PAGE FOUR Alpha Phi Delta Alpha Phi Delta celebrated its annual Founder's Day Satur day, May 4. The highlight of the weekend affair was the alumni undergraduate banquet at the University Club, followed by 'a dance at the chapter house. Room Assignments Those gixls who plan to live in sorority suites and have not ap plied for room assignments for the year 1950-51, please call at the Dean of Women's office on or before tomorrow for these assign ments. CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 12:00 p.m. day preceding issue. Prices are 50c one insertion; 75c two insertions; $l.OO three insertions: $1.25 four insertions; $1.50 five insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17, three for Sc each insertion. Call Collegian 8441—ext. 544. WANTED ' $lO REWARD if John Wood, can rent that small apartment you're quitting in June. Call College 2034. FULL TIME photographic technician Experience necessary. Call College Ex tension 2125. Ask for Mrs. Lehman. FURNISHED 3 ROOM apartment with bath in State College for September. Phone C. Heidel 4329 after "7". APARTMENT in or near State College to sublet for summer session by couple with 8-week-old child. Phone collect any time, Williamsburg 57-Rl2. NOW PLAYING— . "Captain from Castile" technicolor with Tyrone Power . Cesar Romero STARLIGHT DRIVE-IN THEATRE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA MISCELLANEOUS YOUR TYPEWRITER can ne repaired right here in State College, in many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2462 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. STUDENTS GET your mimeographing and typing done. Sec reterial service, Hotel State College. Phone 4906. ENJOY YOUR Summer Sessions. Live at Lambda Chi Alpha. Room and Board or Board only. Phone 2602. EXCELLENT FRUIT Punch $1.46 per gallon. Birthday cakes and other cakes. All kinds of party refreshments. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave., Phone 9818. LOST ONE BLACK Navy officers raincoat on Mon. I've got yours and it's too darn big! Call 4377, F. A. lanni. TOPCOAT from Phi Dolt House, on Bow ers, Ball weekend. "Dundee" label.. Phone 4957 BOND TOPCOAT instead of a Richmond Bros. at Pi Kappa Phi April 29. Call Dick Anderson 4937. oG Hi ck. OE A A4otbersDay: ONSON 1116;Mi•WORLD'S GREATEST LIGHTER SHORT, WHITE organdy jacket with short pink embroidered sleeves. Lost Saturday night at Phi Kappa Sigma. Please call 2420 . BICYCLES FOR RENT day or night. Organize a group hike. 400 E. College Phone 4200. Harry Hunter. term papers, 1948 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle 45 cu. in. Perfect. Must sell—ssoo. A real bargain. 221 Windcrest. IRON CRIB and mattress,. $3; wicker stroller-conch, $5 ; John Geyer, 432 Windcrest. WHIZZER MOTOR bike and accessories Used, $76. Call Don Wilson 2672. PIANO. GOOD Condition. Real bargain for $4O. Phone 4080. AUSTRIAN STEYR 9 man. 8-shot auto matic 6123. Any evening after 7 p.m. TWO EVENING gowns, sizes 9, 11 Reasonably priced.. Excellent condition CaH 6664, 8:30-10 p.m. 124 S. Atherton GLENN PLAID SUIT-40—one button roll, top coat, all in excellent condition. Reasonable price.. Call 2318. • Am' ' 4 .6 Vdsmokr 40azow CAMELS Yes, Camels are SO MILD that in a coash to-coast test of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels—and only Camels—for 30 consecutive days, noted.throat specialists, . making weekly examinations, reported •• , :i:::::1 . 1:: ie . :97zesery . _cOe • . . I ._ 410, • .. , ...., .../ave FOR RENT FOR SALE LARGE TRAILER in pleasant country 24'..-1-10DETRAILER 'set up to move in. location. All facilities. Ideal for small -Insulated room attached will sell for family. Moderate price. 013rien, Boals- balance of mortgage. Apply Gay Rewind burg 2671. Bellefonte RD 1. n• , llh. Halfh'Half Half Vanilla Half Chocolate Ice Cream In the money-saving Half-Gallon only slsm .tip ~ WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1950 OLOUBH OY DZSDA•II.-J6WILLRY F/V4115 NORTON
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