Faculty Group Moves To Ban Discrimination Leonard To Present Resolution to Senate In a special meeting yesterday afternoon, the faculty of the De partment of Economics and Com merce approved a resolution to ban all profesional fraternities at the College that have national or local constitutions barring mem bers on grounds of religion, race or color. Dr. Sheldon Tanner, sponsor of Alpha Kappa Psi, newly admitted Conimerce professional fraternity which bars members for religious and cplor reasons, moved that the resolution be presented to the Col lege Senate next week. The mo tion was seconded by Prof. David McKinley and passed unanimous ly by the 25 profesors at the meet ing. Dr. W. N. Leonard, head of the department, will present the resolution. _ The resolution states that all professional fraternities must re move their discrimnatory clauses within four years.. This time limit was set since many of the fya ternities hold their conventions only every other year. The complete resolution is as follows: Resolved: that the department of economics and commerce spon sor a resolution before College Senate requiring all professional fraternities at the Pennsylvania State College to remove, within a period of four years, any' clause from'-their national or local con stitutions barring members on re ligious, racial or• color grounds, or face revocation of their local 'charter. Coeds To Host Dormitory Men The' Coeds in - • McElwain and Simmons will play hostess tomor row when they entertain men from the Nittany-Pollobk area at the noon meal. Men from Nittany dorms 29 to 36 and Pollock dorms 11 to 13 will eat. in 'Sinnhons Hall, :while. Nit-. tany dorins 21 to 24 and Pollock dorms 5 to . 7 will be guests in. Mc- Elwain Hall• . In charge of the McElwain din ner are Jane Swagler, Unit:l;,',,J,e& ann Claycomb, Unit 2;' Barbara Seith, Unit 3; Audrey Brua, Unit 4; Mrs.' Una Morgan, Mrs. Kath ryn • Sharp, Frank • Shinaly, and Robert Short. ' In . charge of the Simth. ns dinner are Jane Auch, Bartose, Owen Bransford, Daniel COttone, Robert Heckel, Stanley Luft; Donna Norris, John Palko, Mri. Lois Rice,. Eva Stein, The presidents of the dormitor ies involved are also assisting. • A Bird? A Plan yetsterday pointing out the capricioui china-ware, don't seem to be .worrying much about an invasion frora.Mars, or Venus.' Stiff necks are :axial the.only.danew . , 0. , i • a it,, , J ^* 4. Ttit Elatig v!-,:x) tuttrgtatt ~ Today's Weather • Cloudy and cold, snow flurries "FOR A BETTER PENN STATE" , VOL. 50 - NO.O-8 y.thnasts.ComPeteTodaY Favored To Win Tumbling Penn State's Rudy Valentino , 38,1-lome Ec Students Named to Dean's List Grace Henderson, Dean of the. School of Home Economics, an n'~une"'~r=recently that 38 - Students have been placed on the dean's fiStfor the Fall semester 1949. Thirteen seniors. seven juniors, ten sophomores and eight fre§h men,gained an average of-2.5 or better. The seniors: are:' Richard Almony, Jane• Barton, David Bromine, Maxine Dickey, Nancy Evans, Dorothy • Fleagleo Peter Jung . , Joan Lowry,' Margaret Malone, Frank. Mathias, Esther Schre,c9ngost t , :joyce "Shuey, .Jean W,illiams: The Juniors: Joan • Engman, Pauline, Fetter, No,lt's STATE COLLEGE, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1950 Rose Intorre, Lois Keener, Irene Sloat, Marie Stankevicz; Ruth Zirkman. • • Sophothores Betty Beam, Vivian Brunner, Lois Jakob, Adam Krafczec, :Elaine•Notari, Mary Pierotti, Rob ert Schultz, Joanne Straley, Em rna-Jean Way, Frances Weinland. • Freshmen: Grace Anderson, Anne Dennis ton, Eloise Grimm, Jane Mt, Rita Keeney, Virginia McMillin, Mar jorie"- Maxwell, Virginia Welliver. News Briefs Lion Party The Lion Party will meet in 121 Sparks at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, according to publicity chairman, Walter Vilmeier. Pre liminary nominations for- all college, junior class and senior class officers to represent the party in the April balloting will be considered. Penn State Club ' Penn State Club members are requested to pick up their tickets in the club room anytime today. There will be someone on duty from 10-12 a.m. and from 4-5 p.m. Ag Eng Banquet The annual alumni-student faculty Agricultural Engineering banquet will be held in the State College Hotel tonight at 6 o'clock. The program includes four speak ers. Titles For Six Events At Stake In Rec Hall Gymnasts, coaches and fans, and Olympic stars from all over the East, are flocking into State College today for this afternoon's 23rd renewal of the Eastern Intercollegiate gym nastic meet at 2 o'clock in Rec Hall. A near-capacity crowd is expected for the three-hour show