PAGE TWO Rally Monday All classes and laboratory work will be suspended from 4:10 to 5 p.m. Monday for significant reason. It'll be the initial chance—and a fine one—for students at the College to see and hear their new president-elect, Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower. The brother of the famous "Ike" will be on campus Monday. At 4:30 p.m. on the steps of Old Main he'll speak to the stu dents, faculty and others who gather there. Blue Band and the cheerleaders will be on hand. It'll be a short but pungent chap. ter in student life. HERE IS THE CHANCE for the students to uphold and demonstrate a faith already voiced by Dr. Eisenhower when he wrote to the Students of Penn State: "I must say I am overwhelmed by your kindness and intrigued by your ingenu is clear to me that it is going to be downright fun to work with such re sourceful students." Monday's rally could be the first step toward renewal of a close president-to student relationship that was evident in the tenure of he late Ralph Dorn Hetzel, and even more evident in that of one of his predecessors, Edwin Earle Sparks. HERE IS THE first chance for the Man on the Mall to "have a literal milkshake" with Dr. Eisenhower. The day—Monday. The hour-4:15 p.m. The place—in front of Old Main. :I;n Daily Collegian Successor to THE FREE LANCE, est. 1887 Published Tuesday through Saturday mornings; u dust*. during the College Jeer by the staff of The Dail Collegian of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second-class matter Jnly 5, 1934. at the Stet College, Pa., Poet Effie* under the set of Kara 3, 187 • Editor Business Managc Tom Morgan c'e3 o ° l Marlin A. Weave Managing Ed., Wilbert Roth; News Ed. Jack Reen Sports Ed., Elliot Krane; Edit Dir., Dottie Werlinich; Sn ciety Ed., Commie Keller; Feature Ed., Bob Kotzbauer Asst. News Ed., Jack Senior; Asst. Sports Ed., Ed Watson• Asst. Society Ed., Barbara Brown; Photo Ed., Ray Bear , Senior Board: George Vadasz, Kermit Fink; Staff Car toonist, Henry M. Progar. STAFF THIS ISSUE Night Editor News Editor Pat Nutter Copy Editor Norm Goode Assistants John Parkkanen, Norma Philip, Ray Galant Advertising Staff Loretta Stempinski, Mary J. Kauffman NOW!, At Your Watner Theatre /2 L. a thaum Humphrey Bogart Eleanor Parker "CHAIN LIGHTNING" cf . a_e Bob Hope Rhonda Fleming "THE GREAT LOVER" niilany JOHNNY MACK BROWN In "TRAIL'S END" THE DAIT,Y COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Little Man On Campus Murray To Give Chapel Sermon "Why Worship?" will be the topic of the sermon to be pre sented by Rev. Irving R. Murray, minister of the First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh, Pa., at the regular Chapel services in Sch wab Auditorium at 11 o'clock to morrow morning. The Chapel Choir, accompan ied by George Ceiga at the organ and directed by Willa Taylor, will present the anthem entitled, "He That Shall Endure to the End" 'y Mendelssohn. Reverend Murray attended Har rd University and the Harvard *vinity School before his ordi tion into the ministry of the 'itarian Church. His first pas -ate was at the • Charming '.arch in Newton, Mass. College and War Work Later he expanded his work to nt of Unitarian Minister to stu- ants in the greater Boston area :nd worked with college men and women on fourteen campuses and at six churches. During this per iod he served also as executive of the Unitarian War Service Council; directed its activities for service men and chaplains; and served as its representative on the Bill Dickson The New and Official "Class—Mr. Harrison, here, to phone with wo• • : . is me someone is slugging the den nickels." Church Calendar St. Paul's Methodist In observation of Brotherhood Week, William McCarty, guest reader for the Sunday eveni i ng service, will read excerpts from the "Human Comedy" by William Saroyan and •"I Have No Prayer" by Arch Oboler. Services begin at 7:30 p.m. Westminster Foundation Highlight of the programs this weekend•will be the Inter-Church Student Fellowship joint meeting on summer work projects. Ray Hartsough of the American Friends Service Commission will speak on the philosophy of sum mer service' projects. The church groups will meet in Westminster Hall at 6:30 p.m. Protestant General Commission for Army and Navy Chaptains. Reverend Murray moved 'to Pittsburgh in 1944. He has. since then taken positions in a variety of civic enterprises such as chair man of the Allegheny County Council for Civil Rights; a mem ber of the board of the Allegheny County Council for Intercultural Education; and as vice-chairman of the Pittsburgh chapter,..Amer icans for Democratic Action. ATE CLA ow You Can See for yourself The 'Beautiful Design Fine Workmanship f your newly adopts Class Ring SEE IT TODAY L. G. Balfour Branch Office in Athletic 5 by 13ibler 2E=ltyl at .. • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1950 Safety Valve... Not Satire TO THE EDITOR: Who do you think you are to criticize the actions of such loyal servants as James Forestal, late Secretary ,of Defense, to whom you obviously referred in your "satire" recently. To ridicule a man held in such high esteem by many people certainly shows poor taste as a citizen. • Ed. Note: Mr. Bonn's article was not a satire on the United States Government. It was intended as a parody on the system em ployed by the local Panhellenic Council in rotating the presidency of that organization. Tracking - Down - \\ ~,,, 4 ..., : „...., , ____ , ........., . - -----s7 Tales . _ ,e, .. .1.41/.0 With The Sten "Oh, s he's only a bird in a gilded cage." Since it is" 'deemed improper for girls at Slmirions to hang out of their windows and yell at their approaching beaus, a hostess at a re cent house meeting suggested they try whist ling some special' "call" to communicate with the males. Ifll Jim Balog, senior class president, says ring committee work at the College has prompted several other schools to begin. working on adopting a ring 'of their own choosing, rather than "one just put out arbitrarily by a ring company." It's been proved in a test, You can walk, if you choose, FrOm Nitt-ny to 'Sparks In just one pair of shOes. * * * The girls of Beecher House would like to exchange one Naval Air Science and Tactics Ogn for two Beecher House signs. Either that, or someone to explain science and tactics, Gazette . . . . Sunday, February 26 PSCA Graduate Club, 304 Old Main, 4 p.m. EDUCATION Student Council, 125 Sparks, 8 p.m. IYlonday. COLLEGIAN Edit Senior Board, Collegian Iffice, 2 p.m. Sunday. GRADUATE Club, sponsored by PSCA, 304 Old Main, 4 p.m. Sunday. WSSF Solicitors, Sunday: Dorm girls, Main Lounge of McElwain, 1:30; Town solicitors, 304 Old Main, 2:30; Dorm men, PUB, 1:30; Frater nity men, Kappa Sigma, 2:30. COLLEGE PLACEMENT Farther information concerning interviews ind job placs manta can be obtained in 112 Old Main. The Ingersoll-Rand Co., Feb. 27, 28. Jurie grads in ME, lE, Mr}gE. Applicants must have 1.8 or better average. , Shell Oil Co., Mar. 6, 7. June MS and. BS candidates in MngE and,Petroleum and Natural Gas Refining, MS candidates in EE and ME, and PhD candidates in Phys. Standard Oil Development Co., Feb. 27. MS and BS , candidates in ChE who will graduate in June. Applicants must have 1.5 or better aver- , age. —Jack Hepfer
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