PAGE POUR Open Houses Inaugurate Second Rushing Season At 2 p.m. today the first of a series of op'en houses, inaugurating the second semester sorority rushing season, will be held until 5 p m. Two more open houses held tomorrow from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. will complete the first phase of the second period. In order to help rushees make the best use of their time, soroi ties have been divided into three sections according to geographic location. Section I includes Delta Gamma, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta,Alpha Gamma Delta and Ze ta Tau Alpha. Section II includes Kappa Al pha Theta, Phi Mu, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Beta Sigma Omicron and Theta Phi Alpha; and Section 111, Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Delta, Chi Omega, Alpha Chi Omega and Gamma Phi Beta. Rushees are divided alphabeti cally and visit according to the following arrangement: 2 to 5 p.m. today: Section I entertains rushees from A-H. Section IL I-Q. Section 111, R-Z. 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow: Section I, I-a. Section IL R-Z. Section 111, A-H. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. tomorrow: Section I, R-Z. Section IL A-H. Section 111, I-n. Following the open houses reg istration will be held from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday for those girls who have not yet registered. At 8 a.m. the same day sororities will turn in coke cards for Tues day and Wednesday's rusing dates. Rushees may pick up these cards from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and are expected to return their an swers from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. So rorities pick up these answers at 5 p.m. IFC Keys Available IFC representatiiies may pick up keys in 106 Old Main, Jack Ernst, IFC secretary-treasurer, said today. TEXT _ 8040 KS ~. New' Used SHEAFFER - WATERMAN PENS PENCILS New Coeds Attend Orientation Program Orientation in the form of an "At Home" was held in Grange Playroom from 7 to 9 p.m. last night for the approximately 25 new girls enrolled at the Col lege. A skit depicting a "general way around campus" for all coeds was presented by the ori entation crew. The latter•. con sisted of the presidents of Cwens, Chimes, Mortar Board and Alpha Lambda Delta and members of the first two named organizations. Shirley Gauger, president of WSGA; Virginia Miller, presi dent of WRA; Mrs. Mary Lou Hollis, president of Leonides; and Delores Jelacic, president of Panhellenic Council, also helped in the presentation of the pro gram. Refreshments were served and booklets distributed. . •,1• • • 43 DAYS lifilin .TLAFI ar • $195 ..‘ 1 11111 1 1•11!..1 at • p• • .s . iscr'4ll' RoroPe by bicycle add motor c.. 43 day! , 7 . trips In . Knape 3195, by motor from SM.. • See•nore, sperld feil : •hove more hint ;.. • MEXICO . • . i• , • 45 days from 5295 o S • ' 11611SHR ,D olt .. 30 day schooner adventure ss9s . THE WEST , dr( 35 day motor-camping from 5395 11 . "America's Foremost Organization for Educational Travel' . 10C., llllln/4 . 1/01R WERNER STRIEDIECK Dept. of German, State College, Pa. STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ASSOCIATION (SITA) Santa Barbara, Calif. - Booklet L 5 LAUNDRY CASES The Athletic Store, Inc. THE DAILY COLLF,GTAN STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA AlphaLambdaDelta, Freshman Honorary, Taps Thirty-Three Alpha Lambda Delta, scholas tic honorary recognizing fresh man women who have attained a 2.5 all-College average during their first year, tapped thirty three sophomore women at pledging ceremonies held in Simmons Hall on January 19. Initiation will be held at some future date. Although, a schol astic honorary, Alpha Lambda Delta has also functioned as a service honorary in helping in the orientation of incoming women. Girls tapped were Lila Bar nes, Lois Blankensee, Dorothy Bordner, Donia Browand, Janet Brown, Anna Bushanan, Patric ia Bush, Eleanor Dickson, Eliza beth Dunlap, Marion Ehler, Phy 7 lis Ethel, Emma Evans, Mar garet Feather. Dorothy Grosky, Margar e t Henderson, Julia Ibbo t s o n, Marilyn Jones, Pearl Kane, Do lores Lipowitz, Nancy Mezger Eleanor Miller, Elaine Notari, NATIONAL NOTE BOOKS - FILLERS DIETZGEN and K & E SLIDE RULES - DRAWING SETS Main Gate ;,....:S., \\:, . •;ej,,''' . •,... /• : : • ' ..., ~/ f . : : f S t '% ? 1 •,. ; , ..... '''•••?. i % • ',...::::,: i ••••:. i. SMART SHOP 411 SMART SHOP We feature and recommend always sheer, always lovely MOJUD STOCKINGS in the latest FASHION HARMONY COLORS opposite Kappa AlPha Theta Newly elected officers of Kappa Alpha Theta are Mar garet Good, president; Bet t a Barbara ~ Park, Mary Lou Piele meier, Lois Pulver, Dori Spiel berg, Maryann Stewart, Mari lyn Stewart, ' JoAnn Straley, Greta Weaver, Frances Wein land, Janet Wenzel, and Mary Jane Woodrow. I L = m r‘ i ni Monday & Tuesday Presented By The Internationl Film Club . . . I "A Swedish Movie Gem!" I —New York World Telegram VIVECA LINEOFORS;«: mteritate Dialog. le En.h•h. Sure 41•11. Gamma. ►nnh ond SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1950 Jane Strom, vice-p resident; Betty Dick Swift, corresponding secretary; Jean Lasher, record ing secretary; Dorothy Luft, treasurer; Patricia Moffett, dep uty treasurer; Carolyn DeHart, rushing chairman; Anne Sweger, social chairman ' and Mardi Christensen, editor. HAMMERMILL BOND 20 Pound SPORTING GOODS EQUIPMENT Prices include fed. tax
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