Soph Hop 4 Elaitg Tottrgiatt Today's Weather: Tonight! Fair and a Little Warmer "FOR A BETTER PENN STATE" VOL. 50 - NO. 57 BX Chairman Charges Apathy Late AP News Courtesy WMAJ New Raises In Steel Price Bring Protest WASHINGTON Prospect of higher steel prices—U.S. Steel is hiking them today has started a verbal storm, A CIO official says an increase is appalling be cause steel already has made rec ord profits in 1949 When• teel prices go up, unions may revive their demands for higher pay. Republican Congressmen ob serve that everybody knew the public would have to pay for the pension plans. Many Taxes -May Go WASHINGTON President Truman said yesterday that his experts are studying pros and cons for the elimination of the so-called luxury taxes, - which in clude taxes on amusement tickets, phone calls, travel fares, jewelry, furs, etc. - Robeson Sues Vets .NEW YORK Paul Robeson and 27 other persons have brought suit for two million dollars dam ages, suffered in the Peekskill riots of a few months ago. The de fendants are two veterans organi zations and 14 individuals. Actress Takes Spill NEW YORK—Diana Barrymore, actress, was badly hurt when she fel down the stairs of her New York apartment TuesdaY night. News has just been released• that Miss Barrymore may have a brain concussion. PSCA to Help Paint Schools The painting and repairing of some rural, one-r o o‘m school houses in the district is the aim of a new program of Saturday work projects to be conducted by the Penn State Christian Associa tion. The new program will get un derway tomorrow when the work group, equipped with brushes and paint, will proceed to the Curleys vine school near Centre Hall. Biddle Atlee, chairman of the . work project, stated that some nearby school houses are in ex tremely poor condition, so the CA is offering its help to through' re. 'pair work and interior painting. The CA recently finished apply ing two coats of white paint to the Baptist parsonage at Boa's burg. This project required sev eral Saturdays to complete. Those students wishing to help with the new project should sign Up in the CA office in Old Main no • later than Friday noon, offi cials said. Cars will leave from' behind Old Main at 1 o'clock tomorrow after noon. Atlee reminds students to wear old clothes. Harris Broadcasts Lecture Tonight Brice Harris, head' of English literature„ will give a lecture on "Literature in the Twentieth Cen tury" over WMAJ tonight at 9 o'clock. This is the third on a series of interdepartmental lectures on the general theme "Man in the Twen tieth Century." This series is be ing sponsored by the radio depart ment of speech, directed by Dr. H. E. Nelson. Staff Postponed Harry Schaffer, editor-in-chief 'of, the Penn State Farmer, said yesterday that release of the 1950 Far men staff has been. "postponed indoidilitebe STATE COLLEGE, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER' 1& 1949 Scholarship Improvement Award Colonel Ralph Wilson (right) shown awarding Sigma Chi Foundation scholarship improvement cup to Hope Winborn teen ier) of Omega Psi Phi. Peter Giesey (left) IFC president, looks on. Award was made at IFC banquet last night. Omega Psi Phi, Win Fraternity Nu chapter of Omega Psi Phi was awarded the Sigma Chi Foundation cup for scholarship improvement at last night's Inter fraternity Council banquet, held at the Nittany Lion Inn. The Perinsylvacia Theta chapter of Phi Delta Theta won the IFC's outstanding fraternity award. Colonel Ralph W. Wilson, U.S. Army, Retired, made the award to Hope Winborn, president •of Omega •Psi Phi. . Winborn • said .that the 'award, given at the College for the first time, was wonderful recognition for the organization" and felt it would definitely spur them on to greater achievements: Scholarship Improvement The chapter, which at present has nine members - and five pledges,. was awarded the cup. On the basis of its improvement over• the chapter average 'of last ,year's final tabulation. The average this semeater.showed a jump of 66. 'Phi Delta Theta 'received the outstanding fraternity award on the basis of a point system which awards 30 points for participation in extra-curricular activity, 30 for athletics, 30 for scholarship. and 10 for scholarship.improvement. The Phi. Delts received a total of 6r.03 points.•. Wilson, scholarship counselor for , the foundation and for the National Interfraternity, Council, Dairy Science Club The Penn State Dairy Science Club will sponsor a turkey shoot December 17 (rain date, December 18th) on route 322 lust north of Hoover's Trailer.,Camp. Shotguns and shells will be furnished. Live, college-grown turkeys • will be' awarded for accurate shooting. This shoot will' take the place of the regular club meeting, Price for three shots with 22 is $.50, shotgun $.50 with 20 entries; $1 per shot with 10 entries and $2 per shot with five entries. Engineering . Lecture Prof. C. E. Bullinger. head of the department of Industrial En gineering will speak-on the "De velopment o f Interchangeable Manufacture—lt's History and fluence" in Schwab. Auditorium at 44.1 1 9 "Lea. todiw.. By GEORGE GLAZER distributed pamphlets that show ed Pe i n State fraternities, brought the campus fraternity average the second -place in the state university rankings. Of the national fraternities on campus, Alpha Epsilon Pi had the highest average at the College and on 'l5 other campuses. Tri angle ranked second on• campus and Alpha . Gamma Rho was third. - / Dean of Men H. K. Wilson spoke on • three controversial is sues that have come to his atten tion. Touching briefly on . toler ance in the housses arid the prob lem of housemothers for each chapter house, Dean Wilson spoke at length on the problem of bars in the fraternity houses. Wilmer .Kenworthy, assistant to the' president in charge of student-affairs; spoke on coopera tion 'between -the administration and the' fraternities.' News Briefs Chess Club Chess Club will hold a meeting in 3 Sparks Jan, 4 at 7 p.m. All members interested in participat ing in either the Pittsburgh or Altoona match, Jan. 7 must at tend. 141 ,t"..