FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1950 Conflict Schedule Listed below are the courses in which conflict final examinations will be given. Students taking these examinations will be noti fied by their instructors. Only stu dents whose names appear on the instructors lists will be permitted to take these examinations. ABCh 35 Juice 2 8:00.204 Frear • Lab ABCh 438 June 3 8:00.204 Frear Lab Ag Eng 14 June 8 1:20 204 Ag Eng Agro 431 June 6 7 pm 204 Freer Lab' AH 1 June 2 8:00 3 For AH 21 June 3 10:20 206 PH Art 74 June 5 8:00 108 M Eng Bact 1 June 8 8:00 204 Frear Lab Bact 6 June 5 8:00 204 Frear Lab Bot 2 June 8 1:20 208 Buckhout Lab Bot 3 June 9 8:00 304 Buckhout Lab Bot 22 June 2 10:20 208 Buckhout Lab - Bot 406 June 6 10:20 304 Buckhout Lab Cer 81 June 6 1:20 104 MI Chem 4 June 5 8:00 103 Osmond Chem 16 June 5 8:00 106 Osmond Chem 31 June 3 8:00 104 Osmond Cehm 41 June 2 8:00 104 Osmond Chem 45 June 2 8:00 106 Osmond CE 11 June 3 8:00 105 M Eng CE 61 June 5 8:00 212 M Eng Corn 15 June 7 1:20 5 Sparks Corn 17 June 7 1:20 6 Sparks Corn 20 June 2 8:00 20 Sparks Corn 24 June 7 8:00 5 Sparks Corn 25 June 7 7 pm 3 White Hall Corn 30 June 6 7 pm 105 For Com 31 June 7 1:20 1 Sparks Com 40 June 3 10:20 13 Sparks Com 46 June 5 8:00 11 Sparks Com 47 June 7 7 pm 233 Sparks Com 48 June 2 8:00 5 Sparks Corn 60 June 3 8:00 124 Sparks' Corn 90 June 2 3:30.124 Sparks DH 15 June 8 8:00 211 Dairy DH. 431 June 2 3:30 211 Dairy Econ 1 June 5 8:00 13 Sparks Econ 2 June 2 10:20 13 Sparks Econ 14 June 3 1:20 10 Sparks Econ 15 June 2 3:30'12 Sparks Econ 17 June 3 10:20 11 Sparks Econ 21 June 2 8:00 11 Sparks Econ 23 June 3 3:30 312 Sparks Ed 466 June 6 8:00 209 BB , EE 8 June 2 1:20 102 Eng A EE 9 June 5 8:00 201 BE Lab 8 June 3 8:00 201 BE E Mchs 11 June 8 8:00 101-102 Eng A E Mchs 12 June 6 8:00 207 Eng A E Mchs 13 June 9 8:00 207 Eng A E. Mchs 14 June 3 1:20 101 Eng A E Comp 2 June 5 8:00 14 Sparks E 'Comp 8 June 3 10:20 6 Sparks E Lit 4 June 5 3:30 233 Spar-ks E Lit 6 June 7 7 pm 228 Sparks E Lit 21 June 5 8:00 16 Sparks E Lit 25 June 9 3:30 316 Sparks E Lit 30 June 5 10:20 234 Sparks E Lit 60 June 3 3:30 16 Sparks ' E Lit 486 June 7 8:00 16 Sparks For 37. June 5 1:20 3 For French 1 June 7- 10:20 11 Sparks French 2 June 2 8:00 16 Sparks For Summer - 1 ,,,... 7:4. i ....‘,, Charm - ~:. ::--:,.,.:,, ~ . ---- ~ '',r?P:',.'. A cool, flattering haircut / [:... ~... ~ ) and permanent .... styled to . \-... ":i• ?' •.''' make the most of You! ,?:.:::,;:ii:s*.:.. I 1!Ilfr -S.,,Atir Get raUr permanent wave ''''''.:;,,i:;q . now and be sure of hair „.„.,„:I . " . ‘A) ..„...,... beauty the summer through. 5 titt .4. N., b :.! : c. , › i, Hotel Beauty,Salon Phone 2286 State College THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA. French 4 June 2 3:30 16 Sparks Geog 15 June 3 8:00 105 MI Geog 20 June 6 8:00 105 MI Geog 24 June 2 3:30 121 MI Geog 26 June 2 8:00 105 MI Geol 20 June 5 8:00 105 MI Geol 31 June 3 10:20 105 MI Geol 32 June 9 8:00 121 MI Geol 71 June 2 1:20 104 MI Ger 2 June 5 8:00 6 Sparks German 2T June 6 1:20 6 Sparks H Ed 60 June 5 8:00 204•,Willard H Ed 126 June 5 8:00 201 Willard Hist 6 June 5 8:00 125 Sparks Hist 12' June 6 3:30 125 Sparks Hist 19 June 5 10:20 125 Sparks Hist 20 June 9 1:20 125 Sparks Hist 21 June 9 1:20 228 Sparks Home Ec 14 June 8 10:20 110 Home Ec H Ec 15 June 5 7 pm 14 Home Ec H Ec 18 June 7 10:20 14 Home • Ec H Ec 109 June 8 8:00 118 Home Ec H Ec 110 June 5 8:00 18 Home Ec Home Ec 213 June 3 8:00 18 Home Ec Home Ec 301 June 5 8:00 106 Home Ec Home Ec 405 June 6 3:30 14 Home Ec Hort 52 June 5 8:00 6 'Hort HA 336 June 3 10:20 118 Home Ec IE 303 June 5 8:00 210 Eng C IE '315 June 2 8:00 105 White Hall .IE 319 June 3 8:00 210 Eng C IE 404 June 5 8:00 209 Eng C IE 409 June 2 8:00 210 Eng C Ital 2 June 2 8:00 6 Sparks Jour 4 June 5 8:00 