FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1950 Two Dances Scheduled For First May Weekend Three Campus Bands Three top campus bands will entertain Friday' night at the Spring Dance Jamboree at the TUB. The bands, under the batons of Jack Huber, .Gene Magil, and Darrell Rishel, will serenade con tinuously from 9 till 12 at the Phi Mu Alpha-Louise Homer Club-sponsored soiree. The dance is informal. Tickets sell for $1.20 at the TUB and the Student Union desk in Old Main. Sigma Alpha Eta Sigma Alpha Eta, honorary speech and hearing fraternity, re cently elected Nancy Whitney president for the coming year. Other officers are Ernie Fryer, vice president; Jeanne Young, re cording secretary; and Ann Jones, treasurer. The new officers will be installed at the annual banquet on May 12 at the Nittany Lion Inn. Mortar Board Taps Eight Girls Mortar Board, senior women’s honorary, tapped , eight senior women in early morning ser vices today. A breakfast in Mac- Allister Hall immediately fol lowed. the tapping ceremonies. Those tapped were Audrey Briia, Gay Brunner, Bettina De- Palma, Rose Eifert, Anne Forrest, Mary Ellen Grube, Janet Rosen and Barbara Sprenkle. Girls were chosen on the basis of outstanding leadership, ser vice to the College and scholar ship, at least .3 above the All- College women’s average. Girls selected this year had All-Col lege .averages above a 2.00. Mortar Board functions as a group to honor outstanding wo men and as a: service unit to the College. Included in its activities this year was the sponsorship of the annual Mardi Gras, a car nival to raise money for charity. Under the leadership of Ruth Lehman, president, Mortar Board began an infirmary service. Each night one member of the group visits women patients in the in firmary to obtain articles which the patients desire and have no means of getting at the time because visiting hours are over. At present'the: group is work ing on a float to honor one of , the,queen finalists in the Spring Week festivities. • Girls tapped ,this morning were seranaded last night by outgoing members of Mortar Board at tired in black caps and gowns and carrying candles.' The First National Bank Of State College ■ • Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve System > THE'DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA AIM Starlight Dante The first starlight dance of the year will be held Saturday on the plaza in front of Old Main. Sponsored by The Association of Independent Men and Leon ides, the dance will be held from 9 to 12 p.m. The AIM Orchestra under the direction of Ray Evert will furnish th music. The dance will mark the first campus ap pearance of the new band who has been holding weekly practice in the PUB. Members of the Dance Com mittee are Richard Mills, John Clark, and Elsa Pasline. There will charge. In case of rain the starlight dance will be held in the TUB. Kappa Delta Kappa Delta sorority held its annual White Rose Formal at the Sigma Pi fraternity house Satur day night. At a ceremony held during the intermission, Marian Harmsen was selected the soror ity’s model pledge. Peggy King and Barbara Trum peter were recently- initiated into the sorority. Junior-Pan-Hel There will be a tea for the pledges of all sororities Saturday in the northwest lounge of Ather ton Hall from 1:30 to 3 p.m. The tea is sponsored by Junior Pan- Hellenic Council. Mrs. Joseph O’Brion spoke to the group on Parliamentary Pro cedure, -at their regular meeting on Tuesday night • FOR EFFICIENCY • ECONOMY • CONVENIENCE • WORK-SAVING • THOROUGHNESS For pick-up and delivery service take your laundry to Jordan Hall pressing room* McElwain Hall recreation room* •Sally's room in Ath Hall* 302 Woman’s Bldg.* McAllister Hall* 211 Grange, and Simmons recreation room. MARSHALL'S Automatic Laundry 454 E. College Ave.—Rear , Hartsky New ST President At a recent meeting of Sigma Tau, honorary engineering fra ternity, Ernest Hartsky was elec ted president for the coming year. Other officers elected were: vice president, Kenneth Shull; record ing secretary, Harold Bowditch; corresponding secretary, Benja min Ungerleider; treasurer, Ray mond Miller; historian, James Grimm; student council repre sentative, John Hrivnak. The following men were in itiated to membership in Sigma T.'au: Charles Billman, James Bradford, Stoddard Burg, Vin cent Cavanaugh, Robert Davis, John Fanale, Mark Fries, Robert Funk, Regis Gallagher, Eugene Golla, Max Gramly, James Grimm, Donald Hackenyos, Rich ard Higgs, Merle Jones, Paul Kaseman, Ronald Krape, Robert Kuchinic, John Ladd, Anthony Lordi, Robert Krape, Robert Ku chinic, John Ladd, Anthony Lordi, Robert Markley, Robert Miller, Thomas Miller, William Moyer, Vincent Ricci, Charles Ruler, Or ville Schwanger, Stephen Simco, Donald Stalcup, Samuel Stinner, Francis Szymborski, Lin Watson, William Weiss, Charles Williams, Harold Wilson, Alan Woolford. Elgin is the watch you’ll be happiest to wear. For with an Elgin you have assurance of style correctness style endorsed by America’s “best-dressed”. There’s extra satisfaction, too, in an Elgin’s con tinually faithful performance . . . the result of such exclusive advancements as the DuraPower Main- Girls Show True Selves; Clamor For Food at Sally's By Carolyn Barrett Those who wish to see coeds as they really are should apply for the job of selling Sallys. Each night the shout of “Sallys” changes quiet girls into starving animals. Immediately after the call, slippers can be heard clomp ing down the stairs. The most fashionable clothing to wear when buying the snack are pajamas and a housecoat. Pajamas range from pastel flan nel to rainbow striped cotton. Housecoats may be so long that they drag on the floor or short enough to be worn as a jacket. The time element determines what style hairdo will be worn. If “Sallys” comes early most of the girls will have their hair brushed and arranged very neat ly. On the other hand if he comes late, and studies have been es pecially hard, hair will be disar ranged, put up in pin curls or wrapped in a towel to dry after a quick washing. Approximately five conversa tions are held at the same time. Roommates decide how many bot tles of milk to buy, whether a bar of candy would add too much weight or what flavor of ice cream is the best. Only one thing is certain, submarine sandwiches spring. This is the most dependable power for accurate timekeeping ever put into a watch! For four generations an Elgin Watch has been the traditional graduation gift, a faithful companion and constant reminder of the great day. Now is the time to suggest that die gift you want most is an Elgin. PAG® SET®** are too big and they can cause much pain. All this time the poor fellow waits very patiently hoping to make a big sale. His sale usually consists of a few sandwiches, some ice cream, milk and apples. After all the transactions have been completed and the salesman is about to depart, a few of the firls engage him in conversation. he only way he gets away is to say “I’m due at the next dorm in five minutes.” He still doesn’t leave because someone yells that she wants an other sandwich. Unhappily he lowers the basket and the ice cream box, closes the half-opened door, and gets the sandwich. Finally the door closes and within an hour the dorm is quiet and books are open again. Alpha Xi Delta As their project for this se mester, the pledges of Alpha Xi Delta are working under the aus pices of the PSCA work camp in 1 helping repair schoolbuild ings. Last Saturday, the group painted the school house at Wad dle. Pledge officers of the group are Nancy Lea Saylor, president; Shirley Smith, vice-president; Janet Tritt, secretary; and Joan Kuntz, treasurer.
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