PAGE EIGHT Panhellenic Council Issues Revised Rushing Schedule The revised rushing schedule for rushees in February 1950 has been announced by Gilda Greco, Panhellenic Council rushing chairman. Miss, Greco stated that changes have been made in order to lessen confusion at the Panhel Post Office. Dates released will be those used if All-College registration remains on February 10 and 11 or moves to February 9 and 10. If, however, the time set is Feb ruary 13 and 14 the whole rush ing schedule will be pushed back one week,' with registration on February 17. The schedule for the first week of rushing follows: February 10, Friday: Registra tion for rushing 8:00 to 5:00. February 13, Monday: Regis tration for rushing 8:00-1:30. So rorities turn in coke cards at 8:00 a.m. for February 14 and 15. Rushees pick up coke cards 'from 10:00 to 1:00. Rushees return coke cards from 1:00-4:00. Sororities pick up coke cards from 5:00- 6:15. February 15, Wednesday: So rorities turn in coke cards at 8:00 a.m. for February 16 and ,17. Rushees pick up coke cards from 10:00 to 1:00. Rushees return coke cards from 1:00 to 4:00 Rushees pick up coke cards from 5:00' to 6:00. February I'7, Friday: Sororities turn in At Home invitations by 10:00. Rushees pick up At Home invitations by 12:30. Rushees re turn At Home answers by 5:15. February 18. Saturday: Sorori ties pick up At Home answers at 12:00. Delta Zeta Initiated into the Delta Zeta sorority on Sunday were Mar garet Becht, Mary Ann Boozier, Georgia Heidish, Ann Jones, Eli za Radcliffe, Helen Thomas and Nancy Walker. Beta Sigma Omicron Beta Sigma Omicron sorority recently initiated Joanne Snavely, Evelyn Sebastian, Marian Wilson, Marian Wiser, Jane Ellen Crane, Barbara Smith and Helen Wray. Registration . -- • (Continued from page one) ' ture; and Royal M. Gerhardt, Dean of Admissions. Helen Leßaron, assistant dean of the Schdol of Home Econ omics; Lawrence Perez, professor of civil engineering; H. J. Read, associate professor of metallurgy; Carl Schott, Dean of the School of Physical Education; P. C. Weaver, assistant dean of the School of Education; and R. L. Weber, asso ciate professor of physics. The committee will also have to decide how the information will be disseminated to students, once the dates have been scheduled. Control Board -- . (Continued from page one) Geol • 'I2IMI German and Nor. 228 Sparks Russian 227 Sparks History Armory Home Ec, HA Armory Hort Armory Ind Education Armory Ind Eng Armory Jourlll CH , Lib Sci 202 Lib Math Armory Music 200 CH Me Des 210 Eng Me Lab 212 M Eng Me 214 M Eng Meteor 31313 MI Metallurgy 212 MI Min Econ 218 MI Min Prep 304 MI Mining 304 MI Mineralogy • 123 MI Navy ROTC 200 ling E Physics ' Armory PH ' Armory Phil 217 Sparks Phys Ed and Health Ed Armory PNG 26 111 Pol Sci Armory Psy 204 liurrowes Romance Languages Armory Sociology 124 Sparks Speech and Speech Ed. Armory Zool and Ent Armory Aero Eng 103 Eng D Student News Agency Students who missed their Sun day papers at any time during the semester may get adjustments made by seeing their agent or stopping at the Student Employ ment Office in the TUB before vebruary 4 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Slogan Contest Winners Named Michael Chaffier, Dorm 23, has been chosen as the first and third prize winner in the recent Stu dent Dry Cleaning Agency Slo gan Contest. Joseph Reinheimer, supervisor of student agencies and chairman of the committee of judges, made the announce ment. The prizes are $lO and $2 worth of cleaning service. A second prize of $5 in cleaning service was • awarded. to Sidney Simon, 500 S. Allen street. George Lukas, Dorm 8, and William Wil son, Dorm 8, received . honorable mention. Besides Reinheimer, the • com mittee of judges included Miss Edith Zinn, assistant to the dean of women; Mr. Daniel DeMarino, assistant to the dean of men, Shirley Gauger, president of WSGA; Ted Allen president of All-College Cabinet; and Tom Morgan, editor of Daily Collegian. The agency will suspend opera tions at the close of business 'to day. Garments received in the last feiv days will be returned at the beginning of next semester when the agency again resumes business. Used Books Students who want to' sell their books next semester should bring them to the Used Book Agency in the BX next week. Hours for dropping off the books will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily, except Sat urday when the hours will be from 8 a.m. to 12 -noon. Collegian Lists Edit Promotions Robert Kotzbauer was elected Daily Collegian feature editor at a meeting of Senior Editorial Board, Thomas Morgan, editor, announced yesterday. Kotzbauer will assume the post being va cated by Sylvia Ockner, who is graduating this semester. In other action, Kermit Fink was elevated from Junior to Sen ior Board. Members of Collegian Senior Edit Board graduating this se mester, besides Miss Ockner, in clude Albert Ryan, morgue di rector and exchange editor: Char lotte Seidman, promotion