FRIDAY, JANUARY '0; 1950 Between (~.. ~, „I I Ap c a y , t3 \ '' ( C r . ' (° .s ssr , ~ ~ o. •• ,r 0 ,\ tb \ V It 44 The Lk:ins With Elliot Krane Sports Editor "Fair" Teams Wrestling Coach Charlie Spei del says that Penn State will have' a "fair" to "good" team this year. Basketball Coach Elmer Gross also says that his team could stand some improvement. But when these two teams stage the first athletic doubleheader of the year, the 5,000 students expected to pack Rec Hall tomorrow night should see much more than mediocrity. College fan s have been starved for an exciting evening at Rec Hall. Last season the audience would ' usually stay for the •first half of the show, throw a fe m . well-placed jeers at the basketball team, and then leave the building fOr the more comfortable Cathaum seats. Unknown Quantities But this year, the attitude should change. Nittany fans have seen only one basketball game, that 74-44 fiasco against little Susquehanna. The team played a good game that night, but with the calibre of the oposition at such' a low level, it was difficult to determine just what 'type of team •Coach Gross has molded lin his •freshman year. - After the brief preview, the team went on the road, split in two Washington, D. C. contests, and ' then went down to the Dixie Classic to vie with some top-rate southern teams. Wha Hoppen? ' Suddenly an unknown Penn State team slipped by favored Duke 51-48. Then another upset as/strong West Virginia fell by the wayside 46-41. • Finally, undefeated North Carolina State stopped the Centre County upstarts 50-40 but not until Penn State be came one of the most talked about teams in the tourney. Tomorrow night, a good Col gate five will test the Lions. This will provide `the first chance for the local fans to see the team 'since • its successful tournament schedule. After Coach Speidel's graplers tangle with Virginia, we predict that the audience will stay right in its seats to see, just what-it is with Elmer Gross'. 'giant killers. • - • And More Wrestling Whii e Coach Speidel is watching , his team open . the season.. tomorrow 'night, you can be sure that he'll have one ear toward the telegraph key to catch the results ,of,••p important match in - SYractise. The perennially strong Franklin • and Marshall team will 'trir to be the first to dethrone the Eastern Champs tomorrow . night ' in a battle. Which pro . :-. raises to be one of the top-con tests in the east. Syracuse, boasting East e rn champs Kenny Hunte and Pascal Perri, will have the ' edge over the Diplomats since two of F & M's top wrestlers will have to sit out the battle because of acede mic ineligibility. In Defense Answering the constant cries that the Army football team plays dirty football, Tim Co hane champions the Cadets in the recent issue of "Look" mag azine. He defends the team's blocking after the play with the statement that, "Top teams . . . keyed emotionally and physi cally to victory, will break a split second before the ball, block and tackle after the whistle, which they may or may not hear." This excuse may look good on the pages of a magazine, but it's not much of a consol ation for the Lion football players who were knocked down time and again after the whistle ,blew. ,Matmen Host Virginia In Schedule Opener Coach Charlie Speidel's Nittany Lion matmen open the curtain on the 1950 season torhorrow night when they match holds with Virginia's C4valiers, an untested quantity. The meet, the initial part of a wrestling -basketball doubleheader in Ree Hall, will get underway at 7 p.m. Last year, the Nittanies plowed through a rough schedule and ended the season with a 5-and-2 High spot on the 1949 .cam paign ,was the upsAt 20710 .. tri umph over Navy. The Middies thus suffered their first defeat since 1942, and, their first •in 53 straight dual meets. ' •REESE :UNREATEN