PAGE SIX ALL-COLLEGE CONS • (Printed in its entirety below is the constitution of the Student Government Association as ap proved by All-College Cabinet March 17, 1949.) PREAMBLE We, the Students of The Penn sylvania State College, in order to form a more representative union, to promote the welfare of the student body and the College as a whole and to insure the democratic right of self govern ment, do hereby ordain and estab lish this Constitution of the Penn sylvania State College Student Government Association. ARTICLF I Legislative Powers SECTION 1. All legislative powers of the Student Govern ment Association herein granted shall be vested in the All-College Cabinet. All-Collage Cabinet SECTION 2. A student activity shall be defined as an activity whose members are students 'and whose funds are derived all or in part from student sources. All members of Cabinet shall repre sent student activities. All student activities shall have their funds accounted and audited through the Associated Student Activities office. The All-College Cabinet shall consist of the All-College Presi dent, the AU-College Vice Presi dent, All-C ollege Secretary- Treasurer, the presidents of the Senior, Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman classes; the president of each School Council, the president of Women's Recreation Associa tion, the president ,of Women's Student Government Association, the president of the Men's Ath letic Association, the chairman of the Board of Publications, the chairman of the Board of Dra matics and Forensics, the presi dent of Interfraternity Council, the president of Panhellenic Council; the president of the As sociation of Independent Men and the president of Leonides. . Members- Ex-Officio SECTION 3. The'Deans of Men and Women, Alumni Association Secretary, Manager of Student Union, a Representative from P.S.C.A., a representative from Windcrest and the chairman of Tribunal and Judicial shall serve as ex-officio members of the Cab inet. Eligibility SECTION 4. 'No person shall be eligible for membership in the Cabinet who is not a registered student at the College and who has, not attained an All-College average of "1" or better. Terms of Office SECTION 5. The terms of office of each cabinet member shall be two consecutive semesters. Veto Power SECTION 6. All legislation in order to become effective must be passed by a majority of the Cab inet members voting and ap proved by the All-College Presi dent at the same meeting. If the All-College president should fail to approve this measure at this meeting it shall automatically go into effect. If the All-College president should veto the legisla tion, Cabinet can repass the legis lation, thus avoiding the veto, by a timo-thirds vote of the members Present. Quorum SECTION 7. Fifteen members Shall constitute a quorum. Finances SECTION 8. The Cabinet shall have control over all student funds, including the establish ment of class dues, the recommen dation of student activities fees, the approval of specific budgets, the approval of expenditures, and the supervision of the auditing of these expenditures. Right of Initiative SECTION 9. Any member of the faculty, administration or stu dent body may attend and pre sent to Cabinet any matters which concern student welfare. Cabinet Must take action upon the matter thirty days thereafter. Investigation SECTION 10. The Cabinet shall have power to summon before it THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA any student and conduct such in vestigation as it may deem just and proper. General Supervision SECTION 11. The Cabinet shall have power to regulate and su pervise All-College student ac tivities, except that any power not specifically delegated to the All- College Cabinet shall be reserved to the governmental organs speci fied under Article 1, Section 2. Recognition SECTION 12. The Cabinet shall have power to recognize and grant charters to any undergraduate or ganization, and also have the power to withdraw charter from existing undergraduate organiza tion after due consideration and investigations. Meetings SECTION 13. Cabinet shall meet at least once in every two weeks, excluding vacations. The All-Col lege president shall have the power, however, to call special meetings at his discretion. All members of the Cabinet, except executive sessions, shall be open to the entire student body. At tendance to these meetings is compulsory by the -voting mem bers of the Cabinet. Substitutions for class presidents shall be the vice-presidents of the class. Un excused absences shall bind the representatives over to Tribunal for men and to Judicial for women. ARTICLE II Executive Powers SECTION 1. The executive powers shall be vested in the All- College President. Election SECTION 2. The All-College President shall be elected in the Spring of every year by the entire student body •to 'a term of two consecutive semesters at a time to be specified by the Elections Committee and approved by the Cabinet. SECTION 3. Before he can ex ercise any of the powers of his office, the All-College President shall take the following oath: "I do hereby solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office oft All-College President of the Pennsylvania State College Stu dent Government Association and will, to the best of my ability, serve to promote the welfare of the student body and the College as a whole." The oath shall be sworn or affirmed to before the Chairman of Student •Tribunal at an All-College inauguration with in one month