111 CH Jour 13 June 2 8:00 111 CH Jour 40 June 5 8:00 100 CH Jour 42 June 3 8:00 111 CH Jour 80 'June 6 8:00 111 CH Math 2 June 5 1:20 234 Sparks Math 75 June 5 8:00 235 Sparks Math 100 June 8 8:00 235 Sparks Math 421 June 3 8:00 235 Sparks ME 105 June 2 3:30 210 M Eng ME Des 8 June 2 8:00 200 Eng D Meteo 300 June 3 7 pm 121 MI Mng 400 June 8 8:00 229 MI Music 5 June 6 8:00 117 CH P Ed 109 June 6 8:00 6 Sparks P Ed 490 June 6 10:20 312 Sparks PH 1 June 3 10:20 104 Hort Phil 1 June 6 3:30 316 Sparks Phil 2 June 9 8:00 121 Sparks Phil 3 June 2 10:20 316 Sparks Pol Sci - 3 June 7 8:00 125 Sparks Pol Sci 4 June 9 1:20' 233 Sparks Pol Sci 10 June 2 8:00 234 Sparks Pol Sci 20 June 5 3:30 234 Sparks Phys Sci 7 . June 6 7 pm 200 Walker Lab Phys Sci 8 June 7 3:30 200 Walker 'Lab Phys 265 June 7 3:30 103 Osmone . Phys 285 June 2 10:20 112 Os- • mond Phys 301 June 2 10:20 103 Os- mond Phys 455 June 3 . 1:20 103 Osmond c iaue • b i g • SPECIAL—UntiI end of Se mester—up to 9 lbs., picked up, washed, dried, and delivered • FOR 7n ONLY IVC For pick-up and delivery service take your laundry to Jordan Hall pressing room, McElwain Hall recreation room, Sally's room in Ath Hall, 902 Woman's Bldg., McAllister Hall, 211 Grange, and Simmons recreation room. MARSHALL'S Automatic Laundry 454 E. College • Ave.—Rear Co_edib Beta Sigma Omicron A farewell bridge party was given by Beta Sigma Omicron Sorority on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Irwin Rowntree, an advisor of the sorority who is leaving State College. Delta Gamma Marge Schultze,' Delta Gamma transfer from Adelphi College was formally affiliated with Alpha Chi chapter at Penn State at the regular chapter meeting on May 8. Alpha Epsilon Pi , Nine students were initiated by Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity Mon day evening. They are Raymond Galant, Marv, i n Krasnansky Jules. Gordon, Irving Sousson, Herman Vinoker, Martin Coen son, -Joseph Bard, Jerome Movso vich and Harry Knabie. ' New fraternity officers include: Julius Marcus, master; Stephen Meisel, lieutenant master; Albert Adleman, scribe; Marvin Reisen bach, exchequer; Irving Stein, member at large; Alvin Chester, corresponding scribe; James Agre, sentinel; Clinton Newitan, as sistant exchequer; and David Budenstein, house manager. ThetaXi Newly elected officers of Theta Xi fraternity are: Frank Conte, president; Howard Faust, vice president; Miles Gehm, treasurer; John Hunsberger, house manag er; Hal Ewing, caterer; Jack Mourar, corresponding secretary. Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta -Tau Alpha sorority recent ly initiated Grace Anderson, Ag nes Barth, Lee Coy, 'Dee Hanson, Adie Raak, Anne Wentz, Jeanne Wienner, and Nancy Worthing ton. 'On May 17 the sorority pledged Ruth Coates and Bar bara Cochran. Phy 14 June 3 8:00 204 BB Phy 17 June 6 8:00 204 BB Psy 21 June 3 10:20 206 BB Psy 431 June 2 8:00 204 BB Rur Soc 11 June 5 8:00 104 Hort Rur Soc 452 June 5 7 pm 104 Hort 3oc 1 June 7 8:00 233 Sparks 3oc 3 June - 7 7 pm 305 Sparks 3pan 1 June 2 8:00 235 Sparks 3pan 3 June 7 10:20 235 Sparks 3pan 4 June 3 3:30 305 Sparks Speech 200 June 8 7 pm 312 Sparks 7.001 3 June 8 8:00 105 Frear Lab Zool 25 June 5 8:00 105 Frear Lab Zool 29 June 7 3:30 105 Frear Lab Zool 41 June 2 3:30 105 Frear Lab Pan-Hel Rush Schedule Announced by Krepps Pan Hellenic Rushing Chairman Mary Ann Krepps pre sented next semester's rushing schedule to the council Tues day evening. Girls who plan to rush sororities will register Sept. 15 fom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The next two days the 19 sororities will hold open houses during which girls may visit all the sororities. Saturday the rushees will visit sororities from 2 to 5p .m. Sun day's open houses will extend from 2 to 5 p.m. in the afternoon and 6:30 to 9:30 in the evening. Girls who have missed the first registration may register on Mon day, Sept. 18, from 8 to 12 a.m. Rushing To Begin Sept. 19 Formal rushing will begin Sept. 19 and will extend to Sept. 22 be tween the hours of 1 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 . p.m. At the end of this period sororities will hold their At Homes Sunday, Sept. 24, from 2 to 5 p.m. Informal parties will be held from Sept. 25 to Sept. 