-IPI State Players 'Kind Lady,' Players' new Cen ter Stage production, will go into its third weekend performance to night andlomorrow night ; Tickets are on sale at Student Union and the price is $.90 for Friday and $1.25 for Saturday. The show will -run six weekends. . Chemical Society • Students,' faculty members, and guests are invited to attend the annual Christmas party of the Liebig Chemical Society, which will be - held, in 405 Old Main at 8 —Photo by Sam Vaughan Phi Deft Awards AEPi First Asserts Officials Fail To See Real Purpose Richard Schweiker, chairman of the BX board of control, charged administrative officials of the College with indifference concerning the expansion of the BX during last night's meeting of All-College Cabinet, Saying that the College and the BX have a common purpose to provide "higher education at lower cost." Schweiker criticised the administration for not recognizing that the, BX serves this pur- Sophs To Caper At 'Snow Slide' Hop Tonight Dancing at the Soph 'Snow Slide' Hop will begin at 9 o'clock tonight at Rec Hall and last until 12 midnight. Music will be pro vided by the 14-piece Statesmen orchestra. Only sophomores who voted in the last class election and their dates have been issued tickets to the informal event. Theme of the event will depict the merging of the sophomores from the Penn State centers into the Class of '52. An outstanding campus vocal quartet, the Har monaires, will provide intermis sion time entertainment. Blue Curtain The ' entertainment committee has arranged to hang a blue cur tain on the west end of the hall in order to enliven the atmos phere, Pennants from all centers will hang from the curtain and spell .out the numerals '52: `Snow Slide' has been designed as the official title for the dance which is under the direction of Murray Goldman and Walter Sachs. Appointments were made by Joseph Arnol, newly-elected sophomore class president. George Donovan, • director Associated Student Activities, an nounced that the inter-class treas ury has appropriated $3OO for the dance. College Designates Registration Office The office of *Robert E. Gal braith, faculty counselor of vet erans, has been designated-'by the President of the College to han dle the registration of • 18-year oh students under the provisions of the Selective Service Act The action was taken for the convenience of students, who up on attaining their 18th birthday, are required by federal law to register. Preyiously students were required to visit the local board in Bellefonte to register: with a local board 'in their home areas. . . Car Trunk Blaze • Brings 4 Engines Much (smoke but little fire re sulted yesterday morning from ,a spontaneous combustion in the trunk of a car parked in the drive way back of the college infirmary. Th e smoke-shrouded 19 41 Chrysler Coupe was discovered by the driver of a laundry truck, who reported it to the campus Patrol. Captain Philip Mark and Lieutenant Harold Lewis had doused the blaze before -the four trucks of the Alpha Fire Company arrived. The car's owner, Marian Poor man, who was visiting a friend-iii State College, reported little dam age to the vehicle. Student Unconscious Fred W. Meyer, a sophomore at the College who was injured in an auto collision early Sunday morning ; remains-unconscious, the Center County Hospital reported last night. • PRICE FIVE CENTS pose and for not working with students to make it a success. Schweiker recounted some of the history of the BX, saying that the trustees had flatly refused the idea of a eo-op store when it was first proposed two, years ago. Student requests to state legis lators and trustees induced the Board of Trustees to charter the BX on a trial basis. The trial period expires in January. Better ,Location The committee has been trying to obtain a larger and better loca tion for the BX through the office of Samuel /K. Hostetter, assistant to the president in charge of busi ness and finance, without any suc cess, according to Schweiker. The BX is now located in the Tempor ary Union Building. All-College Cabinet passed a unanimous request that student time tables be distributed through the BX this year to acquaint stu dents with the BX and the serv ices it offers, Schweiker said. Ac cording to Schweiker. Wilmer E. Kenworthy, executive secretary to the president; refused permission because he said it was an unethi cal use of administrative authori ty. Schweiker stated that he could not understand how a system •ol distribution acquainting students with a store, which could save them up to 20 per cent on pur chases, was unethical. Increase in Sales He said that' although he was given every opportunity to pre sent his views, the administration has pursued a "hands off" attitude concerning the EX. Schweiker said that a prob-. able increase of 25 per cent in sales this sem.+ster proves the need for a 13X, • since this ad , vance was made . in suite of ' haruiicans of location, lack of funds .for promotion and "in difference on the part of the ad rn Schweiker said that twice as many students applied for jobs in • (Continued on page four) Today . . The Nittany Lion Roars FOR Omega Psi Chi and Phi Delta Theta fraternitiCs. The Psi Phi's annexed the IFC best schol'arship cup while the Phi Delts were the recipi ents of the "Best Fraternity" award at the IFC-AFC banquet last night. To these two outstanding chapters. the Lion today gives voice to a loud, substantial yell, and also purrs for the other members of IFC who contrib uted to Penn State's being judged , second among all col leges and universities in the National Interfraternity compe- Eau' Rh
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