh. ~ ; :-,Km . zig,i,; . .:-k , . .,;x-----, 1 , 1.A . 7 1 ,:,... 4 ii ii , , ,,k i , '% , . .:.,,, , ,:::,:::,,,i,, ...,„,. .„...- ~.„.::::...: kk4:, OMPARE CHESTERFIELD Ml=== • ' 11111 ES : D • P • • • • . • C. • • • 2. Carl Chalk was married to Lo gan R. Moorehead last September 9 in Drexel Hill. Miss Chalk, a Kappa Gamma, from Drexel Hill. will graduate in February in the school of education. Mr. Moore head graduated in August, 1949 in the school of engineering and is a Delta Sigma Phi. He is from Indiana, Pa. On August 30 Barbara Brice, Alpha Xi Delta, was married to Ralph Cross. Miss Brice is from Butler and is a Senior in Physical Education. Susanne Nickum was married to Charles Morasco this Sept ember in the couple's hometown of Terrytown, New York. Miss Nickum is a Kappa Kappa Gam ma majoring in science. Mr. Moorehead is from William and Mary College and a member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. The engagement of Patrice Harrington, Kappa Kappa Gamma, to Don Roy, Sigma Nu, was announced this June. Miss Harrington, from Pittsburgh, is in Home Economics. Mr. Roy, who graduated in June, is from Philadelphia. The couple plan to be married this winter. • .;,-:*,:i: , :.?.50::::'. --..- :...i::::*.i..:,:..... .. ':''';:f•*..4...V:. : . :: :.' : ;::ii:'4::i:,:: , ., - , ..i45!' , ,.• A .::::.,.i?.:-...:::,:*:i:i::,.; of :'~'{` ~'S ~ri~{:T.~ fF~ ~rt:%% :•:~~~}': ~ti2 iiv4 ~: R{:'" ...''[:' YL'...J . - Marrtage3 Moorehead-Chalk Cross-Brice Morasco-Nickum Roy-Harrington 111:ELL LOST "STATE—OF—MAINE" raincoat. Light brown, medium. Call 7868 and ask for Charles Crispens. ARMY TRENCH Coat, outside 405 Old Main between Sept. 10th and 12th. Call Lincoln Van Sickel at 4908. BRAND NEW Army Officer's raincoat, size 42, outside 217 Willard Hall. Sept. 22. Call 2643. WALLET LOST on campus Mon. after noon. Keep money, return wallet and important cards by mail. Bernard Kelley, 406 Thompson, Box 1185. • LOST GOLD Woman's Corduroy raincoat. Taken from outside 303 Willard last Friday. Call Janet Friedman, 140 Sim mons. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOMS With hot and cold running water. Faculty and gradu ate students. Central,—quiet. Colonial Hotel. 123 W.. Nittany Ave. State College. Phone 4850. ONE-HALF 'Room for male student, and board. Call 7247. TWO DOUBLE rooms for rent. Private bath. Call 6195. FOR SALE OFFICER'S Regulation Green Blouse. Size 35R. Never worn. First $lO or highest offer. 116 Hamilton Hall. HOUSE TRAILER. 25 ft., with porch and awning, 6xB room, electric refrigerator, apt. size, gas range—suitable for 1 or 2 children. Woodsdale Park or Phone Pleas ant Gap 407. Hayden. SMALL TRAILER. Well known•make. Ex cellent condition. $650. Immediate oc cupancy. Call Woodsdale ,Park 6595 after 5. c rUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1950 CLASS lEDS GERMAN "Prazision Ecobra" drafting sets. New. Apply Nittany Dorm 38-9. 1940 PLYMOUTH, excellent condition. $440. Radio. and heater. Bob Landesman, Hamilton Hall, 57. Call 5051 Ext. 1170. HOUSE TRAILER for sale, or will rent, on or before Friday including use of two-room annex and furnishings, city water, radiant heating, large - lot with garden, etc. Come to Householder's Trailer at Fine Grove Mills. MUSICIANS WANTED for organized band playing all special arrangements. Call 2230. BOARDERS—Excellent Food—sll per week with breakfast—slo per week with out breakfast. Deductions for weekend meals missed. Contact Beaver House 7851. STUDY DESK. Contact Bob Reed 4951 between 6 and 8 p.m. TUTOR for review of year college math. Call 6488. ATTENTION ALL campus residents— Sunday papers delivered to your /door at no extra cost. See Student News Agency representative or 112 Old Main. ' THE PERSON is known who removed shoulder bag from 2nd floor—Willard. To avoid trouble return at once to Student GOOD FOOD! Plenty of it. Home cooked, served family style 7 clays weekly— close to campus—rates reasonable. The Maple Club. 928 West College. Phone G3BO. THE - PERSON who took wrong raincoat from second floor of Eng. A. last Fri day at noon may exchange it by calling 6789. Ask for Bill. BILL'S MODEL SHOP is the complete model airplane and supply headquarters in town; 202 West Prospect-0:30-9:00 p.m. 1)1OTOS TAKEti tEXAS Ut4fll. ->„ '"' -) WANTED MISCELLANEOUS IMES Mil i,r4*.Astt EMI
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