PAGE FOUR Prospective Kings Listed For Annual Mardi Gras Names and pictures of 13 prospective kings for the Mortar Board Mardi Gras have been submitted to Shirley Gauger, Mortar Board chairman in charge of conducting the selection of a king. ! Candidates and the women’s group by whom each was presented are Robert Bogan, Zeta Tau Alpha; Guyer Candy, Alpha Chi Omega; Ronald Coder, Delta Gamma; Gill Chubb, Alpha Xi Delta; Robert Keller, Alpha Gamma Delta; Russel Leib,,Kappa Alpha Theta. Robert Longenecker, Kappa Delta; George McAnich, Delta Zeta; Douglas Mead, .Phi Mu; David Mitchell, Alpha Omicron Pi; William Miisser, Chi Omega; Thomas Reese, Gamma Phi Beta; and Paul Reever, Leonides. Picture Display Pictures of most candidates have been placed in the window of Western Union and will re main there until Friday night when the Mardi Gras begins. Voting for the king is conducted by means of casting one penny as one vote. The candidates re ceiving the most pennies is pro claimed Mardi Gras King and crowned at the end of the festivi ties. ' Other entertainment at the Gauger Emphasizes WSGA Pop-in-Night As WSGA’s annual “Pop-in- Night” approaches, Shirley Gau ger, president of WSGA, reminds upperclass-women of the respon sibility which the date entails. On Sunday night from 7 to 9 p.m. freshmen women are asked to temain in' their dormitory rooms in Atherton Hall and all upperclass women are. asked to visit them during this time. In previous years upperclass women have had a tendency to neglect this date and WSGA in deciding to continue the. custom and install it as a worthwhile tradition of the College, calls up on all women to participate, Miss Gauger stated. WSGA hopes eventually to hold the affair on the first Sun day after women have ' returned to the College in the. Fall and thus to make the affair more worthwhile. However, as plans were not made at the end of last semester, “Pop-in-Night” could not be held until after the organi zation of WSGA this year. Short visits to as many girls as possible whether they are known to the upperclass woman or not is the' result de sired of as many coeds as possi ble, Miss Gauger added. A return “Pop-in-Night” will be held the following Sunday when freshmen can return the visits. • «**•****♦«** ****** * PENN STATES PLAYERS * * Proudly Present l "GLASS MENAGERIE" “ a at CENTER STAGE a a Every Friday and Saturday a At 8 P. M. * a LAST THREE WEEKS a * a * aaaaaaaaa* «■««».»» At Your Warner Theatre NOW! aunt 'T Margaret O'Brien Herbert Marshall 'SECRET GARDEN" late William Elliott Andy Devine "THE LAST BANDIT" hit amt GARY ‘cooper PATRICIA NEAL "The Fountainhead" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Mardi Gras will be provided by the women’s groups who sponsor booths. The booth which takes in the most money during the evening will be awarded a bronze cup. Money obtained at the Mardi Gras will be used by Mortar Board as its contribution to the Charlotte E. Ray Scholarship Fund, from which awards of $lOO are granted to outstanding wom en at the College. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1947 LADD trailer, 18% foot with bottled gas, running water, within walking dis tancc . of. campus. Vesper /Body's Trailer» Camp.' Phone 3965. Be Prepared ... For 7 That Next Formal Have Your Formal Wear Laundered Now See Our Agent Or Driver FOR PROMPT SERVICE and QUALITY LAUNDRY PENN STATE LAUNDRY 320 W. Beaver Avenue MADE TO SELL AT $45.00 Manufacturer's Sacrifice 100 GABARDINE Zipper-Lined COATS Out They Go at a"Fraction - of Cost! $29-95 • W aier.repellent • 100% wool lining • Tan and grey • Longs and regulars • Sizes 34 to 42 YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 127 S. .Allen Street 1937 PACKARD, excellent running condi tion, good rubber, body. Everything works. Only $175.00 QUONSET HUT $3200. Furnished, 3 rooms and bath. All conveniences. Located six miles from campus. Phone 7341 after 5:30. BOTANY GABARDINE topcooat, exceL ent coat for all occasions. Gray, size 37. Like new. Call Bob Scott 2327. 38 FORD v four-door, new paint, excellent condition, must sell, $295.00. A real buy. Call'Ray 3950. FOR SALE: Three (3) bows: 66, 47, 40 lbs. pull, respectively. Prices reasonable. Pollock Circle, Dorm 8, Rooip 6. TRAILER, 16-foot Crystal Sportsman. Bottled gas, electric refrigerator. * -Im mediate occupancy. Inquire Davis, Jack’s' Service Station, 913 W. College Ave. LOST’ LOST—Lady's Hamilton wrist watch Sat urday afternoon. Please return to 244 E. Nittany or call 2593. Reward. THREE STRAND pearl bracelet, lost over weekend. Call 4939, ask for Don Kump. BROWN WALLET in Cathaum—valuable papers. Please call 412 Simmons. l lfjh tl .j^liisiiiisiif cv ' • ’ : BY CEI Ij, CHAPMAN'— BY PIETER DE WITT; in If so MILD thatA^^fcai^i'^ „ Carrt e ' s «o»e» f . «* ' is "*£*«' «W» ttS! SMALL BLACK zipper bag containing Schaffer pen and pencil set, silver Ron son lighter. Articles initialed J. A. J. Con tact Joyce Jeffries, 5 Fine Cottage. Phone 183. Reward. TAN LEATHER belt on Saturday in vi cinity of Golf ’Course and Beaver Field. Finder please call 426 Ath. LOST OCT. 25. Field jacket in Frear Lab. * I have yours. Call Jack. 4089. LOST: WHITE gold diamond ring. En grnvcd WHW to DMD; Saturday. Vicin ity of Simmons.. Reward. Call 162 Sim mons. • ‘i LOST BLUE pocketbook belonging to Sue Kemptcr, AXSigma Saturday night Finder please call Don Lutz 7881. Reward. LOST GOLD cuff link initialed L.A.D. Finder please phone “Duke” 7851. LOST, 110 E.E. Saturday morning, grey topcoat. .Finder call f Student Union ..or contact Dale Bolling, Nittanyvicw Apts. Reward. LOST: Rhinestone bracelet, 1”. wide, at Rec Hall Friday night. Reward. Contact Tracy Mcbormjck, 266 Simmons. FOUND FOUND HONORARY Chi Psi key near KDR. Initials S.H.M. 5-10-49. Owner WHO KH22S- •°’ S Wit l4 ' W’&fJrTESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1949 may 'have same by payirig .for ad. Call 2337, . ' WANTED LOG LOG vector slide rule, preferably with Q Q* and P scales. Phone 6403, ask for George. ANYONE driving: between State College and Altoona daily Interested in deliver* in? small packages, call' 3849. WANTED:. Eiders to Altoona Wednesday night for PIAA officiating exam. Leav ing 6 p.m. Call George 4332. " MISCELLANEOUS IT ISN’T NECESSARY to send your type writer out of town for repair. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. ’ . DANCING to the music.of■ the Burming ham Quintet at the New Paradise, South Spring Street, Bellefonte, every - Friday and Saturday, from '9 to 12. Excellent service. No minors allowed. TYPING AND mimeographing done rea sonably. Secretarial. Service. State Col lege Hotel. Room 205. Phone 4906. _
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