PAGE TWO Who Belongs Heard from time to time on campus is this comment: “Someone in my dorm belongs to that NSA” or, “A fellow in my botany class is a member of the National Student Associa tion.” These remarks are evidence of a prevalent misconception about the membership of NSA—a misconception that the National Student Association is an organization of small branches or chapters on campuses and that only a select few really "belong." At Penn State, where the student govern ment has ratified the NSA constitution and membership dues have been paid, all the stu dents are members of the Association and share equally the opportunity to participate in NSA-instituted programs. IT'S NATURAL THAT in an organization of such a large national membership a smaller functional unit on each campus is necessary. THE FUNCTIONAL UNIT of NSA at Penn State, as at other colleges, is student govern ment. However, All-College Cabinet—highest unit of student government at the College— has found it necessary to set up a committee whose task is to familiarize students with NSA activity and to study many projects suggest ed by the nation-wide NSA and by Penn State students. This NSA committee should not be per mitted to become a small clique of indi viduals who try to be the sole participants in all NSA projects at Penn Stale. Rather the committee should constantly work, to bring the entire campus NSA—the entire student body—into the activities of the As sociation. Gazette .... Thursday, November 3 MILITARY BALL Committee, Alpha Chi Rho House, 6:45 p.m. FRENCH SONG Session, 410 Old Main, 6:30 p.m. HILLEL CHOIR Rehearsal, Hillel Founda tion, 7:00 p.m. PENN STATE POULTRY Club, 104 Hort 7:00 p.m. SLAVONIC ALL-MALE Chours, 418 01|d Main, 7:00 p.m. . NAVAL VOLUNTEER Composite Unit 4-8, Eng. E, 7:30 p.m. PHYS. ED. Mixer, White Hall, 7:30 p.m. COLLEGE PLACEMENT Farther information concerning* interviews and job place ment can be obtained in 204 Old Main. Radio Corp. of Amer. (RCA). Victor Divi sion. Nov. 7 and 8. January grads in Me, EE, C&F, Accounting for specialized training pro gram. Applicants must rank in upper-half of their class. Social Security Administration ' representa tive will conduct a meeting in 405 Old Main. 7 p.m. November 3. All seniors are eligible who have twenty-four semester hours in one or not more than tyro of the following: soci , ology, economics, pol. science, psychology, edu cation, history, public administration, spcial welfare, geography, international relations, statistics, anthropology. All students who are interested must submit application for ex amination by Nov. 8 and are urged to be pre sent at this meeting. AT THE MOVIES .CATHAUM —Roughshod. NITTANY—Guest in The House. STATE—The Last Bandit. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA - ' “Now To Figure A Wuy To Avoid Using Them” Exchange News and Views ' • Ohe certain way. in which can’quickly .learn to love this institution is in walks about the grounds. The grounds of the University are known throughout the world as a unique vista of scenic beauty. . . J . NOT SO MANY months ago everyone was looking for a housp, Now you can’t' even give ohe away. That’s been the experience of the StileS Hall YMCA people in their week-long efforts to give away a gbod solid three-stbry building,' i ' 1 - The house, which is offered free io anyone who will lake il away from the corner of Dana street .and-Bancroft way is a former home of the Delta Upsilon and Alpha Dell fraternities. The YMCA acquired the house in order to get the lot for their new modern haH, which is to be started in January. But now the problem is to get the site; cleared quickly. There have been several nibbles but ho takers. The only possible cktch is .that the YMCA wants an assurance bond given to insure 'that the; 014 will be removed in time to start the new. —The .Daily Californian University of Calif, .