PAGE POUR CLASSIFIEDS WANTED %ANTED Photographers. with devel oping equipment, to take photos for the Daily Collegian. Must be able to develop glossy photo in one hour. Call Red Roth. Daily Collegian office between 4 and 5 P. m. RENT ME your car from Saturday night until Sunday night., Call Sid Manes, 3140, after 10. RIDE from State College to Altoonn daily. Will join pool. Cal Howard, Altoona 23160. LOST BASKETBALL around Ree Hall or around Corner Room. Finder please return to Phi Epsilon Pi 4953. Reward. THURSDAY ON third floor Osmond, K&E Log-Log Duplex Sliderule. Return to Don Reynolds . . . Phi Delta Theta. LOST—Black leather fur-lined gloves on Feb. 13. High sentimental value. Please return T. Brinkley, 2-18 Pollock. Phone 262. GOLD Witnauer watch with black band, between Simmons and White Hall, on Feb. 17. Please call 9930. FOR SALE YOU WANT IV I have it. What? That abode for rou and the . spouse. Line forms nt 602 W. Beaver Ave. 3rd Floor: Ask for Bill Shaw. PORTABLE 78 R.P.M. single recordplayer Cheap. Call Ron 2708 after 5 p. in. 1937 Buick Convertiple. Excellent Condi tion—New motor, New top, 'Now trans mission, radio, heater. Best offer 'accepted. Call 4933, Dick. Eisman. 39 REGULAR, excellent condition, prac tically new black 'angora overcoat, also in excellent condition. Call 2198. TAIL SUIT with two vests. Size 38—$5 Call 2359 or see 363 Ridge Ave. 1933 DODGE, overhauled engine, new tires, 75,000 miles, pool condition. Only $lOO. Call 2161, ask for Chuck. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD - available for two Call Mra. Stern. Phone 4161. MISCELLANEOUS YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College, in many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. HARRISBURG CENTER ALUMNI: Sec- and Annual Sweetheart Ball, February 25, 9-12, Zembo Mosque. $2.80 per couple. Semi-Formal. Get Your 12 1/2 Percent Dividend N 0 W At— THE HOUSE OF COOK MEAL TICKETS $lll5 forslo,oo 65c Luncheon Specials 85c Dinner Specials Sally's IS GIVING 'EM AWAY! Every Week! Beautiful New Motorola Radio Here's a real campus radio. Park this Motorolo beauty right on your desk, or an end table, or on the bookcase. Hi-Q built-in loop antenna. Plug in to AC or DC. Rich mahogany color. This slick Motorola model is the "New Horizon." Sharp shadow-box front pan el. And a neat no-squint lucite dial. You'll be proud to own one of these Motorolas! Photo by Gearhart Somebody Takes Home _a New Radio Every Week I SAVE THE LABEL ! Listen to Groovology 54 every nice. George Kahl has the scoop. Don't miss this chance to take home a brand new Mo torola! TIE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE: PENNSYLVANIA Mortar Board Inaugurates New Infirmary Service Mortar Board, senior women's honorary, has inaugurated a new service at the College in its plan of visiting coed infirmary patients, which began Monday night. Purpose of the new plan is to satisfy the material wants of in firmary patients after regular visiting hours have ended and means of contact of patients with their outside friends has been severed. Visit Patients Each night one member of Mortar Board is assigned to go to the infirmary to visit each wo man student there and to ascer tain her requests for any item which she may particularly de sire but forgot to obtain from a visitor during the regular visit ing hours. After learning the various re quests of women patients the member of Mortar Board then phones the patient's roommate and asks her to deliver to the in firmary the - articles desired. Special Permission Special permission for the a bove plan was granted to Mor tar Board when this organization inquired at the infirmary for some way of being a real service. Another innovation which Mor tar Board plans and which should be available for use by student organizations at the end of next week is a chaperon filing system. Names of faculty who have con sented to be placed in the file and who have indicated the types of events they would prefer to chaperon will De available in the dean of women's office on request of interested organizations. Negro Week--- (Continued from page one) Negro" will include the follow ing faculty members: Dr. Lee Lorch, Dr. Larry Leonard, Dr. Ruth Silva, Dr. Ira Brown, and Dr. Walter Coutu. The panel will be-held in 121 Sparks at' 7;30 p.m. Tuesday. Throughout the week, an ex hibit featuring books written by and about Negros will be display ed in the library. An art exhibit is being planned and will be shown throughout the week in one of the