that will feature the best acrobatic talent of five colleges in the ElGL—Temple, Army, Navy, Syracuse and Penn State. The College's popular or ganist, George Ceiga, will play as an added attraction. Admission is 90 cents, and nd seats are reserved. Since this meet is not one of the regulars on the Rec Hall winter slate, student athletic books will not be accept ed. Also, the student-only ban is lifted: anyone may attend. Competition for medals in the six different events is slated to be the closest and most thrilling in several years. This is the sec ond intercollegiate gym meet held in Rec Hall in two years, the other being the Olympic tryouts in May of 1948. The stars of the nation were here at that time, but thii meet is also expected to uncover several performers of interna tional 'calibre. Warningissued Against Parking Behind Library Students were warned yester day not to use the Library park ing area. Robert Keller, chairman of Men's Tribunal, reported that violations of this campus parking regulation has been increasing in the last few weeks. The seri ous situation has brought about an investigation of parking facili ties in the Library area. R. W. McComb, l College Librar ian, explained :that on various occasions mail and express trucks, and trucks from the Audio-Visual department of the Library are forced to delay or postpone im portant deliveries because of stu dent cars blocking the parking and unloading • area 'behind the Library. Keller restated the penalties which are imposed by Tribunal for parking violations: . First violation—sl Second violation—s 2 Third violation—ss Fourth violation—slo and a recommendation to visit the Dean of Men for counseling. Drivers Warned To Park Carefully Beginning Wednesday, State College police officers will take action against all' drivers of cars parked on the highway or in downtown and residential dis tricts, which stand "other than parallel to' the edge of the high way headed in the direction of traffic.' Because of complaints received and accidents occurring as the re sult of cars being parked against traffic and on an angle, Chief Burgess William S. Hoffman has instructed the police department , take "the necessary steps" to curb this,, Chief of Police John R. Juba announced yesterday. Hillel To Dis Cuss. Fraternity System •'"The Fraternity System: Pro and Con," will be the topic of the forum discussion in Hillel Town Meeting Sunday at 8 p. m. in the Hillel auditorium at 133 W. Beav er Ave. Peter Giesey, president of IFC, Wilbert Roth, managing editor of the Daily Collegian; and Philip Shuchman, a senior in philosophy will discuss the theme. Harold P. Zelko, associate professor of pub lic speaking, will moderate the program. The public is invited to any of the Town Meetings. Correction The State Party Clique meet ing will be held March 19, in stead of March 12, as announced yesterday in The Daily 'Collegian. • Richard Weisberg, clique chair man, announced that the meeting would be post-poned from this Sunday to the later date, at 7 p.m., in .121 Sparks. At that time, pre liminary nominations for the coming spring elections will bp By 808 KOTZBAUER Defending EIGL championships will be Gene Rabbitt, Syracuse sidehorse-man, and Leo Minotti, rope-climber, also from Paul Romer's sterling Orange squad that has already clinched a tie for team hpnors with Army. Rabbitt, also the NAAU title. holder on the horse, will have his hands full trying to down Joe Berenato, Temple's NCAA cham pion. Joel Baba, Syracuse, ' and Dave Benner, of the host Lion team, are expected to work their way into one of the top four posi tions. Minotti's biggest challenge will come from Mary Schenker of Navy, and Lee Perna of State: Minotti holds the Eastern Inter collegiate record, climbing the hemp in 3.5 seconds. The Nation al record is 3.1, held by Bill Perry of California, who set the mark in the Olympic tryouts here two years ago. Coach Gene Wettstone's bounc l ing•tumbler, Rudy Valentino, is State's main hope to grab one first-place. Valentino finished second to team-mate Bill Meade in the Easterns last year, and this (Continued on page four) The Nittany Lion Roars Today, the Nittany Lion roars for the athletes in five different sports representing the Nittany Valley in Eastern Intercolleg iates. Wrestlers, boxers, swimmers, gymnasts, and skiers will all at tempt to bring added glory to the lair of the lion. The Lion lets go with a hearty snarl of good luck to the men of Nittany who are carrying the honor of the Blue and White onlheir husky shoulder& or* PRICE FIVE CENTS Two Champs Vie
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