PAGE FOUR WRA Sponsors Play Day; Five Colleges Participate WRA will play hostess to five near-by colleges this afternoon at its annual Sports Day. Bucknell University, Juniata College, Lock Haven, Mansfield, and Lycoming State Teachers Colleges will be represented among the 100 guests of the College. Object of the Sports Day is to have a friendly group of girls play ing on a non-competitive basis—playing for fun. The main sports will be basketball, bowling, bad minton, swimming and modern dance Campus Tour This morning Rose Eifert, Helen Rusinko and Shirley Giles will conduct a tour of the Col lege for the Mansfield students. The tour will include the TUB, the dairy barns, the Lion Shrine, Rec Hall, New Beaver Field, the Library, and Old Main. The visi tors will also be shown the Delta Gamma suite and a typical room in Simmons dormitory. Miss Marie Haidt, in charge of required activities for women in the School of Physical Education and Athletics, will welcome the entire group in the White Hall gymnasium at 1:30 p.m., after which the sports events will be gin. Highlight of the afternoon will be a diving demonstration by Barbara Benck, A.A.U.W. div ing champion. Refreshments will be served in the WRA playroom at the close of the program. Committee Chairmen Mary Ellen Grube, a member of the WRA executive board, is general chairman of the Sports Day. Committee heads assisting Miss Grube are Sally Greenber ger and Nancy Hanna, badmin ton; Louise Waltz, bowling; Joan Witherow, modern dance; Lois Evans, swimming; Helen Rusin ko, home participants; Audrey Brua, equipment; Pat Carlisle, signs, tags, and programs; Lois Keener, registration and hostess es; Rose Eifert, tour of the cam pus; Joan Burlein and Marie Stan kevicz, refreshments; and Doro thy Bennett, publicity. Miss Mil dred Lucey is the faculty advisor. WRA Intramurals Betty Lou Jones, WRA intra mural chairman, announced that schedules for the spring intramural program beginning Monday, February 27 are a vailable at the WRA. office in White Hall. Sororities, inde pendent groups, and dorm units should get their sche dules before Monday night if they wish to compete 'in the intramurals. C.-edits Sigma Phi Epsilon Recently initiated into Sigma Phi Epsilon were Richard Daily, Jack Dale, William Doutt, Jack Crowe, Jack Kennedy, Samuel Sillaman, James Keelan, Ward Clark and Albert Fulton. Kappa Delta New officers installed by Kappa Delta sorority on Monday eve ning included June Dager, presi dent; Vivian Hartenback, vice president; Marion Harmsen, sec retary; Joan King, treasurer; Deanie Krebs, editor; Jean Heid emann, rush chairman; and Pat Hall, assistant rush chairman. at . a Monday & Tuesday Presented by the— International Film Club • "A Savage Drama of Passion Pathology, Seduction and Sadism • EMILE ZOLA'S "Human Beast" Starring— SIMONE SIMON JEAN GABIN "It holds you breathless from beginning to end!" N. Y. Herald Tribune Musicale Features Concert Group The Modern Dance Concert Group will be the feature attra tion at a dance musicale pre sented by the American Associa tion of University Women of State College at 3 p.m. tomor row in McElwain lounge. The musicale is to benefit a scholar ship fund for advance work. The title of the first dance to be presented is Moods. Characters are Joy, danced by Joan Witherow and Elizabeth Renton; Sorrow, danced by Gladdy Lou Miller; Solitude, Witherow, Barbara Crucsiglu and Fear, danced by Phyllis Sones and Betty Jane Strom. The second dance is Jabber wocky which is danced by Joan Witherow, Barbara Crusiger and Lois Burrell, and read by Gladdy Lou Miller. The other two dances Drybones and Prelude are danced by the entire concert group. Ac companist for the Modern Dance Group is Mrs. Hermance Reese and the director is Miss Dorothy Briant. Alsd on the program are a vio lin solo by Mr. Karhan with Mr. Brindmaid as accompanist, a so prano solo by Mrs. J. Gaus with Mrs. Roscue as accompanist, and an instrumental trio composed of Mr. Umberger, Mr. Abramson and Mr. Duncan. Admission tickets will be sold at the door for 75 cents. Army-Navy Games Cancelled by WRA Tuesday and Wednesday nights' WRA Army-Navy games were not played due to lack of in terest on the part of the girls chosen to participate, WRA offi cials reported. The first game on Monday night was played with only five players on each team as the other eight girls chosen to play did not come. On Tuesday night nine girls re ported, but the officials ruled that there must be at least five girls on each team. On Wednes day night only two girls were ready to play. The games will not be played at another date. Girls who did participate on the Army-Navy teams were: Nancy Hanna, Sally Greenberger. Ca sandra Carroway, Mable Mart)le, Peggy Lomaster, Maureen Mac- Namara, Lillie Fretz, Mary Jane Shreiner, Bess Kriner and Con nie Adams. Sorority Rushees Rushees will be notified by letter during the supper hour by their sorority. They are to dress informally for ribboning. ARE YOU A SAINT ? . . . only one way to find out, get your gal to enter you in the SAINT PATRICK CONTEST! Winner to be picked at the . . . Saint Patrick Day y Ball MARCH 17, 1950 REC HALL Sponsored by the Frosh Class Mail all entries to: CONTEST ATHERTON HALL Deadline—March 7 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Matmen --- (Continued from page three) was the Middies' first loss in dual meet competition since the 1942 season. The probable lineups PENN STATE Dreilielbis . 