girls' dormitories. The exact location will be announced later. FRENCH ' TUTORING Call 7766, Mrs. Fawkes, former college instructor, 1109 S. Allen street. STUDENTS—Get :Your thesis, term papers, mimeographing and typing done! Secretarial Service. Hotel State Col lege, phone 4966. FOUND FOUND—One Tri-Changer Westbury gray topcoat. Owner can regain same by ap plying to custodian, Sparks Building. . Take Home a Now here's the deal. Beginning Sunday, Feb. 26, every time you buy a Sally's sandwich, save the label. All you do to win a beautiful new Motorola radio is this: Write your name and address on the back of the label and give it to Sally's sand wich salesman. That's all you do! Start saving Sally's labels this Sunday. A winner will be announced every week! Radios Purchased from Hartman Electric Co. Sally's SALLY'S EMPLOYES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO WIN Eisenhower--- (Continued from page one) granted by Milholland after un dergraduate leaders had ap - proached him and asked permis sion to meet the president-elect on his first visit here. The president's office indicated that this would be Dr. Eisen hower's only visit to the campus before taking up his new duties July 1. He visited Penn State• once before, some years ago. Conferences The schedule of conferences with administrators and officers of the College, plus a quick tour of the campus, "will keep him busy from morning until night" the president's office reported. Purpose of the meetings will be to give Dr. Eisenhower a chance to become acquainted with Col lege officials and conditions at the College. Probably no policy decisions will be made during the conferences, the pre,sident's office stated. WSSF Drive--- (Continue& from page one) each person contributed 60 cents —the price of a movie, the price of three packs of cigarettes or the price of two sundaes." "Many of us know what it is to work our way through school how little our dollars seem to stretch," she added. "And yet we are strong physically and are far from starving. In the war devas tated areas of Europe and Asia, students also work' their way through school, but they're still hungry, lack books and as many as 20 per cent have tuberculosis to retard their education. "We should be able to give at least $5,0,00," she said, "to make education a reality for them in stead of just a dream." • James Balog and Helen Dreher head 'the drive as co-chairmen. Other committee officers and chairmen are Janet Rosen, sec retary; Ted Homer, treasurLtr; Alfred von Arx, Pelton Wheeler, Lynn Lapp, solicitation commit tee; Jane Kelley and William King, publicity co-chairmen; and Peter Sarantopaulos and Sue Hal perin, special events committee. 15 Years of Sandwich Service for Students co-edit 3 Penn Haven Club Officers of the Penn Haven Club for the current semester are Herman Kaplan, president; Ro bert Groff, vice-president; Wayne Cypher, secretary; and Daniel McDade, treasurer; Raoul Pratt, athletic chairman; Harold Krei ser, social chairman and John Neiderer, publicity chairman. 0 44<2 O GALA A co, L , OPENING o f SING MAN'S SUNOCO SERVICE: E. COLLEGE AVENUE and PINE STREET STATE COLLEGE A JUNIOR ORCHID WITH EACH GASOLINE PURCHASE . STOP IN AND GET YOUR GIFT HOUSEHOLD OIL FOR THE MEN COMICS FOR THE KIDDIES THE MOST MODERN STATION IN THE LAND 5 0 Plus 10 State Tax BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA•.COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ALTOONA CENTRE BEVERAGE C 0.,. Inc. Rear 218 E. College Ave. . For PROMPT SERVICE - Phone 2462 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1950 Delta Sigma Phi New officers of Delta Sigma Phi are Donald Maclntire, presi dent; Samuel Vaughan, vice president; Casimir Boroway, sec retary; Raymond Lefkoe, treas urer; Bruce Singer, house mana ger; John Jobe, caterer; and Mor ris Samuel, social chairman. Recently pledged by the fra ternity are John Brougher, Thom as Emerick, Charles Hunter, Wil liam Harkins, Ronald Moorehead, Benjamin Ruhe, Marlin Risten bac, and Phillip Zimmerman. In Fayetteville, Arkansas, there-is always a friendly gathering of University of Arkansas students at the Student Union Building. And, as in college campus haunts' every where, ice-cold Coca-Cola helps make these get-to-gethers something to remember. As a refreshing pause from the study grind, or on a Satur day-night date—Coke belongs. tisk for it either way ... both ,trade-marks mean the same thing. Q 1949, The Coea.Cola Coaipany
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