PAGE FOUR News Briefs PSCA The Christian Heritage Com mission will conduct two Bible Study groups each week. One will meet on Tuesday at 2 p.m. and the other on Thursday at 4 p.m. The informal discussions will be based on particular passages of the scripture. Luther Harsh barger, CA general secretary will lead the discussion in both groups. • Young Progressives The Young Progressives of America will hold their meeting .n 410 Old Main at 7:30 tonight. Or. Scott Keyes. professor of eco nomics at the College, will ad dress the meeting on "The Cost of the Cold War" A discussion per iod will follow and all those in terested are invited to attend. Chemical Engineering A party in honor of the gra duating seniors will be held in the Beta Sigma Rho fraternity at 7:30 tonight. Sophomores are invited and a short business meet ing will precede the refreshments. Electronic Warfare Unit There will be a meeting of the Volunteer Electronic Warfare Unit in Eng. E, second floor, at 7 o'clock tonight. It will start with a movie on a phase of Naval Communication and at 7:30 the radio watch will be set. All those interested in Naval Electronic equipment are urged to attend. La Vie • The first meeting of the newly elected LaVie junior board will be held in 412 Old Main at 7 o'clock tonight. Members are also asked :to check the office im mediately for their new office hours. Belles Lettres Club Belles Lettres Club will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. Dr. De Levie, of the German Department, will give a talk entitled "I Hail Thee, Brother". plusio Suite Tax BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORDY OF THE COCA-COM COMPANY lA' COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ALTOONA CLASSIFIEDS I WANTED APARTMENT OR Trailer furnished, in or near State College. Call 5061. Ext. 209. Askfor James Jones. Call after 6 p.m. GRADUATE" STUDENT desires room starting February. Call 3140 after Eleven p.m. Ask for Lamm. NAMES OF employees under Mr. Com stock, magaline circulation manager. Call Lazarus LeMon, phone 5061-782 Leave name, address. Business of import• lance. MALE STUDENT to occupy single or double-room on Gill street. Immediate occupancy. Call. 2081 any afternoon. FOR SALE BROWN 5.8.. SUIT, size 98. Ski Boots, size 10. Tux, she 37. Overcoat. Call licadly 4031. MUST SELL-25-foot Ifousetrailer,. bottled gas stove, double bed, many extras. Will take best offer. 373 Windcrest. 21 FOOT SCHULTZ Trailer with 6 x 6 utility room attached. Very reasonable Phone Barr 2646. Jack's Trailer Camp. PAIR .OF Swiss ski boots, size 7, hardly worn, almost new. 700 West Foster Ave. TRAILER SILVER Alma 18' sleeps four, excellent condition. See anytime. 349 Windcrest. 1937 BUICK 6-passenger coupe. Radio, heater, fair tires, original paint. Quite clean. $225. Call Bellefonte 6417., LOST MOULTON. MODERN reader's Bible from Collegian office preceding Christ mas 'vacation. Phone 4702. Joe Jackson. ONE CALCULUS book and one P. az E. slide rule. Call Smith 34-23 or Thomas 38_4. BROWN LEATHER briefcase, Dec. 22. Passport and important papers' inside Reward. Write P.O. Box 351, State College Wallet Photos 20 2g"oub3le ,i l , v 4.; i r gh o t n $l . OO Silk Finish Paper Made From Any Size Portrait Please include 15c for return postage MAIL TODAY PO Box 1112, Altoona, Pa. In New Haven, George and Harry's is a favorite Student gathering spot. At George and Harry's—Coca-Cola is the favorite drink. With the college crowd at Yale, as with every crowd Coke belongs. disk for a it either way ... bah trade-trks mean the same thing. