PAGE FOUR Plays To Feature Last Speech Class Portions of the play, "Our Town," by Thorton Wilder and "The War," by Anton Chekhov, will feature the semester's last session of the oral interpretation readings, at 8 p.m. Monday, in the living center of the Home Ec Building. Ruth Johnson will read her own cutting of "Our Town," the Pulitzer prize winning play about a small American town. Don Carlson will read from the Chekhov work. Carl Brut.lner will act as chairman of this last class, the seventh semester. Sunday Musicale Planned A mus ica 1 e, "Serenade in Spring," will be presented at the Nittany Lion Inn at 3 p.m. to morrow. Sponsored by the Friendship Class of St. Paul's Methodist Church, the performance will be directed by Mrs. Jo Hays. Pro gram for the musical has not yet been announced. Cars for MC Banquet Cars taking members of the International Relations Club to the IRC banquet at the Eutaw House, will leave from McEl wain Hall on the Pollock road side at 6 o'clock tonight. &alio Reyfre Affi f il w Atiliejefry ratP /N AMERICA3' COLLEGES i t" wiriv THE TOP MEN /N SPORTS W/TH THE HOLLYWOOD STARS Copyright 1950, tir.a.ri ai MYERS Thum:. Cu. TIM DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Paterno--- (Continued from page three) name, Paterno becomes the sixth on Engle's staff. He joins Al Michaels, Sever Toretti, Frank Patrick,. Jim O'Hora, and Earl Bruce. A veteran of World War 11, Pat erno was known at Brown for his punt returns as well as nis• pass ing and signal-calling. Engle has said that the most difficult part of the converion from •single wing to winged-T would be the development of a, quarterback. It is expected that Paterno will be a valuable aid in showing . the freshmen and sophomores how it's done the T-way. CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 12:00 day preceding issue. Prices are 50c one insertion; 75c two insertions: 31.00 three insertions; 51.26 four insertions: 31.50 five insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17, three for Sc each inserrton. Call Collegian 8441--eict. 544. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD nt Theta Chi. Room $4 week. Board $lO and $l2 week. Phone 4702, 3916. ROOMS FOR Summer sessions. Maid ser vice. Clean linen. Rates reasonable. Phi Sigma Kappa. Call 4939. ROOM AND BOARD, Men Only, science sessions June 13 to July 22 and July 24 to Sept. 2. Alpha Zeta, Campus. Call John McCool, 7621 for reservations. ~ 1 L;ij~:';;:; 2;. terIIESTERFIELD ROOMS FOR men ,and married couples at Co-op $4 week per person. Cooking Call . 2503 'noon. ATTRACTIVE ROOM in private resi, dance for male student for summer in return for some services. Call 21.33.. FOR RENT BICYCLES FOR RENT . day or night. Organize a group hike. 400 E. College Phone 4200.. Harry Hunter. 22-foot: ALL METAL TRAILER, furnish ' ed. 'Sleeps 4, within walking distance of campus. 'Must sacrifice $360. Cash, uiadunting. Call Schofield 3965. ROOM .FOR all three summer sessions Board Monday thrOugh Friday. Call 7247. TWO PLEASANT double rooms with ' single beds for summer and fall. Call 4125. MISCELLANEOUS YOUR rYPRWRITER can int repaired - - - • right here in" State College, in many cases 24 hears service. Just dial 2492 or bring- machine to 633 West College Ave. THESPIANS and MASQUERETTES will hold •a picnic at Poe Paddy on May 28th for all connected with "Girl• Crazy" and their guests. Assembly and bus depar ture, Schwab 1:15 p.m. EXCELLENT Fruit Punch, especially strawberry punch, horsd-oeuvres, ,cook ies, cakes: Frida Steph, 122 Irvin Ave., Phone 4918 State College. FOR WEDDINGS: Cakes, special cookies. strawberry punch hors-douvres, cook= ies, cakes. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. DO IT NOW-LAST DAY to pickup' your clothing at the Student Dry Cleaning Agency Station. FOR SALE 1942 HARLEY DAVIDSON Motorcycle model 45. Contact Al 607 W. College between 5 and 6 p.m. $l5O. 1936 DODGE: Body is in excellent con dition : radio; good tires : sealed beam lights : $250. Call George 3969. WOMEN'S SET of matched golf clubs, .1. 2 and 3 woods.' 2,, 3, 4. 5,. 0 , and , .7 irons. Wilson make. dell Ray Jaeinski, 5051 Ext. 257. • ARGUS C-3 Camera with flash and ease like new. 959 Old Boalaburg Road. Call 2706 after 5 p.m. SUNIIE:AM SHAVEM ASTER slightly used 815.00. OK Model Plane motor, also 2 model kits. Make offer. Call Paul 2186. WARDROBE TRUNK 22"Z22"x44" Ei cellent condition, $2O. Call Steve 2807. 1931 STUDEBAKER Sedan. nO,OOO ac tual miles. Very good - condition. Make offer. Bray, Dorm 34-10. Phone 5001-294. TYPEWRITER like new for sale. Veil , reasonable. Call 4975 and .ask for Spitler. • DIAMOND RING Best quality. Carat size 1.3. Must sell! Phone 7726. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS for part time or full time employment, ex perience necessary. Phone Mrs. Lehman College Ext. 2125. ONE BLACK Navy officers raincoat on Mon. .I've got yours and it's too darn big I Call 4377. F. A. lanni. ROOMS FOR RENT during summer. Call 4196 ; 420 S. Pugh St. DARK BLUE Eiweaser on golf -course Monday evening of May 22. Reward I Call John, Dorm 41-9. BLACK ALLIGATOR zipper wallet con taining valuable cards and money Fri day •night nt Rec Hall. Reward. Call 36 Simmons. LOST A Pink Gold Bulova wrist watch Saturday night. Reward - offered. Call Ferne 302 McElwain. SMALL BLACK Corde Handbag, at SPS Saturday night. Please call Frances, Ext. 654. Keys badly needed. PERSON WHO took wrong jacket from 2nd floor M. I. May 24th contact. Har nish Dorm 35. I have yours. ZACHARY SCOTT Famous University of ,Texas Alumnus, says: "I 'have always; " Chesterfields andlkribw that you'll like theth, too," 1 . , STARRINGIN• . • "GUILLTY BYSTANDER" • A LAUREL; EDMUND L;DO.RFMAN PROD. - RELEASED BY FILM CLASSICS, INC. HELP WANTED LOST SATURDAY, - MAY "27; , • 1950 DOUBLE STRAND. :PEARLS' Tuesday May . 0 at 10:00 a: rn: d' 2n Call 'Joyce' 5051-74. ' ' GLASSES ; possibly :at White: Hall, Mon. day May 22. Finder ea11"820 'Simmons or return to .Student Union. . . ' SIX. ANNOUNCEMENTS and .three vitations for graduntiOn. Thursday af. ternoon. Turn into Collegiin 'Office. Please I LOST—Gold' Watch,/ Vett - seen - . West 'Nit tany and Burroughs Building. Jr ! ft. on hack. Reward. .• Room at Marilyn .Hall 317 East , BoaVer Ave. • Close to' town And campus • Clean Linens and Maid , Service Rooms for men during Inter and Main Sessions— and $4.00 . per week • Board optional for main session . For reservations see Mrs. Elleard or call at 3935 it. I 0.1 •:::, 4 , .i. k; • i"..;. $ $ 0...:i: * 1 0 . .7i, m lI.A. 4i: , 11;;; Recent,Nationatincvey; • "P'
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