co manager; Myrna Tex, Roy Mc- Tienry and Robert Rose. Duties performed by Ryan will be assumed next semester by John Senior, assistant news editor, Mor gan said. The position of promo tion co-manager has been elimin ated, he added. CLASSIFIEDS LOST LOST:TOPCOAT in Chem. Eng. Jan. 24. Taken by mistake. I have yours. Charles Schultz. Phone 3309. WILL PARTY why took , wrong top Coat from Penn State Diner Dec. 19 •call 'l3B to exehtinge coats. WILL PERSON who took wrong top coat in 110 EE Thursday night, please return to Morgan, Dorm 31-6. I have yours. RED WALLET with meal ticket, metric card, key—lost in Willard Hall. Return to Student Union desk., COLI,ECE TECHNICAL Physics book on Thursday, south wing of Sparks. Joe R., Dorm 11, Room 12. LOST—BLACK Leather Wallet. Detach able card case, valuable papers. Center of town. Reward. Return to Collegian office. • LOST—RONSON Lighter, Initialed RWB Phone 4494. Ask for Bogen. MISCELLANEOUS TASI-I YOU'VE got so much more than any sweater girl, why fight it? Amos. STUDENTS—Get your thesis, term papers, mimeographing, and typing done! Sec• retarial service. Hotel State College. Phone 4006. ,YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here In State College. In many cases 24 hour service. Just Dial 2492 or bring machine to 683 West College .Ave. $lO REWARD for information leading to return of clarinet, missing, apparently stolen from 117 C. H. Call Blakeslee 7881. GIRLS; FELLOWS—interested in travel ing abroad. Professor with years of guiding experience conducting small in formal auto tour through Europe. Contact Ott Grupp or Ed Davis 4969. BENNYGOOK WILL see you at the movies Monday night. Five feet due south of the taxi stand. Your best per formance yet—Toidi. WANTED REPLACEMENT WANTED to take room at Nittany Dorm for Spring Semester. Please Call Tom MeAvoy, Ext. 292. FOUR REPLACEMENTS for Nittany Dorm 21 next semester. Call Lloyd, Room 14.. WANTED—Students desiring a table radio to cooperate in a savings plan for the purpose of buying at a lower cost. Call Harold 8179. FOR SALE ANY EVASONABLE offer takes 21' Trailer with enclosed porch, permanent bed, many extras. Occupancy immediatelys Apply 380• B Winderest after 5:30 p.m. 10' TRAILER—fine condition, Immediate occupancy, added storage room. Call any time. 723 Wlndcrest. HOUSE TRAILM2-27 foot Palace, avail- able Immediately,—Extraa—priced for quick sale, $850.00. C. M. Baney, 107% S. Allen. MUST SELL immediately—Dr housetrail er with addition. Good condition, bottled gas; will accept best offer. Call, after 6 :00 p.m.; 355 Windcrest. SEE 808 IRVIN—for a good used car or a new, Oldsmobile. State ,College . Au tomobile Company, phone 8451. WHITE ENAMEL Icebox ; not refrigerator Good condition. 12 ft. storage. 520.00 Call 0-0231. TWO OF the cutest little German Shepard Puppies. 2% months old. Call 3612; any time. 20 FOOT ANDERSON Trailer in good shape (with utility porch): Priced to sell $750. See Joe Wise 31,1131, Windcrest. Mimeographing All Types of Printing CommercialPrinling Inc. Glennland Bldg., State College In Hamilton, New York, the favorite gathering spot of students at Colgate University is the Campus Store becaus; it is a cheerful place— full of friendly collegiate atmosphere. And when the gang gathers around, ice-cold Coca-Cola gets the call. For here, as in college haunts everywhere—Coke belongs. • BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY RV COCA•LOLA BorrLlNci COMPANY Or ALTOONA CENTRE BEVERAGE CO., Inc. Rear 218 E. College Ave. For PROMPT SERVICE - Phone 2462 SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1950 HOUSE TRAILER 2V Covered Wagon. Excellent condition. Available immediate. ly. Call 392-B Windcreet. Selling price $776.00 Quick Sale. 1044 CHEVROLET COSVERTIBLE, black, all accessories, new top. Call Shupe 4051. GOOD USED Thor Washing Machine, one excellent used apartment size Westing house Refrigerator, very cheap. After 6 p.m., 241 E. Prospect Ave. I'M NOT mechanically minded. $l2 takes my Sunbeam Shavemaster Electric Ra zor. 1 month old. Call Jess; 4161. 27' ROUSE TRAILER, all metal, bottled gas, electric refrigerator, good condition. Must sell; 368 Windcreat. MAGNAVOX RADIO-Phonograph. French Provincial. FM-AM receiver, three-speed changer. Call Streeter,, University Club 2251. WARDROBE TRUNK, 22 x 22 x 44, $26 Perfect condition. Call Steve 2897. JUDGED INSANE by 5 New York doc tors, selling trallor anyhow. Take ad ranter.° et 820.11 Windcrest. Phone 8070. FOR RENT 3-ROOM FURNISHED Apartment $6O. 10 miles south on Route 322. Call Centre Hall 123-R-4. DOUBLE ROOM needs one roommate. Lo cated in Pine Grove. Mills. Call Mrs. Bailey, 4546, after 6 p.m. Make A Dash For "TASH" And Save Your Cash Take Your Chance On Love!! With' every, Valentine pack age you will receive your "chance on love." To the win aer-5 times the original pur , chase pricq randy. .c a n ex, 11/I lIG/1f lit C 1949, The Coca-Cola Compony
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