* * * The drpp in enrollment . . Syracuse University. There .will be more time for the University to educate and for students to be educated. It should mean that individual instruction can be given t’q students where it was impossible to d 6 so in the past due to the extra-large size of classes. , x As enrollment continufes to drop,.. . . let us plan wisely for 'his decrease as we planned wisely for the tremendohs increase ip -.he recent past. > . ■_ The University has this year achieved the states of heing the argest institute of education in the state—its 10,000-HPlus student body is larger even than that of the University of Florida. And it seems as if each of these 10.000—plus studeiits owns a car this year. ! situation on the campus is far, frpm ideal— is almost unobtainable ..... ' —The Miami Hurricane,- University of Miflrin The iraffii parking space The Cavalier Daily. University of Virginia * * \ , *' should mean' several things' to " —The Syracuse Daily Orange, Syracuse University * * * THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 Safety Valve #.. What They Deserve TO THE EDITOR: The recent letters in the Collegian concerning the import situation mere ly substantiates whdt so many of us then stu dents have maintained for such a long time con cerning the Penn State coed. What do we main tain? Primemost that the Penn State coed is not the type girl that most men students would want to escort to a major event such as the recent dance; secondly, that the Pehn • > State coed has no more personality than “the man in the moon;” thirdly, that they pretend conceit whep they have nothing to act conceited about, and. last of all, they don’t know how to be theinselves, meaning everything about them is false and pretended. We the undersigned, regard the recent im port letter ds,a frank admittal on the coeds’ part that they lack what is important in the form of personality, poise, and good clean fun neces sary to attract a man. —Our dates for the prom were IMPORTS.. • •( 'Rudy Bennardi Tom'Bradley , MikeSilan « Contented Coeds TO THE EDITOR: To enter into the batse of the sekes at Perth State: 1. We are .two females. 1 2. We go to Whatever mixers we cap. 3. We return, any friendly gestures made by men. , V 4. We'have'absolutely NO trouble with date bids. In fact, we’re wondering. when we’re ever going to get around to this 24-hour study cycle that is expected of graduate students] 5. In the long run, we just about divvy up ~opr date-time with fraternity, and independent men., We have no preference. We merely try to bfe discreet in that we accept; dates with those chpps who have our type personality (whatever that . is). 6. 'We prefer spontaneous dates. We rarely accept dates more than a few. days in advance (Unless ifs for a special night). During the war, Gl’s were in .no position to date in ad vance, W|:cp?ne, from that school of thought. Besides, dates for the same night can be ac cepted or, decljned in order to fit the mOod. More furi thatjway. . 7. Condolences to the date-less girls. Good fpr the imports. And, a big HOORAH for the men . . especially those men Who won’t ’take a date sight unseen. • Names withheld > jsftjT, latlg Collegian Successor ■ to 1 THE FREE LANCS, art. IfiB7 , Published . Tuesday - through Saturday morntags .#»- ' diicinf i the College year by the stiff of The Daily Cbllearian of The Pennsyivariia State College.' Represented for national advertising by Katibaal Ad j eertisipg Service,, Madison Ave.. New York. Cbleage, Lee ' Angeles,. San Franelseo. , ■" Entered as second-class matter July 5. 1934., at the State College, Pa., Post- Office under the act of March *3, 1879* Editor Tom Morgan Managing Ed., Wilbert Roth; New. Ed., Jack Rpe,;.' Sparta Editor.' Elliot Krane; Edit.. Dir., Dottie Weriin ich; Society Ed., Commie Keller; Fetor. Ed.; Sylvia Ochpef; Asafc. News Ed.,.Jack Settlor: Adst, Sports Ed.., Ed Wataon; Aaat. Society Ed., Barbara ißrownj Promotion Co-Hrr., Charlotte Seidman; Photo Ed„.Ray , Banter; Senior-Board, George Vadast, Albert Ryan, Myrna Tex, Robert, R**vf Staff Cartoonist: - Henry M. Progar; Staff Photographer, Sam VaOghan. . ' ■ -./ v „ , ■ , STAFF THIS ISSUE . Night Editor ............... Jack Boddingion Assistant jßpht B.pim Copy Editor Bill TiicKsoh Assistants Shirley Austin, Barrett, , Jiin Bedsworth. “ ■ , _ Advertising, Manager *' Drew ..Mahla Assistants Owen Laridon,, Jackie An'n'Myers, Mary J.Kauffman, Loretta Stompinski; JUdy Guyer, Dee Palasynski. , . —The Contented Two. ‘ ’ f NOW! From A Rqcerit Engagement At 1 * Frank Palumbo’s i v Hear.., ■; / Kenny Shaffer's Trio in JO JO's ; Beautiful Dahlia * .r Room ■. ■NITELY 9 P. M. Oct. 31 Nov. 12’ ’ < liEWISTOWN, PA. / ...
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