TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1950 Professor Unearths Lone Portrait of Tom Paine Climaxing a 10-year search, Dr. liarold E. Dickson, pro fessor of flne arts at the College, has located the only paint ing of Thomas Paine, author and patriot, that is known to .exist. In gathering material for his recent book on John Wesley Jarvis, American painter. Dr. Dickson found references to a documented original portrait of Paine by Jarvis. When all leads led down blind alleys, Dr. Dickson completed his manuscript, predicting in it that "If this elusive picture should still exist and prove to be as authentic as its inscription sounds, its dis covery would be an important one." ' • A pre-publication review of the book in the New York Herald Tribune, ironically enough, re sulted in the discovery , of the portrait, even before the book had gone to press. Dr. Dickson was informed by Margaret Steward Maurice and Marian Bridge Maurice, of Ath ens, Pa., that they had the paint ing in their home. Dr. Dickson examined the canvas and found it in fine condition. A certificate of Jarvis; attached to the back of the painting, indicated it was completed about 1805, less than five' years before the death of Paine. "This well-documented and tin questionably authentic portrait of Paine by Jarvis can be given rightful recognition as the last and at present the only located painting from life of one who played an effective role in the founding of our nation," Dr. Dickson said. Bible Fellowship The Penn State Bible Fellow ship will . hold its first Tuesday Bible Study of this semester at 7 o'clock in 418 Old Main. Benp Dickerson will lead the discus sion on the first chapter of Romans. I TODAY IS MONEY News Briefs Fee Collection Fees for the present semester will be collected at the office of the bursar, Willard Hall, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 2 and 3. Lenten Services Grace Lutheran Church will hold Lenten Services on Ash Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. Home Ec Mixer The Home Ec Mixer sched uled for tonight is postponed to a date to be announced later. Sigma Tau Recent , Initiates of Sigma Tau may obtain theing shingles from. Treasurer Robert Tintsman at the meeting tomorrow night in 219 Electrical Engineering Chem Eng. Society Sophomores ma y join th e Chemical Engineering Society at a meeting tonight in Room 119 Osmond at 7 o'clock. Movies and refreshnients will accompany an important business meeting. • Penn State Club There will riot be a meeting of the Penn State Club tonight be cause of lack of business matters to be discussed. However,_• the executive committee will meet at 7 o'clock in Old Main. EVERY Shop The Stores Carrying Dollar Day Banners Today THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA SAVING BARGAINS FOR STUDENT ON CAMPUS THE STATE COLLEGE COMMERCE CLUB Squatters Campus Pets Keep Warm Every, chipmunk has a steam heated home on the College cam pus. Nine miles of subterranean dormitories shelter them from the winter cold while their big hornosapien brothers must worry with the housing shortage. These chipmunk dormitories are found in the steam lines which extend from the central heating plant to every building on campus. The entrances ate steel grates, about 14 chipmunk steps , wide, and are located at convenient points along the walks and lawns. One of the employees ,at the central power plant, who .occa sionally 'patrols the , steam lines Joking for leaks, reports that the chipmunks appear, loerfectly con tented this winter. But according to Gus, a chip- Munk who has resided in the T,ri- Dorm area for a number of se mesters,' tthe red-furred colony is a bit perturbed over the recent coal strikes. "We sure do worry," Gus said, "about .whether or not John L. Lewis is going •to shut off the heat," Pi Gamma Mu Elects Officers Pi Gamma Mu, national social science honorary, elected Dr. B. V. 'Moore and Henry Goeken• as president and vice-president, at a recent, meeting to honor new initiates. Those honored are: Rolland Daley, Joseph Heffner,. Francis Tanni, Anna Kelldr, Dr. William Leonard, Francis McNelis, Harriet Nelson, Sylvia Ockner, Dr. .Robert Oliver,, Margaret Robinson, Mer rill Snook, and Dorothy Yarnall. Officers who will continue terms in the ,second semester are: Jane Cowell, . secretary; _ and Joseph Ilradley, treasurer. The Retail Division of Eliminations Will Be Held For Orators . A chance to vie for state-wide honors in oratorical competition will be offered to students of "the College next week. Eliminations tochoose the College representative to the an nual State Oratorical Contest will be held next Tuesday at 7 p,m, in 316 Sparks. These elimination tryouts are open to any undergraduate stu dent of the College. The winner will then represent- the College at the State Oratorical Contest to be held at the University of Pittsburgh on March 10. and 11. Entrants Register Students wishing to enter the contest must register at office. of the departinent of speech, 300 Sparks before 12 noon this Sat urday. Competing students must. de liver an original oration of either 2000 words or 12 to 15 minutes in length on any topic. Three judges, one from the Col lege, will select the winner. The State Oratorical Contest is one of the forensic events which will highlight the State Debate Tournament held at the University of Pittsburgh also on March 10 and 11. The College debating team will send repre sentatives to this tournament. Job Opportunities .Opportunities available for gra duating seniors in the field , of public assistance will be discuss ed at a meeting in 317 Willard Hall from 2 to 4 o'clock today. John - Harris, director of person nel for the Department of Public Assistance will be on campus to discuss salaries and requirements. The Civil Service commissioner will be present to receive appli cations for the examinations to be given this week for open visi tor positions . Local I R C Joins State Association The College's International Relations Club recently joined the Pennsylvania Association of International Relations Clubs. The club voted • to send three delegates to the *association's meeting at Shippensburg March 3-4. Those elected to attend the meeting are, Pete Hammer, Don Sloughfy, and Phyllis Kistler: Plans also have been made to send three official delegates to the International Model General Assembly. The assembly will be held in New York City April 10-12. Dr. Larry Leonard, fac ulty advisor of the organization, will accompany the group and will select the three representa tives. The club is also conducting a weekly poll of students and faculty, about current national and internatio na 1 problems. Three members of the group have been selected to 'gather this information which they will present at the next meeting. The first poll will concern the H- Bomb, and the findings of the club will be published in the Daily Collegian. Dr. Oliver, member of the speech department, will speak about Korea at their next meet ing. This meeting will be in the recreation room of McElwain Hall at 7:30 tomorrow night. A Message to Al! Vets! BE SMART—Don't Spend It All I BUY "Mutual Funds Government Bonds" and obtain a safe, and assured return on your money of 4%. WRITE' FOR DETAILS TO: R. H. JOHNSON Sr Co. P. 0. Box 576 STATE COLLEGE. PA. IN STATE COLLEGE PAGE THREE
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