128 I). 111 ;Luray 136 J. Maurey (c) 145 Corman Fencers Seek 2nd; Thinclads in IC4A's Still looking for their second triumph of the 1950 campaign, the Penn State fencers travel to Bal timore, Md., today to oppose Johns Hopkins. The Nittany Lions have drop ped three contests this season and claim a lone victory over Temple. Coach Meyer will probably stick with the same lineup which has taken the mats for the last few meets. Harry McCarty, Gene Goldbloom, and Ralph Meier will be called on in the foil event. In the electrical epee division, team captain Rolf Wald, , Wayne Culver, and Pete Raidy will, start. In the saber Ed Merek, Johdßich ards, and Younkin form the bladesmen's potential strongest event. Eight members of Penn State's track team will face a strong field in the annual IC4-A indoor track meet in New York today. Capt. Jim Gehrdes will lead the Nittany victory seekers. Accom panying • him will be sprinters Wil Lancaster and Jim Gibson, high jumper Vic Fritts and dis tance men Bill and Don Ashen leiter, Bob Freebairn and Dudley Foster. One of the highlights of the meet will be the 60-yard high hurdles in which Gehrdes will attempt to dethrone Michigan State's Horace Smith as IC4-A champion. Jim will be looking for his first victory over the Spartan hurdler. Juniors Win Crown In Interclass Fray Juniors won the interclass basketball championship Monday night by swamping a heavily fa vored sophomore team 35-24 in the play-off game. Patricia Wolfe with 15 points was high scorer for the juniors, while Beatrice Fretz with 13 was the sophs' high scorer. The teams were well matched and the game was close until the final period, when close guarding by the juniors paid off. 24- HOUR SERVICE on all • KODAK WORK "PACOLARGER" JUMBO PRINTS AT NO EXTRA COST GIBS PHOTO FINISHING 212 E. College Ave. State College. Pa. CLASSIFIEDS DIETZGEN slide rule Tuesday afternoon at 119 Pond Lab. Reward. Call 6789, Bob Thomas. LOST Hamilton wrist watch, fratern ity area. Call 4444, ask for Clair. Neft Smith (c) Reed GRAY covert topcoat in Milky Way Sun., Feb. 19. "Rehkopf" on label. Call Bob, 7868. Have yours. Harvey Holloway Thompson Hunte VARSITY black sweater with "S". Ree Hall Call P. 0. Smith, 3181. IF THE clean-cut College lad who "bor rowed', five shirts from Rec Hall wants the collar stays, call John Schultz 4976. DISAPPEARED tan leather wallet— contents urgently needed. Keep the cash. Please notify Blair Smith, Pollock 2-16. FOR RENT 25-FOOT house trailer for sale or rent Apply Hoover's 'Trailer Park. ROOM for one man in double room with running water. Call 4850, ask for C.R. VACANCY for one student, three blocks from campus. Call 2887. FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment, 10 miles east of State College, along 322, a three-room, all conveniences.. Suitable for couple with child. Also room and board for a student. Call 5R14 Centre Hall. ANTED Photographers. With devel oping equipment, to take photos for the Daily Collegian. Must be • able to develop glossy photo in one hour. Call Red Roth, Daily Collegian office between 4 and 5 p.m. DELICIOUS SUBMARINE SANDWICHES 0.25 c . . . AT . . . SALLY'S • STATE COLLEGE CANDY CO., 140 S. Pugh St. "Oh, John, evenih the dark I can tell it's a Anytime, anywhere you can detect the "exclusive difference" the minute you light up your first PHILIP Monis. uses because it's the one cigarette proved definitely less irritating, definitely milder, than any otter leading brand. Remember: there's NO CIGARETTE ;HANGOVER when you smoke. PHILIP MORRISI litLpmilp moRRIS LOST WANTED PHILIP MORRIS!" SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1950 WANTED Replacement needed for room in Nittany Dorms. Luxurious room, southern exposure. Ask for Williams, Ex tension 292. ANY PERSONS interested in selling•many types of merchandise at large profits. See Weaver Collegian office. Work done in spare time. NO QUESTIONS asked—Person who stole DeGrubby'a "Time Is a Dream" painting if returned immediately to Center Stage. STUDENT interested In assistant cook's work for room• and board: 2220 or 6192. REPLACEMENT for Rittany Dorms. At. tractive bonus offered. For further in formation, call Bud Pedley, 6061, Dorm RIDERS to and from State College 'to Milroy daily. Will join pool. Write Box 416, Milroy, Pa. FOR SALE BIRTHDAY CAKES. Excellent fruit juice. Frida Stern, 122 IrVin Ave. Phone 4818. State College. NEW DEITZGGEN loglog duplex slide rule. Brown leather ease. Call 6935, after 7 p.m. Ask for Joe Karvois. FOR SALE—, One Dietzgen sliderule-8 practically new. Call 7816, ask for Art. FOR SALO—portable.7Brpm .single record player, cheap.' Call Ron 2708 after 5. 621 West ,College Ave. MISCELLANEOUS YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College, in many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to -689 West College Ave. HAVE YOU. realized the futility of seek ing an apartment? I can answer your prayers with a 4-room trailer in excellent condition. Call Campus 2541 or inquire 502 West Beaver Ave. Bill ,Shaw.
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