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. Coffee hours, which were held on Sunday last year, will start at 6 p.m. Friday . ; Sept. 29. The first hour's activities will end at 7:30 a.m. and the second will begin at 8 p.m. and extend to 9:30 p.m. Preferential Lists engagements Lloyd - Hughes The engagements of Lois Hugh es, of Scranton, and Warren Lloyd, of Dalton, Pa., has been announced. Miss Hughes, a senior in music education, is a member of Beta Sigma Omicron Sorority. Mr. Loyd was graduated from the department of arts and letters in February. The announcement has been made of the engagement of Nancy McDougall, of Butler, and James Simms, of Connecticut. Miss Mc- Dougall ,a member of Delta Gam ma sorority, will be graduated on June. Mr. Simms is a member of Tau Beta PI and Eta Kappa Nu and has a master's degree in elec trical engineering. Pre-Med Honorary Initiates Members; Elects New Officers Alpha Epsilon Delta, national pre tmedical honorary, recently initiated 15 students and elected officers for the new year. Dr. C. I. Noll, honorary initiate, ad dressed the group. The new members are David Aicher, William Anthony Jr., Robert E. Jones, Irvin Kricheff, George Lenzo, James Mowery, Joseph Olivin, Myron Schmutzor, John Wall, Joan Wentzle, Ber nard Yuriab, Earl Huff, Alfred Lovell, and Herbert Blough. Initiated earlier in the year were Robert Eidleman, Philip Evans, William Forejt, Paul Sel fon, and Frederick Selmon. New officers are: Bernard Yur ick, president; Herbert Blough, vice-president; Joan •Wentzel, secretary; Robert Jones; ,Joseph Olivin, historian; Myron Schmut zer, Scalpel representative. Restaine Elected At a recent meeting of the Kiski Alumni Club, Norman Restaine was elected president and Bob Enterline, secretary-treasurer. I t . ' ' . s':•: , , . . rfr fi ; : ~~ t Y .; I:? r • • 4' • • / • f :; . V, es *N. 4 &to, *4; . • § The sororities' preferential lists are due in Dean of Women's Of fice at 10:30 p.m. Friday.' Rushees may sign their cards in the office between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. the same evening or from 9 to 12 a.m. Saturday. At 4 p.m. Oct. 1 sororities will pick up the preferential list from the Dean's office and return the bids at 4:45 p.m. Ribboning will be at 7 p.m. to complete formal rushing. New officers were installed. They were treasurer, Janet Evans; and recording secretary, Jean Heide mann. A scholarship cup was given' to Alpha Epsilon Phi by president Nancy George. The sorority will keep the cup for half of next se mester when it will be given to Beta Sigma Omicroti which was tie for first place. Penn State Club Dinner T he Penn State Club's annual banquet will feature the presen tation of a plaque to the out standing independent man on campus. The banquet will be held June 4 at 7 p.m. Judges for the selec tion of the outstanding indepen dent man will be Russell Clark, director of housing; George Don oven, manager of associated stu dent activities; and Peter Giesey, past president of the Interfratern ity Council. Picnic-ing' Memorial Day? Yes, the Picnic haunts will be scenes of much fun this Memorial Dayl Dress for the occasion gay, summer shorts in denim, corduroy, gabardine and seersucker— vivid cotton blouses—bright new jerseys, all reasonably priced at ... Clearfield's College Ave. MaUa41.... 6 1
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