following the elec tion. The All-College President will in turn swear in the various class presidents at the same cere mony. Eligibility SECTION 4. No person shall hbld the office of All-College President who is not a registered senior at the College and- who has not attained an All-College average of "1" or better. No per son will be eligible for presidency who holds ,a bachelor's degree. Additional qualifications may be specified by the Elections Com mittee with the approval of Cab inet. Chairmanship SECTION 5. The All-College President shall serve as chairman of the Cabinet and shall be privi leged' to vote to make or break a tie. Appointment Power SECTION 6. The All-College President shall have full power to appoint all committees he may deem necessary to carry out the work of the Cabinet. The All- College President shall have the power to appoint all committees he may deem necessary to carry out the work of the Cabinet, sub ject to the approval of Cabinet. Special-Commiltees SECTION 7. The All-College President shall have power to ap point, by and with the advice and consent of Cabinet, any special committee he may deem neces sary, except committees charged with the administration of purely class functions, the appointment of which shall rest in the hands of the respective class presidents. Veto Power SECTION 8. The All-College President shall have power to veto any legislation passed by Cabinet according to Article I, Section 6. Official Representative SECTION 9. The All-College President shall be the official rep resentative of the student body on any matter pertaining, to the wel fare of the student body. Meetings SECTION 10. The All-College President shall have the sole power to call special meetings of the Cabinet at any time for any reason whatsoever. Parliamentary Powers SECTION 11. The All-College President shall have full parlia mentary powers over all meetings of the Cabinet. Presidential Vacancy SECTION 12. In the event of the resignation or the disqualifi cation of the All-College Presi dent, the All-College Vice-Presi dent shall assume the . duties of the All-College President. Temporary Absence SECTION 13. In the event of the absence of the All-College President, the All-College Vice- President shall assume the chair manship of the Cabinet and all relative pOwers. In the absence of the All - College Vice - President and the All-College President a president pro-tern shall be elected by the Cabinet. ' Succession SECTION 14. In the event of the disqualification or resignation of both the All-College President and Vice-President, an election for All-College President and Vice- President shall be held within four weeks of the regular college session after the disqualification or resignation of the old officers go into effect. ARTICLE 111 Judicial Power SECTION 1. The judicial -pow ers relative to men students will be vested in the Student Tribunal, while the judicial powers relative to women students shall be vested in the Judicial Committee. Nominating Committee SECTION 2. Nominations to Tribunal and Judicial shall be made by a committee composed of the presiding Tribunal chair man, the presiding Judicial chair man, a representative from WSGA Senate, and the All-College Presi dent. The All-College President shall serve as the chairman of the committee. Ex-officio members will be deans, of men and women. Nominations to Judicial and Tri bunal may be made from the floor of Cabinet. Nominations for the successors to the post of Tribunal or Judicial chairman must be ap proved by Cabinet one month be fore the end of Spring Semester. Other appointments to the judi cial bodies must take place at least two weeks before the end of the same semester. Membership SECTION 3. Tribunal shall be composed of men students and Judicial shall be composed of women students. Each judicial body shall be made up or four members from each of. the junior and senior classes. Appointments shall be made for one school year. Members whose terms of office have expired may serve again if appointed. A member who with draws or graduates from college with an unexpired term shall be replaced .by a new appointment from that same year who shall serve until the termination of the unexpired term. The chairman of Tribunal and Judicial must be members of the senior class. Or iginal membership on either judi cial body requires an All-College average of "1" or better. Investigations SECTION 4. Tribunal and Ju dicial shall have the power to summon before them any student over which they have jurisdiction and conduct such investigations as each may deem just and proper. Customs SECTION 5. Tribunal and Ju dicial shall have the povier , to establish and enforce freshman customs subject to the approval of Cabinet. Punishment SECTION 8. Tribunal and Ju dicial shall have power, after a fair trial to affix such punishment as it may deem justifiable upon any student found guilty of con duct detrimental F to the College, and may recommend when neces sary penalties up to and including expulsion from the College. Trial Procedure SECTION 7. Tribunal and Ju dicial shall have power to estab lish their own procedure except that any hearing must be open if the defendant so desires. Appeal , SECTION. 