Jehnny, Reese has earned the nod 'at 121-pounds for tomorrow night. Reese. was unbeaten until an injury in the Syracuse meet ended his season. Veteran Jack Dreibelbis will open at 128-pounds for the . tanies. The State Colleg6"'iirOi: duct went undefeated. throtigh the last half of the 1949 season before bowing in the quarter finals of the EIWA tourney. Sophomore Don Maurey. younger brother of the team lead er, edged out letterman Don Ar buckle for the 136-pound post. At 145 pounds, Captain Jim Maurey has shaken off his leg injury and is prepared for a top season. Maurey had won three straight bouts by falls before being in jured in practice prior to the Syracuse meet last season. SILVERMAN AT 155 Mickey Silv erm a q - ayvee grappler in 1949, will represent the Lions at 155 pounds. Silver man slipped past •Larry Shall cross, Maurey's replacement last, year, to garner the position. At 165 pounds, Bill "Rusty" Santel, who joined the team • in last season's trials at mid-se mester, will wear the Blue and White.:, Mike Rubino, intramural 175-pottnd king last • year, is the top man at that weight for the Sp eidelmen. • Dependable Homer Barr re turns to his heavyweight slot for the Nittanymen. Barr, EIWA titlist and 4th place winner in the NCAA meet,Theat out Lynn Ill ingworth, 1948 PIAA 185-pound champion. . . r YOUR PENN -STATE :CLASS • RING' A Fine. Companion . . Throuhopt College . Throughout Life. L. G.BALFOUIt CO. . • . . . Branch Office-in Athletic Store erqmpraviroß:WlTMAlT 83 f 1. 11 kaV 1.1 4 , V*, kZ•l& 44,?! OPENING SATURDAY ---10 A. M. 221 East Beaver Ave. COFFEE & DONUT SHOP qvsti O.:. 1.;.;.'v V!: Free Coffee and Donuts All Day THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, .PENNSYLVANIA By ED WATSON restling Coach Two rule changes 'have been made in collegiate wrestling this year. A fall at any time • auto matically ends the bout, and the referee is .now • equipped with 'a whistle. The latter rule, in the experimental stages, was made to benefit• both the timekeeper and the combatants. . 7• • , !....„o.z.ntwomia:44to=rainciwmp,:: • THE PRESBYTERIAN 't CHURCH • Ps; Frazier t. & Beaver Ave. .. • S ,••„ • ••;;,i Morning Worship 10:45 Sermon:.A Church Mem ber's Mission , Rev. Andrew Newcomer - i.ll . ' 1 , 4 ;:.:V":”WaViSCSIVV.ZigfarESMONAM.tb YOUR Charlie Speidel BM= Skiing Cancelled The skiing meet scheduled for Saturday at Syracuse has been canceled because of the unseasonable, warm weather. • Gehrdes Third In Bowl Race Track Captain Jim Gehrdes opened his high-hurdle winter campaign by placing third in the Sugar. Bowl Tourney in New Orleans Sunday. Running behind Bill Fleming of Notre Dame and Craig `Dixon, Southern California, Gehrdes was unable to match the 0:13.9 winning time. This time was four-:tenths of a second. better than the old Sugar Bowl record set by Fred Wolcott, Riee, in 1939. MOD !7*:.s!orry, Mr.•Philbrik, but Johnny. has opened up 'a new world tor ?rte.'," CALL DU I FOR If IR I IM Basketball Play in the fraternity half of the intramural basketball tour nament will resume tonight with nine games on tap. The independ ents returned to the courts last night. Tonight's schedule: 8:45 Theta Chi vs Alpha Gamma Rho Pi Kappa Phi vs Alpha Chi Rho Sigma Nu vs Sigma Phi Ep silon 9:25 Delta Sigma Phi vs Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Alpha Mu vs Delta Upsilon Pi Kappa Alpha vs Phi Kappa Tau 10:45 Alpha Phi Delta vs Delta Theta Sigma Alpha Tau Omgea vs. Phi Kappa Sigma Kappa Delta Rho vs Chi Phi . . .. . . . • • You, too, - can open up a new world of smoking pleasure by lighting up a PHILIP MORRIS -the-one cigarette Proved definitely less irritating, definitely milder, than ' ' any. other leading brand. That's why there's No CIGARETTE HANGOVER —when you smoke 'PHILIP MORRIS ' ! . . . PAGE THREE
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