FAGF, FOUR Blue Band Elects Five New Officers The Blue Band elected next year’s officers Monday night. The men will take over in the Fall. Hubert Hammond is the new president of the organization. George Black will be manager; Walter Greenawald, assistant manager, and Donald Mattern, secretary. Raymond Dombrowski, this year’s librarian, was reelected to the post. Senior Gift— (Continued, tram, page one) cost only about $25,000, Morgan reported. Ambulance Needed James Balog, senior class presi dent, stressed the need for a col lege ambulance. He announced that, if the ambulance should be chosen as the class gift, thfe Col lege officials have agreed to fur nish housing and maintenance. The proposed Hall of Fame, which would be established in the new Student Union build ing, is thought of as a large lounge in which placques and showcases commemorating out standing achievments by Penn State students and alumni would be placed. Delta Zeta Delta Zeta recently held a pledge dance at the Phi Kappa Tau house. The theme of the dance was April Showers. T'uv. DAII V CLASSIFIEDS LOST * ONE BLACK Navy officers raincoat on Mon. I've got yours ami it*s too darn bier I Call 4377, F. A. Innni. K & G log log duplex deoitrit? slide rule,. Owners name inside of fcover. Reward, Call 4332. Ask for Randfr vLaylon. BLUE TOPCOAT and tarn trenchcoat on Route between State College and Lewis town. Reward. Call Stntc College 6786. MISCELLANEOUS STUDENTS—GET your term'-' papers, mimeographing, and typing dpnel Sec retarial service. Hotel State • College, Phone 4906. YOUR TYPEWRITER can be ‘repaired right here in State College, iiv many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 683 West College Ave. LADIES LAPEL WATCH. Owner * pihy claim by identifying watch and paying for ad. Contact Alleman, 2715. '* NOTICE—BEWARE I All Capulets (ire warned to keep off Verona’s streets May 11 to 13. The Montagues. Y EXCELLENT FRUIT PUNCH, $1.45 per gallon Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 4818, State College. BIRTHDAY CAKES, all kinds of party refreshments. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 4818, State College. $26 REWARD for information landing to the discovery of photographic equipment stolen from A. Z. fraternity. Call 7621. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. 3 rooms and bath in Milcsburg. Ideal for couple. Occupancy June 1. Call Bellcfonto 4225. WANTED CANDIDATE FOR degree desires to rent four room apartment or house Juno 13—July • 22. K. V. Jackman, The Hijl School, Pottstown, Pa. !OLLiiiGIAN . S'i ViL ,C< V SMALL FURNISHED npnrtment for Col lege staff member. Cull John Howell College 2125 COUPLE DESIRES to rent trailer small apartment available Sept. No children. Call Simmons 5051, Room 347. FOfa RENT apartment for couple during summer months close to business dis trict. Call Don Hnzlctt at 2411. » HELP WANTED RELIABLE GIRL or woman to help in home. Must be fond of children. Live in. References. Phone State College 4849. FOR SALE* SPRING FASHION HIGHLIGHTS of 1960 previewed in tomorrow's Collegian. Don't miss it I WOODWIND CLARINET, chrome keys and tuxedo, size 32. Call John Brukner, 7881. .22 TARGET RIFLE. Winchester 78. Ly man rear, flat front sight. 8% pounds. $45. John Flyzik Dorm 43-16. 28’ ZIMMER (47). New condition inside and out. Completely furnished, refrig erator, B-G stove; private facilities on large private lot. Must see to appreciate. For appointment Call 8441, Ext. 563 Mrs. Spcicher. Florist 135 So. Allen St. 1 . FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE *• ' -I • ' DAUMIER LITHOGRAPH—first impress ion, title "Temptation” Dorm 36 Room I Robert Marks. FOR SALE. See me for choice tickets to Players comedy hit nt Center Stngc. George, Student Union. GET YOUR fishing rods, reels, flytylng equipment, etc., nt Max Hartswick’s Sportsman’s Shock. Callder Alley, State Collette. 1 10 FOOT TRAILER with utility porch in good condition $396. Gall Joe Wise 3906, 3148 Windcrest. GOING TO THE SUMMER SESSIONS? You'll want comfortable living arrangements, so why not call, write or phone \ . . AEPi 2941 > 429 E.- Hamilton Ave. ij ]. Remember MOTHER • by Sending Flowers • Hoses' • Orchids 1 • Gay Spring flowers McMullen 'i-.J-JJAY, MAY 4, 19, TUX .size 3G. Roguliir $23.00. Call R( arts. Sigma ,P 1 4928. HARLEY DAVIDSON motor cycle 191 Call Miller 4969. College SALE Men's Slacks All Wool A 7 7 Sharkskins SC g g Gabardinec Worth $12.50 and more aaiaaaiaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaa 40%. Wool Jfl W M 9 ] 60% Hayon # Worth $6.95 •■■■mil Plus Alterations SECOND FLOOR Bargain Room 103. E. BEAVER AVE.
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