8. Any student may appeal from a decision of Tribu nal or Judicial to Cabinet, which shall have final jurisdiction over the matter.. ARTICLE IV Elections Committee SECTION 1. An Elections Com mittee shall be appointed by the Cabinet chairman by and with the consent of Cabinet each year. Duties of the Elections Commit tee shall be to establish and en forcel the Elections Code which must! be approved by Cabinet be fore each election. SECTION 2. The entire student body will elect an All-College presiderit, vice-president, and sec retary-treasurer, while each class shall elect a president, vice-presi dent, and a secretary-treasurer at a time specified by the Elections Committee and approved by Cab inet. The Freshman q Class shall be organized as soon as advisable after the opening of the first semester under the direction of the Elections Committee. Eligibility SECTION 3. No person shall hold a class office who is not a registered student in that class and who does not possess an All- College average of "1" or better. Additional qualifications may be established by Elections Commit tee with the approval of Cabinet. Class Meetings Within one month after the start .of the fall term the class presidents must call class meet ings for their respective classes. Class presidents may call addi tional meetings when deemed necessary. Presidential Succession SECTION 5. The• class vice president shall succeed to the of fice of the •president upon the resignation or - disqualification of the president. The class secretary treasurer shall succeed to the of fice of the president in the event of the resignation or disqualifica tion of the president and vice president. ARTICLE V SchoOl Councils SECTION 1. Eath school shall elect the majority of its council members in a general election subject to the approval of the Elections Committee. SECTION 2. Additional mem bers may be elected by honorary and professional ,soci'etiea• for in clusion in the council, 'subject to the approval of the council con cerned and Elections Committee. Powers SECTION 1. The School Coun one shall have power to discuss problems pertaining to their own schools and legislate accordingly. SECTION 2. The president of each School CoUncil shall be a member of the All-College Cabi net, but any school which has not organized a Council upon a date to be specified by the Elections Committee shall not be given rep resentation in the Cabinet. ARTICLE VI Flame* Board SECTION 1. The finance, board shall consist of the All=eollege secretary-treasurer as chairman, and the treasurer of each of the four classes. Budget Powers SECTION 2. The board shall draw up the All-College Cabinet's TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, luoo budgets subject to the approval of Cabinet and the Graduate Man ager of Associated Student Activi ties. ARTICLE VII Graduate Manager SECTION 1. The Office of As sociated Student Activities under the direction of the Graduate Manager shall•be custodian for all student funds controlled by: the All-College Cabinet, the actual accounting of which shall be han dled by a Treisurer. Accounts SECTION 2. There shall be maintained a detailed account and record of all financial transactions involving Cabinet finance. Payment of Bills SECTION 3. No bill that is not a part of a regular student gov ernment activity and provided for by budget shall be paid until it has been referred to the Finance Board for their recommendation and approved by Cabinet. Expenditures SECTION 4. The Graduate Manager must be consulted' be fore agreements are made involv ing expenditures of student gov ernment funds. Expenditures ex ceeding over, 100 shall be read at one meeting of Cabinet and voted upon at the next meeting. Pro jects for disposal of the yearly surplus will 'be submitted to the Finance Board. The final approval of above project or projects lies with Cabinet. Audit SECTION 5. 'The accounts and records of the Treasurer shall be audited annually by the College Auditing Department. SECTION 6. The Graduate Manager and the Treasurer shall be bonded to the extent of $5OOO each by a qualified' surety com pany.'' ARTICLE VIII Board of . Publications SECTION 1. The Board of Publications shall consist of the editor and managing editor of Collegian, editor and managing editor of La Vie, editor of Froth, editor of• Critique and the editor of the Penn State Engineer. The editor of Collegian shall serve as chairman of .this board. ARTICLE IX 'Dramatics and Forensics The Board of Dramatics and Forensics shall consist , of the men's debate manager, women's debate manager, presidents of the Glee Club, Blue Band. Players and Thespians. They shall in turn elect one of their number to rep resent them on the Cabinet. ARTICLE .X Right to Veto The right of any undergraduate student to vote or hold All-Col lege or class offices shall not be denied or abriagea because , of race; colors, age, sex or scholastic standing except as otherwise herein provided; ARTICLE XI Self-Organization The organization and function ing of all other governmental bodies specified in Article I, Sec tion 2 shall be left to their respec tive members but no constitution of any of these bodies shall be in consistent with the provisions of this Constitution. ARTICLE XU Amendment SECTION 1. This constitution may be amended or revised by a three-fourths vote of the member• ship of Cabinet. Every amend ment must be read at three con secutive. meetings and can be passed after the third reading. Ratification SECTION 2. Any proposal for amendment or revision must be placed before the student body at a general election if a petition re questing. such action is signed by at least 300 students and pre sented to Cabinet within two weeks following the published announcement al the proposed amendment.
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