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA RONSON LIGHTER, in 1948 light blue Nash, December 20th while hitchhiking to Phila. Initials, J.L.D. Return to Col legian office. HONOR KEY—Silver Lion on blue front. Silver back with name inscribed. Call Duff, 5061. Ext. 290. PARTY REFRESHMENTS—Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 9818, State College. GERMAN AND FRENCH—tutoring. Euro- peen language teacher with American college experience. Elizabeth Mares, 718 W. Park, Phone 6887. STUDENTS—Get your thesis, term papers, mimeographing, and typing done! Sec retarial service. Hotel State College. Phone 4906. YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College. In many cases 24 hour service. Just Dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. PARADISE CAPE—)Vedneaday, January 11, 1950—Edna Faye at piano and solo vox, with Bobby Boy as vocalist. Orchestra every Friday and Saturday, starting !Jan uary 13. The Burmingham Five, with dancing music, 9:00 to 12:00. Shrimp. Ex cellent service. Good foods. No minors al lowed. BIRTHDAY CARES—Frida Stern, 122 Ir vin Avenue. Phone 9818, State College. DON'T READ THIS unless ma . rried, grad uating in '5l and desire to save $5OO in rent. If you qualify stop at 320-B Wind crest or phone 3970 and ask for Mac- Millan. For Quick Results—use Colleg ian Classifieds. MISCELLANEOUS The YOUNG lAN'S SHOP'S JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Buy Now & Save on Nationally Advertised Merchandise $1.50 Panel, Foulards, Stripes and Knit TIES 8.95 Wool ,Gabardine Dress Slacks . . . 6.95 2.95 Button-down. Oxford Cloth Dress Shirts ... 1.89 22.50 Horse Hide H-2 Leather Jackets 18.95 12.95 All Wool Knit Bottom ?laid Jackets . . 8.95 16.95 All Wool Plaid Hunting Coat . . 8.95 3.95 to 4.95 Gabardine Sport Shirts . . . 2.95 The YOUNG MEN'S SHOP Twelve Ag Students Receive Scholarships Twelve students in the School of Agriculture have been chosen for $lOO scholarships provided by the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company. Dr. Russell B. Dickerson, director of resident instruction, said ,three students were named in each class. Seniors named are Richard M. Cressman, Bethlehem; Anabelle Eshleman, Bloomsbtirg and Heinz J. Heineman, Conestoga Woods. Honor Award Dr. Arthur F. Davis, professor of physical education at the College, was awarded the Pro fessional Honor Award of the Pennsylvania State Association tOr Health; Physical Education. and Recreation at a dinner in Harrisburg recently. The award was presented in recognition of his meritorious service in those fields. Watches Clocks B. P. MOYER Upstairs at College Sportswear GUARANTEED REPAIRING Watch Bands Jewelry • GOING FULL BLAST 2k White Handkerchiefs 2 Er;likl7 for 10 10 / j 25c Squisre Your Choice at 59c 127 S. ALLEN ST. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1950 Agency Lists (Continued from page one) to 8:30 p.m., Friday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., and on Saturday from 1 to 2 p.m. The agency also has a station in the tear of the PUB, which serves the Nittany and Pol lock area. The hours of this sta tion are posted outside the office. Joseph S. Reinheimer will be the chairman of the committee of judges. Serving as judges are Miss Edith Zinn, assistant to the dean of women, Mr. Daniel DeMarino, assistant to the dean of men, Shir ley Gauger, president of WSGA, Ted Allen, president of all-college cabinet, and Tom Morgan, editor of the Daily Collegian. 1 41111111111111111111111111111111111111111 g = Your Last Chance For = Intrigue & Suspense = KIND LADY Players Production = Closes Sat. Jan. 21 = CENTER STAGE = Allen & kamilton Sts. = Fri. 90c Sat. $1.25 —= Refreshments --7911111111111111111111111111MM111111111110 ..... ibip. ... . 3 FOR ..... *'.44 $1• 1 0 55.00 to '69.00 All Wool Worsted. Suits . 31.95 35.00 Water Repellent Gab. • . Topcoat, 21.95 16.95 Pin Wale Corduroy • Sport Coats . . 12.95 1.00 OTN White Tee Shirts • 69c 1.00 Full Cut Cotton Otis Briefs 2' for 1.25 69c Famous Wrights Athletic Shirts '2 for Judges 5k Nationally Famous Men's Sox
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